Tm) 'SI MUNICIPAL DISTRICT V OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 98 12 10 §d f5! 1 Si L IP) ,.- ip) 1 iil •is*) pi MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING (PI AGENDA DATE: 98 12 10 TIME: 9:00 AM PLACE: M.D. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page Nos. Call to Order Present 1. Addition to and Adoption of the Agenda 2. Adoption of the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of 98 11 25. 3. Business arising from the 98 11 25 Regular Council Meeting 4. Emergent Items 5. Delegations/Appointments 11:00 am Ratepayer Concerns lip 6. Finance Matters ll a) 1999 Interim Operating & Capital Budget - Separate attachment 7. Planning, Development and Land Matters p) a) Application for Amendment to Land Use Bylaw No. 109-90 Proposed Bylaw No. 344-98 A<a^ Block5, Plan 772 2959 °\'* (Pt. Of NW Vk 33-49-7-W5M) (BirchfieldAcres) Applicant: KenThesen Registered Owner: Keori Trucking Ltd. 1-9 - Report and recommendation attached b) Proposed Bylaw, No. 346-98 to Amend Section 33 of Land Use Bylaw109-90 Airport Vicinity Protection Area Regulation 10-30 - Report and recommendation attached 8. General Matters a) Bylaw No. 340-98 - To Establish Maximum Speed Limits 31-41 - Report and bylaw attached COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA -2- 981210 b) Bylaw No. 340-98 - To Prohibit Activities Creating Noise and to Prohibit Excessive Noise 42-47 - Report and bylaw attached b) Drayton Valley/Brazeau EconomicDevelopment 48-50 - Correspondence attached c) Request for Funding 51-52 - Correspondence attached d) Appointment of Councillor to Tom Thurber's Transportation Committee 9. Correspondence/Items for Information a) Copy of correspondence from concerned 1 ratepayer to Hon. Steve West, Minister, Dept. of Energy regarding the proposed Northrock sour gas facility. 53 b) Correspondence from Walter Paszkowski, Minister ofTransportation and Utilities regarding the Premier's Task Force on Infrastructure. 54-59 c) Correspondence from Alberta Community Development regarding the 2001 Alberta Seniors Games. 60-62 fS d) Correspondence from the Government of Alberta regarding the International Year of Older Persons 1999. 63 e) Correspondence from Alberta Community Development regarding the Minister's Seniors Service Awards. 64-71 f) Copyof correspondence from Municipal Affairs to a ratepayer regarding the annexation Pw^ process. 72-73 « g) Municipal Safety News -1999 WCB Premium Rates 74-75 h) Correspondence and a book titled *The 1 Richness ofDiscover^' regarding Amoco's first 50 years in Canada. (Bookis in Council's minute basket for review) 76 'p& P COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA -3- 981210 i) Annual Report Highlights for Agriculture Financial Services Corporation Growth (package availablefrom Administration) 77 j) Correspondence from the Sustainable Forest Management Network regarding the conference "Sustaining the Boreal Forest". 78-79 k) Correspondence from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities regarding the annual conference. 80 I) Correspondence from the Crossroads Regional Health Authority regarding the annual report, (package available from Administration) 81 m) Contact Newsletter from the AAMD&C. 82-83 10. Councillor Reports 11. Question Period for Media ip) 12. Meeting Dates 13. In Private Session a) Annexation Update b) Planning and related issues c) 2:00 pm - Mystical Fireworks d) Sewage issue e) Appeals Update |ff) 14. Adjournment W* S) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL METING OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77, HELD IN THE M.D. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNCIL CHAMBERS IN DRAYTON VALLEY ON WEDNESDAY, 98 11 25. CALL TO ORDER Reeve M. Schwab called the meeting to order at 9:06 am. PRESENT M. Schwab, Reeve B. Guyon, Councillor D. Ellis, Councillor A. Heinrich, Councillor J. Starling, Councillor K. Porter, Municipal Manager K. Robinson, Recording Secretary OTHERS Colm Heaney, Western Review p ADDITION TO Addition To and Adoption of Agenda AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2250-98 Moved by B. Guyon to adopt the agenda with the following additions: 1:00 pm - Randy Clark- Landfill Update 6 (c) - Report to Council 8 (h) - Establishmentof a Mediation Committee (i) - Letterto M.D.'s regarding Electoral Boundaries (J)- Council Photo Session (k) - Municipal Library Board (I) - RatepayerTax Concern 9 (o) - LetterfromTown on Intermunicipal Development Plan (p) - Letter from Town on Cost Sharing (q) - Pembina KeystoneCardium UnitWaterflood Project Contract 13 (d) -Two letters fromSheila McNaughtan of Reynolds, Mirth p (e) - Planning Issue (f) - Letterfrom Municipal GovernmentBoard on appeals (g) - FCSS matter jp CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTION OF Adoption of Minutes MINUTES 2251-98 Moved by A. Heinrich to adopt the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of 98 11 12 amended as follows: « Page 8 Ratepayer Concerns: Reeve M. Schwab stated that there are four levels of government in attendance... CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY BUSINESS Business Arising P ARISING None COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES -2- 98 11 25 EMERGENT Emergent Items ITEMS None FINANCE Finance Matters MATTERS Cash Statement and Investment Summary I?) October. 1998 Council reviewed the report submitted. 2252-98 Moved by B. Guyon to approve the Cash Statement and Investment Summary for October, 1998. