Cambridge University Press 0521414113 - The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume IV - c. 1024-c. 1198 Edited by David Luscombe and Jonathan Riley-Smith Index More information INDEX Aachen, 77, 396, 401, 402, 404, 405 Abul-Barakat al-Jarjara, 695, 700 Aaron, bishop of Cologne, 280 Acerra, counts of, 473 ‘Abbadids, kingdom of Seville, 157 Acre ‘Abbas ibn Tamim, 718 11th century, 702, 704, 705 ‘Abbasids 12th century Baghdad, 675, 685, 686, 687, 689, 702 1104 Latin conquest, 647 break-up of empire, 678, 680 1191 siege, 522, 663 and Byzantium, 696 and Ayyubids, 749 caliphate, before First Crusade, 1 fall to crusaders, 708 dynasty, 675, 677 fall to Saladin, 662, 663 response to Fatimid empire, 685–9 Fatimids, 728 abbeys, see monasteries and kingdom of Jerusalem, 654, 662, 664, abbots, 13, 530 667, 668, 669 ‘Abd Allah al-Ziri, king of Granada, 156, 169–70, Pisans, 664 180, 181, 183 trade, 727 ‘Abd al-Majid, 715 13th century, 749 ‘Abd al-Malik al-Muzaffar, 155, 158, 160, 163, 165 Adalasia of Sicily, 648 ‘Abd al-Mu’min, 487 Adalbero, bishop of Wurzburg,¨ 57 ‘Abd al-Rahman (Shanjul), 155, 156 Adalbero of Laon, 146, 151 ‘Abd al-Rahman III, 156, 159 Adalbert, archbishop of Mainz, 70, 71, 384–5, ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn Ilyas, 682 388, 400, 413, 414 Abelard of Conversano, 109, 110, 111, 115 Adalbert, bishop of Prague, 277, 279, 284, 288, Aberconwy, 599 312 Aberdeen, 590 Adalbert, bishop of Wolin, 283 Abergavenny, 205 Adalbert, king of Italy, 135 Abernethy agreement, 205 Adalgar, chancellor, 77 Aberteifi, 600 Adam of Bremen, 295 Abingdon, 201, 558 Adam of Conversano, 451 Abruzzi, 73, 94, 96, 113, 438, 444, 452, 454, 456, Adam of Port, 211 472, 473 Adam of Villeron, 517 Abu Bakr ibn ‘Umar, 182, 682 Adana, 617 Abu Ghosh, 658 Adda basin, 436 Abu Ja‘far Ahmad ibn Hud, ruler of Rveda, 480 Adela, countess of Flanders, 138 Abu Kalijar ‘Imad al-Din, 692, 693, 699 Adela, duchess of Normandy, 136 Abu Najah, 715, 717 Adela of Champagne, 517–18, 519, 520, 532, 569 Abu Nasr, 694 Adelaide of Normandy, 135, 136 Abu Rakwa, 682, 694, 697 Adelaide of Savona, 115 Abu Sa’d al-Tustari, 694, 701 Adelaide of Sicily, 446 Abu Ya‘qub Yusuf, 497 Adelaide of Turin, 52, 75, 81, 89, 91, 426 Abu-l-Qasim, 487 Adelaide-Blanche, marchioness of Provence, 142 901 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521414113 - The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume IV - c. 1024-c. 1198 Edited by David Luscombe and Jonathan Riley-Smith Index More information 902 Index Adelelm, monk of La Chaise-Dieu, 176, 180 Ahmad al-Kutayfat, 715 Adeliza, queen of England, 554, 566 Ahmad al-Musta‘li, 706 Adeliza of Louvain, 209 Ahmad-i ‘Attash, 711 Aden, 710, 716 Aileach, 606 Adhemar of Le Puy, 250 Aimery of Limoges, 653, 655, 656 al-‘Adid, caliph, 718, 719, 742 Aimery of Lusignan, 660, 664, 665 al-‘Adil I, 745, 747, 748–9, 750 Ainos, 241 al-‘Adil II, 751 Airgialla, 606, 607 al-‘Adil Abu Bakr, 746, 747 Aisne valley, 128 Adolf, bishop of Cologne, 421 Ajtony, 306 Adolf II of Schauenburg and Holstein, 409 ‘Ala al-Din, 714 Adrian IV, pope Alain III, duke of Brittany, 141 administration, 23 Alain IV, duke of Brittany, 141 and Aragon, 484 Alamut, 711, 712, 714 biography, 378 Alan of