546 EARL OF WARWICK AT CALAIS IN 1460 October passage by J3e grace of god, hoo hafie yow and alle yowris in his gracius kepyng body and soule. Worshipfull Syr, hafie me excuset of myn en- dytyng for I can do none other wyse bot as corse of merchandise askes. Vreten at Cales the xiiij day of June By yowr pore bedeman ffi Symonde L. Endorsed. To my Right Worshipfull and . .Syr and my gode master Thomas Thorpe in pe medyll Temple yn London. Downloaded from A Calendar of the Correspondence of Sir Thomas More THE chief sources here used for More's letters are the following : I. Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami, Oxford, 1906- http://ehr.oxfordjournals.org/ 4 volumes. II. The Workes of Sir Thomas More Knyght, sometyme Lorde Chauncellour of England, wrytten by him in the Englysh tonge, London, 1557. III. Thomas Stapleton : ' Vita Thomae Mori ' in Tree Thomae. Douay, 1588. Stapleton carried manuscript letters of More with him to at Georgetown University on August 17, 2015 Douay. These he incorporated, in whole or in part, in his Vita Tliomae Mori, published when the Roman Catholics were most hopeful, just before the sailing of the Armada. His extracts are often very brief ; and the few which can be compared with the complete letters preserved elsewhere are found sometimes not to give the most interesting part of the letter. (See cap. iii. 845, Introduction, and W. H. Hutton, Sir Thomas More, 1885, p. vi.) For most of the English letters—those preserved in the British Museum and the Public Record Office, and epitomized in J. S. Brewer's Letters and Papers of Henry VIII—no opening words are given ; the formal phrases being in many cases almost identical. Twenty of the Latin letters (3-5, 14, 24, 59, 64, 74, 80-4, 93, 95, 152, 155-6, 177, 204) are printed by Jortin in his Life of Erasmus, 1760, vol. ii. I <un greatly indebted to M. Del- court for allowing me to use his manuscript notes of More's correspondence ; and to Professor de Vocht of Louvain for communicating to me his discoveries among the letters of Crane- 1 velt. ELIZABETH FRANCES ROGERS. 1. I. i. 114. Erasmus to More. Vix vUis ... 28 October 1499, Oxford. 1 I have to thank the Library of Princeton University for the loan of a beautiful copy of More's English works, and am particularly grateful to Mr. Percy S. Allen of Merton College, who has generously read the proofs and made valuable suggestions. 1922 CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR THOMAS MORE 547 . 2. British Museum MS. Arundel 249, fo. 84'. More to John Holt. Misimus adte... (c. November 1501, London.) The manuscript is a sixteenth-century copy: printed by E. Flfigel in Angiia ziv. (1001) 498. Describing Catherine of Aragon'a entrance into London (12 November 1501). 3. in, p. 20. More to Colet. Ambulant* mihi ... 23 October <1504>, London. The year-date is limited by the facts that Colet was not dean of St. Paul's Downloaded from until 1604, and that he resigned the living of Stepney on 21 September 1606. 4. Luciani Opuscula, 1506, fo. AAa. More to Ruthall. Si quisquam fuit . <1506, London.) Preface to More's translation of Lucian's Cynicus ; published, with other translation! of Lucdan by Erasmus, Paris, Badius, 13 November 1606. 5. Brit. Mus. MS. Titus D. IV, fo. 2. http://ehr.oxfordjournals.org/ More to Henry VIII. Vereor, iUustrissime . (fi. June 1509, London.) Preface to a congratulatory poem writteil for Henry Vlil's coronation, 24 June 1509: first printed in More's Epigrammaia, Basle, Froben, March 1618. The manuscript is probably the original copy presented to Henry VIII. 6. Lyfe of Johan Picus : II, p. 1. More to Joyeuce Leigh. Hit is, and of longe tyme . <c. 1 January 1510 ?, London.) at Georgetown University on August 17, 2015 Preface to More's translation of the Life of Pico della Mirandola by his nephew, G. F. Pico, London, Wynkyn de Worde, ». a. <? 1610>. Joyeuce Leigh seems to have been a nun. 7. I. i. 222. Erasmus to More. Swperioribus ... 9 June (1511, Paris.) Preface to the Moriae Encomium, Paris, G. Gourmont,«. a., which Erasmus had composed in More's house on his return from Italy. 8. in, p. 23. More to Colet. Neque valde ... <c. March 1512 ?) Only an extract. The criticism of Colon's school is perhaps the same as that referred to in Colet's letter to Erasmus, c March 1512 (I. i. 268), '. quendam episcopum . nostram scholam blasphemasse dixisseque me erexisse rem inutilem .. .' 9. I. i. 271. Erasmus to More. Lupsetus . <July 1513), Cambridge. 10. Record Office, State Papers, Henry VHI, § 11, p. 14; Brewer, ii. 678. Tunstall, Sampson, More to the Council. 9 July 1515, Bruges. Original. The embassy left England on 12 May : on 24 October More was at Gravelines on his way home (I. ii. -388. 