F'lR.STSESSIO~'~ :-Zo.102 959 Uiilfl#Dri!l'll,l'I1!lll!l~,'---.J --- --.,., SENATE OF THE FEDERJ';..L REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS Wednesday, 30th May, 2012 1. The Senate met at 10:53 a.m. The Deputy Senate President read prayers. 2. Votes and Proceedings: The Deputy Senate President announced that he had examined the Votes and Proceedings of Thursday, 24th May, 2012 and approved same. By unanimous consent, the Votes and Proceedings were approved. 3. Message from Mr President: The Deputy Senate President announced that he had received a letter from Mr President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federation, which he read as follows: Confirmation of Appointment: PRESIDENT, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA May 21.2012 Distinguished Senator David Mark. GCON President of the Senate. Senate Chambers. National Assembly. Three Arms Zone. Abuja Your Excellency. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN OF THE INDEPENDENT CORRUPT PRACTICES AND OTHER RELATED OFFENCES COMMISSION (lCPC! Section 3 (3) of the Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Act 2000 provides that the Independent Corrupt Practices and OtherRelated Offences Commission (ICPC) shall consist of a Chairman and 12 (twelve) other members. two of whom shall come from each of the six geo-political zones. In this connection. there is a vacancy for substantive Chairman in the composition of the Commission. PRINTED BY NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PRESS, ABUJA By virtue D.lSection 3 ;'6) of The Corrupt Practices end Other Related Offences Act, 2000, which confers upon the President the powers to appoirs the Chairman and Members of the Commission, subject to corfirmaiion by the Senate of th. Federal Republic of Nigeria, I hereby request the Senate to kt'nd!y consider and confirm Eipo C'"na0)',"0 Nta as Chairman. The nominee h~7Sfur'lui::'?~ed C.S.1(::'::6C;ICJ.·'l;:.{i'l !~f:'j\(Commission since its inauguration on the 29th of November 20'1] ;iII da:e. While hoping [her thi: request will receive the usual expeditious attention of the Distinguished Senate of the Federa; Republic of .Vigeria, please accept, Senate President. the assurances of my highest consideration, Yours Sincerely, (Signed) GOODLUCK EBELE JONATHAN 4. Announcements: (a) Meeting: The Deputy Senate President read a letter from Senator Ike Ekwerernadu (Enugu West) as follows: THE SENATE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA Committee on the Review of the 1999 Constitution NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 30th May, 2012 The Senate President Senate Chamber National Assembly Complex ' Abuja ANNOUNCEMENT The Senate Committee on the Review of the 1999 Constitution will meet today Wednesday, 30th May 2012, immediately after Sitting at the Senate President's Meeting Room (301), Senate Building (New Wing). (Signed) Senator Ike Ekweremadu DSPIChairman (b) Northern Senators' Forum: The Deputy Senate President read a letter from Senator Ahmad I. Lawan (Yobe North) as follows: fJ[;~~'J JiiIJ l: . .')~ i/~t. '\ NORTHERN SENATORS FORUM Announcement ~o.101 ,---"----------=961, There will be a meeting of the Northern Senators Forum (NS,"'), Date: Today, 3(Jh May, 2012 Time: 4:30 p.m. prompt Yellue: Hearing Room 1, Old Senate Wing, Nari(j,~cJAssembi; ,j:' (Signed) Senator Ahmad Lawen Secretary (c) Acknowledgment: The Deputy Senate President acknowledged the presence of the Traditional Rulers from the six geo-political zones of the country who were in the gallery to ohserve Senate Proceedings. 5. Congratulatory Messages: (a) Pan-African Parliament President: The Deputy Senate President congratulated Mr President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federation, the Speaker, House of Representatives and the Senate Leader over the election of Hon. Bethel Arnadi as President of the Pan-African Parliament in South Africa over the weekend. He further thanked other stakeholders that assisted Nigeria in achieving this feat. (b) Democracy Day 2012: The Deputy Senate President congratulated the Senate and the entire nation over the attainment of thirteen (13) years of uninterrupted democracy in Nigeria which took place on Tuesday, 29th May, 2012. He hoped and prayed that the country will continue to enjoy the dividends of democracy and peaceful co-existence. 6. Petitions: (1) Rising on Rule 41, Senator Helen U. Esuene (Akwa Ibom South) drew the attention of the Senate to a petition from her constituent, Ndanyong-Mong Okuwa, over wrongful dismissal from the services of the Nigerian Export Promotion Council. She urged the Senate to look into the matter. Petition Laid and accordingly referred to the Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions [Rule 41 (3)J to report within two(2) weeks. 