S E C R U O S E R R E S O U R C E S Bib li og ra phy and Index of Geothermal Resources and Development in Washington State, with Selected General Works L A R U T A N A T U R A compiled by Rebecca A. Christie updated by Lee Walkling WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES Open File Report 2009-2 March 2009 Bib li og ra phy and Index of Geothermal Resources and Development in Washington State, with Selected General Works compiled by Rebecca A. Christie updated by Lee Walkling WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES Open File Report 2009-2 March 2009 DIS CLAIMER Neither the State of Washing ton, nor any agency thereof, nor any of their em - ploy ees, makes any war ranty, ex press or implied, or as sumes any legal li a bil - ity or re sponsi bil ity for the accu racy, com plete ness, or useful ness of any infor - ma tion, ap pa ra tus, prod uct, or pro cess dis closed, or rep re sents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Ref erence herein to any spe- cific commer cial prod uct, pro cess, or ser vice by trade name, trademark, man u - facturer, or oth erwise, does not neces sar ily consti tute or im ply its endorse - ment, rec om menda tion, or favor ing by the State of Washing ton or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors ex pressed herein do not neces sar - ily state or reflect those of the State of Washing ton or any agency thereof. WASH ING TON DE PART MENT OF NAT U RAL RE SOURCES Pe ter Goldmark—Com mis sioner of Pub lic Lands DI VI SION OF GEOL OGY AND EARTH RE SOURCES Da vid K. Nor man—State Ge ol o gist John P. Bromley—As sis tant State Ge ol o gist Wash ing ton De part ment of Nat u ral Re sources Divi sion of Geol ogy and Earth Resources Mail ing Ad dress: Street Ad dress: PO Box 47007 Natu ral Resources Bldg, Rm 148 Olym pia, WA 98504-7007 1111 Washing ton St SE Olym pia, WA 98501 Phone: 360-902-1450 Fax: 360-902-1785 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/AboutDNR/Divisions/GER/ This and other DGER publi ca tions are available online at: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/ResearchScience/Topics/ GeologyPublicationsLibrary/Pages/pubs.aspx On line cat a log and bib li og ra phy of the Wash ing ton Ge ol ogy Li brary: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/ResearchScience/Topics/ GeologyPublicationsLibrary/Pages/washbib.aspx Pub lished in the United States of America © 2009 Washing ton Divi sion of Geol ogy and Earth Resources ii Con tents Intro duc tion to the 2009 update ................................1 Introduction [original 1994 edition] ..............................2 Sub ject list ...........................................3 Index by subject ........................................9 Bibliography by author ....................................57 Appendix: Ad di tional sources of geo ther mal in for ma tion..................89 iii Washington Geothermal Resources 5 Port Angeles SEATTLE Spokane Pacific Ocean 90 Tacoma 90 Aberdeen Ellensburg Olympia Centralia Yakima Long 82 Beach 5 Richland 0 25 50 75 100 mi Vancouver 0 50 100 150 km Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources, Land Ownership U.S. Fish and Wildlife Geothermal Resources Washington State Department of Natural Resources Geothermal Data derived from Geologic Map-25, DNR-managed lands U.S. Bureau of Land Management High temperature Geothermal resources of Washington, and other Federal lands Tribal lands (approx. 100 c or higher) compiled by M. A. Korosec, K. L. Kaler, J. E. Schuster, R.G. Bloomquist, S. J. Simpson, and D. D. Blackwell. 1981. 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000. U.S. Forest Service County, Municipal or University Low temperature Lambert Conformal Conic Projection, North American Datum of 1983 Other state lands National Park Service (20 c or higher) Cartography by Elizabeth E. Thompson Bibli og ra phy and Index of Geothermal Resources and Development in Washington State, with Selected General Works com piled by Rebecca A. Chris tie up dated by Lee Walkling INTRODUCTION TO THE 2009 UPDATE While this bibli og raphy and index are as com plete and accu - rate as pos si ble, it is in ev i ta ble that some ci ta tions have been This work is presented in two parts: missed and some mistakes have been made. Any infor ma tion (1) IN DEX BY SUBJECT—Items are in dexed alpha bet ically about