Sofia Maria Satanakis, Katrin Süss FOKUS | 3/2021 The Shift in Turkey’s Foreign Policy Introduction to the Alliance. As a result, the US reacted For the EU, a fully functioning transatlantic by removing Turkey from the F-35 fighter Alliance – which Turkey is an integral part For almost 20 years, President Recep Tayyip jet program.2 The country’s military actions of - is of paramount importance because Erdoğan and his Justice and Development in northern Syria in the autumn of 2019 NATO will continue to represent the main Party (AKP) have dominated Turkey’s were also heavily criticised by the Alliance. framework for European security. The political scene. Under the “zero problems” Furthermore, President Erdoğan repeated- importance of close EU-NATO cooperation doctrine, initiated by former foreign ly threatened to reject defence plans for on all defence-related issues and the ef- minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, Ankara’s initial Poland and the Baltic countries (also known fective addressing of the complex security objective was to improve relations with as Eagle Defender), if the Alliance did not challenges facing both sides of the Atlantic all its neighbours. While the country was classify the Kurdish People’s Protection Units cannot be overstated. considered an example of a moderate and (YPG militia) as a terrorist organisation.3 Fi- modern Muslim state, merely a decade nally, the opening of Turkey’s borders to the The gas dispute in the Eastern Mediterra- ago, during the so-called “Arab Spring”, the European Union (EU) back in February 2020, nean situation began to change, especially after causing a new influx of migrants trying to the failed coup attempt in 2016. A nowa- cross into neighbouring Greece, led to addi- Greek-Turkish relations are especially days more assertive and nationalist Turkey tional tensions between the two NATO allies, difficult and have been marked by various is increasingly at odds with its Western who already share a complicated past. crises over the past decades, one of them allies over Libya, Syria, the South Caucasus, concerning natural oil and gas reserves and in the Eastern Mediterranean.1 The Tensions further intensified when the US and maritime rights in the Mediterranean shift in Turkey’s foreign policy as well as imposed sanctions against Turkey over region. Tensions between the two neigh- its increasing military assertiveness is best the S-400 purchase under the Countering bours ran high with Turkey surveying for seen in the country’s involvement in the America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions potential energy reserves in an area Greece gas dispute with Greece, the Libyan crisis, Act (CAATSA).4 The sanctions put a ban on claims to be part of its continental shelf.7 the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between all US export licenses and authorisations The EastMed Gas Forum (EMGF)8, establis- Armenia and Azerbaijan, and not least in to Turkey’s Defence Industry Directorate as hed by Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Egypt, Israel, its troubled relationship with NATO. The well as an asset freeze and visa restrictions and Jordan in order to create a regional aim of this paper is to provide a compre- on the organisation’s president, Ismail gas market, and Turkey’s exclusion from hensive overview of the aforementioned Demir, and other high ranking officials.5 the negotiations, as well as the maritime shift in Turkey’s foreign policy. The timing of the sanctions (more than deal between Turkey and the Government a year after the delivery of the missile of National Accord (GNA) in Libya9, further Relations with NATO and the US system) could further complicate relations inflamed Mediterranean geopolitical tensi- with Ankara for the new US administrati- ons. After a brief easing of relations, where Turkey is one of NATO’s oldest member on – Joe Biden has often been critical of both sides expressed their readiness to states and the most important troop Erdoğan’s policies in the past. Nonetheless, take up talks under the NATO umbrella, the contributor to missions and operations appreciating Turkey’s geostrategic value dispute intensified again. In autumn 2020, next to the United States (US). Due to its and in an attempt to avoid additional Turkey announced that the Oruc Reis sur- special geographic location - being at the confrontation, President Biden is expected vey vessel would continue operations near crossroads between Europe and Asia - the to explore areas of potential US-Turkish the Greek island of Kastellorizo, which is country is also of considerable strategic cooperation, particularly against Russia. In located just two kilometres from the Tur- importance to the Alliance. Although close coordination with the EU, he might kish mainland.10 Eventually, both Greece NATO would undoubtedly be weaker try to alter Turkey’s foreign policy course in and Turkey have been conducting military without Turkey, the country is increasingly an attempt to preserve a solid diplomatic drills and sending war ships to the region, turning into a source of insecurity. and security relationship.6 Efforts to restore and the Mediterranean