Brittany, lord of Richmond, 203 death, 379 Alan of Lydda, 665 and England, 355, 357, 565, 607 Alarcos, battle of, 504, 506 and France, 359 Alava, 169, 481, 505 and Germany, 321, 322–3, 368, 430, 622 ‘Alawis, 677 and heresy, 430 Alba, 585, 587 and Ireland, 607 Alban, St, 355 and monasteries, 325 Albania, 230, 240–1, 635 and Normans in Italy, 367 Albanians, anti-Byzantine revolt, 264 origins, 327,n.60 Albano, 33, 34, 327, 360, 382 and Scandinavia, 349 Albenga, 426 and Sicily, 377–80, 456, 465 Alberic II, 9 and Spain, 348 Alberic, 19 Adrianople, 230, 642 Alberic, cardinal bishop of Ostia, 360 Adriatic territories, 84, 452, 627, 634 Albero, bishop of Trier, 388 ‘Adud al-Dawla, 685, 686 Albert of Louvain, 420 Advent, 147 Albert of Morra, 320 Ægean Sea, 631 Albert the Bear, margrave, 409, 415, 419 Ældred, archbishop of York, 198 Alberti, counts of, 427, 439 Ælgifu, queen of Norway, 296, 297 Alberto Azzo II d‘Este, marquess of Obertenghi, Æthelred II, king of England, 191, 194, 196 76, 83, 87 Afamiya, 713 Albi, 544, 545 al-Afdal, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 715, 717, 719, Albigeois, 543 730 Albinus, bishop of Albano, 382 al-Afdal ‘Ali, 745, 746 Alcacer´ do Sal, 504 Afghanistan, 703 Alcira, 183 Afonso I Henriques of Portugal, 189, 348–9, 484, Aldobrandeschi family, 427, 439 485–6, 495, 497, 500 Aldobrandinus, 637 Afonso II, king of Portugal, 507 Aledo Castle, 181, 183, 184 Ager Sanguinis, 729 Alenc¸on, 574 Agnes, countess of Anjou, 139 Alentejo, 486, 504 Agnes, duchess of Aquitaine, 140 Aleppo Agnes of Andechs-Meranien, 524 11th century Agnes of Babenberg, 285 bedouins, 683, 695 Agnes of Courtenay, 660, 661 Fatimids, 678, 679, 688, 699, 700, 702, 705 Agnes of France, 626, 630 Mirdasids, 690, 694, 702 Agnes of Poitiers, 483 Seljuqs, 703, 707, 723 Agnes of Poitou and Aquitaine, 49, 52, 53–4, 83 Turcomans, 703 Agnes of Saarbrucken,¨ 414 12th century Agnes of Swabia, 385 Assassins, 713, 732 Agram, 273 Ayyubids, 747–748, 749 Agrigento, 110, 117, 470 and Byzantium, 617 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521414113 - The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume IV - c. 1024-c. 1198 Edited by David Luscombe and Jonathan Riley-Smith Index More information Index 903 and crusaders, 648, 650, 728, 729, 731, 733 Alexandria (Piedmont), 432, 440 militia, 731 Alexios I Komnenos, Emperor Nur al-Din, 652, 655, 737, 738 accession, 219 rulers, 728–9 achievement, 220 and Saladin, 744, 745 alliances, 639 Seljuqs, 649 Byzantium recovery, 217, 222, 247 Sunnism, 749 death, 613–614 and Zengi, 734, 736 expansion, 615 13th century, 750 and First Crusade, 1, 249–253, 617 strategic position, 735 heresy trials, 219 Aleramica family, 82, 426, 429 honours system, 228 Alexander I, king of Scots, 208, 585, 586, 590, and Normans, 268, 620 593, 597 reign, 241–53, 642 Alexander II, king of Scots, 586 treaty with Pisa, 627 Alexander II, pope and Turks, 239, 249–252 administration, 19 and western Europe, 618 and archbishops of Milan, 56 Alexios II Kommenos, emperor, 611, 625, 626, and Croatia, 272 630, 640, 641, 642 and crusades, 340 Alexios III Angelos, emperor, 270, 611, 630, 632, death, 85 633, 634, 638, 642, 643 election, 53, 84 Alexios IV Angelos, emperor, 611, 634, 638, 