the weekly news magazine of IUPUI L “ M 3 American people misinformed Nicaraguans support government, speaker says by Kim Lanier The Indiana Council of Chur before As a reault. the Contras Seminary at chat sponsored a senes of lectures have little internal The Zavala • last at IUPUI on Central American af­ Has the neither fairs Nov. 27 thorufh Disc 4 to of a majority of the aar the tttfedti information on this area of Nicaraguan people because It me world due to me increasing len- sectors of the population that arete According to Roger Zavala, rec­ ocrorvl neL - tain 1 -i tor of the Baptist Seminary in has been trying to No problem for eld reefaents Managua. Nicaragua, the ■how the urorid that the members of the conference decided Is freely to carry out the lecture tour in the to end the premure, but out Fee-payment date moved up United States because the feel that ssdt influences are preventing it. the North Zavala said The threat from the are given all the information Contras positioned along the on the on U.S policy toward the Con- The real threat comm from US trae. the U.S backed counter military tmd economic support of hi revolutionary government Since the countenevohitinnanm The 1979, he said, Nicaragua has feh (am. Zavala aiad. is that the US are increasiag pressure from Americans, and Zavala said in his country it is m l the Reagan administration took of­ not the American peo| fice that is op- separation of Church and 'l l is the whole series of it doee not know means separation of pressures which is making bfe dif­ what It Is doing If Nicaraguans pohtks This, he said. Is not ficult,M Zavala said have to request aid Zavala also said it is because they When the church starts to _ many people bebrve there is no have not gotten it from the West, in L ate freedom in Nicaragua, there ia bi- he said, it Is not fact even more freedom, par t> Thomas ). Liggett. President ly It a bcularty religious of the Christian Theological said Center sponsors major study Two-year project to examine American religion, culture by Aubrey M. Woods ligious dimensions in American vll Ten to 12 scholars will meet in definition. and other aspects of the three symposia next year to begin a relationships between religion and two-year project to asset* the roles culture in America and functions of religion in The symposia will be held March American life 13 june 14-16 and Sept 27-29. The project, entitled R ev wan­ 1 9 6 3 ing America Religion and the Life The scholars will then meet m a of the Nation. ' is sponsored by the general public conference to be held Center for American Studies at March 26-30. 1985 and address IUPUI It will be underwritten by a again the topics of their earlier dis­ $65,143 grant from the Lilly En­ cussions dowment Rowland A She mil associate , At the three symposia, the 10 to professor of Reiiggius Studies at 12 nationally known scholars and IUPUI. wrote in Convergent* authorities will address precircu­ 'Our first concern is to put together lated questions and discussion this ten- or 12-person core consti­ topics on specific aspects of Ameri­ tuency that will play such an im­ can life. portant role and to determine the According to Convergence, a topics for the symposia s focalizing publication of the Center, the sym­ lecture.' posia will explore The depth and Anne T. Fraker, assistant to dynamism of religion in American Center director fan Shipps, will be public and private experience, the the coordinator of the project role and importance of personal Anyone desiring further informa­ and corporate expressions of the re­ tion should contact her at 264-3759 Chinese, American cultures topic of lecture 9 f m w • Wcuhy N w s a pn » l — SawW md w— k sa A Surm-lMpe— e Apprnarfc Is A6u*mh nan*** by M art* Mkkfct adapt t< i the Western world and to ««N fee WUhan Hist gw nCAUT A* furtdy or* m*m*d m i im 6nli me mda mm China and America Cultural f u r t h e r persuade the Chinese to Contacts, Cultural Conflicts a give up thetr own Improper legal Tilt J O B S Program >*m» m m*mmm W fcmmom md S M u m m w md Nov. 20 lecture co-sponsored by system,' he explained This mm. md m n* dgMaan m d pmmmd — plan * TW prupam dm OMm m IUPUI and III, p v t concerned brought about conflicts that have sslsisd afli Wr citizens an opportunity to unders­ been with the cultures since The isB Nway Ow*fM» a Jss su i tand some of the conflicts between Chinese started rapidly accusing The Iniarnational Students a*k taa*,« 0 wMXisp »**n M a m 7 fm m CA 161 Thee* «m « 'the Chinese and American the west of spreading yuntual cultures. pollution . ndBfMedMl Historian lonathan D. Spence Professor Spence, a native of did not describe our times He England, specialises in the study spoke instead of American and of China since the 16th Century European interests over ISO yean and has written several books in­ tfimiwNery at i.