![[M Ilto:Thom S.Del H Nty@Usdoj.Gov] Sent: Mond Y, J Nu Ry 30, 2017](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
From: Yates, Sally (ODAG) ent: Monday, January 30, 2017 10:17 PM (b)(6) former Acting Attorney General Yates To: personal email ubject: FW: Immigration -----Origin Messl ge----- From: Del h nty, Thom (USAME)s [m ilto:Thom s.Del h [email protected]] Sent: Mond y,J nu ry 30, 2017 9:58 PM To: Y tes, S lly (ODAG) (JMD) <S lly.Y [email protected]> Subject: Immigr tion You re my new hero. Being n tive M iner, your st nd on principle reminds me of Sen. M rg Chret se Smith in her "Decl r tion of Conscience" when she c lled out Sen. Joe McC rthy for his witch hunt on Communism. Th nk you..... Tom Del h nty THOMAS E. DELAHANTY II United St tes Attorney District of M ine 1 Docume t ID: 0.7.10904.5012 From: Yates, Sally (ODAG) ent: Monday, January 30, 2017 10:17 PM (b)(6) former Acting Attorney General Yates To: personal email ubject: FW: I am so proud -----Origin Messl ge----- From: Weissm nn, Andrew (CRM) Sent: Mond y,J nu 30,ry 2017 9:50 PM To: Y tes, S lly (ODAG) <s y [email protected]> Subject: I m so proud And in we. Th nk you so much. All my deepest respects, Andrew Weissm nn Sent from my iPhone 1 Docume t ID: 0.7.10904.5011 From: Yates, Sally (ODAG) ent: Monday, January 30, 2017 10:17 PM (b)(6) former Acting Attorney General Yates To: personal email ubject: FW: Thank you -----Origin Messl ge----- From: Aloi, Eliz beth Sent: Mond y,J nu 30,ry 2017 10:11 PM To: Y tes, S lly (ODAG) <s y [email protected]> Subject: Th nk you Th nk you for your service. Inspir tion lnd heroic. Liz Aloi Sent from my iPhone 1 Docume t ID: 0.7.10904.5014 From: Yates, Sally (ODAG) ent: Monday, January 30, 2017 8:58 PM (b)(6) former Acting Attorney General Yates To: personal email ubject: FW: Your Message on the EO -----Origin Messl ge----- From: Rice, Emily (USANH) [m ilto:[email protected]] Sent: Mond y,J nu 30,ry 2017 7:16 PM To: Y tes, S lly (ODAG) (JMD) <S lly.Y [email protected]> Subject: Your Mess ge on the EO AAG Y tes, th nk you, slw forys, m king us proud. It is truly nhonor to work for you. Gr tefully, Emily Gr Ricey Sent from my iPhone 1 Docume t ID: 0.7.10904.5050 From: Yates, Sally (ODAG) ent: Monday, January 30, 2017 9:07 PM (b)(6) former Acting Attorney General Yates To: personal email ubject: FW: Message from the Acting Attorney General From: McQuad Barbara, (USAMIE) [mailto:Barbara.McQuad @usdoj.gov] ent: Monday, January 30, 2017 6:30 PM To: Yat s, Sally (ODAG) (JMD) <Sally.Yat [email protected]> ubject: Fwd: M ssag from th Acting Attorn Gy n ral Thank you for your courag and l ad rship. This is wond rful n ws. Barbara L. McQuad Unit dStat sAttorn y East rn District of Michigan 211 W st Fort Str Suitt, 2001 D troit, Michigan 48226 Offic (b) (6) Mobil (b) (6) barbara.mcquad @usdoj.gov B gin forward dm ssag : 1 Docume t ID: 0.7.10904.5046 From: 'Wilkinson, Monty (USAEO)" <[email protected]> Date: January 30, 2017 at 6:17:47 PM EST To: USAEO-USAttomeysOnly < USAE 0-USAttorneysOnly@usa. doj. gov> Subject: Message from the Acting Attorney General The Acting Attorney General asked that I forward the attached message to you. Messageirom,lthe ATT'00001 Jlitfm, .A.cllr!![I Mom.. 2 Document ID: 0.7.10904.5046 On Janua 27,y 2017, the P esident signed an Executive O de ega ding immig ants and efugees f om ce tain Muslim-majo ity count ies. The o de has now been challenged in a numbe of ju isdictions. As the Acting Atto ney Gene al, it is my ultimate esponsibility to dete mine the position of the Depa tment of Justice in these actions. My ole is diffe ent f om that of the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), which, th ough administ ations of both pa ties, has eviewed Executive O de fo s fo m and legality befo e they a issued.e OLC’s eview is limited to the na questionow of whethe in, OLC’s view, a p oposed Executive O de is lawful on its face and p ope d lyafted. Its eview does not take account of statements made by an administ ation o it su ogates close in time to the issuance of an Executive O de that may bea