643 and Germany, 54 Alexios V Murtzuphlos, 611, 634 jurisdiction, 35 Alexios Axouch, 640, 643 and Milan, 86 Alexios Branas, 642 and Normans in Italy, 108, 112, 114 Alexios Komnenos, 619, 640 papal states, 23 Alexios Palaiologos, 643 and Serbia, 267 Alfonso I (the Battler), king of Aragon-Navarre and Spain, 178, 179 and Almoravids, 482 Alexander III, pope and Bayonne, 482 biography, 319, 367 and Burgos, 480 and Byzantium, 622, 623 and Catalonia, 546 and clerical reforms, 330 marriage, 189, 475–7, 478, 482–3 councils, 328, 328 n. 65, 329 monasteries, 493 and crusades, 342–343, 344 and Mudejar community, 509 election, 378–380 and papacy, 348, 484 and England, 356, 357, 358, 571 peace of Tamara,´ 480–1 and France, 360, 361, 362 and pilgrims, 492 and Germany, 380–381, 391, 392, 417, 418, 435, succession, 483 622, 623 and Toledo, 479 and heresy, 335, 336, 337 warfare, 347, 482 and Hungary, 313 Alfonso II, count of Barcelona, 497 and Ireland, 609 Alfonso II, king of Aragon, 498, 500, 503, 504, and Italian ciities, 432, 433 505 and military orders, 347 Alfonso V, king of Leon,´ 160, 161 and monasteries, 326 Alfonso VI, king of Leon-Castile´ origins, 319, 327 n. 62 alliances, 134, 475, 569 and papal schism, 333, 334, 393, 431 and Almoravids, 482 papal supremacy, 323 annexations, 481 and Portugal, 349, 499 death, 475 and Scandinavia, 349, 350 and immigrants, 493, 495 and Sicily, 457–458, 466 monasteries, 177 and war games, 332 reign, 166–73, 179–184, 185, 187–9 Alexander of Gravina, 449, 453, 458 Sagrajas defeat, 509 Alexander of Macedonia, 529 and Segovia, 494 Alexander of Telese, 442, 443, 450 succession, 477 Alexandria, 471, 627, 697, 705, 717 and the Cid, 496 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521414113 - The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume IV - c. 1024-c. 1198 Edited by David Luscombe and Jonathan Riley-Smith Index More information 904 Index Alfonso VII, king of Leon-Castile´ Amalric, king of Jerusalem and Afonso Henriques, 495–6 and Byzantium, 624, 627 chronicler, 508 count of Ascalon and Jaffa, 654, 655, 669 conquest of Almer´ıa, 487–8 death, 658 death, 489 and Egypt, 718, 742 division of realms, 489, 490 law-maker, 656, 672 genealogy, 499 reign, 656–9 grants of land, 496 and William of Tyre, 659–60 kingdoms, 495 Amascia, 239 marriage, 481 Amatus of Monte Cassino, 98, 100, 102, 103, parents, 477–8 104, 115 reign, 189, 477, 479–89 Amatus of Oleron,´ 26 Alfonso VIII, king of Castile, 347, 494, Ambrose of Milan, 16 497–507 Amid, 693 Alfonso IX, king of Leon,´ 348, 500, 501, 502, Amienois,´ 538 504, 505, 506, 507, 509 Amiens, 515, 521 Alfonso Raimundez,´ 484 Amin al-Dawla wa Makinuha Hasan ibn ‘Ali ibn Alfred, king of England, 206 Mulhim, 697 Algarve, 486, 487, 504 al-Amir, 707, 709, 710, 715, 716, 717, 718 Algeciras, 157, 182, 500 ‘Amirids, 155, 156, 158 Algeria, 678, 685, 695, 697 Ampurias, 545 ‘Ali al-Sulayhi, 695, 700, 710 Amseia, 239 ‘Ali ibn Ahmad al-Jarjara’i, 681, 683, 694, 699, Anacletus II (Peter Pierleone), antipope, 322, 333, 700 359, 365, 373, 374, 375, 376, 422, 423, 448, ‘Ali ibn Yusuf, 185, 189 452, 465, 466 Alice of Antioch, 616, 650 Anagni, 371, 379 Alice of France, 572, 573,
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