Trans. Proc. Palacont. Soc. Japan, N.S., No. 55. pp. 281-293, pls. 42, .13, Sept. 20, 1964 476. NATICID GASTROPODS FROM THE MIYAZAKI GROUP (PALAEONTOLOGICAL STUDY OF TIIE MIYAZAKI GROUP-X) TSUGIO SHUTO Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University 宮崎 層群 座 タ マ ガ イ類:宮 崎層 群産 化石軟 体 動物 の 研 究 の 一 部 と して 腹 足 綱 Naticidae 科の4属9種.う ち2踵 は 新 種,の 記 載 をす る。 また 従来 の 慣 用 に 従 う一,二 の 既 知 種 の 分 類 につ い て,問 題 が あ る ので そ れ に つ い て 私 見を 述 べ る 。 首藤 次 男 Here are the descriptions of nine spe- Superfamily Naticacea cies of Naticidae from several horizons of the Miyazaki group. Of nine species Family Naticidae six are known in our country. two are Subfamily Polinicinae new to science, and one is possibly new species. Genus Polinices MONTFORT, 1810 I am greatly indebted to Professor Tatsuro MATSUMOTO of Kyushu Uni- (type-species : Polinices albus MONTFORT versity for his kind suggestions and =Nerita mantilla LINNE by advices during the field survey and original designation) laboratory work. I wish to express my cordial thanks to Professor Ryuzo To- Subgenus Neverita Risso. 1926 RIYAMA of the same university for his (type-species : Neverita josephina valuable advices and thorough criticisms on the subject at the type script. Risso by monotypy) I also appreciate Drs. Tadashige HABE Polinices (Neverita) sagamiensis PILSBRY of National Science Museum of Tokyo and Katura OYAMA of the Geological Pl. 42, Figs. 2, 8 and 14. Survey of Japan for their valuable ad- 1904. Polinices sagamiensis PILSBRY, Proc. vices and discussions at the field of the Acad. Nat. Sci. Phitad.. Vol. 56. p. 23, molluscan taxonomy. This study was pl. 4, fs. 37, 37a. partly financed by the aid of the science 1922. Polinices pouisianus, YOKOYAMA.Jour. research expenditure fund by the Minis- Coll. Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, Vol. .11, try of Education. Art. 1, p. 83, pl. 14, f. 12 (not of 12i:c t. u z). 1935. Polinices sagamiensis. OTUKA, Butt. Systematic Description Earthq. Res. Inst., Vol. 13, p. 866, pl. 53. I. 26. Received June 20, 1961; read Jan. 19, 1961 1951. Polinices sagamiensis, (ill RA SE .) TAM, at Fukuoka. Handb. Illust. Shells, pl. 91, 1. 8. 281 282 Tsugio SHUTO 1954. Polinices (Mammillaria) sagamiensis. 1961. Polinices sagamiensis. HAYASAKA,Sci. TANI and OVAMA, Palaeont. Soc. Rep., Tohoku Univ.. 2nd Ser., Vol. 33, Japan, Spec. Pap., No. 2. p. 17, pl. 2.1. no. 1. p. 75, p1. 9, fs. 12a, 12b. f. 12. 1954. Polinices sagamiensis, KIRA. Colored Material: -GK-L 7987 (loc. Nihonma- Illust. Shells Japan, I. p. 35, pl. 17. f. tsu). 7988-7990 (loc. Toriyama). All the 15. specimens were collected by myself. Measurements:—- Remarks_: -The specimens from Tori- Neverita josephina Risso, the type-spe- yama are quite identical to the living cies of Neverita, has depressed shell species, but that from Nihonmatsu with crescent umbilical furrow. The slightly differs from others in being difference in the outline of the shells provided with an obsoletely and shal- between these two type-species is very lowly grooved band close to the upper distinct in reality. but they are reason- suture. This band starts at the one- ably congeneric on the basis of the third of the third whorl. It is minutely several intermediate species. and spirally striated and bordered below Horizon : -The fifth and sixth fossil by rather a distinct step-like ridge. The horizon of the Miyazaki group (Lower early two and one-third whorls are Pliocene). separated from the succeeding whorl by Localities :-1) Road side small cut- oblique and weak ridge which is more ting at Nihonmatsu, Takanabe machi. distinct than the normal growth-lines. Koyu gun ; 2) Railroad cutting at the This character is not observed on ordi- entrance of a gorge near Toriyama, nary specimens of P. sagamiensis, both Kawaminami machi. Koyu gun. Miya- living and fossil. and suggestsa possible zaki Prefecture. specific discrepancy between this and others. I am, however. inclined to treat Subgenus Glossaulax PILSBRI, 1929 this specimen as an abnormal variety of P. sagamiensis, because subsutural (type-species : Natica reclusiana grooved band is examined only at a DESHAYES by original single specimen. designation) The present species, although it has been described by many authors as Polinices (Glossaulax) hyugensis n. sp. Polinices MONTFORT, 1810. is quite Pt. 42, Figs. 3, 5, 13 and 15; similar to the type species of Neverita PI. 43, Figs. 9. 10 and 12, Risso, 1826. in general characters. espe- Text-figs. 1 and 2. cially in the outline and umbilical feature. Polinices mantilla (LINNE), the Material:—Holotype : GK-L 8009 (loc. type species of Polinices, has tall shell Hagenoshita. coll. T. SHUTO) ; paratypes : with almost filled umbilicus. while GK-L 8001. 8002. 8008 (loc. Hagenoshita, 476. Naticid Gastropods from the Miyazaki Group 283 coll. T. MATSUMOTO et al.). 