on the o de pu’s pose. And impo tantly, it does not add ess whethe any policy choice embodied in an Executive O de is wise o just. Simila ly, in litigation, DOJ Civil Division lawye as chae ged with advancing easonable legal a guments that can be made suppo ting an Executive O de But. my ole as leade of this institution is diffe ent and b oade My. esponsibility is to ensu thate the position of the Depa tment of Justice is not only legally defensible, but is info med by ou best view of what the law is afte conside ation of all the facts. In addition, I am esponsible fo ensu ing that the positions we take in cou temain consistent with this institution’s solemn obligation to always seek justice and stand fo what is ight. At p esent, I am not convinced that the defense of the Executive O de is consistent with these esponsibilities no am I convinced that the Executive O de is lawful. Consequently, fo as long as I am the Acting Atto ney Gene al, the Depa tment of Justice will not p esent a guments in defense of the Executive O de unless, and until I become convinced that it is app op iateto do so. Docume t ID: 0.7.10904.5116-000001 From: Horn, ohn (USAGAN) < [email protected]> ent: Friday, anuary 27, 2017 2:11 PM To: Yates, Sally (ODAG) ( MD); Schools, Scott (ODAG) ( MD) Cc: Wilkinson, Monty (USAEO) ubject: LaGrange Ga Every ow a dagai bei, gUS Attor ey allows me to participate i thi gs that cha ge my life. Yesterday was o eof those eve ts. If you’re eedi a glift to your day, this is it. Nearly 8 Decades Later, an Apology for a Lynching in Georgia By ALAN BLINDER a dRICHARD FAUSSETJAN. 26, 2017 Photo Er est Ward, right, the N.A.A.C.P. preside i t Troup Cou ty, Ga., said he had “a ewfou respect”d for Louis M. Dekmar, the police chief i LaGra ge. Credit Dusti Chambers for The New York Times LaGRANGE, Ga. Some people here had ever heard about the ly chi ofg Austi Callaway about how, almost 77 years ago, he was dragged out of a jail cell by a ba dof masked white me , the shot a dleft for dead. Some people ever forgot. But o Thursday eve i theg, fatal cruelties i flicted upo Mr. Callaway lo gobscured by time, fear, professio al malfeasa ce a da relucta ce to i vestigate the si sof the past were ack owledged i this city of 31,000 people whe LaGra ge’s police chief, Louis M. Dekmar, who is white, issued a rare apology for a Souther ly chi g. “I si cerely regret a dde ou thece role our Police Departme playedt i Austi ’sly chi bothg, through our actio a dour i actio Chief,” Dekmar told a crowd at a traditio ally Africa -America church. “A dfor that, I’m profou dly sorry. It should ever have happe ed.” He also said that all citize shad the right to expect that their police departme “bet ho est, dece t, u biased a dethical.” The apology for the Sept. 8, 1940, killi gis part of a re ewed push across the America South to ack owledge the brutal mob viole ce that was used to e force the system of racial segregatio after Reco structio I :a 2015 study, the Equal Justice I itiative, a o profit based i Mo tgomery, Ala., docume ted 4,075 of what it called the “racial terror ly chi gs”of blacks by white mobs i 12 Souther states from 1877 to 1950. 1 Docume t ID: 0.7.10904.5305 The group has begu co structio of a memorial to ly chi victimsg i Mo tgomery, which could ope by March 2018. To Chief Dekmar, however, the apology i the tow he has called home si ce 1995 is about more tha righti ghistory’s wro gs. It is also a effort, i the age of the Black Lives Matter moveme t,to address some of the deepest roots of mi ority mistrust i the police, a dcreate a better worki g relatio ship betwee officers a dthe commu ity. “It became clear that somethi g eeded to be do eto recog ize that some thi gs we did i the past are a burde still carried by officers today,” Chief Dekmar said i a rece phot ei terview. “I stitutio ares made up of people, a drelatio ships go like this: Before you trust somebody, you eed to k ow that they k ow that they did you wro g, a dthat you’re steppi gup a dapologizi gfor it.” Photo A Sept.
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