E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1999 No. 22 Senate The Senate met at 1:06 p.m. and was cles of impeachment. Pursuant to S. grave constitutional responsibility to called to order by the Chief Justice of Res. 30, the Senate will proceed to final determine whether the actions of the United States. arguments for not to exceed 6 hours, President Clinton merit his conviction f equally divided between the House and removal from office. The Senate managers and the White House counsel. has been patient, attentive and en- TRIAL OF WILLIAM JEFFERSON At the conclusion of those arguments gaged throughout this unwelcome task, CLINTON, PRESIDENT OF THE today, I expect the Senate to adjourn and for this the House managers are UNITED STATES the impeachment trial until tomorrow. grateful. The managers would also like The CHIEF JUSTICE. The Senate We expect tonight, when we go out of to thank the distinguished Chief Jus- will convene as a Court of Impeach- the impeachment trial, to have a pe- tice for his patience and impartial de- ment. The Chaplain will offer a prayer. riod for legislative business so we can meanor throughout this trial. pass a resolution or consider a resolu- At the outset of the managers' clos- PRAYER tion with regard to King Hussein. ing arguments, it is important to dis- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John ORDER FOR TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1999 tinguish what has caused only the sec- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: Mr. LOTT. I now ask unanimous con- ond Presidential impeachment in his- Almighty God, guide the Senators sent that when the Senate completes tory from extraneous matters that today as they move closer to the com- its business today, it stand in adjourn- bear no relation to the verdict the Sen- pletion of this impeachment trial and ment, to reconvene as a Court of Im- ate will shortly reach. When this trial confront some of the most difficult de- peachment at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb- began 4 long weeks ago, we said that cisions of their lives. Give them phys- ruary 9, 1999. what was on trial was the truth and ical strength and mental fortitude for The CHIEF JUSTICE. Without objec- the rule of law. That has not changed, this day. In anticipation of Your bur- tion, it is so ordered. despite the lengthy legal arguments den-lifting blessing, we place our trust UNANIMOUS-CONSENT REQUEST you have heard. The truth is still the in You. Mr. LOTT. Mr. Chief Justice, I ask truth and a lie is still a lie. And the We renew our prayers for peace in the rule of law should apply to everyone no Middle East. Thank You for the life unanimous consent that the February 5, 1999, affidavit of Mr. Christopher matter what excuses are made by the and leadership of King Hussein of Jor- President's defenders. dan, that persistent peacemaker and Hitchens and the February 7, 1999, affi- davit of Ms. Carol Blue be admitted The news media characterizes the emissary of light in the often dim ne- managers as 13 angry men. They are gotiations for just peace. Now at this into evidence in this proceeding. The CHIEF JUSTICE. Is there objec- right in that we are angry, but they are time of his untimely death, we pray for dead wrong about what we are angry the people of Jordan and for his son, tion? Mr. DASCHLE. At this juncture in about. We have not spent long hours King Abdullah, as he assumes the im- the trial, I am compelled to object. poring through the evidence, sacrificed mense challenges of leadership. In Your The CHIEF JUSTICE. Objection is time with our families and subjected holy Name. Amen. ourselves to intense political criticism The CHIEF JUSTICE. The Sergeant heard. Mr. LOTT. I believe we are ready to to further a political vendetta. We have at Arms will make the proclamation. done so because of our love for this The Sergeant at Arms, James W. proceed, Mr. Chief Justice. country and respect for the Office of Ziglar, made proclamation as follows: The CHIEF JUSTICE. The Chair rec- ognizes Mr. Manager SENSENBRENNER. the Presidency, regardless of who may Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! All persons are commanded to keep silent, on pain of impris- Mr. Manager SENSENBRENNER. Mr. hold it. We have done so because of our onment, while the Senate of the United Chief Justice, distinguished counsel for devotion to the rule of law and our fear States is sitting for the trial of the articles the President, and Senators, I am Con- that if the President does not suffer of impeachment exhibited by the House of gressman JIM SENSENBRENNER. I rep- the legal and constitutional con- Representatives against William Jefferson resent 580,000 people in southeastern sequences of his actions, the impact of Clinton, President of the United States. Wisconsin in the U.S. House of Rep- allowing the President to stand above The CHIEF JUSTICE. The Chair rec- resentatives. During my entire service the law will be felt for generations to ognizes the majority leader. in Congress, I have served as a member come. Mr. LOTT. Thank you, Mr. Chief Jus- of the Committee on the Judiciary of The Almanac of American Politics tice. the House of Representatives. has called me ``a stickler for ethics.'' ORDER OF PROCEDURE We are nearing the end of a long and To that, I plead guilty as charged be- Mr. LOTT. This afternoon the Senate difficult process. The Senate has con- cause laws not enforced are open invi- will resume consideration of the arti- sidered for the past several weeks the tations for more serious and criminal · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1337 . S1338 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE February 8, 1999 behavior. This trial was not caused by for his perjury, just like any citizen us here today. To keep a President in Kenneth Starr, who only did his duty must. The President's defenders and office whose gross misconduct and under a law which President Clinton spin doctors would have you believe criminal actions are a well-established himself signed. It was not caused by that the President told all of these lies fact will weaken the authority of the the House Judiciary Committee's re- under oath to protect himself and his Presidency, undermine the rule of law, view of the independent counsel's family from personal embarrassment, and cheapen those words which have mountain of evidence. Nor was it and even if he did tell a lie, it was not made America different from most caused by the House of Representatives that bad a lie. other nations on the Earth: Equal jus- approving two articles of impeach- Senators, please remember that the tice under law. ment, nor by the Senate conducting a President's grand jury appearance was For the sake of our country and for trial mandated by the Constitution. over 6 months after the news media future generations, please find the Regardless of what some may say, broke the story about the President's President guilty of perjury and ob- this constitutional crisis was caused by affair with Ms. Lewinsky. By August struction of justice when you cast your William Jefferson Clinton and by no 17, few people doubted that he had an votes. one else. President Clinton's actions, affair with her. There was little left to Mr. CANNON. and his actions alone, have caused the hide. And he lied after practically ev- THE JOURNAL national agenda for the past year to be eryone who was askedÐincluding many The CHIEF JUSTICE. The Chair rec- almost exclusively concentrated on of youÐadvised the President to tell ognizes Mr. Manager CANNON. If you those actions and what consequences the truth to the grand jury. And still will wait a moment, Mr. Manager CAN- the President, and the President alone, he lied. NON. If there is no objection, the Jour- must suffer for them. We have heard a litany of excuses, in- nal of the proceedings of the trial are This trial is not about the Presi- cluding the President saying he was approved to date. Please go ahead. dent's affair with Monica Lewinsky. It not paying a great deal of attention Mr. Manager CANNON. Mr. Chief is about the perjury and obstruction of and that he was trying to figure out Justice, counsel to the President, justice he committed during the course what the facts were, and that he need- Members of the Senate, my name is of the civil rights lawsuit filed against ed to know whether his recollection CHRISTOPHER B. CANNON, and I rep- him, and the subsequent independent was right, and that he had not done resent over 600,000 people in the Third counsel investigation authorized by At- anything wrong. And on and on. The District of Utah. torney General Janet Reno. President knew what had happened. If I want to begin with a couple of The President has repeatedly apolo- Monica Lewinsky came on to him and thank-you's. First, I thank you Sen- gized for his affair, but he has never, made a sexual demand upon him and he ators for your attention during this se- never apologized for the consequences rebuffed her, as he told Sidney ries of presentations. I know that you of the perjury and obstruction of jus- Blumenthal, he would have nothing to all have deep conflicts over the matter tice he has committed.
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