CVH/je cc: Mr. Narasimhan, Mr. Lemieux •/ 10 January 1971 I aekaowledge receipt of your letter of 23 December era the subject of the appointment of Er. Glenn f . Seaborg as President of the Fourth International Conference on tihe Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy* to be held to Septeaber 1971- Is tbls conaexiaa, I jaay recall tfeat so far, three conferences have been held on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy* The first, toeld ta Genera In Au^ist 1955j was presided over by lr. Horni J, Bhstbhs of Inclla, Tbe second, held in Geneva in September 1958, was prestded over by 8r» Fraiscis Perrin of Isaacs. The- thlrd# -beM in Geaeva from 51 August to 9 September 1S^» «s» presided over lay Be. V.S. Saelyanou of the USSR. Srora the above you will trndsrstand that there is a principle of geographical rotation in regard to the presideaejr of the international conferences on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Eaergy* For the fourth said conference, the Scienti- fic Advisory Cofflmittee reeonaaended that an American should preside* Dr. CUeaa Seaborg VBE nosjioated for the position of President by the Government of the USA, and I had no alternative save to accept the ncaiination. X also aetocwledge vith thanks the book "Population Control throu^t Jfaelear P^Hution** stirij with your letter. I have read it with great tsterest* ¥ith sincerely, U Mrs* Bath Gage-Colby 0,2?. Sepresejstative Women*0 International League for Beace and freedom Penthouse Sis 307 Sast Mfrth Street Hew torkj B»Y. 10017 eaatte y- and ^w FOUNDED IN 1915 /First President: JANE ADDAMS UNITED STATES SECTION / JANE ADDAMS HOUSE / 2006 WALNUT STREET / PHILADELfm PA. 19«3/ferf?7l10 (»15) / CABLE: WILJS » 0 -/> National President KATHERINE L CAMP Executive Director GLENNA B. JOHNSON Hothouse Six Finance Director U ' JP" 30? East 44th JOAN BRUNSWICK c< New York City Legislative Secretary Dec 23>I97 PATRICIA A. SAMUEL 120 Maryland Avenue, N.E. Washington, D. C. 20002 " ° U.N. Representative RUTH GAGE-COLBY Executive Director Emeritus My dear U That: MILDRED SCOTT OLMSTED .j. SPONSORS It may appear presumptuous that the ret>re- SADIE T. M. ALEXANDER MARIAN ANDERSON ROGER BALDWIN sentative of the Women's International League for Peace and RUSSELL W. BALLARD STRINGFELLOW BARR Freedom to the United nations should raise serious objection CARLETON BEALS 1 SAMUEL BELKIN to the appointnent of Glenn T. Seaborg as President of the DANIEL M. BERMAN DERK BODOE Fourth ^International Conference "on the~PeaceTul7""U'ses of HUGH BORTON KAY BOYLE "• A'tomlc Energy, ' to""be '"held"' in SSpt ember I"7XiTh"e '"f act that RALPH J. BUNCHE ALLEN M. BUTLER at tHat time he will have served' as" Chairman of the United HENRY J. CADBURY ALLAN KNIGHT CHALMERS States Atonic Energy Coranission for ten years totally dis- STUART CHASE HENRY HITT CRANE qualifies this man from such a United Notions role. JEROME DAVIS DOROTHY DAY MRS. JOHN DEWEY JAMES P. DIXON Lly organisation at its Annual l.'eeting; in June HELEN GAHAGAN DOUGLAS W. H. FERRY 1970 called for "a moratorium. on the misuse of science which is WELTHY H. FISHER D. F. FLEMING poisoning earth's environment, eliminating chemical, biological JEROME FRANK ERICH FROMM and radiological poisons before Enrth is made wholly untenable, HARRY GOLDEN FRANK P. GRAHAM not only for l;?n but all living things. Since the Atomic Energy MRS. ERNEST GRUENING ALICE HAMILTON Commission holds the nowerto continue nuclear weapons develop- MARY DONOVAN HAPSOOD GEORGIA HARKNESS ment through unde?;round testing and the All' nnd Ivlirv systems, DONALD HARRINGTON HELEN M. HARRIS and to licence nuclear plants for "oericeful uses" of nto:.iic ANNETTE B. HOPKINS MORDECAI JOHNSON energy, now likexjise known to bo danr;erous to health and safety, MRS. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. FREDA KIRCHWEY the League also demanded a full Congressional review of the AEG." RALPH E. LAPP STAUGHTON LYND HELEN MERRELL LYND "We, the Peonle of the United Untions" , nuct take MARGARET MEAD ARTHUR MILLER a more imaginative and courageous part in savin;; the world from M. f. ASHLEY MONTAGU PHILIP S. MOORE disaster, liverythinr; for which the world Organisation Mid its VICTOR PASCHKIS MRS. MALCOLM E. PEABODY people dream and plan and work requires a world in which to G'et A. PHILIP RANDOLPH WILLIAM GORHAM RICE it done. The world is threatened. It is the UOilLD that must be BAYARD RUSTIN HARLOW SHAPLEY saved or else its PEOPLE will be lost. RUTH E. SMALLEY BENJAMIN SPOCK ROBERT STEIN Our League is preparing a background paper, ALBERT SZENT-GYORGYI assisted by the two scientists who have written ^c^pulati_on_ Cqivbrol. HAROLD TAYLOR HOWARD THURMAN LOUIS UNTERMEYER through Huclear Pollut i o^n . It is the nost frightening' book I've JERRY VOORHIS read" to de.te, and during the Ion.;; convalescence from my bad acci- JAMES P. WARBURG FREDRIC WERTHAM dent a year and a half a;;o I read r ood almost nothing; else but in JESSAMYN WEST GILBERT F. WHITE the field of the "peaceful afcon. " I am not a scientist, but one ROY WILKINS does not need a degree in nuclear physics to understand what we HONORARY SPONSORS are now up againt. I know you understand because I read your YEHUDI MENUHIN LORD BOYD ORR report on the Protection of the Human Environ .lent most carefully* VIJAYA LAKSHMI PANDIT BERTRAND RUSSELL With deepest admiration and affection, \ M 'e-Colby Lli-i representative U N I T E D NATIONS Press Services Office of Public Information United Nations., N,Y. (FOR USE OP INFOBMATION MEDIA -- HOT AN OFFICIAL RECCED) Fress Release SG/A/98 DC/665 21 January 1971 SECRETARY-GENERAL DESIGNATES SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE TO CONFERENCE OF COMMITTEE Off DISARMAMENT The Secretary-General, U Thant, today announced the designation of Ambassador Ilkka Pastinen, at present Deputy Permanent Representative of Finland to the United Nations, as his Special Representative to the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament in Geneva. Mr. Pastinen will take up his assignment with, the United Nations as of 1 February 1971.? when he will be released from his present post. * *«# Mr. &»K. Kufcafeov, Si^ejf-S&e3»«fca3Ey-Gei«a?al 25 .January 1971 for Political aad Security Council Affairs Seeretary-Cteaersl on the of the tots Baee jM^jMj X refer to your raesersndtaa Sated 18 Janttary. X enclose e copy of a jaeBor&ndum Sated 22 January addressed to Ja© OB the seme subject lay Mr. de S^faes* IB the eJLiwn^tffiBcea, I agree that tfee overall resireitslbillty for the iffipleaeirtatioa of resolution 266? (XXV}, laclmdisg tfee study, should devolve upsa tbe BspasetEeaaffc of Bslitieal «tod Seetiritgr Gouacil Affairs. As for your suggestion that Mr* de Seynes assign, at least one and aae eeeial esgpert frera tb© staff of Ms ffepartj^iit to wttH tit© offtcese-s assigned frisa the PSGA Department in whatever weark jaast "be taagertakea froat tltra Secretariat sicte, !4r. de SeyRes lass «Kplaised why it is not possible for kba in t&e ippe^ent eiret>mstsascea to assign one of Me staff stesibers for t^ wca»& envisaged, I as mire tlmt your Apartment will have no iiffieulty in eo-operstiag vith the Department of Sfeonfiaaie and Social Aff&irs in giviisg tliesm the opportunity to read and tqpoa the pa^esps prepared for the implementation of resolution 266? ee: Mr. C.?* Ur. P. de Hr* UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM INTERIEUR 22 TO: The Gecretary-Gencral DATE: January 1971 A: REFERENCE: THROUGH: Mr. C.V. Na:-asi.:<han S/C DE: Chef cle C'loino^ FROM: Philippe dc Ge^he;:. Urider-Secretary-Genera 1 DE: for Economic end G /cial Affairs SUBJECT: Repoj['t_on th-j Ccono^iic and 3oc i.al Conce<•iuGr.ccs- OBJET: of LAP Ar:,'.. R. ce ajid jf riilic.ary E::nendi tures I o":i rci'crrJn : to ':he f:K?rn'.jrandiu:; of Mr. Ku;,akqv rclatin;: to che A;:..-e:.iijl.7 rosolutions on dir,cirnn::iont. Mr. Kutakov, in his ::i-3i.fi-jrarid-a-.:i. cee;-;:.;. oo overlook t,he fc.ct that the purpose of resolution '"''').r.< (X'CV) ic precisely the ''pocriij.Lo redirection towards ecv;y-)r.:i>:: and social pro^rariiinon of reriourcen nou dcvctcd to r.vilioarv purpoccc'' and thao it is co;:!pal::ory for us to present a report to EC030C and the General Assurl'i'ly on thi;.: very topic. In fact thi::; ic not a new topic in ECOSOC and in the Gecond Committee cince we have had resolutions to the -j,o.::\c or nii.-iilor effect ever since .b,'^-i- and we hcve already, ot the Le^innin;;: of the Decode, produced a report which ha;j now been repu;jli,ohcd in a ''triptych" on disarmament. Resolution ;...''o.,,'' (>X\r) on zhe "Economic and soci:;l conns"u.-vncGC of the ar;nr;;nonts race and it:: -Jxtrei.-.oly hari.iful effcctr: ';n world peace and security" ir: ony which requires e;:tre::\ely s:)phis tioatod economic r. ;•!.•; ]yL-i.'; ';:-GSCU on input-output tochni^uoo. Rod we been entrusted with i.!ie i.;iple:;ientation of thi:: rerolution, we woulO hove had to hire c hij;;h level con:-ultr-nt to dir^-CL the v;crl; r;ir.cc -.ur present other c :-rxiit::;ents would not P'jrui;; us „„.• deal with ohis matter with our owr. I'eso So it is not possible, in the present circur..stance;: . to assign one of our staff iuei-;l;ers to PGCA for th,o worl: envi.--aj:cd. The resources of the Department can.
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