Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85415-3 - The Great War and Medieval Memory: War, Remembrance and Medievalism in Britain and Germany, 1914-1940 Stefan Goebel Index More information Index Adenauer, Konrad: 36, 46–7 Ashton-in-Makerfield war memorial: 123 Aerial warfare: 223–9 Assmann, Jan and Aleida: 15–16 air raids: 176, 212, 227–8 Atrocities: 184, 189, 209 Blitz in the Second World War: 298 cultural atrocities: 179 Agincourt, battle of: 45, 247, 252 francs-tireurs: 179, 211 Akers-Douglas, Mrs: 57 Lusitania, sinking of: 82 Albert, Prince Consort: 79, 272 poison gas: 221 Albrecht I the Bear: 178 Audoin-Rouzeau, Ste´phane: 230 Alfred, King: 56, 222 Auxerre, St Germain: 48 All Saints: 251 Avalon: 268 All Souls: 251–4, 270 Avonmouth war memorial: 199 Allenby, Edmund, Viscount: 114–17, 121, Aylesbury war memorial: 219 131, 144 Allenstein Baker, Herbert: 1, 88, 233 Castle, war memorial at: 127, 142 [& Fig. 16] plebiscite memorial: 140 Bagdons, Friedrich: 66, 202, 215 Allied Control Council: 293 [& Figs. 9, 39] Almondbury war memorial: 182 Baldini, Giacomo: 272 Alsace-Lorraine: 146–7, 175, Ball, Albert: 227 183, 208, 225 Bathford war memorial: 91 Angels of Mons: 247–9 Battle of Britain memorial: 292 Apocalyptic images: 84–5, 246 Battlefield tourism: 124, 142, 181, see also Ragnaro¨k: 85, 284 Pilgrimages world fire: 85 Bayerischer Kriegerbund: 262 Arendt, Hannah: 295–6 Bayes, Gilbert: 124 [& Fig. 28] Arkwright, John: 197 Bayreuth festival theatre: 284 ‘O Valiant Hearts’: 221, 268 Beaconsfield war memorial: 234 Arminius: see Hermann the German Becker, Annette: 230 Armistice Day: 9, 32–5, 198, 251 Bedford Arneburg, Reich memorial at: 267 School war memorial: 222 Art Deco: 129 war memorial: 150–1 [& Fig. 32] Arthurian legend: 190–4, 224, 268–74 Beeching, Henry C.: 51 King Arthur: 34, 56, 79, 119, 192, 228, Begbie, Harold: 247 247, 292 Behn, Fritz: 98 Sir Galahad: 28, 79, 192, 222 [& Fig. 41] Bensheim, Reich memorial at: 178 Holy Grail: 28, 32, 81 Benson, A. C.: 55 Sir Lancelot: 79 Benson, E. W.: 52, 55 Sir Tristram: 79 Berka, Bad, Reich memorial at: 147 and Wales: 192–4 Berlin Arthurian revival in art: 79, 231 Army Railwaymen memorial: 167 Arts and Crafts movement: 13, 56, 59, 182 Doctors, commemoration of fallen: 284 Aschersleben, Reich memorial at: 178 International Building Exhibition: 297 346 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85415-3 - The Great War and Medieval Memory: War, Remembrance and Medievalism in Britain and Germany, 1914-1940 Stefan Goebel Index More information Index 347 Iron Hindenburg: 132, 213, 228, Brocken, Reich memorial at Mount: 264 [& Fig. 44] Brooke, Rupert: 121 Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church: 113, Bruce, Robert the: 114 297 [& Fig. 26] Brunswick war landmark: 143 Neue Wache: 148 Buerbaum, Josef: 48 [& Fig. 6] Queen Augusta Guards Grenadier Bund Deutscher Heimatschutz: 184 Regiment No. 4 memorial: 260–2 Bu¨low, Bernhard von: 210 [& Fig. 54] Bu¨ndische Jugend: 205 University war commemorations: 64, Bu¨rgerling, Franz: 107 [& Fig. 23] 86, 284 Burton-upon-Trent war memorial: 62 Bernd, Adolf: xiii [& Fig. 59] Bushaway, Bob: 4 Bernhard II (Lippe): 142–3 Busti, Agostino: 272 Bernhard, Lucian: 156 Byrhtnoth: 152 [& Fig. 