quickly became relations with NATO allies (which have a multi-stage theatre for demonstrating In recent years, Turkey’s foreign policy has been strained during the term of Donald military power and engaging in geopoliti- become more independent and confron- Trump) will be high on Biden’s agenda - cal competition, confronting the EU with a tational: Turkey procured the Russian air and Turkey is one of those allies. However, particularly difficult mediator role.11 defence system S-400 (2017), which, if with topics like human rights and the rule deployed, might give Russia access to in- of law expected to return to the centre The crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean will formation about NATO air defence systems of US foreign policy, friction with Ankara remain a pressing issue for various reasons: and could thus pose a considerable risk seems almost inevitable. With energy taking up the largest share in 1 The Shift in Turkey’s Foreign Policy FOKUS | 3/2021 the country’s overall imports12, Turkey sees panies responsible for drilling in contested The reasons why Turkey is actively securing its share in a growing contest waters in the Mediterranean.16 The main engaged in the civil war in Libya are of over this region as vital.13 Additionally, reasons for this are concerns that President geostrategic as well as of economic nature. even though the dispute between Turkey Erdoğan would retaliate by reinforcing ties While Turkey is increasingly isolated in the and Greece over exclusive economic zones with Moscow, reducing counter-terrorism Eastern Mediterranean, its involvement in (EEZ) is long-standing, the mounting cooperation or even by encouraging more Libya poses the possibility of an advanta- tensions during 2020 clearly showed that migrants to pass through to Europe –the geous geostrategic repositioning of the a military collision between NATO allies continued Turkish adherence to the mig- country.22 Moreover, economic ties bet- is not just a remote possibility. Regarding ration deal of 2016 remains of paramount ween Libya and Turkey have been strong Cyprus, Ankara argues that it should not importance to the EU. in the past. Not only the vast natural re- be allowed to exploit its gas resources until sources, such as oil and gas reserves, made a deal with the Turkish Cypriots is reached. Turkey and Libya Libya an appealing economic partner, However, the possibility of a mutually sa- but also the potential in the construction tisfactory agreement regarding the status Turkey’s engagement in Libya is yet market has attracted Turkish firms during of the divided island remains very slim. In another example of the shift in Ankara’s the Muammar al-Ghaddafi era.23 However, case of a renewed escalation of the gas foreign policy, stretching from Eurasia to after the fall of Ghaddafi and due to the dispute, a deadlock situation could arise, the Eastern Mediterranean.17 In Novem- “Arab Spring” uprisings in 2011, Turkey which would have a negative impact on ber 2019, President Erdoğan convinced had to withdraw from the majority of its both EU-NATO relations and on Turkey’s the UN-backed GNA to sign a maritime economic projects in Libya, which resulted bilateral relations with individual states. agreement, declaring the naval corridor in an estimated loss of $19 billion.24 Since between Northeast Libya and Southwest then, Turkey has repeatedly tried to resu- The diverging interests of the EU member Turkey an exclusive economic zone, me negotiations and took advantage of states vis-à-vis Turkey have revealed once which violates the maritime boundaries the precarious situation in Libya in 2018, more the difficulties the Union faces in of Greece and Cyprus.18 In return, Ankara which ultimately led to an agreement adopting a unified and solid approach promised to provide the GNA with mili- between the two countries. In the face of towards Ankara. Pushing for a more tary equipment and training personnel. the current Turkish national crisis, with a independent European security policy and However, this was not the first time that declining foreign direct investment (FDI), strategic autonomy, France insisted on Turkey pursued an agreement with Libya a plummeting lira, as well as the inaction showing solidarity with Greece and Cyprus that would define the boundaries of both of the government during the COVID-19 (France’s joint military training exercises countries’ continental shelves. Ankara has pandemic, the active involvement in Libya with Greece, Italy and Cyprus are a case in tried to reach such an agreement already could potentially offer Turkey significant point).14 Paris is concerned that President in 2010, which was then rejected by Libya. medium-term economic advantages. Erdoğan’s reinsertion of Islam into politics Turkey continued to pursue its ambitions These include possible lucrative gas disco- could spread in North Africa, encourage and used the unstable situation in 2018 to veries as well as opportunities to establish Islamist militias, and consequently damage its advantage, widening its interests and a long-term exclusive relationship with the French sphere of influence.
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