FY2015 CAR Program 01202015.Xlsx 1 / 44 2/5/2015 \ 4:04 PM FY 2015 DPWH Infrastructure Program Based on GAA Cordillera Administrative Region

FY2015 CAR Program 01202015.Xlsx 1 / 44 2/5/2015 \ 4:04 PM FY 2015 DPWH Infrastructure Program Based on GAA Cordillera Administrative Region

FY2015 CAR Program 01202015.xlsx 1 / 44 2/5/2015 \ 4:04 PM FY 2015 DPWH Infrastructure Program Based on GAA Cordillera Administrative Region Released to/ Physical Amount UACS Programs/Activities/Projects Scope of Work To be Target (P'000) Implemented by CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION 10,574,185 ABRA DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE/ Lone Legislative District 868,825 I. PROGRAMS 710,195 1. Operations 710,195 a. MFO 1 - National Road Network Services 687,047 1. Asset Preservation of National Roads 251,306 a. Preventive Maintenance based on Pavement Management System/ Highway 80,706 Development and Management-4 (HDM-4) (Intermittent Sections) - Reblocking of Shattered Blocks (4.5m/block) Secondary Roads 11.273 KM 80,706 165003012300010 1. Abra-Cervantes Rd - Preventive Maintenance 0.323 KM 2,285 Abra DEO/ K0443+000 - K0443+323 Abra DEO 165003012300011 2. Abra-Ilocos Norte Rd - K0409+025 - K0409+854, Preventive Maintenance 10.950 KM 78,421 CAR RO/ K0411+081 - K0411+234, K0414+761 - K0419+000, CAR RO K0421+800 - K0423+456, K0423+472 - K0427+000 b. Rehabilitation/ Reconstruction of National Roads with Slips, Slope Collapse, and 125,000 Landslide Arterial Roads - KM 125,000 165003012400001 1. Abra-Kalinga Rd - Slope Protection - KM 125,000 CAR RO/ K0462+470, K0467+550, K0469+900, K0483+070 CAR RO c. Construction/Upgrading/Rehabilitation of Drainage along National Roads 9.353 KM 45,600 165003012600006 1. Abra-Ilocos Norte Rd - Construction/ Rehabilitation of 1.545 KM 7,600 Abra DEO/ K0409+(-690) - K0409+276, Drainage/Protection Works Abra DEO along National Roads K0410+200 - K0410+779 165003012600008 2. Abra-Ilocos Norte Rd - Construction/ Rehabilitation of 1.641 KM 8,000 Abra DEO/ K0413+446 - K0414+000, K0419+928 - K0420+075, Drainage/Protection Works Abra DEO along National Roads K0420+423 - K0421+304, K0423+652 - K0424+000 165003012600007 3. Abra-Ilocos Norte Rd - Construction/ Rehabilitation of 0.600 KM 3,000 Abra DEO/ K0427+140 - K0427+276, K0427+355 - K0427+464, Drainage/Protection Works Abra DEO along National Roads K0428+570 - K0428+925 165003012600004 4. Abra-Ilocos Sur Rd - Construction/ Rehabilitation of 0.329 KM 2,000 Abra DEO/ K0388+652 - K0388+723, K0388+794 - K0388+923, Drainage/Protection Works Abra DEO along National Roads K0389+015 - K0389+144 165003012600005 5. Abra-Ilocos Sur Rd - Construction/ Rehabilitation of 1.506 KM 8,000 Abra DEO/ K0404+682 - K0405+010, K0405+061 - K0405+509, Drainage/Protection Works Abra DEO along National Roads K0406+100 - K0406+827 165003012600001 6. Abra-Kalinga Rd - Construction/ Rehabilitation of 1.000 KM 5,000 Abra DEO/ K0409+892 - K0410+071, Drainage/Protection Works Abra DEO along National Roads K0410+235 - K0411+061 165003012600002 7. Abra-Kalinga Rd - Construction/ Rehabilitation of 1.478 KM 7,000 Abra DEO/ K0424+580 - K0424+874, K0424+920 - K0425+563, Drainage/Protection Works Abra DEO along National Roads K0427+594 - K0427+959, K0428+781 - K0429+000 FY2015 CAR Program 01202015.xlsx 2 / 44 2/5/2015 \ 4:04 PM FY 2015 DPWH Infrastructure Program Based on GAA Cordillera Administrative Region Released to/ Physical Amount UACS Programs/Activities/Projects Scope of Work To