CSR SECTION OF THE 2017 MANAGEMENT REPORT EMPLOYEES ENVIRONMENT page 5 page 23 PARTNERS CUSTOMERS page 39 page 51 SOLIDARITY page 61 APPENDICES page 69 2 CSR section of the 2017 Management Report I INTRODUCTION For five years now, since the entry into force of Article 225 of the French Grenelle 2 Law, Auchan Holding has disclosed qualitative and quantitative information on key areas of corporate and social responsibility at its three businesses, in the countries in which they operate. The entities in these countries, where the levels and maturity of CSR practices differ considerably, have embraced this regulatory requirement and turned it into a lever for sustainable performance. The measures put in place have steadily become more reliable year after year, thanks to the controls that have been implemented and the efforts of a large number of people, showing just how essential each and every one of them is. Beyond the numbers, this document is a reflection of the progress that has been made at Auchan Retail, Immochan and Oney. It also presents the problems that have been encountered, in a completely open manner for the stakeholders in these three businesses. Our window on the world, our efforts to take account of its vulnerabilities and the humility we display in our efforts to fully comprehend these issues must guide our corporate vision and help us to overcome them. In a very competitive environment, where innovation provides a competitive advantage, we must remember that, in reinventing themselves, our businesses must ensure that they capitalise on the values and principles that have shaped their success. By upholding these very values and principles in our approach to constantly evolving issues, we will give the true meaning to our businesses: in their day-to-day operations and in their capacity to have a lasting and positive bearing on our economic results, our environment and our society. We are ever mindful of this difficult equation, and the 17 sustainable development goals set by the United Nations for the next decade remind us of the urgency of the global issues that we must address to ensure a prosperous and equitable future for generations to come. We are fully aware of the impact of our contribution to this pact for the future. By campaigning for the consumption of good, healthy, local products, forging connections between citizens and reshaping the dialogue between co-workers, our three businesses are building on their interlocking purposes and their unique understanding of ethics. Through these businesses, we must serve as many people on this planet as possible. Régis Degelcke, Chairman of the Auchan Holding’s Management Board CSR section of the 2017 Management Report I 3 4 CSR section of the 2017 Management Report I EMPLOYEES As major employers, Auchan Retail, Immochan and Oney take the responsibility they have towards their 355,107 employees very seriously. Mindful of the importance of safety in the workplace and quality of working life, and eager to forge a trusted relationship with each and every individual, all Auchan Holding entities draw on the diversity of their employee bases to move forward and cultivate a sense of responsibility and sharing. CONTENTS BEING A RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYER 6 WORKFORCE BREAKDOWN AND ANALYSIS 6 CONTRIBUTING TO THE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT OF EACH EMPLOYEE 8 WELCOMING NEW TALENT 9 PROVIDING HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR EVERYONE AT WORK 11 IMPROVING WORK CONDITIONS 11 COMBATING INSECURITY AND PREVENTING HEALTH RISKS 14 MAKING DIVERSITY AN ASSET FOR THE COMPANY 15 FOSTERING AND SUPPORTING THE INTEGRATION OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 15 ENCOURAGING GENDER EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 17 SHARING AND CO-CREATING 18 LABOUR DIALOGUE AS A LEVER FOR SOCIAL PROGRESS 18 SHARING IN THE COMPANY’S SUCCESS 19 ENCOURAGING INNOVATION 20 CSR section of the 2017 Management Report I 5 EMPLOYEES BEING A RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYER WORKFORCE BREAKDOWN AND ANALYSIS > TREND> Répartition IN THE WORKFORCE des effectifs BY BUSINESSpar métier > Répartition des effectifs par métier 351,474 employees 355,107 employees +1.0% 345,396 351,282 2,741 2,481 2,396 1,007 941 337 Retail Property Banking Other Retail Retail Property Banking Other Retail 0.27 % 0.68 % 0.78 % 98.27 % 0.28 % 0.70 % 0.09 % 98.92% At 30 September 2017, the businesses within Auchan Holding’s scope employed 355,107 people across the 15 countries in which they operate. This marks a 1% increase on 2016. Employee numbers have remained stable, except in Africa, where the workforce increased by 129.2% with the opening of 8 stores during the period. The sharp fall in the “Other” category