5 TheAn#rome#a'Str*in -Michael Crichton Synqpsis Thel*tMa Strairrrw fufttion-nerel #mrr@ic*dfudgr. An unmannedsatelfite contaminated wi6 a microorganismmysteriously rehrms to Earttr.ThesateFitelan& in an Arizoila towt, andthe organismki[s-a$ h4 two of the townt inhabitan-b-arrdderf rrram'andan infant ,' A researchteam of fotrr scientists,all expertsin their fietd,is calledto Wildfire, a scer€tlabo*atory loeated bencath$rfut in Nevad+.Thchbcr+tg+ is equippedwith srate=of-the-arrequigmenrSealed off@ for a telecor+mrxrieatie**1inkwitlrnationels€Gility, the seiendsrs*+orhtediqot'er how the mirrouganisur kiffedffiimrts of Piedmmf Arizom Thfr ako discoverwtry two pcoplesurvirne4 Thcy work scientifie*Syt+prexent tHqrread of the Andrornedrstrain,burttrebwo'rkisriddled withm ,is*cs. .: Theii desperaa-saarchforarrrs'sncrtuthepuzzle of dte*ridrorne,tlal;train becomescomplicrndwhe*thrscaLi*broil<rn in the atltoPryroollbTbbb;each leadsto mutatedtsrharrrdcrsoryartryn. However,@ aftcrthb-rcaUzntlon *ndrom6da dissohartlre,scahro*h+facil- ity core-Wffiion ofdrsmre'occurs,theffi stop an autornafidrmmiebeprb*rarrri$sdf-destrua the labsr*tsrrr-Ifl goesoft it wi and mutateagairu @tisre to keep@ing. After ttre carmmptnrisaroride*tfrcscientbts predi@ c moveinto the trppcr*tmospncrea*d ceue no further plo$crlls€*JheY*.. i a c F StudsrFocus c G rvVhifeliterary'ropim mctrrplorand-chartrcter dwefoprnerrareimpgrtant, G t o pay the topicsof scientificinqulfy andrneftod- E youshould closeattention to \,Vhatsort of crrorsa*cmaCc$.the clraracrcrs?Noticr thelthear*hos4ils to € "-/ I addressthe questionof whetherAndromedahad nucleicacids. o Correhion to Subjectilffiter \Aruses,Bacteria,,Discase, F{utatironq Birac*emistry, ard€4etics HOLTBroSounces/ Teaching Resources Supplementat fteading 1 SUPPLEMtrITAI FFASING continued _r he -A ndr_efr,e d* 5!r a tA_ Analyzing the Book ldentifying 1. List the namesof the fiiur scientistsantrtheir occupations,and descri\ethe Facts personalitycharacteristirs of eachone. 2. \tfhatwereli Arirnaterr6ieve? Didthevfind it?Wherewas irr ri c C - 3. What happenedin Piedmont,Arizona? = E (! (! c o f g 2 HOlr fioSouncrs./ Teachrng,Resourrces:Sr.rpplem entala,eadtng SUFPT.EMFT\TTAT R EA DJfiG continued Name The Andromeda Strair ---- - l€--- -- : i - Describe$h*-Stos€$;IdBsrb+fousAsmsual abogt DsBenedict rrvhen :rllJ : theyfust oemined hinr. Wry e4*bhappen? : : 5. fEe peoplEin P€tfuont appearedtohave died intrnrodTffireirt saye-Name i ) i them-Whatfeer-cause4peoplatodi{aintwodiffcrcngryays? i e . m a caseof biotogicemergency, select scientists were pre?ared to mdilize ; immediatetytogotoWrldfireWhatwasWildfire? Describeits design. _c E c = c =G .so cr T @ HOLTBroSouncesf Ieaching Resourcex SupptemeatatEeadfing 3 5 UFPT.ET/IEIIITAT.TFAD TT{G continued The Andrameda Strain 7- ldlhen the screntistsrerere calhdt+.Wildfire-u&arcode words-were+sed3 lvtat signikc-#*eecede vro@rave? 8. Whv wasMark Etall-C[osentobe-one oft[e scientistsfor Wiliffi& Aside ftom this, how di4hisryecialty cantributeto uJrdexstandins.whf fifo P{ople ) srrvived? 