![¶ÌˆÌ‡ Հ̳ †A Z] Z̧Z» Y Reclaiming Sicily from the Mafia](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
¶ÌÌÕ̳aZ] Z̧Z»Y ÂÀ̸Â]ZfË ÁÌaÂË{M^ÀmÁ Reclaiming Sicily IURPWKH0D¿D Rita Borsellino and the Addiopizzo Movement Vision and Motivation ÃÌ´¿YÁÀÌ] 7KH 0D¿D KDV ORQJ EHHQ D GRPLQDQW force in Italy. 1$FFRUGLQJWRWKHDQWL0D¿D ZÌ·ZfËY { \·Z£ ÖËÁÌ¿ Z]Ë{ Y Z̧Z» RI¿FH RI WKH ,WDOLDQ UHWDLOHUV DVVRFLDWLRQ ÄË{ZveY ÕZ̧Z» | ÃY{Y ª^ ] dY Ã{Â] WKH0D¿DH[WRUWVPLOOLRQHXURVDGD\ ÁÂ˽Â̸̻ĿYÁZ̧Z»,ZÌ·ZfËY½ZÁ§Ã{y from Italian businesses. 2 The challenge of |À¯Ö»Õ}ZyYZÌ·ZfËY{Õ{Zf«YÕZÅdÌ·Z §Y organized crime is particularly acute in ÃËm { yÓZ] Äf§Z˽Z»Z ºËYm ·Zq the island of Sicily. While there are law µZ¼YÕZÅ{ZÆ¿ÃËm¾ËY{ dYÕ|m,¶ÌÌ HQIRUFHPHQW ERGLHV GHGLFDWHG WR ¿JKWLQJ ZÀ]Z»Y|À·Â¤»Äf§Z˽Z»ZºËYmZ]ĸ]Z¬»Ä]½Â¿Z« organized crime, for most Sicilians, according to the head of Italy's anti-racket Õ}ZyY|½ÂÌ̼¯ÌW,ÂY³Â¿Ze¿Ä] commission Tano Grasso, "It is more Z̧Z» Ä] dyY{a ZÅÖ¸ÌÌ j¯Y ÕY] ,ZÌ·ZfËY convenient for them to pay up than to dYÄÂ]»{Y»Y³Ye½ZM report them." 3 ,ÖfËZ¼uµÂaZËÁÌadyY{aÄ]Z̧Z»Z^mY 7KH 0D¿D V UHTXLUHPHQW WR SD\ WKH d̬§Â»½ÂqZÅÖ¸ÌÌÁ{]dYÖ§ZYZ] pizzo, or protection money, has been a Õ Y fÌ] Ö·Z» ÕZÅZZ¬e Ä] ZÆÀe Ö·Z» EXUGHQRQPRVW6LFLOLDQVEHFDXVH¿QDQFLDO Z]Z»Y {ÂÖ»nÀ»Äf§Z˽Z»ZºËYmÕZÅĬ¸u success only leads to larger monetary demands from organized crime rings. Yet Ä]Y{Âm»dÌ ÁZÅÖ¸ÌÌ,ºfÌ]½«½ZËZa Ä]ZÀ] |¿|{ÂyÕ{YMZfYÂyÁÃ|̯·Zq ]©Â¬uÁÖY¯Â»{ ZÅÄ]ne www.tavaana.org by the end of the 20th century, Sicilians ,eÂÌb»Z¯¾ÌÌÀ°e®Ë,ÖqÂZ»Ä·Y°Za¿ began to challenge the status quo and Á»·Zaַ¼ »½Y|¿ÁÆÖ¿ÓÂc|»ÕY] reclaim their freedom. According to Pasquale Masucci, a computer technician, Ã|ÄfY{ÃZ´¿½Z³Á³,ÁµÂaZ]Ä^¯¶ÅY "For too long ordinary citizens of Palermo ºËYÄfZy]ĸ]Z¬»Ä]Z»½ÂÀ¯YZ»Y|¿{Â] and business people have been held dÌ·Z §½Y^ÅYÖ°Ë,ÂÀ̸ Â]ZfË¿Y5 UDQVRPDQGQRZZHDUH¿JKWLQJEDFN 4 , µZ { Ö¿|» Õ^Å ½ZËm ,Z̧Z» Ä̸ For Rita Borsellino, a leading anti- ·ÂWZa ÖZ« ,ÕÁ {Y] ½| Äf¯ Y a 0D¿DDFWLYLVWWKHSDWKWRFLYLFOHDGHUVKLS Âe ¶Ì^»ÂeY ÕY~³\¼] ®Ë { ,ÂÀ̸Â] began in 1992 after her brother, Judge Paolo Ä]YZfË,ÕÁ½|Äf¯ |Z£M¶ÌÌÕZ̧Z» Borsellino, was killed in a car bombing Á{Â]Ä·ZÃZnÀa½Z»½M{ZfË dY{YÁ¶¼ RUFKHVWUDWHG E\ WKH 6LFLOLDQ 0D¿D +LV murder forced Rita to take action. 