Digital Commons @ George Fox University "The Crescent" Student Newspaper Archives and Museum 5-7-1929 The Crescent - May 7, 1929 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "The Crescent - May 7, 1929" (1929). "The Crescent" Student Newspaper. 333. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Museum at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in "The Crescent" Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE CRESCENT VOLUME XL NEWBBRG, OREGON, MAY 7, 1929 NUMBER 14 PACIFIC COLLEGE HEARS DR. RUSSELL DISCUSSES FRESHMAN PLAY IS NOTED PEACE SPEAKER ECONOMICS OF HEALTH TENNIS TOURNAMENT VOTED BIG SUCCESS Group of High School Students Guests Work of Child Welfare Demonstration WON BY LINFIELD of College and Hear Mrs. Mead Is Vital Factor in Public Health Exciting Situations Hold Atten- Lucia Aimes Mead, noted speaker on "The Economics of Public Health" Pacific Students Witness May World Peace, gave an inspiring address was the subject discussed by Dr. Rus- tion of Large Audience sell of the Marion County Child Health Day Exercises May 3 at the chapel period to the college stu- Demonstration. Dr. Russell told of the dents and a group of visiting High Showing flashes of real talent and nature and need of the sort of work The Pacific College men's and wom- carrying the delighted attention of a School students. War, she said, is in which he is engaged. en's tennis teams went down to de- capacity audience throughout the per- "one great evil which ought to be end- ' The child, he pointed out, is an eco- | feat before the Linfield College mixed formance, a play cast selected from ed in our day." nomic asset to a community. There- j tennis team by a score of four matches the freshman class very successfully fore from a purely economic viewpoint i to three, on the Linfield courts, Friday, Leaders are realizing that the na- presented A. E. Thomas's "Come Out child health promotion is a very im- May 3. The Quakers were more kind- tions stumbled into the last war. Lloyd of the Kitchen" in Wood-Mar hall, Fri- portant project in the community. Ma- hearted in helping make the Linfield day evening, May 3. George has said that no ruler wanted terial assets, however, do not equal vi- May Day a success than were either it. '"Twas only a few made war," Mrs. tal asset. The play, which has heen winning Columbia University or Albany College; Mead said, and added that war comes audiences for a number of years deals The medical profession is working Columbia winning in baseball and Al- from the highly educated people—uni- with the efforts of the Dangerfield fam- to prevent death, disease, faulty meth- bany in track. ily two brothers and two sisters to versity people, who do not know the ods of living and social incompatabil- The morning matches were stopped save their fine old southern home from first principles of international rela- ity. "At least one-third of deaths are by a sudden downpour of rain that financial ruin during the absence of tions. preventable," Dr. Russell said. From lasted just long enough to postpone fur- the average span of life of 42 years their father who is undergoing a se- Mrs. Mead spoke of the horrors of ther playing until 1:30. The games rious operation in Vienna, by leasing in 1900, the span is now 57.7 years. started at 10:00, immediately following war and pointed out "this thing can By introduction of sanitation, infant it to a wealthy Yankee for a few weeks. be averted, and must be averted. We the coronation of May Queen Ethel II Since the northerner stipulates white mortality has decreased from 17 per of Linfield. The first singles were can stop it between nations. We can cent to 7 per cent in the last few years. servants, the four brothers and sisters do it now." played first. Winifred Woodward ral- find it necessary to act as domestics "Can any community claim progress lied too late and lost to McGillvray, In their own home for a few days, There are several kinds of prepared- by beautiful buildings, and the like, Wildcat star, in a very close match. and it is this struggle of southern aris- ness. The preparedness advocated by while disregarding health?" he asked, The men's singles were stopped by the tocracy with the insolence of some of militarists is part of their "game of and continued, "A community can not rain with the score 7-5, 4-3 for Pacific. the Yankee's guests which furnishes war." In continuing that policy "we very well neglect its responsibility to In the afternoon