9. }\lflat was the fferere+bcgl'ec*rDircstirns-7+1 ffid 7-Iz?V&'nirrc{e the dangersin usingeidrerdirectivcirM :j '; c c = c 6 E 6 t o c TT o I 4 mOrf RrosouncEs/TeadringResources: Supptementat Kead ing SUPPLEMFIITTA L READING continued Name 9 c 7 c G 12. Whet werethe hForat6ry resulKofifie testsrun on th-ebabyandkfer Jack- E c son?Whatf'acrorkept dremboth alivein Piedmont? E -t T @ HOLTBroSounces -1Teacfiing Resources: Supplemenfal Reading 5 SUPPT.E ME$T'TA T, RFADI'TIG continued The Andromeda Strain 13; Describewhar sule. f 4. What wasa@rganisrn-tumed frurrrgen-U3,pur- plg,andbacktogreen qgam? i [nterpretingr t* When LieutenantShawn survepd Piedrrent w*thhis$ino€T*ars,vdt4 was - IEfeaningr his firstcluethafsornethingmiglrrbrewpottgi 1 (' aEireaive 7-12.tlftrf'vsar c 16. Thepresiderrrdecidsdtaurait'4&$ours'tscaff -.) ; that dre correctdecision to makq eventhcughrlre scientistswmted irissreict* 1& C immediatelyto d*trolthe irfectiert at Piedmont? ; E 6 6 c o) c ii .,6 )T (,o 6 n Off mo5o u nces.f Teach ing Resou rce t Sup ptiuneatal Readi n g SUPPIFMFTSTALREADTNG continued firame 1Z Mirrprodwed no mrctism-trwaste-profuas. lYhf wodAfris fact rrrfu tkorganlsmsuite&o ig e@ent? 18. Ttroughoutthe novel,Lavitt avoidedfl ashingred tfhts-Whf 19. What do the sealbreafringin t6e'autopsy room and the Phantomjedqrash haveincommon? l a 1 20. The&rdromec?rmairrcortrd orfy grow in apH wry:of7.3fto 7.ffii$hy c did l{all referto thisashis *highraay diagnosis? '! c = c G - o .g E ; T g HOLTRroSouncrsl Teacfiing Resources: Supptementat Reading 7 SUFPT.EMEIVTAI RSADTNG confi nu ed 21- Why wasStone elamed raee+the-sciestigcdiscovered thar-A.ndrome{' had mutasd to a rurinMar'form? 2e k1dv was,e,on&r*inate*ffid $ed€* Whatprediearnent was-krsote for -, MarkHallbecacseof ttredesignofWdfircf Apprynng23. Elrylainhowthe pFflevefofthe bl]oodfie gowfi rangeofAnd?orlre@, *d acidosisand alkalc.ris+date-t+oneanqther. Meanings ) -,) q a E = E c o o o c E 7 8 fHOLTgrogouncrs/Teaching Resources: Sr^{pprfinn enal Reading continued The Andromeda Strain : Writiag Ahe'ut the Bse.k O" a sepaeete*ccaef papar,*rite$eansnlrs for eeebof,tbcfelqving. I 1 fxtending thi Nsvel r 1. Thc orig#phfor Unfifrreinchded five scientis* elristia*Kxfe, an ; arthrepotogisr,coddnofcanrgbec'aesefiewas infts1@tkfuas ' known for his ablityto sohrehighs abstractproblems-A.suurethu,Ki,rte was ; oneof theseie*isa. Writeaslrort narratirrein whie*ryote*en4*qno#el i and descibslGrkdspreserrcsafffidfirs IncludetrcrsnKirkecodd#vryrnea i theproblem- I ThifrfIhb ahout Assumptions : 2. Ea*y in the andvsis,Burblr-made +slistake when heassunc&tber*heanti- : coagtddedr#k&l died fiom,4ndromedaby coagutaing.Asrutrgtta{s , basedon incompletedara can be false, Assuming that An&emedf wqqtom an tx.traterrshial source,what mist&en assumpticrraboutproteirs did ft e Witffrre teanrrr&e? Rernefldlerthatdrev