49Ers Seahawks At

49Ers Seahawks At

VOLUME 2, ISSUE 11 NOVEMBER 5 – 11, 2019 POWERED BY SPORTS.DRF.COM UNBEATEN SAN FRANCISCO CAN PUT A STRANGLEHOLD ON THE NFC WEST MONDAY NIGHT Showdown: VS. SEAHAWKS AT 49ERS Plus: • POWER RATINGS FOR COLLEGE AND PRO • INSIGHT ON ALL 13 WEEK 10 NFL GAMES • BREAKDOWN OF 49 COLLEGE MATCHUPS DRF SPORTS FORM ISSUE #11 • NOVEMBER 5 - NOVEMBER 11, 2019 StatFox NFL Power Rating Lines 2 NFL Best Bets / StatFox Staff Selections 3 StatFox NFL Outplay Factor Rating Lines 3 NFL Game-by-Game Breakdowns 4 NFL Top Statistical Edges 7 College Football Best Bets / StatFox Staff Selections 8 College Football Week 11 Rotation Schedule 9 StatFox College Football Power Rating Lines 11 StatFox College Football Outplay Factor Rating Lines 12 College Football Game-by-Game BreakdownsStatFox NFL Power Rating Lines 13 - Week 10 ** The StatFox Power Ratings are determined from a formula that is takes into account several key factors, ABBREVIATIONS: College Football Top Statisticalincluding point margins, Edges difficulty of schedule, team statistics and more. The ratings are typically not as reactive OL - Opening Line as those you will find elsewhere, and thus prove to be a great long term handicapping tool. Here are 19the StatFox Power Rating lines and edges for this week's games, with our exclusive home field advantage points built into PR - StatFox Power Rating - adjusted StatFoxeach NFL home Power team's rating Rating and corresponding Lines line. - Week Note that 10the point edge between the Power Rating Line and for home field advantage. ** The StatFox Power Ratings are determined from a formulathe actualthat is takesopening into line account is denoted several for key the factors, team with the edge. Use theABBREVIATIONS: W/L column to keep track of the winners and losers. PRL - Calculated Power Rating Line including point margins, difficulty of schedule, team statistics and more. The ratings are typically not as reactive OL - Opening Line as those you will find elsewhere, and thus prove to be a great long term handicapping tool. Here are the StatFox Power Rating lines and edges for this week's games, with ourThu exclusive - 11/7,8:20 home PMfield advantageOL PR pointsPRL builtEdge into W/LPR - SunStatFox - 11/10,1:00 Power PM RatingOL - PRadjustedPRL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L each home team's rating and corresponding line. Note that107 the LApoint CHARGERS edge between the Power 25Rating-5 Line7.5 and for 251home KANSAS field CITY advantage.-3 29 -7 4 253 BUFFALO 16 2 the actual opening line is denoted for the team with the edge.108 Use OAKLAND the W/L column to keep-2.5 track20 of the winners 252 TENNESSEE 22 254 CLEVELAND -3 17 -1 and losers. PRL - Calculated Power Rating Line Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L Thu - 11/7,8:20 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L 255Sun ARIZONA - 11/10,1:00 PM OL PR14PRL Edge W/L Sun257 - NY11/10,1:00 GIANTS PM OL PR PRL13 Edge-5 W/L5 259 ATLANTA 14 107 LA CHARGERS 25 -5 7.5 251256 KANSASTAMPA BAYCITY -3-6 2922 -7 -8 4 2 253 258BUFFALO NY JETS p16k 8 2 260 NEW ORLEANS -13 29 -15 2 108 OAKLAND -2.5 20 252 TENNESSEE 22 254 CLEVELAND -3 17 -1 Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,4:25 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L 261 BALTIMORE -10 28 -15 5 263 CAROLINA 21 1 265 DETROIT 19 255 ARIZONA 14 257 NY GIANTS 13 -5 5 259 ATLANTA 14 262 