5 Though ĸdveÕ»·Za{YÖ³|¿½YÁ{¶¯{ 5LWDZDVQHDUO\¿IW\DQGKDGEHHQOLYLQJLQ ,ÕÁÖzÕ{YeZ»Y{Â]Ã{¯Ö³|¿Z̧Z» 0D¿DGRPLQDWHG 3DOHUPR KHU HQWLUH OLIH ^Àm{ZnËYÄ]į|ºyÖ¿Á]hZ] her personal tragedy sparked the outrage {» |Ì»Zn¿Y {YM ÖÀ » Ä] ZË^Ì· ÕZ̧Z» | WKDW OHG WR WKH FUHDWLRQ RI WKH DQWL0D¿D ½{¯µZ^¿{ÕY]ÃZ³pÌÅį|Å{Ö»½Z¿ÕÁ movement, LIBERA, meaning "free." Her dÌ¿Ë{,Ä »Zm{Â^Æ]dÆm¥|Å®Ë example demonstrates that it is never too late to take up a cause to improve society. ÖÀ » Ä] ÁÌaÂË{M ½Z»Z ,¶° ¾Ì¼Å Ä] Likewise, the Addiopizzo organization, ^Àm®ËÖfËZ¼uÕZÅdyY{aZ]Ö§ZuY|y which means "goodbye to protection Ö·Z»|¿ÂÌaÕZÅÌn¿¾f°ÕY]įdYÖ¿|» payments," is an important civic |À¯Ö»Ôe,Ã|ÄÌ^ e¶ÌÌÕZ̧Z»Âeį PRYHPHQW SXVKLQJ WR EUHDN WKH ¿QDQFLDO ½YÂm½YY{½YÂfYÕ{Y| eÂeÁÌaÂË{M chains of bondage that were put in place µÂv»½Z»Z¾ËY |ÌPeµZ{ E\6LFLO\ V0D¿D$GGLRSL]]RZDVIRXQGHG ,cZ«,Z̧Z»|½ÓZ §¶f«|ÅZįdYÖ¸¿ by a few young restaurateurs in 2004, as a by-product of a generation that witnessed dY Ã{Â] Z¯ Á \¯ ¶ÅY Á ½YZ´¿Ä»Z¿Á WKH NLOOLQJV RI DQWL0D¿D DFWLYLVWV ½M{įָÌÌ{Â]Ã{ZÁÌaÂË{MY|¿Yºq judges, journalists and businesspeople. Á|À¯Ö¼¿µfÀ¯Y{Zf«YÕZÅz]ļÅZ̧Z» $GGLRSL]]R V YLVLRQ ZDV VLPSOH D 6LFLO\ {Â|{ZÅÃY|¿YļÅ{ZÅZ¯Á\¯ ZKHUHWKH0D¿DGLGQRWFRQWURODOOVHFWRUV |ÀÀ¯Ö»¨u{ÂyÕY]Y{Ây of the economy and where businesses of DOOVL]HVFRXOGNHHSRIWKHLUSUR¿WV 6 |Z¬»Á¥Y|ÅY Goals and Objectives ÁZ̧Z»[ZYÄ]į{Â]½MµZ^¿{Ä]ÂÀ̸Â] Borsellino sought to put an end to the |z]½ZËZaZË^Ì·ÌZeZ]½MÃ|ÀÀ¯l¸§ÕÁÌa 0D¿D V LQWLPLGDWLQJ DQG FULSSOLQJ SL]]R ®q¯ÕZŽZ»Z¶»ZdYÕYÄË{ZveYZË^Ì· www.tavaana.org ÁÌaÂË{M^ÀmÁÂÀ̸Â]ZfË-Z̧Z»Y¶ÌÌÕ̳aZ] by establishing LIBERA, an association dYÃ{¯Ö»dÌ·Z §µZYZ̧Z»Ä̸į of small organizations working to combat YYZÌ·ZfËY¹{»d¿YÂeZË^Ì·ÕYn»YÂÀ̸Â] WKH 