the remainder of the real interest of the story. are putting the greatest money and the child. Be sure your own commu- the matches were played and the morn- the greatest effort where it is least nity accepts its responsibility." ing "hold-overs" finished. Fkank Cole Delia Hanville carried the leading needed," she said. "The first line of won two straight games to finish his part as Olivia Dangerfield, who mar- defense of the republic is the farmers match and even the count for the day querades as an Irish cook in her own and mothers." Anyway "we today are FLOATING "V" S T U D E N T S ARE to one all. Philip Gatch, after win- home and succeeds in making the the safest nation in the world," says GUESTS IN ROYAL PALACE ning the first set and holding a 3-0 kitchen the most interesting place in Secretary Hughes, "so far as we can advantage in the second set, lost to the house for the men of the house- see into the future the United States When the Floating University vis- Cook in a very exciting three-set watch. hold. This characterization was ex- is not in the slightest danger of ag- ited Bangkok recently the students Velda Livingston won her match in ceedingly well done; she not only made gression." lived in Phya Thai Palace as guests second women's singles, and, teamed a very intriguing Irish cook, but was "Discussion," the speaker empha- of King Rama VII of Siam, according with Winifred Woodward, won the thoroughly convincing in her few earn- sized, "would have prevented the war. to a cable just received at the home women's doubles. The men's doubles est moments in the play when she ex- Your generation must study interna- office of the Floating University, 11 went to Linfield in a very hotly con- pressed worry over the condition of tested match. With the score tied at tional relations." Discussion is work- Broadway, New York City. her father or displayed genuine feel- 3 all, the mixed doubles were played ing now in the World Court and League The Floating University students left ing for her northern employer. and won by the Wildcat team. Ben of Nations. New York City on November 8, aboard Marion DeVine as Burton Crane from the S. S. President Wilson and since Huntington and, Charles Beals repre- "Today, we have renounced war as the north, was master of this situation sailing they have visited 20 ports and I sented Pacific in men's doubles, and a policy between nations. We must particularly in the third act when he have made trips to many inland cities Philip Gaitch and Rachel Lundquist do with nations what we've already took the lead in ferreting out the mys- with historical and educational inter- in the mixed doubles. done in smaller groups"—secure prop- tery of the servants. He gave a very est. Scores were: First men's singles (7-5) pleasing characterization throughout er organization, she said. "The civic Upon their arrival in Bangkok the (6-3) for Pacific; second men's singles the play, rising to his best portrayal problem is to wipe out war so that it Floating University students were re- (4-5) (0-4) (6-4) for Linfield; men's dou- in the final scene with Olivia, which will be just as dead in another gener- ceived by King Rama in the Throne bles (6-3) (6-4) for Linfield; first wom- was done with genuine artistic finish. ation as slavery is now." Room. After the reception, the King en's singles (6-1) (7-5) for Linfield; sec- One of the most natural character- and his student guests attended a per- ond women's singles (6-0) (4-6) (6-3) for izations in the play was that of Ruby WILDCATS WIN PROM QUAKERS formance at the Royal Siamese Thea- Pacific; women's doubles (6-2) (6-2) for Brlsbine in the role of Elizabeth Dan- If rain could have come at the ap- tre. Later during their stay, the stu- Pacific; mixe ddoubles (6-2) (6-0) for gerfield. She delighted her audience propriate time of the seventh inning dents returned the King's courtesy by Linfield. again and again with her realistic dis- of the baseball game between Pacific presenting their musical comedy, play of aristocratic temper. College and Linfield College on the "Floating Around," for his pleasure. REED COLLEGE HURLERS Bob Bissett as Paul Dangerfield made Linfield diamond, Tuesday afternoon, The music and lyrics of this show are a handsome butler, and Lincoln Wirt April 23, it might have halted that entirely the work of the men and wom- TAKE HARD FOUGHT GAME romped happily through the play as game when the P.
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