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY C. Lind arrived at the meeting at 9:18 am. Transfer of Outstanding Water Bills to Tax Roll <iH Council reviewed the report and recommendation submitted. 2253-98 Moved by B. Guyon to transfer the following outstanding water bills to the tax roll: Water Acct.#ANDECH Roll #000727 $76.20 Water Acct#STEWBY Roll #003244 76.20 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY iff) Double Billing of Lineoipe at 3-18-48-10 W5M For 1998 Taxes Council reviewed the report and recommendation submitted. 2254-98 Moved by A. Heinrich to allow the overpayment of taxes to be deducted from the 1999 assessment and to correspond accordingly to Skylight Energy Resources Ltd. CARRIED UNANIMIOUSLY C. Lind left the meeting at 9:34 am. isi a™^ COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES -3- 98 11 25 GENERAL General Matters MATTERS Ratepayer Concerns Council discussed the ratepayer segment of the Council r meetings. 2255-98 Moved by B. Guyon that the ratepayer concerns segment of Council meetings remains unchanged. The Reeve should endeavor to give everyone the opportunity to speak. IN FAVOUR: B. Guyon M. Schwab D. Ellis OPPOSED: A. Heinrich J. Starling CARRIED R. Matthews arrived at the meeting at 9:35 am. PLANNING, Planning, Development and Land Matters DEVELOPMENT AND LAND MATTERS Application for Amendmentto Land Use Bvlaw No. 109-90 - Proposed Bvlaw No. 343-98 Lot 1, Block 10, Plan 982 0064 (Hamlet of Lodgepole) From Industrial Land Use Districting to Hamlet Commercial Land Use Districting Applicant/Owner: Pam and John Bruce Council reviewed the report and recommendation presented. 2256-98 Moved by B. Guyonto accept the report for information and to include the Lodgepole Steering Committee in planning issues in the Hamlet of Lodgepole. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Dravton Vallev AirportVicinity Protection Area pj Regulation Council reviewed the report and recommendation presented. wi 2257-98 Moved by B. Guyon that Administration amend the Land Use Bylaw to reflect the addition of Municipal regulations for the Drayton Valley Airport Protection Area. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY R. Matthews left the meeting at 9:53 am. f® COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES -4- 981125 GENERAL General Matters P MATTERS i Surface Rights Lease Review Committee Mandate _ Council reviewed the report submitted. 2258-98 Moved by B. Guyon to amend the Surface Rights Lease Review Committee Mandate as m follows: (1) To negotiate surface industrial activity on MD owned lands (2) Public consultation is to be done before signing lease pt agreements for a sour gas facility I (3) Allof Council becomes the Committee. Two committee I members tonegotiate all leases on behalf ofCouncil. Council is to approve the finallease before it is signed (4) Agreements are to be signed by committee members and P Administration after approval by Council CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY p) Pembina Keystone Cardium Unit Waterflood Proiect - Wascana i?) Council reviewed the Right of Way Agreement as submitted. 2259-98 Moved by B. Guyon to approve the signing of the Right of Way Agreement for Pembina Keystone Cardium Unit Waterflood Project - Wascana. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY W. Tweedle arrived at the meeting at 10:10 am. B5 Bvlaw No. 336-98 - Noise Control Bvlaw Council reviewed proposed bylaw no. 336-98. 2260-98 Moved by A. Heinrich to give Bylaw No. 336-98 first reading as amended. B) IN FAVOUR: M. Schwab D. Ellis A. Heinrich OPPOSED: J. Starling B. Guyon CARRIED Reeve M. Schwab called a five-minute break. C. Severson-Baker arrived at the meeting at 10:12 am. lip ^B COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES -5- 981125 DELEGATIONS/ Delegations/Appointments APPOINTMENTS PIAD - Chris Severson-Baker ChrisSeverson-Bakerattended the Council meeting today to r review with Council his letter regarding concerns with the proposed Northrock Sour Gas Facility. He also discussed with Council the mandate of the Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development. Council thanked him for attending and he left the meeting at 10:45 am. 2261-98 Moved by B. Guyon that Administration draft a letter to PIAD regarding the Surface Rights Lease Committee Mandate. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY GENERAL General Matters MATTERS Range Road 80 - Ratepayer Concern Council reviewed the correspondence submitted. 2262-98 Moved by B. Guyon that Administration prepare a cost estimate for the design of RR 80 improvement. {3 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2263-98 Moved by B. Guyon that Administration draft a letter to the concerned ratepayer. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY p> 2264-98 Moved by B. Guyon that the design of improvements to RR80 be done from the (P Public Works budget in 1998 if project surpluses occur, otherwise to be done in 1999. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Fire Hall/Exchange of Services Council reviewed the correspondence submitted. 2265-98 Moved by D. Ellis that the Municipal District not enter into an agreement with the Village of Breton with regards to the Fire Hall and the , ^hjis exchange of services. ^^U^/ut^c^ tff CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY pi COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES -6- 981125 ip^ Ratepayer Concerns W.
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