CJ. Bioi. Control. 20( I): 81-84. 2006 ) Biology of sugarcane woolly aphid predator, Dipha aphidivora Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) M. S. PUTTANNAVAR, R. K. PATIL*, M. VIDYA, G. K. RAMEGOWDA, S. LINGAPPA, SHEKARAPPA and K.A. KULKARNI Department ofAgricultural Entomology, College ofAgriculture University ofAgricultural Sciences Dhm'wad 580 005, Kamataka, India E-mail:[email protected] ABSTRACT: A laboratory study was carried out on biology of sugarcane woolly aphid (SWA) predator, Diplla apllidivora Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). DilJ110 al'flitiivora occupied 5.6 ± 0.81, 24.61 ± 3.41, 7.80 ± 0.51, 1.65 ± 0.54 and 3.89 ± 0.74 days for incubation. total larval period, pupation, longevity ot· adult male and female, respectively. The total lire cycle .'a.sted for 43.27 ± 5.84 days. During its total larval period of 24.61 ± 3.41 days, a single 1). alJllltilVora consumed on an average 6,074.84 ± 87.6 sugarcane woolly aphids. KEY WORDS: Biology, DipJw aphidivo/"{/, sugarcane woolly aphid All around the world 47 natural enemies have the biological control agent in the management of been recorded on sugarcane woolly aphid (SWA). SWA. A laboratory investigation was carried out at Among these natural enemies, predators (37) are Department ofAgricultural Entomology, Col.lege of predominant, followed by parasitoids (7) and Agriculture, University of Agricultural SCiences, entomopathogens (3) (Joshi and Viraktamath, 2004). Dharwad during 2003-04. Out of these 37 predators, belonging to six orders The pupae of D. aphidivora were collected (Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, from the SWA infested fie1d and allowed to adult Hemiptera and Araneae), only three predators viz., emerge in the cages with glass front cages (35 x 24 Dipha aphidivora Meyrick. Micromus igorotus x 30 cm). The emerged adults were fed with ten per Banks and syrphids are found more potential cent honey solution wad in cotton swab. Moths (Anon., 2004) in Karnataka. Dipha aphidivora is were released in cage with the sex ratio of I :2 (male: one of the most effective predators on SWA as female) based on the abdominal size. The c~ge was reported by many workers (Cheng ct al.. 1994; Liu provided with sugarcane leaf bits of ~cm !I1fested et at., 1985; Arakaki and Yoshiyasu, 1988; Tripathi, with SWA placed in conical flask wlth.water for 1992 and 1995; Mote and Puri, 2003; 2004). The deposition of eggs. The eggs deposited were present investigation was undertaken to study the counted and transferred individually to separate biology of D. aphidivora and its feeding potential glass vials (3.0 x 2.5cm). The time that lapsed on SWA in order to utilize this predator as one of I'UTTANNAVAR <'f II/. between the egg deposition and hatching was varies between 15.4- 7.6 mm with a mean of 16.17 ± recorded as incubation period. The freshly hatched 0.70 mm and width varies from 2.2 to 3.3 mm with a larvae were enclosed separately in glass vials and mean of 2.53 ± 0.49 111m. The head capsule width stoppered with cotton plugs. \Voolly aphids were range from 2.8 to 3.3 mm with a mean of3.24±0.16 provided ad IihiwlI/ to the developing larvae. The mm. Thc duration of the first instar range between Ii me t,lken f<)r each molt was recorded for each instar 2 to 3 days with a mean of2.40 ± 0.61 days. to determine the larval duration. Likcwise, pupal period and adult longevity wcre also recorded. The Second ins tar: The second instal' larva is whitish biology of n. apltidi\'ora was studied by in colour with dark brown head and brownish patch maintaining fifty larvae. Further, parameters like on the thoracic region. The tenth abdominal length and breadth of different stages were segment becomes slightly prominent in the second measured with stereo binocular microscope at 0.9x instar. The length and width of the larvae ranges magni licatioll with stage and occular micrometer. from 18.7 to 22.0 mm with a mean of20.02 ± 1.65 111m and 2.5 to 4.4 mm with the mean of3.08 ± 0.44 mm, The first instar Iarvac of the D. apltidi\'ora respectively. The head capsule width ranges were enclosed in glass vials (3.0 x 2.5cl11) and between 4.95 to 5.61 mm with a mean of5.50±0.62 provided with 10 aphids evcry day, which included 111m. The duration of the second instar is 3 to 4 days all instal's. Such 25 vials werc maintained. Evcry with a mean of3. 