94 n.). 11. Brit. Mus. MS. Galba B. III. 260; Brewer, ii. 732. Tunstall, More, Clyfford to <Henry VITI). 21 July 1515, Bruges. Original. 12. Record Office, State Papers, Henry Vm, § 11, p. 115; Brewer, ii. 977. Knight, More, Wilsher, Sampson, Hannibal, Hewsten to Wolsey. 1 October 1515, Bruges. Original. ttnt 548 CALENDAR OF THE October 13. Paris MS., Bibl. Nat., Lafc. 8703. More to Martin Dorp. Si mihi ad le . 21 October <1515>. Bruges. Probably the actual letter sent to Dorp : written by a secretary. There is also a manuscript at Schlettstadt (Cat. Rhen. 174 fin.), a copy made at Basle c. 1518, with no dates : see L ii. 347 introd.. 388. 157 n. First printed in More's Lucvbralionvi, Basle, 1563, pp. 365-428, with only the place-date : headed ' Apologia pro Moria Erasmi, qua etiam docetur quam necessaria sit linguae Graecae cognitio'. The year-date appears first in the Leiden edition of Erasmus' Epi striae. 1703, where this letter is included (App. 513). Downloaded from A brief extract in III, p. 260. 14. Ill, p. 69. More to Dorp. Praediuinabam . <151fi '! London.) Only an extract. Evidently a part of Store's letter to him after his retracta- tion of what he had written against Erasmus : see r. ii. 438, and introduction. http://ehr.oxfordjournals.org/ 15. I. ii. 388. More to Erasmus. Posteaquam . <c. 17 February 1516, London.) 16. Ill, p. 207. More to Tunstall. In legationibus . <1516 ? London.) Only an extract. Perhaps of the same period as 15 ; which expresses similar reluctance to serve on embassies. 17. I. ii. 412. at Georgetown University on August 17, 2015 Erasmus to More. Caeteris aegroto . <c. 3 June 1516, Brussels.) 18. I. ii. 424. More to Erasmus. lubes, charissime . <c. 21 June 1516, London.) 19. I. ii. 461. More to Erasmus. Nusquamam . 3 September <1516>, London. 20. I. ii. 465. Warhani to More. Post integerrimam. 16 September <1516>, Otford. 21. I. ii. 467. More to Erasmus. Accept litteras . <c. 20 September 1516, London.) 22. I. ii. 468. More to Erasmus. Erasme charis&itne . <22 September 1516,) London. 23. I. ii. 474. Erasmus to More. lam ad iter ... 2 October 1516, Antwerp. 24. Utopia, fo. aiii. More to Peter Gilles. Pudet me ... <c. October 1516, London.) The preface to Hore's Utopia, Loavain,Th. Martens, <c. December 1516.> An extract in III, p. 43. 25. I. ii. 481. More to Erasmus. Rescribo, mi Erasme . 31 October <1516>, London. 1922 CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR THOMAS MORE 549 26. Utopia, fo. a i. Jerome Busleiden to More. Non satfuti . (November) 1516, Mechlin. Busleiden's congratulatory letter printed in the Utopia. An extract in III, p. 45. 27. Ill, p. 64. More to Tunstall. Quanquam omnes . (c. November 1516, London.) A long extract. Writing to Erasmus, c. 4 December 1516, More says, Downloaded from ' D. Tunstallas litteras nuper ad me dedit plenas a fleet us amicissimi: cuins indicium tarn candidum, tarn honorificam de republics noetra ... me • exhilarauit' (no. 28). This is evidently Jfore's reply to Tunstall's letter. 28. I. ii. 499. More to Erasmus. De equo tuo . \C. 4 December 1516, London.) http://ehr.oxfordjournals.org/ 29. I. ii. 502. More to Erasmus. Non dubito . 15 December <1516>, London. 30. Ill, p. 205. More to Warhani. Semper quidem . (January 1517, London.) Accompanying More's gift of a copy of the Utopia; and offering congratu- lations on Warham's resignation of the chancellorship, 22 December 1516. 31. Ill, p. 208. at Georgetown University on August 17, 2015 More to a member of the royal court. Ego Vtopiam meant . (January 1517 ?, London.) Only an extraot. Explaining why the Utopia had not been dedicated to Wolsey. 32. I. ii. 513. More to Erasmus. Marvffi, syngrapham . .. 13 January <1517, London). 33. Ill, p. 208. More to Antonio <? Bonvisi). De me quod . (January 1517 ?, London.) Answering a letter about the Utopia. It is addressed ' ad Antonium quen- dam, virum doctissimum ' ; probably Bonvisi, an intimate friend for many years. 34. I. ii. 543. Erasmus to More. Nuper Jascicvlum . 1 March 1516/7, Antwerp. 35. I. ii. 545. Erasmus to More. Misi duos ... 8 March 1517, Antwerp. 36. Ill, p. 65. More to Tunstall. Quod in literis .. (1517 ?, London.) Two extracts : perhaps written when Tunstall was abroad in 1517. 37. I. ii. 584. Erasmus to More. Calendis Maii. (30 May) 1517, (Antwerp). 38. I. iii. 597. Erasmus to More. Quod nihil... (c. 10 July 1517, Louvain.) 650 CALENDAR OF THE October 39. I. iii. 601. More to Erasmus. In magnatn ... 16 July <1517>, London. 40. I. iii. 623. More to Erasmus. DHatus ... 19 August <1517>, London. 41. Brit. Mus. MS. Calig. D. VI. 317 ; Brewer, ii. 3634. Henry VIII to Wingfield, Knight, More.
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