CINCINNATI 13 264 GREEN BAY -6 26 -5 266 CHICAGO -3 24 -5 2 256 TAMPA BAY -6 22 -8 2 258 NY JETS pk 8 260 NEW ORLEANS -13 29 -15 2 Sun - 11/10,4:05 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,4:25 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,8:20 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,4:25 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L 261 BALTIMORE -10 28 -15 5 263267 CAROLINAMIAMI 21 4 1 265 269DETROIT LA RAMS -319 27 271 MINNESOTA 29 -3 5.5 262 CINCINNATI 13 264268 GREENINDIANAPOLIS BAY -6-16 2627 -5-23 7 266 270CHICAGO PITTSBURGH -3 24 -527 20 3 272 DALLAS -2.5 26 Sun - 11/10,4:05 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L SunMon - -11/10,4:25 11/11,8:15 PM PM OLOL PRPRPRLPRLEdgeEdgeW/LW/L Sun - 11/10,8:20 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L 267 MIAMI 4 269273 LASEATTLE RAMS -3 2722 271 MINNESOTA 29 -3 5.5 268 INDIANAPOLIS -16 27 -23 7 270274 PITTSBURGHSAN FRANCISCO -6.5 2731 0 -9 3 2.5 272 DALLAS -2.5 26 Mon - 11/11,8:15 PM OL PR PRL Edge W/L TOP STATFOX POWER RATING 1. LA CHARGERS (+2.5) over OAKLAND 7.5 273 SEATTLE 22 EDGES: 2. INDIANAPOLIS (-16) over MIAMI 7 274 SAN FRANCISCO -6.5 31 -9 2.5 3. MINNESOTA (+2.5) over DALLAS 5.5 TOP STATFOX POWER RATING 1. LA CHARGERS (+2.5) over OAKLAND 7.5 EDGES:2 / DRF Sports Form 2. INDIANAPOLIS (-16) over MIAMI 7 3. MINNESOTA (+2.5) over DALLAS 5.5 DRF SPORTS FORM PRESENTS THE WEEK’S STAFF PICKS WEEK 10 NFL MATCHUPS: NOVEMBER 7 - NOVEMBER 11 StatFox StatFox StatFox StatFox StatFox StatFox TIM GARY SCOTT BRIAN FORECASTER CONSENSUS (BB) = Best Bet LINE • Los Angeles Chargers at Oakland Raiders +1 LA CHARGERS (BB) OAKLAND OAKLAND LA CHARGERS (BB) LA CHARGERS LA CHARGERS • Kansas City Chiefs at Tennessee Titans +3 KANSAS CITY (BB) KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY (BB) TENNESSEE KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY • Buffalo Bills at Cleveland Browns -2½ BUFFALO CLEVELAND CLEVELAND (BB) BUFFALO BUFFALO BUFFALO • Arizona Cardinals at Tampa Bay Buccaneers -4 TAMPA BAY ARIZONA (BB) ARIZONA (BB) TAMPA BAY TAMPA BAY TAMPA BAY • New York Giants vs. New York Jets pk NY GIANTS (BB) NY GIANTS (BB) NY GIANTS (BB) NY GIANTS NY GIANTS NY GIANTS • Atlanta Falcons at New Orleans Saints -12½ NEW ORLEANS (BB) ATLANTA NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS (BB) ATLANTA NEW ORLEANS • Baltimore Ravens at Cincinnati Bengals +10 BALTIMORE CINCINNATI (BB) CINCINNATI CINCINNATI (BB) CINCINNATI CINCINNATI • Carolina Panthers at Green Bay Packers -5½ GREEN BAY CAROLINA (BB) CAROLINA (BB) GREEN BAY CAROLINA CAROLINA • Detroit Lions at Chicago Bears -2½ CHICAGO (BB) CHICAGO DETROIT CHICAGO (BB) CHICAGO CHICAGO • Miami Dolphins at Indianapolis Colts -11½ INDIANAPOLIS MIAMI StatfoxMIAMI NFL MIAMIOutplay INDIANAPOLIS Factor RatingMIAMI Lines - Week 10 • Los Angeles Rams at Pittsburgh Steelers +4 ** TheLA OutplayRAMS FactorPITTSBURGH Ratings (BB) made famousPITTSBURGH by StatFox PITTSBURGH are a great (BB) Team StrengthPITTSBURGH Indicator PITTSBURGHas they provide a ABBREVIATIONS: • Minnesota Vikings at Dallas Cowboys -2½ quantitativeDALLAS measure MINNESOTAof how teams are MINNESOTAoutplaying (+ value)DALLAS or being outplayedMINNESOTA by (- value) theirMINNESOTA opponents. They • Seattle Seahawks at San Francisco 49ers -6 SEATTLE SEATTLE SEATTLE SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE OL - Opening Line are determined by a complicated