Indices Index locorum Achilles Tatius 8.10-13, 164 1.1.2-1.2.1, 181 8.25-9.10, 261 1.15.1-2, 175 11.1.1, 245 3.5.6-4.19, 231 11.28.6, 296 3.10.6, 177 Aristoteles 3.23.4, 177 Rh. 1357a-b, 27 4.12.1, 178 1416b, 21 5.15.3-5.16.7, 180 Augustinus 5.15-17.1, 232 Ep. 138.19, 273 7.1.3, 107 Beroaldus Aelius Aristides 1500 comm. Apul. Met. 1vo, 273 49.38, 137 Apul. Met. 150vo, 279 Alciphron Apul. Met. 154vo, 277 ep. 1.22, 181 Apul. Met. 160vo, 281 Alexander Romance Apul. Met. 164, 286 3.2, 168 Apul. Met. 166vo, 275 Aphthonius Chariton Progymn. 2, 21 1.1.1, 13, 37, 52 Apocolocyntosis 1.1.2-3, 51 1.1-2, 4 1.11.1-3, 226 Apuleius 2.3.10, 71 Apol. 4.1, 259 2.5.2, 73 Fl. 13.3, 247 2.9.4-5, 58 20.5-6, 244 3.4.18, 55 Met. 1.1.4, 296 3.7.1-3, 62 1.2.5, 262 3.10.2, 62 1.6.2, 274 5.1, 226 2.12, 164 5.1.3-7, 227 2.28.3, 292 5.2.1, 70 4.35.4, 253 5.3.9, 70 5.19.5, 254 5.3.10, 67 5.22.6, 246 5.9.3, 75 5.26.6, 288 6.3-5, 10 5.30.1, 255 6.8.6-7, 72 6.18.6, 257 7.1.9, 76 6.29.3, 278 7.3.4, 72 7.15.3, 277 7.6.9, 107 7.23.3, 281 8.1.4, 39 7.27.5, 286 8.2.1-3, 57 350 INDICES 8.3.2, 74 Krinagoras 8.7, 41 AP 6.25, 143 8.8.13-14, 42 Letters of Apollonios of Tyana 8.8.16, 37 no. 59, 168 Cicero Longus de orat. 1.70, 240 Pr. 3-4, 129 Fam. 5.12, 11 1.4.2, 139 Inv. 1.21.29, 25 1.9, 117 1.27, 22 1.9.1, 103 Dio of Prusa 1.10, 126 Or. 32.9, 104 1.11.1, 137 Dionysius of Halicarnassus 1.18, 123 Op. Rhet. 3.11.13-14, 246 1.22.2, 102 Heliodorus 1.23.1, 197 1.2.8, 309 1.30, 166 1.3, 166 2.4.2, 104 1.3.1, 310 2.13.3, 109 2.4, 166 2.24.2, 109 2.30.1, 310 2.29.3, 100 4.5.7, 110 2.31.2, 108 5.22.8, 207 2.33.1, 107 6.14-15, 167 2.34-37, 121 7.14-15, 167 3.12.1, 110 9.22.4, 204 3.23.5, 199 9.24.2, 311 4.1.1, 110 10.7.5, 311 4.2-3, 141 10.24.2, 312 4.9.3, 101 Herodotus 4.11.1, 142 4.110-117, 89 4.12.3, 101 Historia Augusta 4.26.3, 109 Hadrianus 20, 145 4.28.3, 110 Homerus Lucianus Il. 14.342-351, 173 Am. 22, 108 Od. 5.148-158, 176 Anach. 16, 104 Iamblichus Bis acc. 9, 109 fr. 2 Habrich, 152 34, 259 fr. 90-91 Habrich, 159 Cal. 19, 254 Photius Bibl. 94 §2, 167 DDeor. 2.2, 109 §4, 164 19-20, 255 §6-7, 164 de hist.conscr. 25, 104 §§8-9, 165 Dial. mort. 2.2, 257 §10, 151 Merc.cond. 24, 104 §21, 169 Philops. 37, 262 Julianus Toxaris 51, 169 Epist. 301b-c, 11 VH 2.40, 264 Juvenalis New Testament 15.14, 44 Luke 5.33, 107 INDICES 351 Nonnus Phdr. 242a, 204 D. 14.311, 102 272d-e, 27 Persius Plutarchus 1.134, 36 Rom. 6.4, 108 Philostratus ps.-Aristoteles Her. 1.2, 187 Rh.Al. 1438a5, 21 2.11, 190 Quintilianus 3.5, 196 Inst. 4.2.31, 22 6.2, 187 4.2.31-33, 24 7.9, 188 Theocritus 11.3-9, 189 1.15 ff., 193 56.1-2, 199 8.33-48, 116 56.11-57.17, 90 Theon Im. 1.31.2, 110 Progymn. 