The Spelling Champ Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently TheSpellingChamp.com Website by Cole Shafer-Ray TheSpellingChamp.com abacist abrader abuzz aback abrash academese abash abridge acalculia abatable abridged acanthosis abate abrotine accelerometer abatement abruption acceptant n abscise accessibility L > F the act or process of reducing in absent accessioned degree or intensity. adj The city council passed a law accessit allowing periodic bans on the L > F > E burning of wood, paving the way not existing in a place. accessorized for further pollution abatement. Zebra mussels were at one time totally absent from the Great accessory abbey Lakes. accidence abdication absentee accident abduct absolution n acclimate abeam L acclimatize abhorrently a rite, ceremony, or form of words in which a remission of sins is accommodating abient pronounced, proclaimed, or adj prayerfully implored by a priest or abigail minister. L + Ecf Father O’Malley performed the rite disposed to be helpful or obliging. abiogenic of absolution on behalf of the thief The accommodating chef prepared adj who had just made his confession. the dish exactly as the diner asked. Gk + Gk + Gk absonant accommodations not produced by the action of living organisms. absorb accomplished Randy explained to the group that rock formations are completely abstinent accomplishment abiogenic. abstractum accountable abjure n accountancy abode L an entity considered apart from any accounting abolitionary particular object or specific instance. accouplement aboriginally Virtue is an abstractum. accrete aborigines abusage accumulation aboveboard abusing accustom abradant abut Page 1 of 153 TheSpellingChamp.com 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently ace acromegaly adhesion v n n L > F > E Gk + Gk L make (a hole in golf) in one stroke. a chronic disease of adult life that the molecular attraction exerted The golfer knew that he must ace is characterized by a gradual and between the surfaces of bodies in the hole if he wanted to have a permanent enlargement of the flat contact. chance at the championship. bones (as the lower jaw) and of the Water in a glass container is pulled hands and feet, abdominal organs, upward by adhesion where its acephalous nose, lips, and tongue. upper surface contacts the glass, The circus giant was obviously which results in the formation of a acequia afflicted with acromegaly. meniscus. acervation actinide adhocracy n aces adit ISV acetous a chemical element of the series of adjoin heavy radioactive metallic elements achroite of increasing atomic number adjoining considered to begin with actinium adj acicula or thorium and end with lawrencium. L > F > E acidic Timmy won the contest by correctly touching or bounding at some point identifying plutonium as an or on some line. acierage actinide. The Sampson family plans to build a summer home on the two acotyledonous actionable adjoining lake lots they recently purchased. acquisition actress n adjutancy actually L adman the act or action of obtaining. adapt The principal stated that the admass students’ main goal should be the adapted acquisition of knowledge. administrative addenda acquisitive administrator addition acquit admiration additory acquittance admonition addressable acrobatics adobo adept n acrolith adequacy Gmc > F > Sp acromegalic a dish of Spanish origin consisting of meat (as chicken or pork) marinated in a spicy sauce, browned, and then simmered in the marinade. Annmarie’s favorite dish at the restaurant is the chicken adobo. Page 2 of 153 TheSpellingChamp.com 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently adonize adulate aeronautic v adj adulatory Gk name Gk > L beautify—usually used of a man. adulterate of or relating to the science that Gram assured Grandpa that he deals with the operation of aircraft. needed nothing to adonize himself. adulthood The United States and Russia have been cooperating in aeronautic adoptee advanced research. adorned advantage aeronomy v advertent aerosolize L > F > E decorated : added to the advertise aerosols pleasantness, attractiveness, splendor, or beauty of. advice aerotrain His shoes were polished, his nails were clean, his hat was well adynamic Aesir brushed, and a white handkerchief n pl adorned his breast pocket. aerate ON adrenal aerated the chief gods of pagan adj Scandinavia. aeriferous Although the Norse Aesir aged like L mortal beings, they could become adjacent to the kidneys; specifically aerobicize young again by eating magic fruit. : relating to or derived from endocrine glands located near the aerobics Aesopian kidneys. adj Janna formed a support group for aerodromics people who have Addison’s n pl Gk name disease, Cushing’s syndrome, and