José Serebrier Last Tango Be fore Sunrise Málaga Philharmonic Orchestra Moscow Gnessin Percussion Ensemble, Ilia Melikhov, Director Nadia Shpachenko, piano Nestor Torres, flute Gabriel Goñí, flute fr esh ! Sara Cutler, harp Solène Le Van, soprano José Serebrier, who is one of the most frequenJtoly sreéc oSrdeedr ecobndruicetors, estab - wlishhoed i hs imonsel fo afs ath seig nmifoicsatn ftr ceoqmuepnostelyr raes cfoarrd ebdac k caosn dthuec t1o9rs5,0 s. eTsthaeb liSsyhm ed - hphimonsye lNf oa. s3 , a“S ysmigpnhiofniciea Mnty sctioqmuep,” owsears sreinlecaes edh oins a Nteaexnoss , DwVhDe nin 2L00e8o,p poelr d - Sfotromkeodw lsivkei apt Crehmeiseterre dC atthed r1a7l iny ethaer oUlKd' sb yF tihrset N Saytmionpahlo Ynoyu ttho Orerpchlaecsetr ath oe f pSrpeamini ecroen douf ctthede bIvye tsh e4 tcho mSpymosperh. Tonhye . T3rhde S Symymphpohnoyn, yo rNigoin. a3l,l y" Sreycmorpdhedo noine CMD ysftoiqr uNea,"x ows absy rtehle aTsoedul oouns ea CNhaaxm o-s DbeVr D iOn r2c0h0e8st,r pa,e rformeceidv eadt Chtehsrteer GRAMMY® nominations, including a Cathedral in the UK by the National nomination for the “Best New Compo - Youth Orchestra of Spain conducted sition of 2004”. BIS Records and the by the composer. The 3rd Symphony, American Composers Orchestra co-com - originally recorded on CD for Naxos missioned a piano concerto in 2018, by the Toulouse Chamber Orchestra, “Symphonic B A C H Variations” recceoivrdede dth rbeye GARleAxaMndMreY ®K nanomtoirnoawtio onns , BinIcSl.u Pdrienvgi oau ns oremcoinrdaitniogns ofof rS tehreb "rBieers”st mNuewsic Cinocmludpeo sai tCioDn roefle a2s0ed0 4b"y. bBoItSh NReacxosr dasn da nRde fetrheen cAe Rmeecroicrdainn gCs owm ith- tphoes eLrso Ondrocnh ePsthrail hcoar-mcoomnimc, isfseiaotnueridn ga Spiyamnop hcoonnyc eNrto . in2 20an1d8 , "oSthymer phmoanjoicr B A C H Variations" recorded by Awolerxkas.ndre Kantorow on BIS. Previous recordings of Serebrier's music include a C D S erreelberaiseerd w bays bboortnh iNn 1ax9o3s8 ain dM Roenfterveidnecoe, RUerucogurdaiyn ogfs Rwuistshi atnh aen Ld oPnodliosnh Ppahrielnhtasr. mAot nthice, faegaet uorf inign eth hee Sbyemgapnh toon syt uNdoy . v2io. lin, and at age eleven made his c o n d Sucetrienbgr ideerb wuta. sW bohrilne in h1i9g3h8 s cinh oMol ohnet eovrigdaenoiz, eUd raungdu acyo nodfu Rctuedss itahne fainrsd t Pyooulitshh o prcahreensttrsa. Aint U thrueg augaey , owf hniicnhe t ohuer bedeg aannd tgoa vsteu mdyo rvei othliann, aonde haut nadgree edl ecvoen n - mceratdse o vheirs focuorn ydeuacrst.i nUgp odne bguratd. uWatihngil ef roinm hthieg hM sucnhicoiopla l hSec hoorogl aonfi zMedu siacn idn cMonondtuecvtiedde ot hine vfiiroslti ny,o suotlfhe goer,c thheesotrya, iann dU Lruagtiuna Ay, mwehriicchan t ofoulrkeldo raen adt aggaev efi fmteoerne , tohpapno rtounneit ihesu fnodr rceodn dcuocnticnegr tUs rouvgeura yf”os uorn lye marasj.o rU oprcohne sgtrraa wdueraet innogt fforrotmhc otm he- Mingu. nTihciapt ayle Sarc, hthoeo la nonf uMal ucsoimc pino sMitioonn tceovnitdeesot biyn tvhieo lNina,t isoonlafel gSey, mthpehoornyy, aOnr d - chestra was announced very late, only two weeks before the deadline. The young Latin American folklore at age fifteen, opportunities for conducting musician, thinking