1.60, 22 2.11, 193 5.78, 21 VA 1.18-2.20, 217 5.79, 24 1.20, 226 Thucydides 2.5, 213 6.72.2, 54 2.28, 104 Xenophon 3.53, 203 Cyr. 6.4.10, 68 4.34.1, 207 Eph. 3.1.2, 229 Plato 3.5-6, 93 Grg. 465e, 21 3.8.1, 93 Phdr. 230b-c, 188 3.9.8, 38 General index Achilles Tatius ancient novels and Philostratus’ VA, 229 and theatrical performance, 37 ἀγελάρχης, 108 Anderson, G., 94, 157, 160, 186, 215, 258, ἀγερωχία, 104 260 Aitken, E.B., 189 Anderson, M.J., 312 Albee, Edward, 325 Andreassi, M., 36 Alexander Romance, 90, 168, 224 ἀνεύρεσις, 110 allegory, 274 Anquetil du Perron, A.H., 156 alterity, 321 Antonius Diogenes, 40, 168 17th-cent. perspective on -, 308 apangelia, 21 Amazons in Greek imaginary, 95 Aphthonius, 21 Alvares, J., 10, 228 Apollonius of Tyana, 203, 214 Amazons, 89 Apuleius associated with Ephesos, 96 and magic, 261 in Imperial prose fiction, 90 Apology, 269 Amyot, J., 301 Apuleius’ Met. ancient fiction and Iamblichus, 164 papyrus fragments, 81 and Roman satire, 258 ancient novel Cupid & Psyche, 258 and medieval novel, 302 352 INDICES Aristoteles Calame, C., 173 Poetica, 23, 300 Calboli, G., 241 Arrianus Callebat, L., 242, 247 Kynēgētika, 142 Callimachus, 96 ἀρτιγέννητος, 103 Callirhoe Attic oratory mythical comparisons, 56 and Chariton’s novel, 41 Carver, R., 270 Atticism, 111 castigare, 277 audience Castorina, E., 243 of ancient pantomime, 35 Chaereas ‘autobiographical digression’ legendary comparisons, 56 in Iamblichus, 151 characterization Bakhtin, M., 121 Apollonius of Tyana, 218 Bal, M., 23 in Hld. Aethiopica, 318 Barthes, R., 23 in Mosnier's paintings, 318 Bartsch, S., 20 protagonists in anc. novels, 7 Beck, R., 11 through language, 312 Beglaubigungsformel Charicleia autopsy, 188 conception of -, 205 Bernhard, M., 270 Charicleia and Theagenes Beroaldo in Mosnier’s paintings, 318 criticism of Accursius, 290 Chariton judgment of Fulgentius, 289 and the theatre, 39 ‘Master Commentator’, 273 Chatman, S.L., 321 on Apuleius’ style and language, 274 Cheins, A., 199 textual criticism, 282 Chennevières-Pointel, P. de, 314 Bianco, G., 252 Chione Romance, 94 Billault, A., 186, 190, 216, 221 Ciapponi, L., 270 ‘biographical romances’, 223 Cobet, C.G., 65, 67, 70 Blake, W.E., 51 Colonna, A., 201 Bochart, S., 152 Commelinus, Hieronymus, 299 Bompaire, E., 258 Connors, C., 55 Borgeaud, P., 199 continuation of history Borgogno, A., 161, 168 in Chariton’s novel, 60 Bowersock, G.W., 189 countryside/city Bowie, E.L., 10, 33, 36, 186, 195, 215 in Longus’ novel, 195 Bowie, E.L. & Elsner, J., 216 in Philostratus’ Heroikos, 195 Bradley, K., 269 Cresci, L., 114 Branham, R.B., 260 Crewe, J., 320 Braun, E., 256 Cribiore, R., 35, 44 Bremmer, J.N., 160 D’Annunzio, G., 185 Brooks, C., 7 d’Orville, J.P., 67 Budé, Guillaume