[WILTS.) WEST:BUitY. 130 POST OFFIC.E Relieving Officer. Richard Alexander Jones, Boreham rd morning at ~· past 10', & arriving back at ! past 5 Treasurer for WarminsteT 'l'urnpike Trust, James evening (sundays excepted); Celerity, every after­ Chapman, Silver street JJOon at! past I, & arrivinr! back at 2 afternoon (sundays PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:- excepted); & the Royal Mail, every afternoon at i past 5, County Court for the Recovery of Debts in the following & arriving back every morning at i past 10 parishe1 :-Bishopstrow, Boy ton, Brixton Deverill, ClJit­ CARRIERS TO:- terne All Saints & St. Mary, Codford St. Peter's & St. BATH-Lawes, from 1 Castle,' tueRday, tbursrlay & satur- . Mary, Corsley, Heytesbury-com-Tytherington, Hill da~ ; George DawPe (hy rail), from his office, East street, Deverill, Horningsbam, Imber, Knooke, Longhridge to Tanner's office, Abbey grePn, daily Deverill, Norton Bavant, Stockton, Sherrin!l'ton, Snttou BRISTOL-George Dawes, to Bell inn, Thomas st. daily Venyt Upton Lovell, Upton Scudamore k Warminl'lter; CHITTERNE-George, from' Anchor,' saturday at 3 after­ office, Easll street; George Wilkins, clerk; Henry Bast" noon, arrive!\ ll morning ings, assistant clerk ConFORD-Sparey, from' Anchor,' saturday at3 afternoon, Athenreum, MarkPt plaee, William J ervis Stent, secretary; arrives 1l morning Jabez Gai~ford, librarian &. collector EAST KNOYLE-Snook, tuesday at 2 afternoon, arrives10 E.rccise Office, held at Bath Arms hotel, Market place mornmg• Gas Works, Bat}l road, Francis Wilson Baily, solicitor; GosPORT-George DaweB (by rail), from his office, East Thomas Hardick, secretary street, daily Literary Imtitution, Weymouth street, open from 8 in HINDON-Hibberd, from 'King's Arm~,' thursday at 4, the morning to 8 evening; John C. Fussell, honorary arrives at 12 noon secretary; Messrs. Everett, Raven hill & Co. treasurer1:1 HoRNINGSHAM-Chapman, from • Organ,' saturclay at 4, Railumy Station, Michael Bayley Smith, station master arrives 12 noon Police Station, Weymouth st. John Ab bott, superintendent IMBER-Cruse, from 'Anchor,' saturday at 3 afternoon, Stamp Office, Market pl. Richard ElliottVardy,distributor arrives at ll morning Town Hall, Market place, Thomas Harris, keeper LANGLEY- Doughty, from' Lamb,'wednesday & satorday Union Workhouse, Sambourne hill, Rev. W. A. Brnnton, afternoon at 5, arrives at 11 rooming chaplain; l 1 hilip Grobb, surgeon; Jame~ Merrick, clerk LoNDON & all parts of the kingdom-Great We1tern 1o the union; Hungerford Luttrell, master; Mr:!. Railway Company, John Doel, agent Luttrell, mistress LoNGBRIDGE DEVEIULL-(through Crockerton} Payne, PLACES OP WoRSHIP:- from' Three Horse Shoes,' daily Pari&h Church, Rev. Arthur F&ne, B.A. vicar; Rev. MERE-Dowdmg, from' Three Horse Shoes,' thursday & Henry Hall, M.A. student of Christ Church, Oxford, saturday curate; Nathaniel White, clerk SALISBURY-Isaac Lawes, from 'Castle,' monday, Wed­ Christ Church, Rev. John Henry Arnold W11lsh, M.A. nesday & friday ; George Dawe~, from East street, minister; Edward Ford, clerk monday, wednesday & friday; & H utin, from West street, Baptist Chapel, North row, Rev. George Howe, minister dailv• Independent Chapels, Common close, Bread street &: SHAFTESBURY-Dyer (of Deverill), from' Castle,' n·ery Pound street, Common, ministers various saturday at ! pa~t 7 evening, arri~es friday 7 evening; .tlfethodist Chapel, Chapel street, Common, Mr. William Garrett, from 1 Castle,' friday at B evening; & Nicbolls, Daniell, minister from ' Pack H or8e,' monday &. friday Wesleyan Chapel, George street, Rev. Edward King, SHR EWTON-Franklyn, from 'Three Horse Shoes,' wed­ • • m1m~ter nesday & saturday at 3 afternoon, arrives l1 morning UnitaTian Meeting House, North row SouTHAMPTON-Grorge Dawes (by rail), daily, & Great PUBLIC SCHOOLS:- Western Railway Company