^ aneawu ago But lor some students of to­ cluding The Death of Woman fokanker ran !W«I<> O r I* MSp m m It US [Jr h U day's politics, there were alarming Wang and most recently, The Gate at k U u k w Mr e*tt m n « d *eefc <m a m a tO a * aupenmtae md echoes According to Spence, The of Heaoenly Peace The Chinese W* wwe mMnaatma ta* M l A t* issues were diflerent then, but the and Their Revolution 1995-1990 The Association Mr Women tn Id eas a. no— tWpmi M e « S iR «t paralysing interests seem to be as Spence was asked how Chinese TueoWy at esc* m eO si f pel is dm Wamnrt bidOws Mudy Muset TW On II strong today as they were when students now study*!* in the U.S. ***** md MMum s fm d 9mm*mm m TW I w C m h ( «uph » V m r i r — 1 iwiwiiH red W I mwi Urtm mm**** preMmar d cWauatry at IIPIH Mr WOrnM Mm the first American sailon came to would be treated upon their l ifAowiu amoemn pfeMmm ot iMaumry at IUPUI Ml PaiwHa * dmmm mud IS Idy China." return Spence answered without Culture, though they accepted the and Wr KyMimt Alas CfOth at CaWpr Ls> Utmtam* C« Wr amae M w im iw . aU "By the year 1800, Americans hesitation They would have a technological trend In other Re*— lartv ai SU-lAll IW or IM .m Map Par WwOrnS s M I H t were thinking what to do about rectification of their political words, they would have to prove The Biectt Student Unfen pMa> » p a w * ism u MW nan— • ****** w * China," Spence said and suddenly stance They would have to dearly that they are Orthodox Marxists m iu tu i --- --------------------------J - ‘n-------- f ^------------^ ---------1 r*— -Wlf^ the Chinese law would have to go, state for their political record, the interpretation of d demaelvm to dm 99U otMe CA SStl fcy h d sy On IS WWtm r md W mu* ty and therefore they would have to that they deafly reject the Western development *wdr*u «tw siay van ty pMca* 5 tout* Mr omfc van m b r a i peevdal Mr Hut pur The tUTUt Microcomputer Club. M am tvW y On Sal lla n at iM MM Si C NkKoU. R*a « ia a Tw h at 413 1321 oaf M i This is what your The Finencfel Alda Office ******no •tup* TV Mas Mrmttenr Romm* Meinori ■M o n who a n purwmt * Wfrvr m e HtM rviaisd to H u m * preaervefteft a hum VirufUtmat lM»rnu<Mwt*l at Imtim^ ntii lapphetum 6m d rat Par U i md tfee CMil Student Activity Fee left* Memory StHolereNp forTMTume a iih uti m p— *Wl! i t u m in a m i or * rdamd hdd sdmdmm im IS) Wr tm dm mdrnmm m cal dm ONw at humM AW M issaisj *" paid for this week The Herron Student Senele md twM • Oumaws owu hMsy Dm * hum a jo pm Is 12 i s at <W Hart or Audlenum A dmmtm mmmtmd Mag wMdi md M AppNcedena for WtemeMpe md cuupmsi ' P ru M u Wnas Summer iemru md dm WN wamamm I ' • i o u * * 4 m | Ml MM IUPUI DAY CARE CENTER 8«l«ct«d Building Cod** I Location* Heme of Sodding AmwesSaSve buseny Spring semester registiregistration will be Jan. 4. 5, & 6 from 9:00 AM to ax CA 3:00 PM. Maiv Cable Bldg. Rms 128 & 129 U C a ll 264-3508 or 264-2546 for more information IT XI U I f MU at tt M B W A i y N O TIC I; Watch the Sagamore for SAP Student chairpersons MiosiM tend bosk Information about to the Student Activities Office. LV 002. at least two weeks prior to the activity date. GIVE BLOOD - ■ ‘ Volume 12, Number 36 to the editor: ■ December 7, 1983 Bill Nolan E<Mor Task force looks to present, future needs Ron Neal Photo E<Mor Michael Thackston IWurtey EdNor The Student Services Task Force released last month the results of a Faculty evaluations opposed David Stafford Entgtonment E(Xor massive study: "A Review and Recommendations for the Organization Eileen Worcester and Delivery of Student Support Services at IUPUI" (see page 4 of this To the editor: tion gathered and evaluated.
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