33] Bessel, Richard: 294 Bestelmeyer, German: 148 Calder, Alexander: 297 Beumelburg, Werner: 203 Cambridge war memorials: 55 Biblical references: 127 King’s College: 51–2, 300 Daniel: 96 Leys School: 65, 249 [& Fig. 51] Ecclesiasticus: 29 Magdalene College: 55 Ephesians: 83 Our Lady and the English Martyrs: 88 Isaiah: 102, 117, 258 St Mary the Less: 237, 251–2 John: 259, 276 [& Fig. 47] Revelation: 93 Cambridge Camden Society: 235 Bingerbru¨ck, Bismarck National Memorial Cannadine, David: 2, 32 at: 148, 171, 217 Capital Cities at War:10 Bismarck, Otto Prince von: 146, 266 Cardiff, statues of great Welshmen at: 192 National Memorial: 148–9, 171, 217 Castles: 100–4, 168–73, 227 memorials: 54, 64, 78, 106 [& Fig. 23] [& Figs. 37–8] Bitola Totenburg: 102, 280 [& Figs. 20–1] Cavell, Edith: 197 Black Prince: 190, 199 Celtic crosses: 69, 237 Bleeker, Bernhard: 262 [& Fig. 55] Cenotaph: 22, 63, 65 Blomfield, Sir Reginald: 29, 88 [& Fig. 16] Central Council for Care of Churches: 50 Blu¨cher, Gebhard Leberecht Prince: 203 Centre Party (Zentrum): 36, 129, 144, Bodies, soldiers’: see Sleeping dead 215, 276 Boer war: see War memorials Charlemagne: 104, 108, 265 Boelcke, Oswald: 225–6 Chartier, Roger: 14 Bo¨hm, Dominikus: 74 Chatteris war memorial: 57, 196 Borkum, remembrance ceremony at: 110 Chatto & Windus publishers: 187 Bouillon, Godfrey de: 122 Chester, King’s School war memorial: 268 Bourchier, Basil: 120 Chesterton, G. K.: 18, 234 Bourke, Joanna: 269 Chichester: 239 Boxer rising: 209 Children: 39, 99, 131, 132, 196, 211, 219, memorial: 97 220, 227, see also School war Bracknell war memorial: 152 memorials Brampton war memorial: 115 [& Fig. 27] Chivalry: 230 Brantzky, Franz: 171 in British commemorations: 188–202, Bremen 268, 289–90 Roland statue: 66, 104–6 and killing: 198, 199, 200, 231; and war landmark: 54, 104–6, 161 Christianity: 199–200, 249, 272; and [& Fig. 22] civil society: 188; and gender: 195–6, war memorial chapel: 42–3, 175, 258–60 197; and irony: 194; and sports: [& Fig. 53] 219–23; in the nineteenth-century: Brentano, Clemens: 278 189, 190, 192, 198 Britten, Benjamin: 301 in German commemorations: 188, 189, British Legion: 20, 34–5, 158, 217, 283 203, 208–9, 294 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85415-3 - The Great War and Medieval Memory: War, Remembrance and Medievalism in Britain and Germany, 1914-1940 Stefan Goebel Index More information 348 Index Chivalry (cont.) Davis, W.: 70 and aerial warfare: 223–9 Deimling, Berthold von: 264 Unritterlichkeit (‘un-chivalry’): 189, Demographic history: 8 207, 209 Deutscher Ostmarkenverein: 136 Christian forms and symbols: 53, 232–54 Dick, William Reid: 270 [& Fig. 56] and Germanicism: 74, 78, 97 Dolmar, Reich memorial at Mount: 63 angels: 246–9 Donnershaugk, Reich memorial at crosses: 69, 233–42 [& Fig. 46] Mount: 78 crucifix: 182, 192, 234–7, 241 Dorrenbach, Franz: xiii [& Fig. 54] [& Fig. 47] Dortmund Eleanor crosses: 123, 239 [& Fig. 48] nude knight: 64 Pieta`: 270 heroes’ grove: 77 [& Fig. 14–15] see also Saints Hohensyburg war memorial: 177 Church of England: 21, 44, 51–2, 65, 83, [& Fig. 39] 248, 251 war landmark: 106, 202 Anglo-Catholics: 51, 83, 234–7, Weddigen memorials: 212 251–2, 289 Dorsten war memorial: 