TP 771E *TP771E* (06/2000) Copyright Permission is granted by Transport Canada to copy and/or reproduce the contents of this publication in whole or in p a rt provided that full ack n owledgment is given to Transport Canada. While use of this material has been authorized, Transport Canada shall not be responsible for the manner in which the information is presented, nor for any interpretations thereof.This publication may not be updated to reflect amendments made to original content. For up-to-date information, contact Transport Canada. The information in this publication is to be considered soley as a guide and should not be quoted as or considered to be a legal authority. It may become obsolete in whole or in part at any time without notice. CONTENTS Page Air Tourist Information Canada – Purpose of Pamphlet . 1 List of Publications, Contents and Prices . 2 NOTAM. 4 Carriage of Firearms. 4 Customs Procedures. 5 Licensing/Aircraft Requirements for Visiting Pilots . 6 Transport Canada . 7 NAV CANADA . 8 Private Aircraft Liability Insurance. 10 Canada’s Airspace . 10 Classification of Canadian Domestic Airspace . 13 Transponder Requirements. 14 Transponder Airspace. 15 Major Differences Between Procedures in Canada and the United States. 16 Flight Restrictions—Niagara Falls, Ontario . 24 Flight Restrictions—Forest Fires . 24 Flight Restrictions into National and Provincial Parks . 25 Sparsely Settled Areas . 25 Survival Equipment—Flights Over Land. 26 Survival Advisory Information . 27 Other Useful Tourist Information . 27 Canadian Airspace Boundaries . 30 Altimeter Setting and Designated Mountainous Regions. 31 For more information or other Civil Aviation publications, please: ✈ call us at: 1-800-305-2059; ✈ send us a fax at: (613) 957-4208; ✈ visit our Web site at: http://www.tc.gc.ca/aviation/index.htm; or ✈ write to: Transport Canada Civil Aviation Communications Centre (AARA) 330 Sparks Street Place de Ville, Tower C Ottawa ON K1A 0N8 ABBREVIATIONS AAE above aerodrome elevation ADCUS advise customs ADIZ air defence identification zone AFTN aeronautical fixed telecommunications network A/G air/ground or air-to-ground AGL above ground level AIP Aeronautical Information Publication AOE airport of entry ATC air traffic control ATF aerodrome traffic frequency CAP Canada Air Pilot CARs Canadian Aviation Regulations CARS community aerodrome radio station CFS Canada Flight Supplement CMNPS Canadian minimum navigation performance specifications CVFR controled visual flight rules CZ control zone DAH Designated Airspace Handbook DND Department of National Defence ELT emergency locator transmitter ETA estimated time of arrival FL flight level FSS flight service station ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization IFR instrument flight rules IMC instrument meteorological conditions MEA minimum en route attitude MF mandatory frequency MNPS minimum navigation performance specifications MHz megahertz NM nautical miles NORDO no radio RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCO remote communications outlet RONLY receiver only SAR search and rescue TC Transport Canada TCA terminal control area VFR visual flight rules VFR OTT VFR over-the-top VHF very high frequency VMC visual meteorological conditions WAS Water Aerodrome Supplement AIR TOURIST INFORMATION CANADA PURPOSE OF PAMPHLET This pamphlet is intended to serve only as a guide to the air tourist visiting Canada. Pilots are strongly encouraged to refer to the Aeronautical Information Publication Canada (A.I.P. Canada) for comprehensive pre-flight information, and to other publications that apply to the intended flight. A list of publications and charts appears on pages 2, 3 and 4. NOTAMs are normally available at major airports and from all FSSs. Pilots planning to fly their aircraft into Canada should be well acquainted with the aeronautical facilities and services that are available, as outlined in the Canada Flight Supplement (CFS). It is their responsibility to obtain required publications and charts, and to consult the latest NOTAM to ensure that they have all the current information pertinent to their proposed flight. If the proposed flight will be within the sparse l y settled areas of Canada, special skills and knowl e d g e on the part of pilots are req u i r ed as radio aids to navi g ation might be limited or non-existent. Wea ther inform at i o n , fu e l , se r vicing and accommodati o n ma y not be avai l a ble at certain aerod r omes. Pilots are therefo r e cautioned not to attempt flight within the sparse l y settled areas unless they have the app ro p ri a te ae r onautical cha r ts as well as the ability to navi g ate accurate l y by map- re a d i n g . Such flights should also be caref u l l y planned in advan c e , and the aircr aft equipped with necessary radio and survi val equipment. More detailed inform a tion is contained in the CFS, as well as in A. I . P . Canada. This document is available from: Transport Canada Civil Aviation Communications Centre (AARA) 330 Sparks Street Place de Ville, Tower C Ottawa ON K1A 0N8 Telephone: 1-800-305-2059 Fax: (613) 957-4208 Internet: http://www.tc.gc.ca/aviation/index.htm 1 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS, CONTENTS AND PRICES REFERENCE DOCUMENT Canadian Government Publishing (PWGSC) 1-800-635-7943 Ottawa ON K1A 0S9 Telephone: (819) 956-4802 Canada Fax: (819) 956-7193 A.I.P. Canada (TP 2300E or F) Am e n d a ble compreh e n s i ve pre- f light refe r ence manual that provides in fo rm a tion concerning rules of the air and proc e d u r es for aircr aft operati o n s in Canadian airsp a c e . English version: Cat. No. T51-8-1996E Single issue: $32.50 French version: Cat. No. T51-8-1996F Geomatics Canada Individual aeronautical charts and publications may be obtained from chart dis- tributors. See list in the "Planning" Section of the Canada Flight Supplement; or the web site http://aero.nrcan.gc.ca under "Distributors List"; or call the Canada Map Office (see numbers below). You may subscribe to certain aeronautical products through the: Canada Map Office 615 Booth Street Telephone: 1-800-465-6277 or (613) 952-7000 Ottawa ON K1A 0E9 Fax: 1-800-661-6277 or (613) 957-8861 Canada For product content information, call (613) 947-4806 or e-mail [email protected] VFR PRODUCTS SUPPLEMENTS: Canada Flight Supplement (CFS) (English or Bilingual) This publication includes information on land aerodromes and heliports in Canada and contains operational information significant to flight within Canadian airspace, including radio and emergency equipment require- ments, special procedures en route and at aerodromes or heliports. Single issue: $26.00 One year subscription: $93.00 (revised every 56 days) 2 Water Aerodrome Supplement (WAS) (Bilingual) Contains details on all known water aerodromes in Canada. Annual subscription: $38.00 (revised each spring) CHARTS: Aeronautical Charts (a) World Aeronautical Charts (WAC) Scale 1:1 000 000 $15.00 (b)VFR Navigation Charts (VNC) Scale 1:500 000 $15.00 (Includes the Alaska Highway Strip Map) (c) VFR Terminal Area (VTA) Charts Scale 1:250 000 $15.00 (For Montréal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary/Edmonton, and Vancouver) IFR PRODUCTS Canada Air Pilot (CAP) (revised every 56 days) (Instrument Approach Procedures) Seven volumes: CAP 1: Yukon and Northwest Territories CAP 2: British Columbia CAP 3: Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba CAP 4: Ontario CAP 5: Quebec (English) CAP 6: Québec (French) (also includes the approach charts for Ottawa/Macdonald- Cartier International Airport) CAP 7: Atlantic Provinces Single issue—one volume: $17.00 Subscription to Issues: $38.00/volume Canada Flight Supplement (CFS) Refer to “VFR Products.” En Route Navigation Charts (Bilingual): (a) Full set of eight charts Single issue: $45.00 One year subscription with wallet: $87.00 (b) LO 1-10, T 1-2 set Single issue: $35.00 One year subscription with wallet: $69.00 (c) HI 1-6 set Single issue: $15.00 One year subscription with wallet: $33.00 3 Transport Canada Civil Aviation Communications Centre (AARA) Telephone: 1-800-305-2059 330 Sparks Street Fax: (613) 957-4208 Place de Ville, Tower C Internet: www.tc.gc.ca/aviation/index.htm Ottawa ON K1A 0N8 Canada TITLE TP Number Flying the Alaska Highway in Canada TP 2168E NO TE : All prices are subject to cha n g e. Contact the res p e c t i ve source for more in fo rm at i o n . NOTAM (distributed by teletype) The prim a r y purpose of the Canadian NOTAM service is to notify pilots and other pe r sonnel concerned with flight operations of cha n g es that could affect flight safet y and that because of the time element invol ve d , cannot be published in app ro p ri at e ae r onautical inform a tion publi c a tions or included on cha r ts. NOTAMs are distri- buted via a nationwide teletype networ k and are displayed at all major airpo r ts for flight-planning purposes. NOTAMs are avai l a ble at FSSs. The telephone num b e r s for FSSs are listed under each aerod r ome in the Supplements. CARRIAGE OF FIREARMS Small arms : Hand-held pistols, revol ve rs , et c. , kn o wn as small arms , and fully au t o m a tic wea pons are not authoriz ed to be carried or wor n in Canada. Tou ri s t s en t e r ing Canada with such wea pons will be req u i r ed to ret u r n the fire a r ms to their residence via mail or exp r ess; fire a r ms will not be held in bond pending the to u ri s t ’ s ret u r n trip across the borde r .
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