•THE HExA^RT OF IT ALL' mi WEEKEND '87 September 17-19 Sponsored by the Student Life Advisory Board Jiursday, iept. Coffee House sponsored by the Webb Auditorium Visiting Filmmakers CAU Ritskellar College Activities Board-open to 7:00p.m. Workshop- featuring Brock 4p.m.-7p.m. all! Featuring the Al Christenienserx Maylath's HOUSE OF TRAILERS ]azz Quartet. sponsored by RIT and Eastman CAU Cafeteria Welcome Back Concert House. 9:00p.m.-1:00a.m. featuring Upward Force (Jazz Fusion Ingle Auditorium Band) and The Ken Hardy Playboys 7:30p.m. Talisman movie: True Stories (Rock Classic Band) sponsored by 9:15p.m. Talisman movie: Heavy Metal Phi Kappa Tau and CAB. Clark Gymnasium COMEDY NICHT featuring Admission T.B.A. (see separate 8:06p.m. Dennis Miller of Saturday hJight event calendar. Live-sponsored by College Activities Board Tiday, Sept. RIT CARNIVAL! Admission- $2.50 Admmstrafite Rides: adult and kiddie (FREE) Circle Cames: something for everyone; ll:30a.m.-3:30p.m. try your luck-win great prizes!! Proceeds benefit the Student Emergency Fund. Concession Stands: popcorn, snow cones and cotton candy; proceeds benefit the Student Emergency Fund. Two exhibitions: CAESAR the BIC "RASSLIN" 12:15p.m.-2:45p.m. BEAR, always open to a challenge. Who will volunteer to wrestle the 800 lb.?? Caesar-he's funny, he's Saturday, Sept. 19 Annual FALL OUT Sol Heuman/Gibson Quad gentle, he's fantastic... a lifetime 10:(X)a.m.-6:OOp.m. fundraiser. remembrance!!! Activities include: face-painting, dunkin' booth, air-band contest and Two exhibitions: THE SENSATIONAL LEICHS sporting events between floors and 12:15p.m.-2:45p.m. performing on the Original GlAbJT a live band playing all afternoon SPACE WHEEL (the Acme of (T.B.A.) Aerial Thrill Acts) 1:00p.m. Women's Tennis match: RIT vs. Roving Clowns performing Wells College (home) "Pocket Magic" and Balloon Sculptures throughout the day Ingle Auditorium Talisman movie: Heavy Metal 12:15p.m. CLOWN MACIC SHOW (one 7:30p.m. Stories show only) 9:15p.m. Talisman movie: True SPECIAL FOOD SERVICE Theta Xi Theta Xi's Climbing Down the Pole CARNIVAL MUNCHIES 9:00p.m.-2:00a.m. Party. Bring I.D. throughout the day (hot dogs, hamburgers, hot cider, soda, etc.) Events will be interpreted for the Hearing Impaired September 18. 1987 CONTENT^^^^1 1 M LmtK 1 JI S Volume 64. Number 2 Reportage 6 Scoreboard 26 Departments l'()VV7MIA Aw.iniu'ss WVckeiul Marls Women's vollevhall has a sticmg start Letters 4 lodav ill College L iiion l<)l)l)v. with wins in the Brockpoit Zodiac 13 I'arking Lot Committee is reinstated. lournament. Tab Ads 28 and is working with Campus Safety to A well balanced women's soc c er team Bloom County 29 resolve paiking prolilems. tioimced St. )ohn Fishei 'JO. What's Happening 30 A i*>.")H plioto giaduate. Jim l.arag\. Harriets fair well against nationalh Cover: diplays an exciting exhiliit. ranked team. MIA/1»()W —Both sides 1 beta Xi tiaternitv sponsors I'olesit '87 Joe Dioguardi led men's Tigei soc c ei to to raise $.')()()() for Multiple Sclerosis. a .'LO w in ovei .Mfied Photo By: Walid RaacI Features 10, 14, 16 Meet your six college Representati\es at Large. Wheel I hair auc tion and Faith Mealing at the Wat Memorial with the liapp\ Munteis. ,\ very personal look at the last d.i\ of the Vietnam Wat. Reproview 22 (ieVa I heatie open their L>87 l<)88 season with Prii'ate Lives running f rom Septemfiei 8 thiougli ()c tol)ei 10. 1087. .After seven long .iwited veais. 1 he Crateful De.id piesents In I'he Dark. REPRORLE Iwo thousand four liuudred and fate of a son. a son in law. .md a c laimr What w ill it take to see that all sixteen men and women are still listed linsliand and father. And one name was live POWs ate letnrned. it they want to as prisoners of" war (POW) or missing sniitiactedfiomtlie list of POW/MIAs. he repatriated, along w itii all MI.As that in action (MIA) in Southeast .Asia. 14 I wondei if Smith, like me .nid a lot can lie located? People, people putting yeais after the majoi w itfidrawal of L'..S. of otiiei stndenis at dial time wlio piessiire on tlieii goveriiemiit ofTic ials. troops fiom X'ietnam. Inc luded in this could no longer atfoid the cost of Being a V ietnam \et. tiie list of list ate l.')3 from New York and iJ fiom college and know ing tfiat. once out of POW/MI As. as with tlie ii.imes on the tlie local flve eountv .uea. I hese ate the scliool. we would lose our dr.ift Wall, ate tiot an .ihstiact tahnlation. numbers, and as tec hnic al |)eople. wc. defeiiiient. enlisted