FREE Thanks to our ADVERTISERS Please support SOUTH FLORIDA'S MOST READ HAITIAN NEWSPAPER Them! July 1 - 15, 2014 | VOL. 14 No. 318 www.lefloridien.com PHONE: 305-610-7481 Décès de Leslie Manigat : Off Soccer Field, Jozy Haïti a perdu un Fils authentique ! Altidore’s dredi 27 juin 2014 Un esprit encyclopédique, à la suite d’une musicien et fervent chrétien Goal Is Clean longue maladie. Né le 16 août Fils d'enseignants, issu de l'élite pro- Water For 1930 à Port-au- gressiste du Nord d'Haïti, Manigat a Prince, il était âgé fait ses études classiques à Haiti Page 2 de 83 ans. l'Institution Saint-Louis de Gonzague, dirigée par les Frères de Durant ces l'instruction chrétienne (Fic), puis il a Margate derniers jours, suivi des études universitaires à la Manigat était resté Sorbonne où il obtint un doctorat en Resident enfermé en per- philosophie. manence dans sa Sentenced in chambre. Selon ce En Haïti, il a mené une double et qu'a confié son importante carrière administrative et Identity Theft camarade de pro- universitaire. Il fut directeur des motion et ami de affaires politiques au ministère des Tax Refund longue date, le Affaires étrangères dans les années très respecté 1950 et était supporteur de François Fraud Scheme notaire Ernst M. Duvalier (22 septembre 1957 - 21 Page 3 Avin, à des con- avril 1971). Il créa en 1958 pour ce frères en Haïti, les président fraichement élu l'École des derniers moments hautes études internationales de Open House L’ex-Président d’Haïti Saint Roc Leslie François Manigat s'est éteint à de l'ancien prési- l'Université d'Etat d'Haïti (Ueh), de- l'aube du vendredi 27 juin 2014 à l’âge de 83 ans. dent étaient vrai- venue plus tard l'Institut National and Ribbon Considéré comme l'un des plus bril- ment pénibles. d'Administration, de Gestion et des lants intellectuels qu'Haïti ait produit, Manigat ne croyait plus à rien. Il Hautes Études Internationales Cutting Saint Roc Leslie François Manigat, s'est, en quelque sorte, laissé mourir, (INAGHEI). ancien président (7 février 1988 - 20 comme s'il voyait déjà arriver avec Ceremony for juin 1988) s'est éteint à l'aube du ven- angoisse ce jour fatidique du vendre- di 27 juin 2014. Suite Page 9 Commissioner Jean Mondial 2014 : le Brésil n'a pas été battu, il a été humilié Monestime BELO HORIZONTE, Brésil -- Re-Election Larmes, abattement, résignation... La Seleçao ne remportera pas la Campaign 2014 Coupe du Monde chez elle. Mais Page 5 surtout, son humiliante défaite face à l'Allemagne (7-1) en demi- finale du Mondial constitue un Leslie Manigat, véritable désastre national pour le cet intellectuel "pays du futebol". Page 15 intransigeant sur les 2014 CHS Leadership Cruise: A Tremendous Success principes Page 11 Dade County. The work that they have done has been broad through- out the health and social services Arnel Belizaire sector. For the past eight years, CHS has been hosting a Leadership suspendu à la Cruise that brings together mem- Chambre basse bers of the board, medical profes- Page 12 sionals, and others throughout the area with the intention of address- ing major problems that tend to impact South Florida's Haitian Zuniga n’a pas community. This year's 8th Annual blessé Leadership Cruise took place aboard Carnival Cruise Line's volontairement Partial view of the CHS 8th Annual Leadership Cruise Conference participants (second day). Victory between June 28th and July Photo Jacques Cassagnol 3rd. Neymar, selon Since 1988, the Center for Haitian ing invaluable services to the Continued on Page 4 Page 16 Studies has been pivotal in provid- underserved populations of Miami- Maradona VISIT LE FLORIDIEN 2 JULY 1 - 15, 2014 | VOL. 14 NO. 318 Cardinal’s visit cheers Haitian faithful in Boston By Dan Adams even they are not sufficiently aware of their roots. When she lived in the Haitian city of Jacmel in the early 1990s, Clarisse “They were born here, so they never Faveus befriended a humble young think about Haiti,” she said. “They priest who headed a nearby congre- need to learn about what they came gation. Impressed by his easygoing from, because they are blessed to live demeanor and seemingly permanent here. They have the opportunity to go smile, she visited the priest’s church to school, to get a better education. every day for three years before This country, the [United States] moving to the United States with her gives them a lot. They need to be family. thankful.” When Faveus, now 88, reunited with O’Malley said Langlois’s visit rein- her old friend Sunday, she hardly rec- forces strong connections between ognized him, because Chibly the Archdiocese of Boston, which Langlois, the man she knew as a sim- includes many Haitians, and the ple priest from a poor district