0D¿D LQ 7KURXJK /,%(5$ Borsellino educated the Italian people ÃZ³MÌ»Md¿ÂyÌ£Á¹YMÕ{Zf«YÕZŹZ¿ about a nonviolent and peaceful system of d»Â°uÁ]©Â¬uÄ]¹YfuYZ]Ö»Z¿,|À¯ economics, one with respect for the rule of Äf§Z˽Z»ZºËYmÕZÌ¿{{įֻZ¿Á½Â¿Z« law and human rights, a system that had ª¿ÁÄ]į½MYÌ]ZË^Ì· dYÃ|»Y§ been lost in the world of organized crime. 7 |ÀfyY{aÖ¼¿ÁÌaį{Y{b]ÖËZÅZ¯Á\¯ More than helping jumpstart businesses Ã| Ã{Z» ¾Ì» Y ½ÁÌ] ÖY» ¾fyZ Ä] that did not pay the pizzo, LIBERA began ÕÁZ¯cÓÂv»d¯dÆmd·Á{Âe EXLOGLQJIDUPVRXWRIODQGFRQ¿VFDWHGE\ ,{YM¾Ì»¾ËY{ dyY{a,Z̧Z»d{YZÅ WKH JRYHUQPHQW LQ RUGHU WR JURZ 0D¿D free agricultural products, Libera Terra, to ¥Z »¯Y»{|ËZ]į|Ö»d¯ÖeÓÂv» be sold in pizzo-free establishments. 8 |Ö»ÄfyÁ§ÖfËZ¼uµÂaY Addiopizzo similarly challenged the Ä]½|Ìz]c|«Z]\Ìee¾ËYÄ]ÁÌaÂË{M PD¿DE\HPSRZHULQJEXVLQHVVRZQHUVWR ÕZZ¬e|ÀfYÂyÖ¼¿Ä¯ÕZ¯Á\¯½Z^uZ UHIXVH WKH 0D¿D V GHPDQGV E\ FUHDWLQJ ÖfËZ¼uÄ°^{ZnËYÄ]{ÂyÁÃ{Y{xZaYZ̧Z» a strong support network. Addiopizzo {Y{ Y« ·Zq {» Y Z̧Z» ,|¿Y{b] Õ« worked with business owners to open and run pizzo-free businesses to show {¯Ö»Z¯,Z¯Á\¯½Z^uZZ]ÁÌaÂË{M the Sicilian people that there is a viable YÖfËZ¼uµÂadyY{aY¥Z »ÖËZÅdÌ·Z §Ze DOWHUQDWLYH WR WKH 0D¿DGRPLQDWHG ½Z¿¶Ì̹{»Ä]Ze|ÀÀ¯ÃY{YÁÃ{¯Z£M business culture. Addiopizzo used the ]Y] { f{ ¶]Z« Á ¶Ë|] ÖÅY į |ÀÅ{ example of Libero Grassi, a business {Y{{ÂmÁZ̧Z»È¸dveZ¯Á\¯²Àŧ RZQHUZKRVWRRGXSWRWKH0D¿DLQ Ã{Z¨fYÖY³ÂË^Ì·dÌ·Z §Ä¿Â¼¿YÁÌaÂË{M by refusing to pay the pizzo. Grassi tried µZ{Z̧Z»]Y]{į{Â]Ä^¯®ËÁY {¯ to organize a group of supporters, but no {¯Ö³{ZfËYÖfËZ¼uµÂa¾fyY{b¿Z], RQHZDVZLOOLQJWRVWDQGXSWRWKH0D¿D as he had; Grassi was murdered that same »¾ËY½ZÌ»ZuYÖÅÁ³{¯ÔeÖY³ year. At Addiopizzo rallies, speakers have ]Y]{dYÂz¿¯pÌÅZ»Y|À¯ÖÅ{½Z»ZY declared, "There is no better time to say Äf¯µZ½Z¼Å{ÖY³-|fËZ]ÁY¶j»Z̧Z» no. You will not be left alone. These are no |¿{¯¹ÔY½Z¿YÀzÁÌaÂË{McYÅZe{ | longer the 1990s, when Libero Grassi was Z¼ {Y|¿{ÂmÁ¾f¨³Ä¿ÕY]fÆ]Ö¿Z»Ä¯ murdered, because he was abandoned." 