Darmesteter, J., 155 Annotationes…in Pandectas, 293 Daude, C., 195 Bürger, K., 92 de Buxis, J.A. Butler, S., 173 ed. princeps of Apuleius, 273 Butts, J.R., 20, 25 De Temmerman, K., 7 Caillois, R., 186, 199, 206 ‘decadentism’, 244 INDICES 353 δέησις, 107 ethnic distinctions Demoen, K. & Praet, D., 216 in Hld. Aethiopica, 308 Devambez, P., 90 through skin color, 313 diēgēma (‘narrative’) etymology, 88, 91 ~ diēgēsis (‘narration’), 21 εὐωρία, 102 diēgēmata, 38 fabula/sjužet, 22 diēgeomai, 37 fiction Digest ‘contract of fictional complicity’, 234 cited by Beroaldo, 276 suspension of disbelief, 262 manuscripts, 270 Finkelpearl, E.D., 261 digression, 167 Firdawsī learned - in Iamblichus’ Babyloniaka, Shāhnāma, 156 167 Flinterman, J.-J., 215 Dionysius fluid texts, 252 and Cyrus, 73 Follet, S., 193 in Chariton’s novel, 59 Forster, E.M., 10 Dodds, E.R., 202 Francis, J.A., 214, 216, 234 Doody, M.A., 301 Frye, N., 8, 15 Dorcey, P.F., 145 Fulgentius Doulamis, K., 7 Beroaldo on -, 289 Dowden, K., 36, 260 Gaisser, J., 270 dramatic irony, 57 Gambara, 299 Dué, C. & Nagy, G., 188 garden Eagleton, T., 9 the -, of Dionysophanes, 196 Eco, U. gardens, 174 The Name of the Rose, 265 Gaulmin, Gilbert ecphrasis, 114, 119, 175, 230, 231 1617 ed. of Eusthatius, 300 Effe, B., 114 1625 ed. of Prodromus, 300 elocutio novella, 243 gender Elsner, J., 214 - roles reversed, 181 emotion, expressions of - Genette, G., 23, 28 in Longus’ novel, 122 genre entertainment, learned - generic mixture, 40 Philostratus’ VA, 216 geography epanorthōsis of Philostratus’ Heroikos, 192 of Homerus, 190 Gesner, C., 302 Epicureanism, 132 Gill, C., 142 epistolary elements glossators, 13th-century - in Iamblichus’ Babyloniaka, 168 criticized by humanists, 290 epitomisation, 92 Goldhill, S., 206 Esmein, C., 302 Goncourt, E., 245 ethics, interpersonal - Goold, G.P., 69, 72 in Longus’ novel, 125 Gorgias, 240 ethics, Stoic and Epicurean - Gow, A.S.F & Page, D.L., 143 in Longus’ novel, 132 Graverini, L., 36, 40 Ethiopians Greek culture in anc. Greek literature, 321 idealized in art, 313 354 INDICES Greek sculpture Hunter, R., 13, 66, 115, 186 wounded Amazons, 96 Hunter, R. & Rutherford, I., 43 Grendler, P., 271 hunting Groves, RW., 312 according to Arrianus, 142 Gwyn Griffiths, J., 260 Iamblichus Hadrianus, 144 and Ach. Tatius, 163 Hägg, T., 38, 52, 92, 202, 223 and Apuleius, 164 Hägg, T. & Utas, B., 35 and Chariton, 161 Halcyon, 264 and Xenophon Eph., 162 Hall, J.A., 253 name of -, 150 Harrison, S.J., 241, 253, 261, 269 iconography Heliodorus nymphs, 139 and Iamblichus, 166 Pan, 109 and Philostratus’ VA, 187, 201 identity name of -, 150 and skin color in Hld.
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