![Young Cats & Powertools •Page 13 Calling It Quits •Page 2 Streaking At](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
"PARK'S CLOSED. MOOSE OUT FRONT SHOULD 'A TOLD YA": Fiesta Texas has been cHosed since Nov. 8 as the barren tldtet booths Illustrate. Never fear, though, the park reopens Nov. 28. Young cats & powertools •page 13 Calling it Streaking at quits home •page 2 •page 20 THE PAISANO PLUS m(smQ NQJVEMBCII Mi9>lflQ9« SRA deals with double trouble as president and vice president resign In a wqmcedented move on Tiiesday, Anodier project Cane handled was a Nov. 17, UTSA Shident Rqaesentodve referendttmvotetakeaduruigdiefidll991 Assembly (SRA) president Rachel SRAelections. Thereferendumpropooed Heinemeyer and SRA vice-president the hnplementalion of several days of LaTayna Pumell submitted letten of les- study before final examinations begin. igaadon, efiecdve immedialely. During diese days, no ciass activity other In univenity histoiy, the lop two del­ than review for exams would take pbce. egates to die SRA have never resigned Last week, the University Assembly met ahnultaneously. TomCane.fanneriySRA lo respond to the proposed Review Days. Tkeasurer, has been elected as piesident The Academic Pdhcy and Curricula of the SRA by the remaining memben. COmnaittee found dnt die university has Cane will aerve as president until the next been in vicdation of its own policy. Com­ SRA general elections, scheduled for mon finals have been given on the Satur- qiring 1993. iay immediatdy following the last ctass AcconUng to Cane, both Hememeyer di^onRiday. ThisSaturdayispaitofthe and Pumell cited personal reasons suchas academic week and notpart of exam wedE. cfauswoik, jobs and CamUy for their resig­ The start of exam week is dw foUowuig nations. Heinemeyer and Pumell were Mondi^ after the tast class day on Friday. unavailable for conunent. Technically the univnsity has been in Cane hopes to provide a smooth transi­ violation of its own policy in adminishat- tion fiar the SRA, so as not to interrupt its ing common finals on the Saturday imme­ oogoingprojects. *^egotalotofpn9ects, diately following Hriday ctasses. like die Bookwalk, AIDS Awareness Theconunitteeproposed diattheuni- Week and the 16th Annual University versity adhere to its final examination Life Awards," said Quie. "It was felt dutt schedule as published both in the under­ die best dung to do was to dect some graduate and graduate catalogs. TMswill officen in-house to minimize die effects require shifting final exammatians dial (of the resignation)." areroutindyscheduledondieSahnrdayof Kevin New, formerly SRA recording die last week ot classes into die final secretary waselectedvioepiesideaL Kiisd examinationperiod. Thisminimalchange Had has been elected to fill die posidon of would guarantee that all students would reconhng secretary and Danielle Bush have at least two days (Saturd^ and Sun­ was elected as treasurer. day) between dieir last class and dieh- Although Cane does not have a per­ final examination. This might require aonal agenda in place yet, he is continu­ that Commencement not be held on the ally looking at projects die SRA can pro­ Saturday during final examination week. mote dial wdl help die UTSA shident The amendments to die recommenda­ Cane is interested in having the UTSA tion passed by voke vote of die Univer­ shuttles stop at area apam.ients to he^ sity Assembly and implementation will alleviale parking