TheThe Hoffman Hoffman ResearchResearch Group TheTheTheTheA A Hoffman Division Hoffman DivisionHoffman Hoffman of of Gateway Gateway ResearchResearch Research CommunicationsResearchCommunications Group Inc.GroupGroup AA DivisionA DivisionA Division Division of of Gatewayof Gatewayof Gateway Gateway CommunicationsCommunications CommunicationsCommunications Inc. Inc.Inc. FORFORFOR IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATEIMMEDIATE RELEASE RELEASE ObamaObama Maintains Maintains Five Five Point Point AdvantageAdvantage Over RomneyRomney inin Oregon Oregon ObamaObama Maintains Maintains Five Five Point Point Advantage Advantage Over Over Romney Romney in in Oregon Oregon ObamaObamaOn Maintains Wednesday Maintains October Five Five 24Point thPointth and AdvantageThursday Advantage October Over Over 25, 2012,Romney Romney The Hoffman in in Oregon Oregon On Wednesday October 24th and Thursday October 25, 2012, The Hoffman On Tuesday April 26th and Wednesdayth April 27th, The Hoffman Research Group ResearchOn Tuesday Group April surveyed 26th aand cross Wednesday sectionth th of AprilOregon 27th, voters The to Hoffman ascertain Research voter preferences Group ResearchFromOn TuesdayOn Group ThursdayOn Wednesday Wednesday Aprilsurveyed September 26th October aOctober andcross 29th Wednesday 24 section th24 ththroughand and Thursdayof Thursday OregonApril Saturday 27th, October voters October October The to25, Hoffman 25,ascertain 2012, 1st, 2012, The The Research The voterHoffman Hoffman Hoffman preferences Group Research ResearchsurveyedOn OnGroup aWednesday cross Wednesday surveyed section October Octoberof a crossOregon 24 section24 Republicanand and Thursday of Thursday Oregon voters October votersOctober to ascertain to 25, ascertain25, 2012, 2012, their The Thepreferencesvoter Hoffman Hoffman preferences in the surveyedinResearchin theResearch the 2012 2012 a crossGroup Presidential GroupPresidential section surveyed surveyed ofelection. election. Oregona crossa cross section Republican section of ofOregon Oregon voters voters to voters ascertain to toascertain ascertain their voter preferences voter preferences preferences in the GroupResearchin2016Research the 2012Presidentialsurveyed Group GroupPresidential asurveyed cross Primarysurveyed section election. a Election. crossa cross of section Oregon section of voters ofOregon Oregon to ascertain voters voters to toascertaintheir ascertain preferences voter voter preferences inpreferences the 2016 2016inin thePresidential the 2012 2012 Presidential Presidential Primary election. Election. election. Presidentialinin the the 2012 The2012 PresidentialElection resulting Presidential and data election. their election.found position President on BarackOregon’s Obama Measure currently 97. leading Governor The resulting data found President Barack Obama currently leading Governor Mitt The RomneyThe surveyThe resulting resulting by is a based 47% data data toon found42% landlinefound margin. President President and cellphone Barack Barack Obama interviews Obama currently currently with 555leading leading randomly Governor Governor chosen MittThe RomneyThe surveyThe resulting resulting by is a based 47% data data toon found42% landlinefound margin. President President and cellphone Barack Barack Obama interviews Obama currently currently with 555leading leading randomly Governor Governor chosen likelyMittMittThe TheRomneyOregon surveyRomneyThe resulting resulting Republicanbyis by baseda 47% adata 47% data on to found toPrimary42% landlinefound 42% margin.President margin.President voters. and cellphone AttentionBarack Barack Obama interviews Obamawas given currently currently towith Oregon’s 605555leading leading randomly randomly rural Governor Governor and chosen chosen urban likelyMittMitt RomneyOregon RomneyWhen voters.Republicanby pushed, by a 47%a 47%Attention undecidedto toPrimary42% 42% margin.was margin. votersvoters. given broke toAttention Oregon’s toward was Mittrural given Romney and to urban Oregon’s almost divide 2rural to within 1. and sevenurban divideWhen within pushed, seven geographic undecided regions. voters broke The survey toward also Mitt maintained Romney almostappropriate 2 to balances1. geographicdivide withinWhenWhen regions. seven pushed, pushed, geographicThe undecided survey undecided alsoregions. voters maintainedvoters Thebroke broke survey toward appropriatetoward also Mitt Mittmaintained Romney balancesRomney almost appropriate almostwith 2regard to2 to1. balances1. to age, with regardWhenTheWhen random topushed, pushed,age, gender sample undecided undecided and of 615vote voters Oregon voters propensity. broke brokevoters toward toward surveyed Mitt Mitt 42% Romney Romney Democrats, almost almost 34%2 to2 to1. 