is explained by the removal1 of Alinéa and Little Extra from the reporting scope (87% fall). > Répartition des effectifs par zone > Répartition des effectifs CDI/ CDD > BREAKDOWNgéographique OF THE au WORKFORCE30/09/2017 BY > BREAKDOWNpar zone géographique OF PERMANENT/FIXED-TERM au 30/09/2017 GEOGRAPHICAL REGION AT 30/09/2017 EMPLOYEES BY GEOGRAPHICAL REGION AT 30/09/2017 122,427 OL 71.1 % 28.9 % 151,948 Western Eur. 90.0 % 10.0 % 80,246 Central & Eastern Eur. 92.2 % 7.8 % 486 Asia 44.6 % 55.4 % Africa 76.3 % 23.7 % Africa Central & Western Asia 0 % Eastern Europe Europe 43 % 23 % 34 % % PERMANENT % TEMPORARY In 2017, the proportion of employees under permanent contracts increased by 2.9% to 71.1% of the workforce. Although the proportion of fixed-term contracts fell by 8% in China, employers still tend to prefer such forms of contract, which continue to make up more than half of the workforce. 1 Disposal 6 CSR section of the 2017 Management Report I EMPLOYEES > Répartition des effectifs > Répartition des effectifs par tranche d’âge > BREAKDOWNTemps OF FULL-TIME/PART-TIME complet/Temps partiel > BREAKDOWNet OFzone THE géographique WORKFORCE BY AGEau 30/09/2017BRACKET WORKFORCE AT 30/09/2017 AND GEOGRAPHICAL REGION AT 30/09/2017 OL 81.2 % 18.8 % OL 12.3 % 26.9 % 45.4 % 15.4 % Western Eur. 64.0 % 36.0 % Western Eur. 14.9 % 20.4 % 41.8 % 22.9 % Central & Eastern Eur. 84.8 % 15.2 % Central & Eastern Eur. 10.3 % 27.1 % 40.3 % 22.3 % Asia 93.2 % 6.8 % Asia 11.3 % 31.8 % 51.2 % 5.7 % Africa 100 % Africa 11.5 % 66.9 % 19.8 % 1.9 % FULL TIME PART TIME <25 25-35 35-50 >=50 81% of the workforce is employed under full-time contracts, Overall, the percentage of the workforce aged 25 and marking a slight fall of 0.2% on 2016. under fell whereas the percentage aged 50 and over increased. > Taux de turn-over* des CDI par zone géographique > TRENDdu 01/10/2016 IN THE TURNOVER au 30/09/2017 RATE IN THE PERMANENT WORKFORCE BY REGION BETWEEN 01/10/2016 AND 30/09/20172 29.3 % 27.0 % .3 % 9 1 .6 % .5 % 4 4 1 1 11.4 % The overall turnover rate rose by comparison with 2016 (by 20%). Asia and Western Europe recoded rises of 33% .7 % .7 % 4 4 and 28%, respectively. More employees under permanent contracts left the company in 2017. Central & Western Africa Asia OL Eastern Europe Europe > Evolution du nombrePrior year d’embauchesCurrent year en CDI réalisées par zone géographique, du 01/10/2016 au 30/09/ > TREND IN THE NUMBER OF HIRES UNDER The number of total hires under permanent contracts rose PERMANENT CONTRACTS BY REGION, from 42,807 to 52,913 during the period under consideration. BETWEEN 01/10/2016 AND 30/09/2017 52,913 After falling between 2015 and 2016 due to employment protection plans in France and Italy, hiring picked up again 42,807 in 2017, as evidenced by a 23.6% increase in total hires by +23.6% comparison with 2016. This jump is partially explained by Chinese practices, 19,440 which consist in switching employees who have worked 16,891 16,944 16,393 fixed-term contracts for a period of 3 years to permanent 15,062 contracts. 10,730 71 189 Central & Western Africa Asia OL Eastern Europe Europe Prior year Current year 2 Temporary workers, interns and employees whose contracts have been suspended are not included in the calculation CSR section of the 2017 Management Report I 7 EMPLOYEES > TREND>*Evolution IN THE du NUMBER nombre OF deDISMISSALS licenciements FROM de personnes PERMANENTen CDI par zonePOSITIONS géographique, BY REGION, duBETWEEN 01/10/2016 au 30/09/2017 01/10/2016 AND 30/09/2017 The number of dismissals rose by 41% in 2017, with Asia recording a particularly sharp increase (of 220%), mainly stemming from the closure of the Qingdao store, which 7,585 +41.2% saw 164 employees leave the company during the period under consideration. Overall, for Auchan Holding, dismissal was the reason for 15.1% of the departures of employees on permanent 5,371 contracts. 3,650 Data calculated at 30/09/2017, except the number of hires and 3,515 3,472 dismissals and the turnover rate, which are calculated on a rolling one-year basis from 1 October 2016 to 30 September 2017. Temporary workers, interns and employees whose contracts have been suspended are excluded from the calculation of this data. 1,534 • The notions of full-time and part-time are applied in 590 184 accordance with legal definitions in each country. 3 8 • The number of permanent contract hires corresponds to the total number of permanent contract hires and the number of Central & Western Africa Asia OL fixed-term contracts converted to permanent contracts during Eastern Europe Europe the reporting period. • The number of dismissals corresponds to every contract Prior year Current year terminated on the employer’s initiative.
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