of one Clarisse Faveus, a former resident of the Haitian city of Jacmel, greeted Cardinal Chibly island nation, where the archdiocese of the world’s poorest countries, is Langlois of Haiti at the Basilica and Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, also called the has several charitable projects and now a prominent cardinal, widely Mission Church, in Boston Sunday. partnerships. celebrated by Haitians as a symbol of church was full of Haitians. It’s their resilience and hope. dynamic. We can do a lot with this “It was such an honor. It meant For some Haitians, Sunday’s visit by community here.” everything because it had never been Langlois was a taste of home. Langlois visited Boston Sunday to done before. We are lifted up” by celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Langlois remarked on how, despite him, said Mary Casseus, 54, who “Today, this place feels like home. Perpetual Help, the patroness of ongoing difficulties in Haiti, a hope- moved to the United States from It’s like the cathedral in Port-au- Haiti. More than a thousand mem- ful feeling filled the church Sunday. Haiti in 1981 and came to see Prince,” said 50-year-old Stoughton bers of Boston’s large Haitian com- Langlois Sunday. resident Even Bontemps, who moved munity filled the Basilica and Shrine “The Haitian people always have to the United States 24 years ago. “It of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, also hope, because we believe tomorrow Upon being made a cardinal, is very inspiring, because now we called the Mission Church, beyond will be better,” Langlois said. “And Langlois told the Globe his mission have a voice in the broader Catholic capacity, praying, singing, and danc- we saw a lot of hope today.” included “opening the eyes and ears” church. I can guarantee in the ing their way through a colorful and of Americans to the plight of Haiti, near future, you’ll see the impact of spirited Mass conducted in French When Pope Francis named Langlois which is still recovering from a dev- Haiti’s belief system across the entire and Haitian Creole. as the first Haitian cardinal in astating 2010 earthquake. Casseus church.” January, he passed over two better- agreed that Haiti deserves more “I knew him when he was a priest in known and higher-ranking leaders of international attention and aid; she Dan Adams can be reached at Jacmel, and now he’s a cardinal,” the country’s two archdioceses. The was pleased that young US-born [email protected]. said a tearful Faveus, who shared a choice was widely interpreted as a Haitian-Americans attended Source : bostonglobe.com warm embrace with Langlois as he message to the rest of the church’s Sunday’s Mass because, she said, proceeded down the aisle of the hierarchy about Francis’s commit- cathedral. “The minute he saw me, ment to the disenfranchised. he remembered me. I was so, so happy, so, so excited. It was like “The reaction was over the top . it Off Soccer Field, Jozy Altidore’s I was in heaven.” was so well-received,” Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston said of the Goal Is Clean Water For Haiti For Faveus and other Boston-area appointment in an interview. “It was Haitians, Langlois is something like unexpected, but then, this is the pope ABC News’ Paula Faris reports: a religious rock star. After Sunday’s of surprises.” Mass, he was mobbed on Tremont As Jozy Altidore works feverishly to return to the field for the World Cup, Street by ecstatic members of the Francis “keeps talking about going to after getting injured in the the US Haitian Catholic community. Parents the peripheries,” O’Malley contin- soccer team‘s opener with Ghana, held babies aloft, passing them over ued. “And in many ways, Haiti is on his foundation’s work, bringing fresh the crowd toward Langlois, while the periphery of people’s attention, water to the people of Haiti, contin- others jostled and elbowed their way but the church must be attentive to ues off the field. through to receive a quick blessing or their suffering and their need. even a fleeting touch. [Francis] wanted to make a statement Altidore said that even before the by naming a Haitian cardinal.” “It’s a pleasure to meet the people, to January 2010 earthquake left Haiti in ruins and killed scores, he’d felt celebrate with them, to give them the For Haitians, especially those who called to help. possibility to say thanks to God,” fled their home’s desperate economic before they can even reach fresh Langlois said in a brief interview. “I circumstances to live abroad, the “I wanted to [help] but I was so water.” can see it’s a large community; the message was simple: We matter.
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