in the N'.iw. Air Somewlieie in those lists at e .i ft ieiicl, are trained to consider nnmheis and Foiceor National (inard so we wouldn't a c lassmate, a conn ade in at ins. I do not facts to he of primary importance. end up ill Vietnam. But we accepted expec t you to feel the commitment to Behind these nnmhers are real out respoiisihilitN when we leceived this issue I. otliet veteians and tlieii people. As real as your roommate oi our orders. families do. But give the issue a little the persoti sittitig tiext to von in class. Not all POW/MIAs were militarv time todav. Find a few minntes to give- 1 his analogv is not too far off since peisoiiiiel. I liei e was Sean FIvmi. l ime to the POW/MI.A issue-. Information on most of these men and women were M.iga/iiie pliotograpliei. and Dana acticities can he foniicl elsewliete in afxnit tlie same age as yoni loommates Stone. CBS c.mieiamaii. c aptniecl on RF.PORIF.R. and fellow classmates when thev went April I). 1970 and repot ted exec nted in to wai. niicI I97I. Two years later on April 2(). One of tlie 'nnmliers' was ex RI I 1972 two L'PI reporters were captured student. .Air Force Sergeant F.dward at a roadblock. I hev are still listed as Smith. Ji. fiom Red Cieek in Wavne POWs. along w ith other c ixiliaiis. Countv. His plane was shot down on I liere is .i historic a! pei spec live in Maicli 29. 1972 over Laos. Seigeant all this. I he I'liitecl States lias left .All I lioi Smith's remains were interted this POWs in World War II. Koiea and V (i()()7 summer. Now there arc three fewer Southeast Asia. Fliis is nii.icceptahle. families that have to wonder about the Are these people disposable, as some REPORTER MAGAZINE is published weekly during the academic year by students at Rochester Institute ol Technology. One Lomb Memorial Drive. Rochester. New York 14623 Editorial and pro duct ion lacilities are located in Room A 283 ol the College Alumni Union, telephone 716 475 2212 Subscription $4 00 per quarter The opinions expressed in REPORTER do not necessarily reflect those ol the Institute RIT does not generally review or approve of the contents ol REPORTER and does not accept responsibility for matters contained in REPORTER • Letters must be sub mitted to the REPORTER office by 4 p.m Monday Letters must be typed and double spaced Please limit letters to 250 words REPORTER reserves the right to edit for libel and clarity No letters will be printed unless signed and accompanieinied by <a phone numt>er REPORTER will withhold names upon request All letters received are property of REPORTER Magarine 'REPORTER takes pride in its membership In the Associated Collegiate Press and American Civil Liberties Union. • 1987 REPORTER MAGAZINE All rights reserved No portion of this magatine may be reproduced without prior written permission from REPORTER REPORTER LETTERS to the .\tliletic Dep.n tmeiit. wliile costing More Than Just SOS Wl 1 R ill tlie neigliiiorliood of six Magazine tlionsaiicl clollars per vear. We here at As a fourth vcar student living in tlie Res- Wl I R tee! this service is a vital link EditorinChief ideiue Halls 1 have gone through two move lietween ourselves and the stndent hocly, ins and pai tii ipated in the otiiei two. K.ic li aclmiiistratioii. .nid facnltv of Rl l. As of Mils Morgan \ear I have lead the aitide in Rn'OKItR this veai. howevei, Rl l liockev on WI TR Managing Editor about "move-in" dav, and it botlietx me that may no longer he possible. not one article mentioned amtliing about l lie .Athletic Department has dec ided Steve Waterloo the work put into the halls for "move-iir (l.i\ to impose its own restrictions on the Executive Editor Ol wliat liap,X'iis after SOS unloads tlie caix Wl 1 R jiroclnc lion of Rl 1 hockev. l liey Kris Argento I would like to take this ripportutiity to have iiiaiiclatecl that the existing on-air thank all of these |K"ople and to let students peisoiialities no longer he allowed to cover Senior Editor know just how much time and eiieigv went the games hec.inse thev ate not RIT Bill Amstutz into "opening dav." stncleiits. altliongli tlic*v .ne Rl I .ilnmiii. Me%vs Editor For the Resident .-Xdvisois. House Fnrthermoie, the .-Vtliletic Department li.is Managers, and Senior Staff of eadi area, stated that thev don't even want these men James Ferme "move-in" da\ firings .ifxint nervousness and to assist in the tiainiiig of new .ninonncers Copy Editor aiixietv.
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