found n<rreo'fthc20arrfnro acids listedin tbe+ovel. Respondlnflfo a Revjew 3' Arcrcnfuer-of €rkhts#sns€l'&orn Xhe Nr:lvY@hTha6 *# wc/frfuwtulffi€rjchrgfrffi s,enhmtedaStrai staterrentDo yott think $is^eotddrea$y happen?'Havit happened dfftdy? Be surebtrsespecific refcreacestosrlFport your araswer. Evaluatlng a Gharacter 4. "Jersnyknort,screrfthirrg;endirfe.cirnt€d by thc res;d: this staternerrtappho kremfsrtocg.Wtiiclrof JerernySmtn*drra m&rhirnttreright charactertobefre-leader of ttrsteam of scientistsat r@. ) W r itFngla'Iou+na{- Eqtry 5. Inagine.ttlatyq*€fe$Fo*ing wdbre*er for the gerwrxmqnent exrnphs beengrarrt-ffidrlr-@to @ c toar theWitdfire faeili+ Everythingyotrsee or write Sont is dassif,e*in{or- rnationto be filedFt rE€govemrnent for future use.bu :naybrrng only writ- ingflrpplies-andpaperintc the fzrcfiitp\{rite the entry describingthe 6 o c technology1ou observe during yqur stay. E T AnatyzFng' the Orgaoism 6. If yo*usereJererrry $onlwhar-nnu&i11ou report to thcpresklm'Laa4what advicewould you gire fuutAn&'orredd Cite sperfr irrcifenas@ich a prwioudy.known gathogenhas becorne less lethal ffift the trnss4geef time. What extemd influcnccs\^ndAhave caused Androme& te Elrtantoa;non - I€&d furm?$ftr# nutatierr tua lesslethalform beensiddreida swe€6sfu1 '-1' rnuratior*Wlry? ftOLF BroSounc fTeachingResourceg Sagptemenatfeadiag' 9 $'"PTEI![fI{TAT. READfTIfG continued O*+ setrnratesheet of pqe6rwitcthcanrilner for ed cf tre f€ryring. €ritieal- Th inldng an* ltrritin g *. SirWin*on ehrrr#isqn:td in dr rd rsryiry "frrcgffiirs rei$es in the capact$for evaluationof uncertain,hazardous, and conflictinginffima- "Men tiranl'Another comrnenlqryoted frorn MoftaigDei$, under$tre6s .are - fosl+and foolthcrmehrc+lCitespecifie irt€i&*i*the novelie-@h the sciendstsmadeerrorsirtrrdgnrentafurmixfrg$res. : 2.: Koetsspostulates' arsa setof ste.psto d€ftrmine *Feausativeage4 of a drseffi. Theymethef€*toyriry I ) isolatetheolganism from ftepatiept, 2) il€cr a healttryarimal b r€creaftthe disease,an43) isolatetheorganism from the newh sickenedffimd andcornparsit+s dre organisrrrorigpally isolated.The \Atrldfire-tearr made severakrers ir determininghwlot&om- edakilledit victims.Comgeand contrasttheseerror,s with Koeh'spgstlt- lates.How di*theWitdfireteam strayftomor adrereto Kochsposhr,lates? } JererrryStone wrdceBtiealabe* Mrk Ha* He$d{ght he-vmddbeof no help Write an esseytitled "lfte-Odd-lv1ailIlpothesid'nescrik-bor*{v{ark F#was, in fa€t,ther+ght ffis fe. *,€ trb dtrm he provedhiqptr to ]eremyStone. i *. l*tfroush nrrcMadidncconainarrfktown arrino acids,msume*at it ; hadproteinbased upon diftrent typesof amino acidsthan what we hareon : Earft What elemenfb'Arrdromeda ffig wtrichmakes it differenbfrom *viruses? , AndrosV? 5. Irl the Epiloguewhat irryti€atien i++rnAeUy+re le*scrf c € @ 3 g c 6 G ! qo (r t O HOrr BroSounces/ Teaching Resourreq Supptenenat Reading .
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