conveying an innocent meaning to other adrenal diseases. Gk an outsider but a concealed the science or art of flying aircraft. meaning to an informed member of adret Jim watched a video about the a conspiracy or underground Wright brothers on the first day of movement. adroitly his course in aerodromics. Fearful that the inmates would use adv Aesopian language in their aerolithology communication, the warden placed F + Ecf n each of them in solitary in a manner that is dexterous in the confinement. use of the hands. Gk + Gk + Gk The magician adroitly pulled a the science that deals with afar silver dollar out of Mort’s right meteorites. ear. Experts in aerolithology were affection elated when five more meteorites n adscription from Mars were found in early n 2002. L kind feeling : tender attachment. L aerometer A deep bond of affection soon [Note: Could be confused with n developed between the boy and his ascription.] the quality or state of dog. being added, annexed, or bound. Gk > F The adscription of the colony to the an instrument for ascertaining the affettuoso empire was protested by the native weight or density of air or other residents. gases. affiance Stanley calibrated the old aerometer in his lab. affinal Page 3 of 153 TheSpellingChamp.com 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently agisting aition affluent n n agitate Gk L agnolotti [has near homonyms: Idaean, [Note: The definition provided is Idean, idaein, idein] a narrative not the one most commonly agnostically devised to explain the origin of a associated with this word. Also, religious observance. word could be confused with agnosticism One familiar example of an aition effluent.] a stream or river flowing is the story of Passover. into a larger river or into a lake : a agog tributary stream. akaryote The affluent responsible for the agon lake’s pollution is the creek that akinesia runs beside the packing plant. agonistically albarium afflux agonizing alburnum afford agony alcarraza affray agree alder affright agribusiness n alderman affront L + E alee aflutter a combination of the producing operations of a farm, the alewife afterburner manufacture and distribution of farm equipment and supplies, and alexandrite aftercare the processing, storage, and distribution of farm commodities. alexia afternoon Agribusiness in Great Britain was profoundly affected by the foot- algae afterwards and-mouth epidemic of 2001. algebra agamy agriotype n agave aguish Ar > L a branch of mathematics in which agelong ahead arithmetic relations are generalized and explored by using letter aggraded ailment symbols to represent numbers, v variable quantities, or other airbrush mathematical entities. L The guidance counselor filled with loose material that airbus encouraged George to wait one results directly from rock more year before taking algebra to disintegration or abrasion. airfoil fulfill his math requirement. Silt had aggraded the river bed for at least a hundred miles. airframe algesia aggression airport algetic aggrieve airtight algid aggrievement aisle agio aisling Page 4 of 153 TheSpellingChamp.com 2004 Scripps National Spelling Bee Consolidated Word List: Words Appearing Infrequently alias allergenic almuerzo n adj aloft L Gk > G adv an assumed name. of or relating to a substance that To avoid publicity the movie star produces an exaggerated or ON > E used an alias when registering at pathological reaction marked by high up into the air. the hotel. sneezing, respiratory Mike’s kite went aloft with ease on embarrassment, itching, and skin the windy afternoon. aliquant rashes. Eating too many tomatoes caused alogism alison Horace’s allergenic reaction. n aloisiite alleviant common name > E alongside [Note: Could be confused with allocution alyssum.] a plant of a genus of alopecoid European and Asiatic herbs having allotropic small usually yellow flowers. adj alphabetize Bernice added an alison to her bouquet. Gk > ISV alphagram [Note: Could be confused with aliunde allotrophic.] of, relating to, or althorn exhibiting the phenomenon of the alkalescence existence of a substance in two or although more different modifications. alkaline Diamonds and graphite are two altiplanation adj native allotropic forms of carbon. altruistic Ar > L > E + Ecf allotropy of, relating to, or having the aluminiferous properties of a substance having allowable marked basic properties; especially amah : relating to a hydroxide or alloy carbonate of an alkali metal (as n amass sodium or potassium). v Having identified the mystery F substance as alkaline, Olympia a substance composed of two or L > F + Gk > L > F proceeded to the next lab exercise. more metals intimately mixed and
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