formula that takes into account a team's points for/against as compared to how their previous opponents have fared. Here are the StatFox Team Outplay Factor Ratings and the corresponding OF - StatFox Outplay Factor Rating - Statfox NFLgame Outplay lines derived Factor from them. Rating Note that the Lines point edge - Weekbetween the 10 Outplay Factor Rating Line and the actual adjusted for home field advantage. opening line is denoted for the team with the edge. Use the W/L column to keep track of the winners and losers. ** The Outplay Factor Ratings made famous by StatFox are a great Team Strength Indicator as they provide a ABBREVIATIONS: OFL - Calculated Outplay Factor Line quantitative measure of how teams are outplaying (+ value) or being outplayed by (- value) their opponents. They OL - Opening Line are determined by a complicated formula that takes into account a team's points for/against as compared to how their previous opponents have fared. Here are the StatFox TeamThu Outplay- 11/7,8:20 Factor PM RatingsOL and theOF correspondingOFL Edge W/L OF -Sun StatFox - 11/10,1:00 Outplay PM FactorOL OFRatingOFL -Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L game lines derived from them. Note that the point edge between107 LA the CHARGERS Outplay Factor Rating Line23 and the actual2.5 adjusted251 KANSAS for home CITY field advantage.-3 31 -8 5.0 253 BUFFALO 18 3.0 opening line is denoted for the team with the edge. Use the W/L column to keep track of the winners and losers. 108 OAKLAND -2.5 23 0 OFL252 - TENNESSEECalculated Outplay Factor23 Line 254 CLEVELAND -3 18 0 Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L Thu - 11/7,8:20 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L 255Sun ARIZONA - 11/10,1:00 PM OL OF15OFL Edge W/L Sun257 - NY11/10,1:00 GIANTS PM OL OF OFL15 Edge-4 W/L4.0 259 ATLANTA 12 107 LA CHARGERS 23 2.5 251256 KANSASTAMPA BAYCITY -3-6 3123 -8 -8 5.02.0 253258 BUFFALO NY JETS p18k 11 3.0 260 NEW ORLEANS -13 29 -17 4.0 108 OAKLAND -2.5 23 0 252 TENNESSEE 23 254 CLEVELAND -3 18 0 Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,4:25 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L 261 BALTIMORE -10 29 -12 2.0 263 CAROLINA 23 265 DETROIT 21 255 ARIZONA 15 257 NY GIANTS 15 -4 4.0 259 ATLANTA 12 262 CINCINNATI 17 264 GREEN BAY -6 30 -7 1.0 266 CHICAGO -3 24 -3 0.0 256 TAMPA BAY -6 23 -8 2.0 258 NY JETS pk 11 260 NEW ORLEANS -13 29 -17 4.0 Sun - 11/10,1:00 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L Sun -- 11/10,4:2511/10,4:05 PM PM OLOL OFOFOFLOFLEdgeEdgeW/LW/L SunSun - 11/10,1:00 - 11/10,4:25 PM PMOL OLOF OFLOF EdgeOFL EdgeW/L W/L Sun - 11/10,8:20 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L 261 BALTIMORE -10 29 -12 2.0 263267 CAROLINAMIAMI 231 265269 DETROIT LA RAMS -321 27 271 MINNESOTA 27 2.5 262 CINCINNATI 17 264268 GREENINDIANAPOLIS BAY -6-16 3025 -7-241.08.0 266270 CHICAGO PITTSBURGH -3 24 -329 0.0-2 5.0 272 DALLAS -2.5 27 0 Sun - 11/10,4:05 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L SunMon - - 11/10,4:25 11/11,8:15 PM PM OLOL OFOFOFLOFLEdgeEdgeW/LW/L Sun - 11/10,8:20 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L 267 MIAMI 1 269273 LASEATTLE RAMS -3 2722 271 MINNESOTA 27 2.5 268 INDIANAPOLIS -16 25 -24 8.0 270274 PITTSBURGHSAN FRANCISCO -6.5 2935 -2-135.06.5 272 DALLAS -2.5 27 0 Mon - 11/11,8:15 PM OL OF OFL Edge W/L TOP STATFOX OUTPLAY 1.

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