48, 104, 106 Church of Scotland: 248, 251 [& Fig. 6] Churchill, Winston: 175–6, 292 Du¨lken war memorial: 48 Clarence, Albert Victor, Duke of: 269, 272 Du¨rer, Albrecht: 64 Clark, Kenneth: 298 Du¨sseldorf: 278 Classicism: see Medievalism Benrath war memorial: 74 Clemen, Paul: 183 Kaiserswerth war memorial: 177 Clemenceau, Georges: 119 Schlageter memorial: 102 Clemons, Mr: 40 sports club war memorial: 255 Clifton College war memorial: 207 Dyce, William: 79 Colchester war memorial: 62, 101, 195 Colmar, Isenheim altar at: 183 East Friesland: 48, 69, 108–11, 241 Cologne Friesian liberty: 110, 289 [& Fig. 25] Cathedral: 36, 46–7, 148, 182 Eberhard, F. H.: xiii [& Figs. 49–50] war landmark: 53 Ebert, Friedrich: 22 Comparative history: 6–10, 25, 288, 291 Ebhardt, Bodo: 175 Comper, Ninian: 115, 235 [& Fig. 46] Ecclesiologists: 235 Constantiople, Hagia Sophia Basilica: 120 Edinburgh Castle: see Scottish National Cornwall: 192 War Memorial Coventry Cathedral: 297–301 [& Fig. 60] Edward the Confessor: 45, 56 Cross of Nails: 300 Edward I: 239 Cracow, Jagiełło memorial at: 135, 141 Edward VII: 269 Cross of Nails: 300 Edwardstone war memorial: 237 Cross of Sacrifice: 87–8, 124, 233 Egbert: 282 [& Fig. 16] Ehrenbreitstein Castle, Reich memorial at: Croydon street shrine: 233 147, 170–1, 218 Crusading images: 86–91, 100, 150, Eiermann, Egon: 297 289, 300–1 Eisenbolz, Reich memorial at: 277 Crusader’s sword: 44, 86–8, 124, 233 Eksteins, Modris: 11, 85, 110, 287, 291 Order of Crusaders: 87 El Alamein Totenburg: 295 Palestine campaign: 115–19 Eleanor of Castile: 123, 239 [& Fig. 48] see also Teutonic Order Eliot, T. S.: 10, 298 Cultural memory: see Memory Ely: 300 Curzon, George Nathaniel, Lord: 32 Cathedral, war memorial chapel at: 30, 49, 152 Dada: 215 St Mary’s church war memorial: 153 Danzig war memorial: 241 [& Fig. 33] Davidson, Randall Thomas: 251 Empire Field of Remembrance: 35 Davis, Louis: 182 Encirclement, fears of: 98–9 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85415-3 - The Great War and Medieval Memory: War, Remembrance and Medievalism in Britain and Germany, 1914-1940 Stefan Goebel Index More information Index 349 Essen war landmark: 106 Nibelungen: 36, 79, 149, 209, 276 Ethelfreda: 55 Ragnaro¨k: 85, 284 Eton College: 223 Rhinegold: 276–9 war memorials: 56, 90 Siegfried: 79, 148, 164, 212, 262, 274–5, Exhibitions of commemorative art: 32, 57, 279 [& Fig. 58] 62, 255, 257, 271–2, 297 Valhalla: 44, 122, 279–84 Expressionism: 11, 66, 128, 241 Valkyrie: 279, 280 [& Fig. 59] world fire: 85 Fatima: 248 Wotan (Odin): 79, 96, 213 Fehr, H. C.: 62, 190, 195–6 [& Fig. 40] Germanic forms and symbols: 168 Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols: 52 Findling (boulders): 73, 262 Five Sisters Window: 176 Heldenhain (heroes’ grove): 75, 81, 147, Flex, Walter: 96 170, 218 Flower, Clifford: 223 Hu¨nengrab (giant’s grave): 72 Forster, E. M.: 118 [& Fig. 13] Foucault, Michel: 17 stone circle: 69–72, 142 [& Fig. 12] Fountains Abbey: 298 Geroldseck Castle, Austro-German war France memorial at: 267 war memorials: 7–8, 234, 291 Gies, Ludwig: 241 Soldat inconnu:34,44 Gilbert, Alfred: 272 Frampton, Sir George: 200, 270 Gill, Eric: 60 [& Fig.
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