proUems. "Within a take ptace in the spring of 1993. mile of die university, we have all diese apartment comfdexes. A lot of people drive, eqwcially m coU weadier. We Br SmPHaa CavAzoa Rachel Heinemeyer, citing personal leasons, hss leslgnsd as president might be iUe to save 200 paridng spaces Nawa EmroR of the student representathie asssmbly after oomplsthig half of her (by pioviduig die shuttle)," said Cane. term. has vour num Campus South Omter (UTSA Bhrd. between IheSRAhasdiei too Off Studant £flfc tta- i IHIOgiBabtMCk) lialdngtfiBMiiwdirFSAi ^Adecidedtoatdaean copy and cowtpute (210) 641-e669ir FAX (210) 691-6910 taqp,altadqgofcaneBt8hMlcalsait . TCS Piddishing. 9(pmn6at finab Oft litn,nmimia: andtdephonenumben. Th6dir< lopn^MBetaeasK ecanloTCSis WB wordpiocess (ty>pe): are dtattfeoted on canqws and an not afflUsHd tks it had to an- Last year, no directc godwstandi^ ssUTSA Papers • Resum^ • Forms •wi|uiieo, bi^ore it tAwiu uu uoauKOs wilh iD»ii^t/U9£aSda!iirmtm6ir: Tom Cane. SRA President, said. die SRA. We fcove ovoiaM^ (forrantorforhkaif: "People have been khid of kiddng and "We're hxdciag at putting more usefid screaming for dutt. It'sdofiaitd^coming infonnation. in die dhecttvy dds year, • Laser, Cobr (for MAO only), and Dot Matrbc Old m Ihe aprii^" I can't ofiiix any o- Hke a campus map and fifequcMly called Computars («M«maMUTSAr«quirad*alc«vara) coaes fiv why it wasn't done. It's some- university numben" said One. •PCtiaacaimar) tbbig that should have been done and #-> • MadrtXMhas (A tcamMf) itidn*t get done. It's at die printer new." BrOiaiaam Oawuoa CoplTS iWhUaey, AssistaatVibePkesi- • and much mora! Ttie Paisano 690-9301 THE PAISANO PLUS MoveuBBi 24,1992 m(sm^ New parlcing lot under construolioii TflHtei^r east of convocation center ing assistant Constniclionon the newestparking lot at UTSA began tast month widi comple- assaulted tkmscheihiled in mid February. Thenew lot win add SOO paridng spaces, which over pdriting will help alleviale paiking problons at UTSA. Problems reached their peak in the fall space semester with about 1,200 paridng tickets being issued to paiking viotalors. "Most A UTS A leacWag assteiaM was {Physi­ of them were given out for paiking with­ cally attacked ia paifthig tot dnee, hy a out a permit or not having it properly stedeat who araaaad to paik ui die dot disfdayed," said Tim Daho of die UTSA aiheia die victim ted <^ooea. UTSA trafli&<^ce. VvSaix Depwdnettt (UTSAPD) shorts With die qwuig semester beginning in j^MB^rt^y dmt ^ tii;in*jing affiiiiuBni, was just six weeks, Daho does not see any aasaaMed at 10:50 a.ra. on Now. 19. UT­ relid in the paiking situation. "We're SAPD Odd of Fiohce, hfMHid Ctavez, eiqpecting proUems to be just as bad in said, "We Imow who he (the sMett) n spring untU die new lot is finished," said aaal we'tt be qaestiQii^ ten soon." Daho. If die victim ffles chttges, the Jasdcx The consequences of getting a ticket of die Peace wfll no% dK indent of a may be moic serious than a $1S fine. In aaaadatoiy coMrtsppeiMBce. Tteattsleat some cases, when a vehicle cannot be BHiy alao tax ^Sadnj^Haaey actiQa t^ Hat identified, a unmoUlizer may be put on a offioeefstndefdUb. AooooMnigioCtevea;. vehide. A immobilizer is a steel devve ttristadie first iaddemofpBiki^Hrdated duttisattachedlodievehicle's&ontwheeL which prevents the car finm being driven. d»pasthawebecntiBdiedtove»haidawai "The immobilizer is usually used after or damage to a