that if he won he might be permitted to conduct his work, Uruguay’s only major orchestra were not forthcoming. That year, the annual entered the contest with a hastily written Legend of Faust overture. The 18-minute composition contest by the National Symphony Orchestra was announced work was written in the last four days and nights, and the last page composed on very late, only two weeks before the deadline. The young musician, thinking a taxi ride while rushing to meet the deadline. Serebrier won the contest. But the that if he won he might be permitted to conduct his work, entered the contest composer being fifteen, his work was assigned to a guest conductor, Eleazar de wCiatrhv aalh hoa, satti ltyh awt rtiitmteen t hLee gmenodst opf rFoamuisnt eonvt eLrtautirne . ATmher i1c8an-m coinnudtuec tworo. rTko wdaays , wSerriettbernie rin c othnde ulactsst mfoousrt doaf ytsh ae nmda njoigr hotrsc,h aenstdr atsh aer olausnt dp athge woarsl dc,o amnpdo hsaesd boe n - aco tmaxei trhide em wohsti lree croursdheidn gc otnod muceteotr t ohfe h dise agdenlienrea.t iSoenr,e pberrihear pws oin hthiseto croyn, wteistht. wBeultl tohve r ctohmrepe ohsuenr dbreeidn gre lfeifatseees na,n hdi sm wulotirpkl ew ianst earsnsaitginonedal taow ar dgsu. eHsti sc opnudbluischtoedr, Ecolmeapzoasri tidoen sC, maravnayl hoof , thaet mth watr itttiemn ea tt hane emarolys ta gper,o amlsoin neunmt bLear toinve rA omne rhicuan n - cdorendd.Eucatrolyr. inT ohdisa cya, rSeer,e Sberriebr rcieorn wdausc ths em reocsitp ioefn t hoef mmaanjyo ro fo mrcuhseisct”rsa ms oasrto cuonv d - tehteed w hoornldor, sa. nIdn h19a5s 6b eacnodm 1e9 5th7 eh me roescte irveecdo rad eUdn citoendd Sutcattoers oSft ahteis Dgepnaertamtieont, pFerllhoawpssh inp thoi ssttourdyy, wcoitmhp woseiltli oonv eart tthree Ce uhrutnisd Irnesdt irteulteea osef sM anusdi cm wuiltthip Bleo hinutselar v- nMaatirotinnaul aanwda Vrditst.o Hrioi sG piaunbnliisnhi,e adn dc owmitpho Asiatrioonn sC, omplaannyd oatf Tthanegmle woroitdte. Inn a1t9 a5n6 ehaer lwya asg aew, aalrsdoe dn uam Kboeurs osevveirt zoknye Fhouunnddraetdio. n Award at Tanglewood and in the s a m e E yeaarrly a iBn MhiIs Ycoaurenegr ,C Soemrepboriser sw Aaws athrde froerc hipisie Fnitr sot fS mymanpyh oonf ym aunsdi cQ’s umarotest cforv Setaexdo phhoonnoerss. .T Inh e1 S9t5a6te a Dnde p1a9rt5m7 ehnet rFeecleloivwesdh iap Uwnasit feodl lSowtaetde sb Sy ttawteo consec - Dutievpea Grtmugegnetn Fheelilmow Fsehlilpow tosh sitpusd iyn c 1o9m5p7o asnitdio 1n9 a5t8 t. hAet C nuinrteitse Iens, thiteu rtem ofa iMnsu tshice wyoiuthn gBesoth euvselra tvo M obatratiinn tuh easned a Vwaitrtdosr iino aGnyia fnienldin. iS, earnebdr iwerit hha sA aalsro nb eCeno phloanodr ead t Twaitnhg tlewwoo Dodo.r aItni F1e9l5lo6w hseh iwpsa sa ta wthaer dUendi vae rKsiotyu sosfe vMitiznknye sFootua nwdhaetrioe nh eA rwecaeridv ead t Thiasn MglAew ino o1d9 6a0n (dh ein g rtahdeu asatemd ef ryoema rt hae B CMurIti sY Ionusntigtu Cteo imn 1p9o5s8e)r,s a A Pwana rAdm foeri chain s FUinrsiot nS Pymubplhicoantiyo na nAdw Qardu a(rftoert hfoisr ESlaegxyo pfohro Sntersin. Tgs )h, ea nSdta tthee D Feoprda rFtmouenndt aFtieol n- lAomwsehriicpa nw aCs ofnodlluocwtoerds bCyo tmwpoe ctiotniosne cAutwivaerd