be Target (P'000) Implemented by 165003012600003 8. Abra-Kalinga Rd - Construction/ Rehabilitation of 1.254 KM 5,000 Abra DEO/ K0433+500 - K0434+750 Drainage/Protection Works Abra DEO along National Roads 2. Network Development 84,073 a. Widening of National Roads 84,073 Secondary Roads 3.363 KM 84,073 165003010900101 1. Abra-Ilocos Norte Rd - Widening 3.363 KM 84,073 CAR RO/ K0409+000 - K0409+177, K0409+219 - K0409+300, CAR RO K0409+340 - K0409+378, K0409+507 - K0409+604, K0409+731 - K0410+139, K0410+160 - K0410+361, K0410+370 - K0410+779, K0411+051 - K0411+173, K0412+248 - K0412+293, K0413+028 - K0413+359, K414+060 - K0414+155, K0414+764 - K0415+790, (Left Lane), K0409+121 - K0409+276, K0409+460 - K0409+833, K0409+843 - K0410+200, K0410+779 - K0410+838, K0411+051 - K0411+173, K0412+214 - K0412+496, K0413+028 - K0413+688, K0414+000 - K0414+027, K0414+784 - K0415+065, K0415+109 - K0415+533, K0417+794 - K0417+898, K0418+580 - K0418+690, K0418+717 - K0418+793, (Right Lane) 3. Road Upgrading (unpaved to paved) based on Gravel Road Strategies, Traffic 341,668 Benchmark for Upgrading to Paved Road Standards (HDM-4 Project Analysis) (Intermittent Sections) Arterial Roads 3.424 KM 102,720 165003011400228 1. Abra-Kalinga Rd - Concreting 3.424 KM 102,720 CAR RO/ K0458+300 - K0458+561, K0483+050 - K0483+200, CAR RO K0487+000 - K0490+070 Secondary Roads 7.960 KM 238,948 165003011500739 1. Abra-Cervantes Rd - Concreting 0.900 KM 27,060 Abra DEO/ K0456+000 - K0456+185, Abra DEO K0457+460 - K0458+175 165003011500740 2. Abra-Ilocos Norte Rd - Concreting 5.930 KM 177,816 Central Office/ Chainage 1131 - Chainage 7058 CAR RO 165003011501087 3. Abra-Ilocos Norte Rd - Concreting 1.130 KM 34,072 Abra DEO/ K0437+760 - K0438+610 Abra DEO 4. Construction and Maintenance of Bridges 1.00 Proj. 10,000 a. Rehabilitation/Major Repair of Permanent Bridges 1.00 Proj. 10,000 165003013200468 1. Baay Br. (B02231LZ) along Abra-Cervantes Rd 1.00 Proj. 10,000 Abra DEO/ Abra DEO b. MFO 3 - Maintenance and Construction Services of Other Infrastructures 23,148 1. Construction/ Improvement of Access Roads leading to Airports, Seaports, and Declared 23,148 Tourism Destinations a. To Declared Tourism Destinations 1.20 KM 23,148 165003030300446 1. Access Road leading to Bani Hotspring, Boliney, 1.20 KM 23,148 Central Office/ Abra Abra DEO FY2015 CAR Program 01202015.xlsx 3 / 44 2/5/2015 \ 4:04 PM FY 2015 DPWH Infrastructure Program Based on GAA Cordillera Administrative Region Released to/ Physical Amount UACS Programs/Activities/Projects Scope of Work To be Target (P'000) Implemented by II. PROJECTS 158,630 1. Locally-Funded Projects 158,630 a. Construction/Repair/Rehabilitation/Improvement of Various Infrastructure including Local 4,000 Projects 1. Buildings and Other Structures 4,000 a. Multipurpose/Facilities 2.00 proj. 4,000 103004010305414 1. Construction/Repair/Rehabilitation/Improvement of 1.00 proj. 2,000 Central Office/ Various Infrastructure including Local Projects - Abra DEO Construction of Office of the Vice President (OVP) - Office Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) (Multi-Purpose Building) Center, Licuan-Baay, Abra 103004010305415 2. Construction/Repair/Rehabilitation/Improvement of 1.00 proj. 2,000 Central Office/ Various Infrastructure including Local Projects - Abra DEO Construction of Office of the Vice President (OVP) - Office Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) (Multi-Purpose Building) Center, Malibcong, Abra b. National Bridge