www.ukrweekly.com Й U3 r– І JH" - сл ^Ш :E -C X x Published by the Ukrainian National Association inc., л fraternal non-profit association! z О яі О -c -J я one z ^ -n v О O–О OZ О P^Z О м : вз О Km rainian Weekly іл t сл vol. LIII No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1985 25 cents Ukrainian students held in East Germany U.S. hierarchs' appeal for prayer LONDON - Two Ukrainian stu– prospect for their early release. A dents from Great Britain have been held foreign Office spokesman was quoted on anniversary of Cardinal Josyf's death in an Last Berlin prison since August 1, in the 1 imes as saying that the students when they were detained while on their were on their way to Poland when they very Reverend and Reverend Clergy. waj to Poland, reported The Times of were detained after a customs check at Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. London on August 20. Frankfurt-on-Oder. They were then Last German police are holding the transferred to a jail in East Berlin. The swiftness of time becomes apparent as we approach the lirst two George Fedyszyn, 22. of London. A British consular official from the anniversary of the death on September 7 of our first major archbishop. His and Oleh Leszczyszyn, 22. of Coventry embassy in East Berlin visited the pair. Beatitude Cardinal Josyf Slipyj. This past year calls to mind with sadness the for allegedly importing anti-Com– and the British Embassy is keeping in 17 years of his captivity when we were deprived of his leadership and presence. munist literature into the country. touch with East German authorities Upon his release from imprisonment and his triumphant arrival in the Eternal The Times reported that there is no about their plight, reported The Times. City, there was great joy not only among Ukrainians throughout the world but also among all who cherish freedom. He restored to our Church an awareness of her rightful place in the Universal Church. His witness to Christ made us aware of the cross that we must carry as individuals and as members National millennium committee meets of the Ukrainian Catholic Church if we are to be true followers of Our Lord. His death one year ago saddened us. We profoundly feel his absence as the to determine plan of activity prime hierarch of our Church. But, we believe that Christ truly conquered death and that He promises and gives resurrection to all who follow His JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - The ad hoc change the location of the meeting; teachings. Therefore, his beatitude is truly present among us, although in an committee on the millennium of Chris– Then Dr. Chirovsky stated that, in view invisible and mysterious manner. We must always cherish the presence of his tianity in Ukraine held a plenary session of the fact that the meeting was to be spirit among us and be loyal to his memory and all that he accomplished for here at the Ukrainian National Associa– held at the UNA, the Ukrainian Libera– the Ukrainian Catholic Church. л tiotrhcadquarters on Saturday, August tion Front would not participate, Therefore, we direct that a liturgy on September 7 and panachyda on 17, with 68 persons, including 55 repre– however, Liberation Front - members September 8 be celebrated for the eternal repose of his soul in every church sentatives of national organizations, in who serve on the jnillenniuro-commit– and mission in our archeparchy on the anniversary of the passing into attendance. " tee's subcommittees could take part. eternity of this great luminary in the history of the Ukrainian Catholic None of these persons attended the Church. We further request that an appropriate homily be preached and that Liberation Front boycott meeting, however. Dr. Chirovsky told his martyr's story be printed in all ecclesiastical publications so that "his Dr. Starosolsky that Ukrainian Libera– memory be among us forever." Members of the Ukrainian Libera– tion Front members would participate tion Front, however, did not participate in the next plenary meeting of the Sincerely in Christ, in the meeting. According to the chair- millennium committee if it is held at Stephen man of the millennium committee another location. Archbishop of Philadelphia presidium. Dr. Yuriy Starosolsky, he The plenary meeting was called to Basil had received a telephone call from Dr. order by Dr. Starosolsky. Seated at the Bishop of Stamford Nicholas Chirovsky, president of the presidium, along with Dr. Starosolsky, innocent Organization for the Defense of Four were Dr. George Soltys, chairman of Bishop of St. Nicholas, Chicago Freedoms for Ukraine, who asked if the the ad hoc group's working committee; Robert plenary session could be held some– Oleksiy Shevchenko. secretary; the Bishop of St. Josaphat, Parma where other than at the UNA building. Rev. Martin Canavan, who represented Dr. Starosolsky replied that it would be Archbishop-Metropolitan