2015 Invest In SHENZHEN Build A Winning 投资深圳·共赢未来 Future 电话Tel: (0086) 755-82004023 传真Fax: (0086) 755-82004008 邮箱E-mail:[email protected] 网址Website: www.investshenzhen.gov.cn DIRECTOR GENERAL’S ADDRESS 署长致辞 署长致辞 DIRECTOR GENERAL’S ADDRESS 署长致辞 DIRECTOR GENERAL’S ADDRESS My dear friends, I’m honored to introduce to you Shenzhen, this beautiful city I so deeply love. 亲爱的朋友们,非常荣幸为您介绍这座我们所深爱着的美丽 城市——深圳。 Shenzhen is a city of miracles. Shenzhen’s citizens used their own sweat and wisdom to turn a small fishing town with only 30,000-40,000 residents into a modern internationalized metropolis with a beautiful natural 深圳,是一座奇迹之城。仅仅用了三十多年的时间,深圳人民就 setting, complete infrastructure and facilities, and a population in excess of ten million in just a little more 用自己的勤劳和智慧,将一个只有几万人的小渔村,发展成为一 than thirty years’ time. 个拥有上千万人口、环境优美、功能完善的国际化现代化大都市。 Shenzhen is a city of innovation. This is a city that provides fertile grounds for expanding careers and realizing 深圳,是一座创新之城。这里是开拓事业、成就梦想的热土,培 dreams. Shenzhen has fostered numerous famous and internationally competitive multinational enterprises, 育了华为、中兴、腾讯、中国平安、招商银行、比亚迪、华大基 including Huawei, ZTE, Tencent, Ping An Insurance, China Merchants Bank, BYD, BGI, DJI, and Kuang-Chi. 因、大疆科技、光启科技等一批具有国际竞争力的知名跨国企 Shenzhen is the first city to be named as a National Innovation Demonstration Zone, and as a rising 业。深圳是首个以城市为单元的国家自主创新示范区,作为崛起 international center of innovation, Shenzhen has accumulated an impressive number of high-tech and 中的国际创新中心,深圳聚集了大量高科技人才和技能人才。 talented professionals. 深圳,是一座活力之城。它年轻、热情、包容、多元,是中国最 Shenzhen is a vibrant city. Its youth, enthusiasm, inclusiveness, and diversity help make it the city most 受年轻人喜爱的城市,在这里,您几乎可以接触到所有的中国地 beloved amongst China’s younger generations. Here, you can come in contact with almost all of China’s local 方文化,也能享受到最国际化的商务环境。来到在深圳您就是这 cultures, all in the most internationalized of business environments. Those who come to Shenzhen are 座城市的主人,因为“来了,就是深圳人”。 masters of the city, because “once you’ve come, you’re a Shenzhener”. 深圳,是一座绿色之城。这里地处山海之间,气候温润宜人。拥 Shenzhen is a green city. The city lies between the mountains and the sea, and has a comfortable, warm and 有230公里海岸线,890个公园,全市建成区绿化覆盖率达45% , moist climate. With 230 kilometers of coastline, 890 parks, and green space that covers 45% of the urban 是中国最美的城市之一。 area, this is one of China’s most beautiful cities. 深圳,更是一座机遇之城。这里中国经济最为活跃的城市之一, More than anything else, Shenzhen is a city of opportunity. This is one of China’s most economically active 目前,深圳大力发展湾区经济,打造成中国海上丝绸之路的重要 cities. Shenzhen is in the midst of energetically developing its bay area’s economy as it works to become an 枢纽,还将努力成为全球重要的科技创新中心、金融服务中心、 important hub for China’s maritime silk road, and the city also aims to become a globally important center 先进制造中心、商贸物流中心和时尚创意中心。深圳既毗邻香 for innovation in science and technology, as well as a center for financial services, advanced manufacturing, 港,又背靠中国最大的消费市场珠三角城市群。在这里,您可以 commerce/trade logistics, and fashion innovation. Shenzhen is both adjacent to Hong Kong, and located in 与世界同呼吸,与全球相联接。 China’s largest consumer market—the Pearl River Delta city cluster. In Shenzhen, you can not only move in lockstep with the world, but also make worldwide connections. 