7. Privilege: Rising on Rule IS, Senator Kabiru I. Gaya (Kano South) drew the attention of the Senate to various Newspapers Publications, especially the Leadership newspaper of the 28th May, 2012, The Nation Newspaper of 30th May, 2012, and The Daily Trust Newspaper of 30th May, 2012. In the various publications, it was alleged that Members of the Joint Committee on Establishment and Public Services; and States and Local Governments investigating the administration of pension in Nigeria, collected bribe of Three Billion Naira (N3b) through Senator Kabiru Gaya. He informed the Senate that the allegation was malicious, false and unfounded since the source quoted by the newspapers denied giving bribe to anybody. He urged the Senate to investigate the allegation through the Ethics, Privileges and Public Petition Committee since the allegations in those publications breached his privilege as a Senator and the Senate as a whole. Newspaper publications Laid. and matter referred to the Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petition to report within two (2) weeks. 962 8. Committee on Works: Report on the screening of nominees: Consideration of Report deferred to the next Legislative Day. 9. Ad-hoc Committee on the Immortalization of Senators: Report on the Immortalization of Senators: Motion made: That the Senate do consider arid approve the Interim Report of the Ad-Hoc Committee on the Immortalization of Senators of the Federal Republic of l\:ige,ia iSenai e Leader). Question put and agreed to. Report presented. Debate: Further consideration of Report deferred to another Legislative Day. 10. Committee on Interior: Report on the Prisons Act (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill20l2 (SB. 42): Motion made: That the Sen~doconsider the Report of the Committee on Interior, on the Prisons Act (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill 2012 (Senator Atiku A. Bagudu - Kebbi Central). Question put and agreed to. Report presented. Motion made: That the Senate do resolve into the Committee of the Whole to consider the Report (Senate Leader). Question put and agreed to. (SENATE IN THE COMMI'ITEE OF THE WHOLE) CONSIDERATIONOF A BILL FORAN Acr TO REPEALCAP. P29 LAWSOF THE FEDERATIONOF NIGERIA,2004 ANDTOMAKECOMPREHENSIVEPROVISIONFORTHEADMINISTRATIONOFPRISONS IN NIGERIA;ANDFORRELATEDPURPOSES2012 Clause 1: Establishment of Prison Service. (1) There is established for the Federation a Prisons Service to be known as the "Nigerian Prisons and Correctional Service" (in this Bill referred as "the Service"). Amendment Proposed: That the provision of the Bill be retained (Senator Ita S. J. Enang - Akwa-Ibom North-East). Question that the amendment be made, put and agreed to. (2) There shall be for the administration of the Service a Comptroller- General, Deputy Comptrollers-General and such other subordinates to the Comptroller-General as may be necessary for the administration of the Service. NQ.102 Wednesday, 30th May. 2(112 953 (3) The National Headquarters of the Service shall be located at the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. (4) The Comptroller-General may establish Zonal Headquarters of the Service and the State Command (Senator Atiku A. Bagudu - Kebbi Central). Question that Clause 1as amended do stand part of the Bill, put and agreed to. Further consideration of Bill deferred to another Legislative Day. Chairman to report progress. (SENATE IN PLENARy) The Deputy Senate President reported that the Senate in the Committee of the Whole considered the Report of the Committee on Interior, on the Prisons Act (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill 2012 and approved as follows: Clause 1 As Amended Further consideration of Bill deferred to another Legislative Day. Question: That the Senate do approve the Report of the Committee of the Whole - Resolved in the Affirmative. 11. Committee on Industries: Report on the National Automotive Design and Development Council Bill 2012 (SB. 25): Consideration of Report deferred to another Legislative Day. 12. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants of Nigeria Bill 2012 (lIB. 46): Consideration of Bill deferred to another Legislative Day. 13. National Council of Traditional Rulers (Establishment, etc.) Bill 2012 (SB.141): Motion made: That a Bill for an Act to Establish the National Council of Traditional Rulers in the Federal Republic of Nigeria and for Other Related Matters be read the Second Time (Senator Abdullahi Adamu - Nasarawa West). Debate: Question put and agreed to. Bill accordingly read the Second Time and referred to the Committee on the Review of the 1999 Constitution. 14. Equipment Leasing in Nigeria Bill 2012 (S8. 118): Consideration of Bill deferred to another Legislative Day. 964 Wednesdav. 30th May, 2012 15. Adjournment: Motion.made: That the Senate do now adjourn till Thursday, 31st May, 2012 at 10.00 .a.m. (Senate Leader). Adjourned accordingly at 1:34 p.m. Ike Ekweremadu, CFR Deputy Senate President, Senate oj the Federal Republic oj Nigeria..
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