Construction/Replacement Program (Design and Build Bridges) 41,930 1. Roads and Bridges 41,930 a. National Bridges 1.00 proj. 41,930 165004050200205 1. National Bridge Construction/Replacement (Design 1.00 proj. 41,930 Central Office/ & Build Bridges) - Bridge Construction and UPMO Replacement Program I - Design and Build Bridges for Luzon - Soot Bridge and Approaches Abra-Ilocos Norte Rd, Abra Lone District c. Local Infrastructure Program 112,700 1. Buildings and Other Structures 62,000 a. Multipurpose/Facilities 9.00 proj. 62,000 103004010303422 1. Local Infrastructure Program - Completion of Multi- - 1.00 proj. 10,000 Abra DEO/ Purpose Buildings in Abra Lone District (Bucay, Abra DEO Pe±arrubia, Villaviciosa, Langiden, and San Quintin) 103004010303370 2. Local Infrastructure Program - Construction of Multi- - 1.00 proj. 2,000 Abra DEO/ Purpose Building, Civic Action Center, North Abra DEO Poblacion, San Juan, Abra Lone District 103004010303574 3. Local Infrastructure Program - Rehabilitation of Multi- - 1.00 proj. 1,000 Abra DEO/ Purpose Building (Dolores Municipal Compound), Abra DEO Poblacion, Dolores, Abra Lone District 103004010303369 4. Local Infrastructure Program - Rehabilitation of Multi- - 1.00 proj. 1,000 Abra DEO/ Purpose Building, Poblacion (Dolores Municipal Hall Abra DEO Compound), Dolores, Abra Lone District 103004010303893 5. Local Infrastructure Program - Construction of Multi- 1.00 proj. 11,500 Abra DEO/ Purpose Building, (Pidigan, San Juan, Daquioman, Abra DEO Luba, Lacub, Malibcong, San Quintin, Bangued, Tubo, Sallapadan), Abra Lone District 103004010303894 6. Local Infrastructure Program - Construction of Multi- 1.00 proj. 6,500 Abra DEO/ Purpose Building (Phase II), Bangued, Abra Lone Abra DEO District 103004010305041 7. Local Infrastructure Program - Completion of Multi- 1.00 proj. 10,000 Abra DEO/ Purpose Buildings in Abra Lone District (Danglas, Abra DEO Lagayan, San Juan, Lagangilang, Dolores, and Lacub) 103004010305042 8. Local Infrastructure Program - Completion of Multi- 1.00 proj. 10,000 Abra DEO/ Purpose Buildings in Abra Lone District (Bangued, Abra DEO Pidigan, and Tayum) FY2015 CAR Program 01202015.xlsx 4 / 44 2/5/2015 \ 4:04 PM FY 2015 DPWH Infrastructure Program Based on GAA Cordillera Administrative Region Released to/ Physical Amount UACS Programs/Activities/Projects Scope of Work To be Target (P'000) Implemented by 103004010305043 9. Local Infrastructure Program - Completion of Multi- 1.00 proj. 10,000 Abra DEO/ Purpose Buildings in Abra Lone District (Sallapadan, Abra DEO Baay Licuan, and Tineg) 2. Flood Control and Drainage 18,500 a. Flood Control Structures/Facilities 1.00 proj 10,000 162004020100116 1. Local Infrastructure Program - Construction of Flood 1.00 proj 10,000 Abra DEO/ Control Structure, Barangay Tagaytay-Daoidao, Abra DEO Tineg River, San Juan, Abra Lone District b. Drainage/Protection Works 2.00 proj. 8,500 162004020200130 1. Local Infrastructure Program - Slope Protection - 1.00 proj. 6,500 Abra DEO/ Works (Revetment and Riprapping), Along Tineg Abra DEO River at Barangays Cabcaburao, Tagaytay and Daoidao San Juan, Abra Lone District 162004020200180 2. Local Infrastructure Program - Ripraping or 1.00 proj. 2,000 Abra DEO/ Revetment (Concrete Canal), Pidigan, Abra Lone Abra DEO District 3. Roads and Bridges 32,200 a. Local Roads 4.00 proj. 32,200 165004050301178 1. Local Infrastructure Program - Abualan, Silet, Baug, - 1.00 proj.

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