REPORTN9 37 Plblishod by the Dir€.ior ol tish€ri€5 and Wildllla, Porth, under the autho.ity ol the H.n. Minister for rish€ries and Wildlitc An Inventoryof the MarineResources of the BunburyMarine Area and GeographeBay BY MICHAELH. WALKER 1979 6L6I -IfVHSIW U3)"IVM 'H .f,q IVglHdvugolg 0NVVIUV llllUvl^l IUnSNn[]Hl l0 silutl0silINIUVI/'JlHl l0 IU0INSAIIjI IUOd]U j H,tusiI ,,tr,epTeTepv g oT eJTTpTTM pue seT.reqs;g 3:o 4uaur4.redaq tIZ!90 CONTENTS ABSTMCT 5 I I NTRODUCTION 6 II THEMARIt'|E RESOURCE ASCAPTURED BYCONVENTIONAL FISHINGIVIETHODS 6 I. INTRODUCTION 6 2. METHODS 3. THE RESOURCECAPTURED BY 9 A. SET LINING 9 B. TRAPPING L2 C. SET NETTING L2 D. EAND LINING 13 E. TROLLING t-3 F. BEACH SEINING 14 G. RING NETTING L4 H. TRAWT-,ING t_f, r. LIGHT ATTRACTION AT NIGIIT I6 III ANINVENTORY OFTHE FISH RESOURCE I7 T. INTRODUCTION L7 2. SUI"IMARYoF SoMEAsPEcTs oF THEBIoLoGY oF GEoGRAPHEsly/sut'tsuRy MARINE FIsHEs 18 3. cHEcKLIsroF FISHESoF THE eeoenepHegny/ BUNBURYMRINE AREAWITH COMMENTS ON THEIRECOLOGICAL STATUS t9 IV SUIvlIvlARYANDCONCLUSIONS 2L V ACKNOI^|LTDGEIIENTS 23 VI REFERENCES 23 ' 9t ITEIUVtrNrtrvn rUngNng ,/IVS Sg'Tgu9OS9 SIT.IJNIII'IIII4 SVSTTE9NIT'IWVS .T 3Un9H 'vgnE 6€ sNIutn rungNos sg.r qNv tvg eHdw9ose .{o ssHsrJl sHJ ,40 ,rsITxcsHJ '8 '916T !L UStilEAON qNv rrEdv 'sz6T usw{sAoN,/ussorcoNr sssrnuo TSAENS S$UE,I ONIUNC qSUO,IiTYC SEHSIJ IiIOU.II qg,rJsTToc NoI,rvt[tIo.rNI T\rJreoToTg ,ilo .f,unnnns '^ LL I SHaVE9oS9 NIH.IIM SNOI&Vf,O{I UO.!I SSgfiVJ SNISS ESVES '9 TT 'ssgSr\fJ ilsN HsrJ vgrw sNruw{ ruflsNns/rvs sgdvEgosrg 's A7 . SSHATVJ dvuil HSI.II vguv sNIuvw tunENns/I'vs sHdvEgos9 't IZ 'vsrrv sNruvn nlosnng sg,r Eog gtlgt6t qNv € t6T NSSIU,ISS SSHC,IYJ SNIT ,rSS JO NOSIUVdWOS '€ LZ ' (€t6T) Isr,rrHM ug,r,{E €'6T vs8v SNIuvW trUN€INNSSSHS,II.D trNIT ,IgS 'z vz 's&v( ssrntrJ crNv NOI'IVCOT ,!IO STAIS& NI S.ITNSSE H3.IVJ SNIT .IES '1 s9val S]IgVI .uDw o+ puD s+?qpq pooJ .ano?aD4aq 'sacuaaaJand_+saaa+u? TD.Loos puo +D+?gD4 o4 butpaoobo paTSTsboTa _4qdap . a,]aa saaoads papaooaa ZTV satoade LLA +noqD aq o+ paaap?suoo spa DaaD aU+ Jo ouno! aq+ puD aapa adaa - 4s.t! sa+cads asa44 lo awog (ap.rooaa wnaanry ,y.14 butpnyouty DaaD a41 ,rod papaooa,r uaaq &ou aaD14satoade qsil ZiA .ppcs ,ptnbs 1?D+sroX7afipuo 1aa-a4opu anTq co+?uoq 1D+ua?&o :aaaa -uoa+-DqVoTdraaa4qanJ jo aTqndoo puo quasaad qo paqro7dua ft77n! +ou aq oq passasio satobdg uo?+?puoo 6utpaaaq u1 pa+aaTloo aaaa eatcads- awog 'Butpaaaq_ Jo swaaq u,3.quoq,todw? aq o+ DaaD a4+ bu.4sabBnZ 'a7ofto af,7,7aVaqq qnoq0noay4 saz.Ls 77p +D paaa+unooua aaaa sazaads fiuoa puD DadD aU+ u? +uDpunqb aaan sa.tcads Tp.Lcdawaocuou puD TD.Lo.roauoo! o 14+oq-saTtuaan7 ",7311t"!, ,D u 1 1 L q *, qo a d s frp u o e pu o "" "n i .,ro7?D+ .pDos r;o ,kddz4sr*"".tJt":Z Das u&aq+nos 7.Lp1no77aft :aaan saTTuaan! s^DpuD qa4aotaa41oa7 pup .aapunolJ cppos ' c 77.oqao77ah buV47.4n cftnno7Xnw .p,zot4o7td ,qoads kpuns co+?uog ,pDa4+pXJ puD anlq XDlua?.r.o . fidd.t4s , buta"tay upl7palsn7 .UslJna! uolXpa+saq . s4,rDUs fiwwnb puo caz?D4& fiaa4sV4n azuoaq :aaan suoa+Diado buV4-sl! Buzanp s+lnpD sb paaa+unooua sataads ToVoabiwbS . s+?gDq pooj puo aqoq3 Outpaa.rq o+ s,D pa+ aunoop aaaa +49nio sat obds .