8010 (loc . Nakabyu. coll. T. SHUTO), and 8035 to Hagenoshita. coll. T. SHUTO), 8005. 8006 8040 (loc . Yamaji. coll. T. SHUTO). Many (loc. Nihonmatsu, coll. T. SIIUTO). 8011 other specimens from Toriyama are im- (loc. Kugino. coll. T. SHUTO), 8012 (loc. perfectly preserved and not registered. Measurements:— * Number of the protoconch whorls is oblique, roundly convexed. and deeply umbilicate. The umbilicus is narrowed by a distinct umbilical cord and partly covered by the strong parietal callus. The parietal callus extends backward at its lower part along the edge of the umbilical furrow and is fused with the Fig. 1. Umbilical region of (1) Poli- umbilical cord but bordered by a shal- nices (Glossanlax) hagenoshitensis n. sp. low groove between them. The umbili- (GK-L 8004) and (2) P. (G.) hyugensis cal furrow is separated from the basal n. sp. surface by rather a sharp ridge. which The umbilicus is bordered by rather terminates at the anterior extremity of the sharp edge and devoid of the inner the aperture. There is no spiral inner spiral furrow in both species. While they furrow on the wall of the umbilical are quite distinguishable each other in furrow, although many spiral striae are the feature of the callus. observed. The aperture is semicircular with narrowly rounded anterior end. Diagnosis: -The shell is moderate in The inner lip is almost straight and size. obliquely hemispherical. smooth, slightly oblique. The outer lip is sim- and rather solid. The spire is very ple, sharp. slightly sinuate. and ante- low. small. and depressed-conical. The currently oblique. The whorls are about body whorl is large. hemispherical. very five of which early two and a half volu- gently sloped below the suture showing tions are perfectly smooth and shining an extraconical profile with the pleural protoconch (text-fig. 2). The protoconch angle larger than the apical one. The consists of more convexed volutions suture is slightly depressed. The surface separated by deeper suture than in the of the shell is ornamented by the close conch whorls and bordered by more or lines of growth which are distinct below less distinct groove between the first the suture and at the base. The base conch-whorl. 284 Tsugio SHUTO the former shows some critical differ- ences from the latter. That is to say, the former is (1) much smaller than the latter ; (2) the present species has not inner spiral furrow inside the umbilical furrow. which is evidently observed on the adolescent and younger specimens of the latter. Horizon : -The first. second. (third). fourth. and fifth fossil horizons of the Fig, 2. Protoconch and carly tcleo- Miyazaki group (Middle Miocene to conch of Polinices (Glossaulax) hyugensis Lowest Pliocene). n. sp. Localities :-1) Small cutting along the national highway No. 10 at Hagenoshita. Comparison : -The present species is Uwaye mura ; 2) small cutting along the closely allied to P. (G.) vesicalis (PHILIPPI) national highway No. 10 at Nihonmatsu. in general characters. but is distinguish- Takanabe machi ; 3) road side small ed from the latter in having the distinct cliff north of Yamaji, Mino mura. Koyu ridge separating the basal surface and gun ; 4) river shore at Nakabyu, Yatsu- the umbilical furrow. white umbilical shiro mura ; 5) 300 m south of Kugino, callus. and more triangularly pointed Aya machi ; Higashi-morogata gun, Mi- lowest part of the parietal callus along yazaki Prefecture. the ridge of the furrow. Furthermore the anteriorly elongated columella of Polinices (Glossaulax) the present species gives a wider ap- hagenoshitensis n. sp. pearance to the aperture than in P. vesicalis. P1. 42, Fig. 10. Text-fig. 1. The present species also closely re- sembles P. (C.) didyma (R(DING). flouri- Material:—Holotype : GK-L 8003, para- shing in Japanese waters. in general, but types : GK-L 7993. 8004. and 8007. Measurements:— Diagnosis: -The shell is moderate in tinct. The surface of the shell is orna- size. oblique, hemispherical. round, mented with dense growth-lines. which smooth, and solid. The spire is small. are distinct below the suture and at the very low, and depressed-conical. The base and subobsolete at the periphery. body whorl is large. occupying more The protoconch is much smoother and than 90 percent of the total height of more roundly convex between sutures the shell, and very gently sloped just than the conch and consists of more below the suture with slightly concave than two and a half volutions. of which part. The suture is impressed and dis- the first is a minute dome and the 47 6. Naticid Gastropods from the Miyazaki Group 285 others are minute and round tube. The Locality: -Cutting along the national end of the protoconch is marked by a highway No.
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