pariEsd car. three tickets have been issued to an uni­ dentified car," said Daho. Faculty/Staff partdng sit empty as parking teneions grow. Over CSiiMies Anodier technique lo combat die paik­ 1.200 dtations were this ssmestsr. ing shortage, a satellite paikuig lot, was putintoopenttioninSqtt. The satellite lot is underneath die 1604/IHlOuilerchange, and has shuttle service every IS minuies tocampus. Ned Hamilton <rf die UTSA parking division explained Ihat the shuttle siervice wiU be reevaluated for next se­ mester. "We have run it aD semester for only dmut four or five can that use it," sakl Hamdton. Br MARU KRamicr STAFF WmTBi Graduate FeDowsiiip Program Iho NRC Giaduala Folowatyp Piogrmi b deitanad to aivport aludanls h adMo^ Join The Paisano staff. woikaMpsiisnoa in hadli filyaics, nudsar anJMsring, oonM ayslams; maMdaa^ncoi inaMds snginsaring, and m Call 690-9301. IKIOIS. Iha foliMinB tMooas aio indudat • You Ml noalMSlipMdilo $1,700 par morthtDrmatlir's study ki Iha -- - -- i^aaatSK^ *- - naS KMMIIICI flDOWL • HRCwipsybiM your tuaan and fteo. • YouwIwaridorNRCfDranoriinlaionpariodpitorlofflabiouWion HELP WANTED md ate gmduaMm far an otiaalad pMiod wMi ki aahiy and bsiNils. 1. Wo«M)WiBBl>inik«gr • YouwlihrtyouryaduaBstudtelnlhoftl1994atecoinplallngfto 2. WouUnmillatoMlyoiiiaMi houn? 3. AmyouHK-nioltnlMff • NRCwipoymoducateidkMianoadbocllytofwuniMiaay 4. «i» iwi 1 aa al Ml maianiwiiT youwiateid. N yw amimd YES to al ol «• akM(, yiMiiraiwIlKpmMiM'ratooUafliM! A* Ml tawha hmii Ciaaai Hit- 1^ Mornidion and applcfllian, plaoN oonlact fw tolawing: plicaiQ idVMlWiip on biaMin fcomit. NRC Gradualo Uowdiip Pngram Sdsnoa/Englnaaring Educalon DMdon. Od( RUgs i I IMMnWes YouaMatiohraltitepfOrtuiairtswoA P.O. Bm 117 Cd( RUga. Tannssaaa 37831-0117 on inirtattnQ pngfun lor nicb dmli •(AimrfeanEi«a(a,F6nlininM.TIiin Phono: (BIS) sn«79 FAX: pia) STMnZ MO m ooko iiwotMd. Iknir ol Mr n»o My wWi UC hmg illH (nduNon. for mon Momioliai^ caa or oiiao M ol Uio AMERICAN PASSAGE AMERIC waaaiiMwr THE PAISANO i\cis m^m^ NOVEMBER 24,1992 Crime Blotter Telephone registration fif cfterinal adivii^ nptvled to dM VITIAK^ tf yw ifinea. pteaaeerfl 6914911. system offers conve­ iBaqglaqrefMlo LaeadoK Lot 1 HBBO: 11/1312:00 pjn. nience alternative voMde. ValaeofiiiileBiMteistJl^. bi 1986, UTSA mstaOed a telephone security reasons. When studento enter Odease: CriniMi Miachief registration system to keep studento firom tteir social security number, during tte ;.ffl;ii^^: Alts BriidhiglMdaig lat standing in long linestoregisterforclasses r^istradon process, diefa'records are re­ Tkaa: liJ91:36 pm- and 10 simplify tte registration process. trieved from tte university mainframe via iBBqgbayof^to UTS A was tte first schocd m Texas to use modem and checked for eUgibility to reg­ f lomhwlitifl sea had heokBa tte driver's side wladMr telephone registration. ister orfor any holds idaced by die univer­ :t1mell/S 10:00 ajB. dfherviAidb. ReptexnentcottisSlSe. Thesystemrecdvesapproximately 1(X) sity. OccasionaUy, tte access tune to tte Compiaiaaatieportod the bwglMy ofhis calls per hour during telephone registra­ mainfirame can te lengthy, dqiending on veUde. Esthnatedvahie of stoiea goods tion, but during tte first hour a new group odier programsoperatingat tte same tune. ls$49a of studento may register, calls increase to Dr. John H. Brown, Director of Ad­ five times tte normal number.
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