Endowed Grammar, Church street, Rev. W. A. Brunton, TEFPONT-Mullin!l, from' Anchor,' saturday at6 evening, B.A. master arrives friday at 1 afternoon National (for boys), West street, John Crispin, master TILSHEAD-Ingram, saturday at 3 afternoon, arrives at National (forgirls),Sambourne uill, Miss Atnelia Andrews, 11 morning mistress TISBURY-Hibuerd, from 'King's Arms,' thursday at 4 Infant, MiRs Emily Phillips, mistress afternoon, arrives at 12 noon British, Common clo~e, Henry Hamecutt, master; :Miss TROWBRIDGE-Smith, from' Red Lion,' tuesday & ~atur­ Charlotte Headon, mistress day at 5 afternoon, arrives monday & friday at 10 morn­ PosTING HousE-Bath Arms hotel, Henry George Mees, ing; Dyer, from • Castle,' monday & friday at 8 morning Market place (goes through Westbury), returning at 8 evening COACHES TO:- WINCANTON-Dyer, from' Castle,'saturday at6morning, SALISBURY-Commerce, from Bath Arms hotel, every return~ at 9 evening Boreham. Chapman William, miller Bugley. Bayley James B. 0. esq Exten Robert, wheelwright TRADERS. , Cooper Mr. William Moody William, farmer Cundick Benjamin, market gardener Redropp Thomas, esq Morgan Jeremiah, farmer & maltster Cundick James, market gardener & Timbrell Mr. Thomas Perret Alfred, 'Yew Tree ' coal dealer TRADERS. Ransom William, shopkeeper Cundick John, gardener Axford John, shopkeeper Slade Charles, blacksmith Dunford Thomas, beer retailer Ba.tt William, shopkeeper Titt Jesse, postmaster Price George, farmer Brown William, gardener Whatley Williarn, bird & animal pre­ Ryall Edward, market gardener Butt John, tailor server & stuffer Sly Charles, farmer WESTBURY Is a parliamentary and municipal borough,· of Sarum; the vicar is the Rev. Henry Henxman Duke, railway station, Union town, township and parish, ~itu11te M.A. There arc several very fine monuments In the 109~ mile6 from London, 26 north-west of Salisbury, 4~ church. In the reign of Henry IV., Westbury had a nortlt of Warminiter, 5 south of Trowbridge, and 16 south- charter of incorporation granted, and has since had a Court east of Bath. It gives name to the Hundred. The town of Requests alternately with Warminster and Trowbridge. is very ancient, and is supposed to have been tlle scene of The town is governed by a mayor, recorder, and 12 capitHl a strong engagement between Alfred and the Danes in the burgesses; but the mayor exercises no magisterial outho­ year 890, to commemorate which there is the figure of a rity. Its trade is chiefly malt and kerseymrre, @C&rcely hor11e, of enormous size, cut from Bratton Hill, which is any broadcloth being made. The population of the town commonly called Bratton Castle; it can be distinctly ~een is about 6,308, and the parish contains 11,901 acres Clf for many miles, being chalk, and is every year repaired by land, principally pasture. There are several Dissenting the parishioners. In the town stands the Market-house, chapels, of all denominations; as also schools, and a lite­ erected iJl the year 1815 by the late Sir M:anasseh Massey rary institution. Sir Massey Lopes, Bart., is lord of the Lopes, Bart. The mother-church, which is dedicated to All manor and Hundred. West bury is the head of a Poor-law Saints, is a very beautiful building, with a fine large tower, Union. 11 Here is a chapel for llaptist:t; also National and in the Gothic style; itcont11ins G deep-toned bells, and was British echools. repaired and very much enlarged about 1849. The living CHALFORD is a small hamlet in the parish of Westbury, is a l'icarRge, valued at £235 per annum, with 33acres of from which place it is situated 1: miles south, and 12~ glebe land, and the curacies of Bratton and Dilton annexed, miles south-east of Bath. in the gift of th~ Precentor of Salisbury ,and in the diocese Dn,TON is a chapelry and ecclesi!lstical district, in the .
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