1. genderwith regard TheWhenandWhen random voteto pushed, age, pushed,propensity. gender sample undecided undecided and of 615vote votersOregon propensity.voters broke brokevoters toward towardsurveyed Mitt Mitt 42% Romney Romney Democrats, almost almost 234% to2 to1. 1. RepublicansTheThe Therandom random andrandom 24% sample sample sampleUnaffiliated of of 615 of615 615 Oregon Oregon voters. Oregon voters votersThe voters statistical surveyedsurveyed surveyed margin 42% 42% Democrats,Democrats, ofDemocrats, error for 34% 34%this 34% survey RepublicansTheThe survey random and has24% sample a Unaffiliatedmargin of 615of error Oregon voters. of plus votersThe or statistical minus surveyed 4.16 margin 42% at a Democrats,95% of errorconfidence for 34% this level. survey RepublicansRepublicansis RepublicansplusThe orThe randomminus andrandom and and 24% 3.9%.24% sample 24% sampleUnaffiliated UnaffiliatedAttention Unaffiliated of of615 615 Oregonwas voters. voters.Oregon voters.given voters TheThe tovoters The Oregon’sstatisticalstatistical surveyedstatistical surveyed rural margin 42% margin 42% or Democrats, urban of ofDemocrats, of errorerror error divide for for for 34%this thisand 34%this survey survey survey Republicansis plusThe or survey minus and has 3.9%.24% a margin UnaffiliatedAttention of error was voters. ofgiven plus The to or Oregon’sstatistical minus 4%4.16 rural margin at at a ora 95% 95% urbanof errorconfidence confidence divide for this and level. level. survey Republicansis ismaintainedRepublicansplus isplus plus or or minus or minus and minus appropriate and 3.9%.24% 3.9%. 24% 3.9%. UnaffiliatedAttention AttentionUnaffiliated balancesAttention was was withvoters. was voters.given given regardgiven The to toThe toOregon’stoOregon’sstatistical Oregon’sstatisticalparty, gender rural margin rural margin oror and or urban urbanof urban age oferror error withindivide divide divide for for this and sevenand thisand survey survey maintainedHeadquartered appropriate in Portland, balances OR, with The regard Hoffman to party, Research gender Group, and age a division within sevenof Gateway ismaintained maintainedgeographicisplus maintainedplus or or minus minus appropriate regions. appropriate appropriate 3.9%. 3.9%. Attention balancesAttention balances balances was with with was with given regardgivenregard regard to to toOregon’sto Oregon’s toparty,party, party, gender rural gender rural or andand orandurban urbanageage age within withindivide within divide seven andseven sevenand geographicCommunicationsHeadquartered regions. Inc., in Portland, has conducted OR, The hundreds Hoffman of Researchpolitical tracking Group, surveysa division and of market Gateway maintainedgeographicgeographicmaintainedgeographic regions. appropriate regions. appropriate regions. balances balances with with regard regard to toparty, party, gender gender and and age age within within seven seven CommunicationsThe Hoffman Inc., Research has conducted Group, hundreds a division ofof politicalGateway trackingCommunications surveys and Inc. market has Communicationsgeographicresearchgeographic projects regions. regions. Inc.,since has 1984. conducted hundreds of political tracking surveys and market researchbeen Themeasuring Theprojects TheHoffman Hoffman Hoffman since the Research views Research 1984. Research and Group, Group,opinions Group, a a division divisionaof division Oregonians ofof ofGateway Gateway since Communications Communications1984. Communications Inc. Inc. Inc. has has has beenbeenbeen measuring Themeasuring Themeasuring Hoffman Hoffman the the theviews Research views Research views and and and Group,opinions opinions Group, opinions a divisiona ofof division ofOregoniansOregonians Oregonians of ofGateway Gateway since since Communications 1984.1984. Communications1984. Inc. Inc. has has beenbeen measuring measuring the the views views and and opinions opinions of ofOregonians Oregonians since since 1984. 1984. For moreFor information,more information, please please contact contact Tim Nashif, Tim Nashif CEO atof TheGateway Hoffman Communications, Research Inc. ForGroup moreForFor Fordirectlymore Forinformation,more more moreinformation, information,at information, 503-257-0100 information, please please503-257-0100 please contactplease please or contact email contact contact Timcontact [email protected] • TimNashif, [email protected] TimNashif Nashif CEONashif at at ofThe at TheGateway The .Hoffman HoffmanHoffman Hoffman Communications, Research Research Research Research Group Inc. 503-257-0100 • [email protected] GroupGroupGroup Fordirectly directlyFor moredirectly more at information,at 503-257-0100 information,at503-257-0100directly 503-257-0100 at503-257-0100 503-257-0100please please or or emailor email contact email contact [email protected]@gatewayci.com•
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