I ALBANIA / CONVENTION DN BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY NATIONAL REPORT BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN Sponsor: Glokal Environmental Facility (GEF) Tll ana November, 1999 Blodlverslty Strategy and Action Plan Prepared by the Alliance "The Institute of Biological Research & Museum of Natural Sciences" Editor: Ferdinand Bego & Mynyr Koni Pictures: Ferdinand Bego, Taulant Blno, Mynyr Konl Layout: Altin Allko Copyright© 1999 by The National Environmental Agency (NEA). Ail rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without the permission of The National Environmental Agenc) LIST OF ACRONYMS AS Academy of Sciences BG Botanical Garden CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CCCH Convention on Climate Change CEP Committee for Environmental Protection CITES Convention on the Illegal Trade of the Endangered Species CTD Council of Tourism Development DAP Department of Environmental Protection within the GDFP DCTA District Council of Territorial Adjustment EAP Environmental Action Program EECONET European Ecological Network EIA Environment Impact Assessment EU European Union FPRI Forest and Pasture Research Institute FRI Fishery Researc?_ Institute GDFP General Directorate of Forest and Pastures GEF Global Environmental Facfiity GTZ German Technic;ti Assistance IBA Important Bird Area IBR Institute of Blolo ¢lcal Research INC Institute for NattLre Conservation IUCN World Conservat on Union MAF Ministry of Agric'llture and Food MNS Museum of Natural Sciences NCNB National Councfi for Nature and Biodlversity NCTA National Councfi of Territorial Adjustment NCW National Council of Waters NEA National Environmental Agency NGO Non governmental Organisation NEAP National Environmental Action Plan NSI National Seed In:_titute NUPI National Urban Planning Institute PA Protected Area PEMU Project Environmental Management Unit PESBLD Pan-European Slrategy on Biological and Landscape Diversity RAC / SPA Regional Activity Centre / Specially Protected Areas (Tunis) REA Regional Enviror mental Agency REC Regional Enviro_ mental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe RNPA Representative Network of the Protected Areas SCBD Secretariat of thc Convention on Biological Diversity SNV Netherlands Dev,._lopment Organisatlon UNDP United Nations Development Program UNEP United Nations Environmental Program UNO United Nations Organisation USAID United States Ag_ncy for International Development WB World Bank WCTT World Council fo; Travel and Tourism WWF World Wildlife Ft nd Contents Page Executivesummary 8 Part One BIODIVERSITY IN ALBANIA 22 Chapter i CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY AND 22 BIODIVERSITY IN ALBANIA INTRODUCTION 22 THE STATE OF BIODIVERSITY 23 ALBANIA AND ITS BIOGEOGRAPHYCAL IMPORTANCE 25 HABITATANDECOSYSTEMDIVERSITY 25 SPECIESDIVERSITY 27 GENETICDIVERSITY 27 SPECIES OF ECONOMIC VALUE 29 AESTHETIC AND RECREATIONAL VALUES 29 BIODIVERSITYANDTOURISM 29 Special Features of the Biodiversity 30 ENDEMIC / SUBENDEMIC TAXA 30 LINKS BETWEEN ALBANIA'S AND NEIGHBOURING COUNTRY ECOSYSTEMS 30 THE IMPORTANCE OF ALBANIA FOR MIGRATORY SPECIES 31 THE IMPORTANCE OF ALBANIA FOR GLOBALLY THREATENED SPECIES 31 CHAPTER 2 THE THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY IN ALBANIA 34 THESOURCEOFTHREATS 34 IMPACTS ON B1ODIVERSITY ' 39 CHAPTER 3 THE STATUS OF BIODIVERSITY PROTECTION IN 41 ALBANIA LEGISLATION 41 THEINSTITUTIONALFRAMEWORK 42 THE CONVENTIONSANDINTERNATIONALPROGRAMS 45 THEEXISTINGNATIONALPROGRAMS 48 IN-SITU AND EX-SITU CONSERVATION 49 Part Two IDENTIFICATION OF PRIORITY ISSUES 54 CHAPTER 4 THE TOPICS AND ISSUES 54 INTRODUCTION 54 STRATEGICPRINCIPLES 54 THECRITERIA 55 ISSUES / pRIORITY TOPICS 55 HABITATANDSPECIESACTIONPLANS 56 Part Three THE BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN: PRIORITY ACTIVITIES 59 AND ACTIONS CHAPTER 5 THE NEED FOR CHANGE AND ACTION 59 INTEGRATION OF BIOLOGICAL AND LANDSCAPE DIVERSITY WITH ACTMTIES IN 59 OTHER SECTORS EXPANDING AND STRENGTHENING THE NETWORK OF PROTECTED AREAS AND 67 ESTABLISHING THE ECOLOGICAL NETWORK BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION OUTSIDE THE PROTECTED AREAS 70 NEED FOR EX-SITU CONSERVATION 70 NEED FOR FURTHERRESEARCH AND MONITORING 70 INFORMATION USE AND MANAGEMENT 71 EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXTENSION SERVICE PROGRAMMES / INCREASING 72 AWARENESS OF THE PUBLIC, POLICY-MAKERS, AND DECISION-MAKERS CHAPTER 6 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BIODIVERSITY ACTION 75 PLAN REFORM AND INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING 75 LEGISLATION 75 INSTITUTIONALSTRENGTHENING 75 DEVELOPMENT OF INTER-SECTOR CO-ORDINATION MECHANISMS 76 DECENTRALIZATION 76 THE NEEDS AND THE ROLE OF THE NGOs AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES 77 COST-BENEFIT ANALYSES OF BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY 77 INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION 77 STRATEGY FOR BSAP IMPLEMENTATION 79 List of Figures Figure i. Physical Map of Albania 24 Figure 2. Organograrn on the interrelations and links between 44 Institutions/structures in correlation with the biodiversity issues in the republic of Albar_ta Figure 3. Organogram of structures related with Biodlversity study and 46 Monitoring Figure 4. Map of the Existing Protected Areas of Albania 52 Figure 5. Map of the Proposed Network of Protected Area of Albania 69 Figure 6. Functional Scheme for the Implementation of the CBD and BSAP 74 in Albania Boxes Box 1. Habitat Types in Albania 26 Box 2, The Number of Species in Albania 28 Box 3. What is biological diversity?. 