omissions or errors will be appre ci ated. Contact Geol ogy by subject, county, and (or) physio graphic province, with Li brar ian Lee Walkling (con tact in for ma tion given be low): sub ject and (or) ar eal sub di vi sions as ap pro pri ate. See the Sub ject List (p. 3) for an al phabet i cal list of the subject Wash ing ton Di vi sion of Ge ol ogy and Earth Re sources headings used in this re port. 1111 Washing ton St SE, Natural Resources Bldg, Rm 148 PO Box 47007; Olym pia, WA 98504-7007 Only the au thor(s), date, and title of the item are given in Phone: 360-902-1450; Fax: 360-902-1785 the In dex—enough infor ma tion to re fer the user to the full ci - E-mail: [email protected] ta tion in the Bib li og ra phy sec tion. Website: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/AboutDNR/Divisions/GER/ (2) BIB LI OG RA PHY BY AUTHOR—Each ci ta tion is given Washing ton Ge ol ogy Li brary in full ac cording to our edi to rial standards. Works are Lee Walkling, Librar ian listed al pha bet i cally and chro no log i cally by au thor, with 1111 Washing ton St SE, Natural Resources Bldg, Rm 173 an au thor’s in di vid ual works pre ced ing co-authored PO Box 47007; Olym pia, WA 98504-7007 works. Joint-au thor cross-ref erences are interfiled alpha - Phone: 360-902-1473; E-mail: [email protected] bet i cally. Website: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/ResearchScience/Topics/ Items with an as ter isk (*) are NOT held in the Wash ing- GeologyPublicationsLibrary/Pages/library.aspx ton Ge ol ogy Li brary. Con tact the other li brar ies listed be low to obtain those docu ments. AC KNOWL EDG MENTS Web addresses are given for docu ments available online. Although this update of DGER Open File Report 94-1 was pro- Check our publications list and online bibliography for new duced and edited by Lee Walkling and Jari Roloff, the origi nal postings. author (Rebecca Christie) and the orga ni za tions listed below Geo logic Map ping deserve most of the credit for this worthy pro ject: Through the Washington State Geologic Information Portal, Wash ing ton State Uni ver sity Ex ten sion En ergy Pro gram you can ac cess in ter ac tive earth sci ence mapping, data, and re - Li brary (for merly Wash ing ton State En ergy Of fice) lated infor ma tion. Using our in ter active maps, you can create, 905 Plum St SE, Bldg 3 save, and print cus tom maps, find out more in forma tion about PO Box 4316 Olym pia, WA 98504-3165 map fea tures, and download map data for use in a geographic in- Phone: 360-956-2000; Website: http://www.energy.wsu.edu/ for ma tion sys tem (GIS). The Index to Geologic and Geophysical Mapping of Or e gon In sti tute of Tech nol ogy Geo-Heat Cen ter Washington shows avail able pub lished and open-filed reports, as 3201 Campus Drive well as the ses, with map ping at any scale for a par ticu lar area. Klamath Falls, OR 97601-8801 Geologic mapping at 1:100,000-scale is available for the Phone: 541-885-1750; E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://geoheat.oit.edu whole state, and some of the newer pub lished maps have been in- cluded in this bib li og raphy. All 1:100,000-scale mapping for Geo ther mal Re sources Coun cil Wash ing ton is avail able as shapefiles online or on CD by calling PO Box 1350 360-902-1450. Da vis, CA 95617-1350 Mapping at 1:24,000-scale is available for some 7.5-minute Phone: 530-758-2360 topographic quadrangles. We have in cluded the newer maps in Website: http://www.geothermal.org/ Li brary website: http://www.geothermal.org/databases.html this bibli ogra phy. For more in forma tion on how to obtain geo- logic maps of an area, see our geologic mapping webpage. REF ER ENCE CITED Geothermal Database Schuster, J. E.; Bloomquist, R. G., 1994, Low-tem per a ture geo ther - The first edition of this publi cation mentioned a da tabase being mal re sources of Wash ing ton: Wash ing ton Di vi sion of Ge ol ogy and Earth Re sources Open File Re port 94-11, 53 p., 2 plates. devel oped by J. Eric Schuster. That data base was published as [http://www.dnr.wa.gov/Publications/ger_ofr94-11_low_ Open File Report 94-11 (Schuster and Bloomquist, 1994). temp_geothermal.zip] 1 Bib li og ra phy and In dex of Geo ther mal Re sources and De vel op ment in Wash ing ton State with Se lected Gen eral Works com piled by Rebecca A.
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