深圳还有一个美丽的名字——鹏城。我相信,我们可以一起展翅 高飞,合作发展,共赢未来。 Shenzhen is also known by another beautiful name--Roc City (Rocs are enormous birds from Chinese and Persian mythology). I trust that we’ll be able to spread our wings and fly towards cooperative development 深圳市投资推广署 署长 and joint future success together. Wang Youming Director General of Invest Shenzhen CONTENTS 目录 目录 CONTENTS 目录 CONTENTS 05 自然概况 SHENZHEN BASICS 29 企业营运成本费用参考 REFERENCES FOR COMPANY’S OPERATION EXPENSES 07 深圳优势 ADVANTAGES OF SHENZHEN 31 宜居城市 A LIVABLE CITY 15 重点产业 KEY INDUSTRIES 37 我看深圳 SHENZHEN IN MY EYES 25 聚焦前海 39 QIANHAI 关于我们 ABOUT US 03 04 SHENZHEN INVESTMENT GUIDE SHENZHEN BASICS 自然概况 自然概况 SHENZHEN BASICS SHENZHEN 自然概况BASICS 面积 AREA 1996.78平方公里。 地理 1,996.78 square kilometers. GEOGRAPHY 中国南部海滨城市,地处广东省南部,东临大亚湾和大鹏湾, 西濒珠江口和伶仃洋, 南边深圳河与香港相联,北部与东莞、惠州两城市接壤,辽阔 海域连接南海及太平洋。 光明新区 Shenzhen is a municipality located along China’s southern coast, in the south of GUANGMING NEW AREA 语言 Guangdong province. To the east of Shenzhen are Daya and Dapeng bays. The 龙岗区 Pearl River mouth and Lingding Bay are to the west, the Shenzhen River and LONGGANG LANGUAGE Hong Kong are directly to the south, and Dongguan and Huizhou cities are 以普通话为主流语言,粤语、英语得到广泛使用。 neighbors on the north. Shenzhen’s expansive maritime territory connects the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. 龙华新区 Mandarin is the primary language, while Cantonese and English LONGHUA NEW AREA are also widely used. 坪山新区 PINGSHAN NEW AREA 宝安区 BAO'AN 气候 大鹏新区 南山区 SHENZHEN 盐田区 DAPENG NEW AREA CLIMATE NANSHAN YANTIAN 属亚热带海洋性季风气候,温润宜人, 罗湖区 降水丰富,常年平均气温23℃。 福田区 LUOHU Shenzhen has a comfortable, warm and moist subtropical FUTIAN monsoon climate. There is abundant precipitation, and the annual average temperature is 23℃. 行政区划 人口 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS POPULATION 广东省省辖市,国家副省级计划单列城市。下辖福田、罗湖、南山、盐田、 2014年末全市常住人口1077.89万人。 宝安、龙岗6个行政区和光明、坪山、龙华、大鹏4个新区。 The entire municipality’s permanent resident population was Shenzhen is a municipality administered by Guangdong Province, and is also a nationally 10,778,900 at the end of 2014. designated sub-provincial city with independent planning status. Shenzhen is further divided into 6 administrative districts (Futian, Luohu, Nanshan, Yantian, Bao’an, and Longgang) and 4 new districts (Guangming, Pingshan, Longhua, and Dapeng). 05 06 SHENZHEN INVESTMENT GUIDE ADVANTAGES OF SHENZHEN 深圳优势 深圳优势 ADVANTAGES OF SHENZHEN ADVANTAGES OF SHENZHEN 深圳优势 07 08 SHENZHEN INVESTMENT GUIDE ADVANTAGES OF SHENZHEN 深圳优势 深圳优势 ADVANTAGES OF SHENZHEN 中国硅谷 创新天堂 INNOVATION 滨海生态 绿色宜居 IS GREAT NATURE IS GREAT Shenzhen is a beautiful city. The city is located in the south of the Tropic of Cancer, at the junction of the tropics and sub-tropics, and the climate is thus warm and 深圳是一座美丽的城市,位于北回归线以南,地处 comfortable. Moreover, with 230 kilometers of coastline, 热带与亚热带交界处,气候温润宜人,拥有230公里 Shenzhen offers an attractive coastal setting. Shenzhen is 海岸线,滨海风情宜人。深圳拥有869个公园,全市 home to 869 parks, and green space covers 45% of the 深圳是中国首个国家创新型城市试点,首批国家知识产权示范市,我国首个以城 urban area of the city, making for comfortable city living. 建成区绿化覆盖率达45%以上,都市生活舒适。 市为单元的自主创新示范区。长期以来深圳把创新作为城市发展的主导战略,以 如今,绿色低碳成为城市新特质,深圳提倡用更少 Green, low-carbon development has become a new 创新提升经济和产业发展质量,并全力构建综合创新生态体系。 