Stephen Philadelphia, August 12 impossible for technical reasons to (Continued on page 13) Petro Sichko arrested 1 UNA seniors' housing close to construction phase while still in camp 1CERHONKSON. N.Y. - Senior citizens housing at Soyuzivka, the JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Petrosichko, resort of the Ukrainian National Asso– the Ukrainian Helsinki Group member ciation, moved another step closer to whose arrest was reported last week, reality when UNA Supreme President was rearrested while still in a labor John O. Flis on August 10 turned the camp in Kherson, Ukraine, serving a first shovelful of earth on the building term for "circulation of slanderous site between the Chernivtsi villa and the fabrications," reported USSR News chapel. Brief. Mr. Sichko was due to be set free on The building, which was originally May 26, but was rearrested a few days planned for a site near the Main House before the scheduled release. The latest but was moved to a more secluded area charges against him are not known. He of the resort, will include 10 rooms, each has reportedly been senttoaninvestiga– with a private bath, as well as a large tive prison, according to Keston News. recreation room complete witli kitchen facilities. The veteran political prisoner has already served three terms of impri– There will be four rooms on the lirst sonment: 10 years in 1947-1957 for floor and six on the second; eight of the treason; three years in 1979-1983 for rooms are lor single seniors, while two slander; and three years in 1982-1985. are for married couplies. The building also for slander. will also house a laundry room and a Mr. Sichko is disabled and suffers doctor's examination room on the first UNA Supreme President John O. Flis has just turned the first shovelful of earthon from tuberculosis. floor. A large patio and .parking lot for the site of the first phase of seniors housing at Soyuzivka. With him (from left) are His rearrest while still serving a camp 10 cars complete the design proposed by Supreme Advisor Walter Kwas, Soyuzivka assistant manager Yera Gojewycz, (Continued on page 13) (Continued on page. 13) architect Zenon Mazurkevich, and Soyuzivka manager John Rabkewych. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1985 No. 35 Arab student reveals truth Ferrous metallurgy minister retires about Soviet educational system BERNE, Switzerland - Thou– labor camps, in 1975, he was given a after Gorbachev's visit to Ukraine sands of foreign students visited free scholarship through the Jor– Moscow recently for the 12th World danian Ministry of Education to by David Marples Having declared that it would be "not Festival of Youth and Students, and study agriculture at a higher institute only impermissible... but erroneous" to among the Soviet wonders they were in Leningrad. Although his parents On July 5, Radio Moscow reported slow down in any area of industry, Mr. no doubt shown is the massive educa– were devout Moslems who regarded the retirement "on health grounds" of Gorbachev raised his old canard that , tional system that offers free univer– Soviet communism as atheistic, they the Soviet minister of ferrous metal– the "old approaches" are no longer of. sity-level study for tens of thousands agreed to his study plans because lurgy, 67-year old Ukrainian lvan use in achieving industrial advance– of foreign students. they had no other means of financing Kazanets. Mr. Kazanets has been re- ment. particularly when "intensive his education, said the Press Review, placed by former First Deputy Minister targets"are being set forthe 12th (1986- On the eve of thetwo–week festival, in 1981. he was awarded a master's Serafim Kolpakov. 1990) five-year plan. which began July 27. the Swiss Press degree from the Academy of Forestry The retirement of Mr. Kazanets comes Review and News Report published He then turned specifically to the in Leningrad and then returned to only 10 days after CPSU General an article tilled "Scholarship to the Ukrainian ferrous metallurgy in– take his doctorate. Soon his Soviet Secretary Mykhail Gorbachev's visit to Gulag: A Foreign Student's Expe– dustry: "We have turned attention to rience of Soviet Education." tutors and fellow students began Ukraine, which included a speech to the the subject of our criticism, the USSR The author of the article. Musa urging him to join the Communist collective of the Petrovsky metallur– Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. How– Harun, an Arab student from Jor– Party, provoking heated political gical works in Dnipropetrovske. Al– ever, if one considers that a vast part of dan, wrote about the racial discrimi– debates which usually ended in harsh though, as will be demonstrated. Mr the output of this ministry is produced nation against Third World students, criticism of the Soviet regime.
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