+qb?u Us?J aq+ l7U +D uo?+cDal+p +46?7 pun ido,tq .sau?1 6ut77oa4 .sau?l puoq .sautas .s+au - 's-7noa+ . LcDaq 6u.ta^ s+a-u +as sau?Z qas al 7 aba6 but4st! _!o ftqaVaoa o buVsn paqobl.qsaaul aaaa paaD aulaDw ndngun7/ nDg a4doa6oag a4+ Jo sacnnosa& aulaDw aqf ,13VA&S gV ' 0z09,eTTe.rlsnv urelsalt 'qcea€ q?f,oN ,02 xo8 .O.d ' seTJole.roqeT qcirea saU auT.rew ueTTe.TlSnV ,.re{TeM . H. W AVS 3HdVU9O39CNV V3UV ]NIUVt^l AUnSNnS3Hl l0 s33un0s3u3N1UW 3HL J0 AUoTN3ANINV ,6t6L ,Zg 9r-L . otI .qdag . qsny .+saA .7p7?A .4s.1,t .qda1 INTRODUCTION The study described in this report was one of several undertaken by the Fisheries Research Branch of the W.A. Department of Fisheries and wildlife as part of a progranme to evaluate and predict the consequences of the ocean discharge of effluent waste from the Laporte titanium dioxide factory at Bunbury' western Australia. The rnultidiscipl inary progranune, which was sp'rnsored and supervised by the Laporte Effluent Con[nittee., was designed to examine the various options for disposal of the waste. A report on the utilization of the resource by professional and amateur fishermen has already been prepared (Walker, in press) . The present report provides an evaluation and inventory of the marine resources of the Bunbury/Geographe Bay marine area. Resource inforrnation was collected during three cruises with the Department I s research vessef "Flinilers" using a variety of fishing gear including set 1ines, nets, fish traps, hand lines, trawJ-s. trolling lines' light attraction at night etc. Some professional fishermen collected specimens and other data for the survey using gear such as ring nets and beach seines. Results of other surveys, including museum records were also incorporated into resource information results. A11 species caught $/ere categorj.zed where possible as to their breeding state. food habits, etc. in an attempt to evaluate their status in Geographe Bay. The fishing gear used caught only fish and squid and since different gear would be required to catch shell-fish no cotunent is made on the resource of rock lobsters, crabs, abalone or scallops. The conrnercial value of these species to the area was considered in a previous report on the utilization of the marine resource of the area (Walker, in press). This report is divided into two parts. Firstly a description is given of the fish resource as captured by conventional fishing methods and secondly all species are drawn together as an inventory of the fish species of the area information on the status and biology of individual fish species. II THEIVIARIIIE RESOURCE AS CAPTURED BY CONVENTIONAL FISHINGIVIETHODS 1. I I.ITRODUCTI ON In the orj-ginal planning of the Laporte study it was apparent to the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife L . serleu E- O uo-rJ srale^r alFl f o e6e:a-noc eTqpuoseeJ e* aAeD^" -c. snq+^-,,- pue do.Ip uT ur z-T uro.rJ efaA puP ]aleltr Jo sef,?au g-e uT 1as ,{11ensn aJaA slaN 'uo11oq arI} .ro ece}rns alFI uo .raq+Te les ef,aA pue uln 8/T 01 lulu 99 luo:J sazTs r-^---^ 'c qsaur Jo l\+erre.a e Jo ef,a'l pesn s+au ?es :slau ?es 'sesrnf,c p.rTq1 pu€ puocas eq1 6u1.rnp earq? pue esTnfc +r,!r ey+ A"-'n- auTl e 1e 1as a:an sder4 rnog '6uT11au aJTA feleur€Tp unir 0T u+1n,{pn1s aq+ .roJ paJa^oc a.reA qcTLIA (T96I) ua.rrog uT pale4snTlT sE sde:? :addeus treg >1:eqg 's TeuoTluoluoc l:o palsTsuoc sde.r1 qsTd :sde:1 qsrg ' s+es .raq+o ur sndolco r1+rn auTT aq1 1noq6no.rq1 pas:edsrp Jo 's1os aruos f,oJ XTalaTduroc pasn a.reA (qsTf '6'a1 'sndolco 1eo6 pue 6ur:raq q1:e4 qsTl: eToqA qFnoqqle ,{11eraue6 seA pasn +TeE 'irulnToc Jafen aq1 qnoq6no:q1 paqsTf +T +pq+ os 1as pue pauElsep spar ouTT 1es aIlL 'asea q+TA edoJ ar4+ uro:g: paddllcun pue oluo paddllc aq 01 '.req+o trlquras se {ooq eq1 paAoTT€ d11c 1:eqs eqg, aq+ fe dTTr {Jer{s puE Ta Tl^s sseJq e o? pup pua auo 1e e.rTrrl evE4+ ey+ -+ yeTl S€l.v\ pf,OC UOTAU rUtU EL JO r{1bueT af,1Aur ouo v 'Te?arrTauou lo aJTA aceJ4 urc gT e trq edo.r lests 'sleoTJ f,a4au€Tp urur zT aq+ 01 peqcelle se/tt s{ooq qcPE euardlsdlod .relaurETp ur urc 0Z /rnoJ I{fTA pa1:oddns pue pue qc€a +e peroqsue sEA qcT IIA edo.I lesTs Jo aTTUI t'0 lnoqe .ralo pu€ 1f,€de a.r?eu auo .f,Te1eurTxo:dde 6unq (oOT pue pelsrsuoc 08) sazTs p.repuels oA1 Jo s{ooq 06 l:o auTT +as v 'pf,-!q1 pue puocas aq:l uo oA4 pue esrnf,c 1s:TJ elFl 'v uo pasn sert\ auTT +3s ouo : (seuTl 6uoT =) seuTT 1es -: sAoTIoJ se araA pasn reeb 6uTr{sTJ aI{1 fo sTTElac 'pazTTTan seA aJTTpTTI{ pue lfo 1uaur1:edeq eq? Iq pa+onpuoJ seulue:6o:d qcireaset teq+o Jo es.rnoc ^.F C..'- '6^ -^-^- , s !r-t uu r4!!r/ !,-+-dTToc uoTleuf,ol uT pue seTf Tur11ce 6ulqsrg: '1noqe '6u1:np TeuoTssaJof,d :1aq1 uoTleu.roJuT papTlold pue satcads pelceTToc uaruar{srJ TeuoTsseJo.rd euos uoTlTppe uI 'pasn sen :ee6 6utqsrf Jo ^?^ e l{cTqrlr6u1:np 9L'IT'IZ - 9L'TT'?T pue !9L"V'0T - 9Z't'T .gL'rr'9 - 9L'0't'62 -: sauT1 6ur! oTToJ ar{? ?e ee.r€ eur jtEru Xnqung/.fieg e.ruE+vve-,/^-,Jh?A^^^ -"r+^,,- uT palcnpuoc af,a/'\ sasTn.rc qc:easaf, ae.rqtr SOoHISW 'z .1q6Tu 1e s1q611 Iq uoTtcpf,?ae , sT$e.r? ,sauTT 6uo1/1es '6'a ueur:aqsTJ TeuoTssaJof,d "f,q eef,e aq+ uT pasn 1ou 'sasTnrc eql Jo eurTl eql +e seA 'sesrnf,c qcfeasef, uo pesn :ea6 pue spotpau 6u1qs13 'spoq?au aq? Jo auos urelJec 6ursn sea:e urel.rac luof,J fueulredao aq1 .roJ elep lcaTToc 01 uau:aqsTJ TenpT^TpuT auos oJ slsanba: I{1TA Jar{446o1 pasn seA .ree6 6urqsll TeuoTlua^uoc Jo ,{laTJeA e qcTl{l't uT eere aq1 01 sasrnf,c eaf,q1 J:o urf,oJ aq1 {oo? ?uaussasse sTq,L '4ueurssessp quapuadapul uE 6ur{€1.repun 1nol5}Tn secJnosaf, qcns uodn +uauuoc lou plnoc lueu4.redaq aq1 leq+ pu€ ea:e aurJeu fr:nqung arFI Jo sac.rnoseJ qsTJ ar{:} uo a{qeTTe^e setlr uoTlPuIJoJuT luaTcTfJnsuT 1EI{1 D.
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