71 ± 0.53 days. day the number of aphids remaining in the vial was countcd and thc difTcrence in thcse two readings Third instar: The body of the larva is light brown gavc the day wisc and the instar-wise aphid with greenish tinge and head capsule was brown in conslimption. Number of aphids provided to colour. Sparsely distributed setae are present on second to fi nh instars was 25 to 70 aphids per day, the body with prominent constrictions. The larva respectively. The total and number of aphids measures 35.2 to 38.5 mm with a mean of 36.52 ± consumed by each instar was worked out per day, 1.21 mm in length and 5.5 to 7.7 mm with a mean of per instar and for total larval duration. 6.60 ± 0.12 mm in width. The head capsule width ranges from 7.7 to 8.8 mm with a mean of8.25 ±0.69 Biology of D. aphidivora mm. The duration of third instar larva is 5- 9 days with a mean of6.82 ± 0.98 days. Studies carried out on the biology of D. aplJidiFora revealed that it undergoes five larval Fourth instar: Fourth instar larva is light green in instars. The detailed morphometric characters of colour; head and thorax are brown and with a brown each stage are as below. patch on the thorax. Body is constricted deeply with prominent setae. The length of the body varies Egg: The female moth laid eggs individually or in between 75.1 - 81.1 mm with a mean of79.90± 6.05 groups in a straight line of 4 to 12, on the ventral mm and width of 14.3 - 16.5 111m with a mean of surface of the leaf in the colonies ofSWA. The egg 14.52 ± 2.97 mm. The head capsule width ranges is elongate oval and rounded at both the end. The from 8.8 to 9.9 with a mean of9.24 ± 0.52 mm. The freshly laid egg is cream to yellowish in colour and duration of fourth instar larva is 6 - 12 days with a a day before hatching it turn to black. The length mean of7.93 ± 0.83 days. and breadth of the egg measure between 6.6 -7.7 mm with a mean of7.59 ± 1.03 mm and 3.3 - 4.6 111m Fifth instar: Thc head of fifth instar is brown in with a mean of 4.51 ± 0.77 mm, respectively. The colollr with green body covered by long setae. incubation period is 5 - 7 days with a mean of5.60 ± Distinct longitudinal mid dorsal linc is found 011 0.81 days. the body which is green in colour. The body was fusiform and wider at thc central region. The length First instar: The freshly hatched larva is white to of the body varies betwecn S2.3 - 87.9 111m with a creamy white in colour with smooth body. The head mean of85.30 ± 5.13111111 and width of 17.6 - 22.0111111 capsule is light brown in colour. The length oflarva with a mean of 18.70 ± 2.64 lllm. The hcad capsule 82 Biology of sugarcane woolly aphid predator, D. apiJidivora width varies between 9.9 - 11.0 mm with a mean of aphidivora required 2.44, 17.72, 7.00 and 2.00 days 10.17 ± 0.47 mm. The duration offifth instar is 3 - 5 of incubation, larval, pupal and adult periods with days with a mean of3.75 ± 0.46 days. 30.72 days of total life cycle. Total larval period: The total larval period of D. Feeding potential of Dipha aphidivortl aphidivora varies from 19 to 33 days with a mean of 24.61 ± 3.41 days. The data generated on the fceding potential of different instars of the predator are presented Pupa: Pupation occurred in the boat shaped, white, below. fine and tightly woven silken cocoon. The pupa is obtect type, dark brown colour; anterior end is blunt First Instar: On an average the first instal' larva and posterior end conical. Pupal length varies consumed 5.48 ± 1.44 aphids / day. A total of 13.52 between 69.3 -71.5 mm with the mean of69.85 ± aphids were consumed by first instar larva during 2.55 mm and width of 18.7 - 19.9 mm with a mean of the period of2.4 ± 0.61 days. 19.55 ± 0.44mm. The pupal period varies between 7 -10 days with a mean of7.8 ± 0.51 days. Second instar: The second instar larva consllllled 103 - 117 aphids pcr day with a mean of 115.4 Xl Adult: Adult moth is with brown thorax and 3.45 aphids per day. A total of 428.43 aphids during abdomen. Forewings are brown in colour whereas, the period of3.71 ± 0.53 days during second instar. hind wings are light brown with fringed margins. In case of male moth, on an average 54.30 ± 0.78 Third instar: The third instar larvae consumed 220 antennal segments are present whereas, in to 266 aphids per day with a mean of264.36 ± 10.73 female it was 58.63 ± 1.91.
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