9 įdÌ¿ÄÅ{ÃÁ{´Ë{ |Ì¿Z»Ö¼¿ZÆÀe ZÆÀe½Âq|Äf¯ÁY |Äf¯ÖY³ÂË^Ì· Leadership Too often movements are sparked |ÄfY~³ by injustices, and like so many others, ]©Â¬uÁÖY¯Â»{ ZÅÄ]ne www.tavaana.org Borsellino's catalyst for becoming a civic Õ^Å leader was driven by personal tragedy. In her work at LIBERA, she has managed Öf·Y|Ö]Z]ZÅ^ÀmÄ«m{Y»\¸£Y{ to unite numerous societal groups to ,{Y» Y ´Ë{ ÕZÌ] ¶j» Á {ÂÖ» Ã{ KHHGKHUFDOOIRUD0D¿DIUHHHFRQRP\ 10 ^Å®ËÄ]½|¶Ë|^eÕY]ÂÀ̸Â]ÁÌ·ZeZ¯ In this manner, Borsellino expanded {ÂyZ¯{ÁY {Â]ÕÁÖzÕ{YeÖ¿|» the organization to include over 1,500 ÖZ¼fmYÕZÅÃÁ³Ä¯{Â]½MµZ^¿{Ä]ZË^Ì·{ associations that successfully combat the ZÅ,Õ{Zf«YÄ]{Ây½YÂyY§ÕY]Y¦¸fz» 0D¿D V LQÀXHQFH LQ WKH 6LFLOLDQ PDUNHW Her accomplishments led her to electoral Y {Ây ½Z»Z ÂÀ̸Â] {Z |vf» Z̧Z» Y politics; Borsellino was elected as an Ä] d̬§Â» Z] Á {Y{ f³ ÄË{ZveY Ä] Italian Member to the European Parliament dyY{a¶ÌÌYZ]{Z̧Z»}¨¿Ä̸ÃZ^» LQ WR DGGUHVV WKH 0D¿D V QHJDWLYH dZÌÄ{ÂuÄ]ÕÁÕZÅ{ÁZf{ HFRQRPLF LQÀXHQFH RQ D WUDQVQDWLRQDO ÖËZÌ·ZfËY®˽YÂÀÄ]ÂÀ̸Â]-|ÖÆfÀ» level. ÌiZeÄ]Ze|[Zzf¿YµZ{ZaÁY½Z¼·Za {Y{b]Ö¸»Y§t{Z̧Z»Õ{Zf«YÖ¨À» ÌZe½YÂm¾Ë§MZ¯®ËÂeÁÌaÂË{M ½{¯ Z] ÕY] Õ|À]Äm{Â] ¹Z´ÀÅ Ä] į | ZËÁÌa|ÅYÂyÖ¼¿d§³ºÌ¼e½YÂf®Ë »·Za į t^ Á ®Ë {Y{b] ÖfËZ¼u µÂa Ã|Ì^q Y ÁÌaÂË{M ¹ZÌa ,dZy] [YÂy Y µÂa į Ö»{» ¹Z¼e |Ë{ Æ ÕZÅYÂË{ ] |ÀfÌ¿d»Y¯\uZ|¿Y{aÖ»YÖfËZ¼u Addiopizzo was founded by young Y|f]Y{į|¿ÁMÖ»{ZËÄ]ÁÌaÂË{M½YY~´¿ZÌÀ] entrepreneurs who, when budgeting to ¬§Z» ºËª§Â»|u¾ËYZeºË{¯Ö¼¿°§ open a restaurant, decided they did not YÁÌaÂË{M ºÌÀ¯Z]Yhv][Z]ºÌfYÂyÖ» want to pay the pizzo. One morning, ZfyZpÌÅįdY{§Ä]vÀ»dÆm¾ËY Palermo woke up to Addiopizzo's message Ä]½|̵Z^¿{Ä]fÌ]ÁdY|¿ÕÂÕ^Å SODVWHUHGDOORYHUWKHFLW\$ZKROHSHRSOH ֻ¼ÁZ],µZ{ cÆZe{Â]ÄnÌf¿ who pays the pizzo is a people without 11 Á|ÀÀ¯Ö»ÃY{YY½Z»Z¾ËY¨¿Ä¯{Â]¾ËY dignity." Addiopizzo founders recall, "initially we didn't think we'd succeed |ÀfÅZ^eY{Ö¿ÁZ edÌ·Z §ZÅ|Z] so well.
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