32 Box 4. Why we should protect the blodlverslty? 33 Box 5. The Management Categories of Protected Areas 50 Box 6. National Environmental Agency Projects for Nature Conservation 53 Financed by International Organizations Box 7. The Working Groups for BSAP Implementation 57 Box 8. What should be the Content of the Action Plans for Species and 58 Habitats? Box 9. The EC Agro-Environment Regulation {EEC 2078/92) 60 Box 10. Main Elements of a National Energy Strategy 61 Box 11. The Principles of Sustainable Forestry Policy 62 Box 12. Main Principles for Responsible Fisheries 63 Box 13. Main Elements of a Sustainable Policy for Transport 64 Box 14. Environmental Guidelines for Tourism Adopted by the World Travel 65 and Tourism Council (WTTC) Box 15. Protected Areas and Sustainabillty 68 ANNEXES A List of the Experts for the Preparation of the BSAP B- 1 Proposed Representative Network of the Protected Areas for Albania B-2 Summary Statistics on the Network of the Protected Areas for Albania C List of endemic/subendemic taxa D List of Globally Threatened Species in Albania E- 1 List of the Species for which the Species Action Plan will be Prepared within 1-2 years E-2 List of the Species for which thc Species Action Plan will be Prepared within 3-5 years F- 1 List of Habitats for which the Habitat Action Plans will be Prepared within 1-2 years F-2 List of Habitats for which the Habitat Action Plans will be Prepared within 3-5 years EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION combined with steep cliffs creates ideal 1 The Convention on Biological Diversity conditions for maintaining and protecting (CBD), was signed by Albania in ,January a large number of ancient species, which 1994. Although faced with the difficulties are both endemic and subendemlc. There of a country in transition, Albania has are 27 endemic and 160 subendemic endcavoured to fulfil its obligations under species of vascular plants, which have a the Convention. In 1998, the Albanian special protection importance for the government charged the National country. Environmental Agency (thc former Committee for Environmental Protection) 5 The high diversity of ecosystems and to prepare the Biodivcrslty Strategy and habitats (marine and coastal ecosystems, Action Plan (BSAP) as a step towards wetlands, river deltas, sand dunes, lakes, implementing the Convention. Albania rivers, Mediterranean shrubs, broadleaf, has been, and continues to be, a conifers and mixed forests, alpine and participant In European and regional subalpine pastures and meadows, and initiatives related with the CBD, especially high mountain ecosystems) offers a rich in the PAN-European Strategy on species variety of plants and animals. In Biological and Landscape Diversity Albania, there are around 3,200 species of (PESBLD). vascular plants and 756 vertebrate species. Approximately 30% of all 2 In Albania, the main objectives for European floras occur in Albania. The implementing the CBD and PESBLD are: high Albanian forests maintain the communities of large mammals such as (i) protection and improvement of wolf, bear, lynx, and wild goat, and also biological and landscape diversity; the characteristic bird communities, (ii) incorporation of the principles and which are associated with virgin forests. policies required for sustainable biodiversity use and management; 6 Coastal lagoons and large lakes inside and the country, are important areas -- (iii) promoting sustainable development especially for wintering migratory birds. for present and future generations. There are annually met around 70 waterfowl and waterbird species with a 3 Thc World Balk, through the Global total population of 180,000 individuals in Environment Facility (GEF), provided Albania during the winter. Albania is also financial support to the NEA for preparing an important crossroad for the migration the BSAP. As part of this process, an of birds, bats, and insects. Advisory Board was created and headed by the Chairman of the NEA. 7 There are some 91 globally threatened Supervision, consulting, and co- species found in Albania. These include ordination were the duties of this Board. the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus), Technical specialists, university slaff, and Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax representatives of central and local pygmeus), and
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