G, wugonge tnohgeitmhe rF ewlliothw Jsahmipess iLn e1v9in5e7 . Many other prizes followed: a Rockefeller Foundation award to be Composer- and 1958. At nineteen, he remains the youngest ever to obtain these awards in-Residence of the Cleveland Orchestra, at the invitation of George Szell during in any field. Serebrier has also been honored with two Dorati Fellowships at the season 1968/69 and again 1969/70; a Harvard Musical Association Com - the University of Minnesota where he received his MA in 1960 (he graduated mission Award (for Fantasia for string quartet); a National Endowment for the from the Curtis Institute in 1958), a Pan American Union Publication Award Arts Commission (for a ballet, Orpheus x Light for the Joffrey Ballet, based on (for his Elegy for Strings ), and the Ford Foundation American Conductors the Concerto for Harp and Orchestra, Colores Mágicos ); a Grammy nomination for Chios mrepcoertditiinogn oAf wthaer dF,o wurotnh Stoygmepthheorn yw bityh C Jahmareless LIveevsi nwei.t hM tahne yL ootnhdeorn p Prihziel -s fhoalrlmowonedic: Oa rRchoecskterafe; ltlheer UFo.Ku.n Mdautsiiocn R aewtaailredr st oA sbseo cCiaotmionp oaswearr-din f-oRr beesisdt eonrcchee os -f thrael Crelceovredlainngd (Oforrc hthees tMra,e antd tehlses oinhvni tsaytmiopnh oofn Giees,o wrgieth S tzheell Sdcuortitnigsh t hCeh saemasboen r 1O9r6ch8/e6st9r aa);n tdh ea gDaeinu ts1c9h6e9 S/7ch0a; lalp Hlataternva Ardw Mardu fsoicra bl eAsts osorcchiaetsitoranl rCecoomrdminigss (ifoon r Athwe afrirds t( foofr tFharenet aCsiDa ”fso ro fs tSrihnogs tqaukaorvtiecth)”;s a F Nilmat ioSnuaitle Es, nwdiothw tmhe nBt eflogri atnh eR Aadritos COorcmhemstirsas)i,o An u(dfoiprh ail eb aMlleatg,a zOinrpe”hse uaws xar dL ifgohrt Bfeosrt tOherc Jhoefsftrreayl RBeaclolerdt,i nbga sfeodr hoin s trhened iCtionc oerft So chfeohre rHazaardpe wanitdh tOhrec Lheosntrdao, nC Pohloilrheas rmMoángiicc, oas n);d am aGnyR oAthMerMs. Y® n o m iSnearteibornie fro wr ahsi s2 2re yceoarrdsi nolgd owf htehne LFoeouprtohld S Sytmokpohwosnkyi nbyam Cehda hrliems IAvsesso wciiatth e tChoen Lduocntdoor no fP theil hnaerwmlyo fnoircm Oedrc Ahemsterraic; atnh eS yUm.Kph. Monuy sOicr cRheetsatirlae rins ANseswo cYioatriko, n a apwosatr dh ef ohre lbde fsot ro fricvhe eysetararsl. rPerceovridoiunsgly ,( fSoerr etbhrei eMr wenasd tehlses oMhinn nsyemsoptah Oonricehse, swtriat”h s tAhpep Srecnotitciseh C Cohnadmucbteor, Owritchh eAstnrtaa)l; tDhoe rDatei,u ftosrc htwe oS csheasllopnlsa.t tSeenr eAbwriearr dm faodre b hesist oNrecwhe Ysotrrakl croencodrudcitningg ( dfoebr utht ew fitirhs th oef Athmreeer iCcaDn S’s yomf pShhoonsyta Okorcvhicehst’sr aF aitlm C aSrunietgeise , wHiatlhl inth 1e9 6B5e wlgiitahn w Ridaed ciroi tiOcarlc ahcecslatirma)., RAuundniionpgh liilkee M a tahgeamzien teh’s roauwgahr dth efo rre vBieewsst Owarsc hane satwraalr eRnecsso ordf ihnigs ifnotre nhsies, dryenadmitico nap opfr oSachhe htoe rmazuasdice awndit hi st hsuep Lerobn cdoon n - Ptrholi lohfa rthmeo onricch, easntdra .m Saenreyb oritehre”sr sa. ssociation with Stokowski goes back to 1957, w h e n S tehre btrwieor cawmaes t2o2g etyheearr st horoldu gwh hae dnr aLmeaotipco tludr nS
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