的资源、能耗获取更加有质量的经济成果。万元 feature of cities today, and Shenzhen is an advocate for 科技已经成为驱动深圳发展的主引擎。2014年全年全社会研发投入占GDP比重 obtaining higher quality economic benefits from lower GDP能耗和水耗处于中国内地城市最低水平。深圳 约达4.02%,占比相当于世界第二的韩国水平,企业投入占其中的95%。PCT国 consumption of resources and energy. The city’s energy 的PM2.5浓度低,全国74个重点城市空气质量排名 际专利申请量同比增长15.9%,达1.16万件,连续十一年比例约占全国一半。 and water consumption per 10,000 RMB of GDP is the 第四,在一线城市中排名第一。 lowest of all of China’s mainland cities. Shenzhen’s PM 2.5 深圳是“中国硅谷”,是创新创业的天堂,更致力打造国际创客中心,吸引全球 levels rank fourth lowest on the nation’s air quality ranking 创客慕名而来。 of 74 major cities, and first among China’s first-tier cities in 联合国环境保护“全球500佳”,中国首个“国际 this regard. 花园城市”。 《福布斯》中文版连续第五年发布中国大陆城市创新力排行榜,深圳继2011 拥有“中国最美的八大海岸线”之一,被《纽约 年夺冠后再度登顶。 Shenzhen is on the United Nation’s Environment 时报》评为全球必到31个旅游胜地之一。 《福布斯》“2014中美创新人物”中国10人名单中,深圳占五席。 Programme’s “ Global 500 Roll of Honour”, and is the 《国际人才交流》杂志评选,认为深圳是“最受外 first “international garden city” in China. 近三年,深圳在国家的科技大奖当中,获得了包括国家技术发明一等奖在内 籍人才欢迎的3座内地城市之一”。 Shenzhen has one of “China’s eight most beautiful 的36项国家的科技大奖。 coastlines”, and was listed by the New York Times as one of 31 must-visit tourist destinations in the world. In an evaluation by the International Talent magazine, Shenzhen was China’s first National Innovative City pilot area, was included in the first group Shenzhen was found to be “one of the three most of National Intellectual Property Rights Pilot Cities, and is the first entire city to be named as popular mainland Chinese cities with foreign a National Self-Innovation Demonstration Zone. Shenzhen has long placed innovation as a professionals.” leading strategy in its development by using innovation to improve the quality of both economic and industrial development, and is fully committed to building an environment that fosters comprehensive innovation. Science and technology have already become the main engines behind Shenzhen’s development. R&D investment from across all levels of society (95% of which came from companies) accounted for approximately 4.02% of GDP in 2014, equivalent to the level of South Korea, the world’s second highest ranking country in terms of R&D investment-to-GDP ratio. 11,600 PCT international patent applications were filed in 2014, up 15.9% year on year, and Shenzhen has accounted for approximately half of the nation’s 腾讯 PCT applications for 11 consecutive years. TENCENT Shenzhen is “China’s Silicon Valley”—the city is a paradise for innovation and entrepreneurship, and is greatly committed to building itself into an international makers center with a reputation that attracts makers from around the world. Forbes’ China edition has released a ranking of mainland Chinese cities’ innovative capabilities for the last five years, and in 2014 Shenzhen reclaimed the number one spot after taking it in 2011. Of the ten Chinese nationals on Forbes’ “2014 China-US Innovators” list, five were from Shenzhen. Shenzhen has won 36 of the nation’s major science and technology awards (including the 红树林海滨生态公园 State Technological Invention award’s first prize) over the past three years. MANGROVE NATURE
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