Index Abraham, Nicolas, 33 in open metaphor, 98 Adler, Friedrich, I to the Promised Land, 8 Adorno, Theodor W., 298n in The Sentimental Education, 190 on cultural debasement, 257-59 in "'You,' I Said ...," 18 against existentialism, 14n See also Allegory on hermeneutic force, 24-26 Alter, Robert, 183 on "The Judgment," 24-25, 28 Althusser, Louis, 141 and literalness, I Amadis of Gaul, 2 I I materialism of, 296 Anders, Gunther, 49-50, 55, 78 on names, 56-57 Anderson, Mark, 87n, 92, 229n, 243n, on silent film, 258-59, 271 244n Allegory, 149, 2oon, 224n, 275, 295, Anthropology, 123, 165-67, 170, 202 301n Antithesis, 139, 145, 148-49, 16o in aphorisms, 126 Aporia, 3, 102, 142 Benjamin's view of, 296-97 Aristotle, 91 of desire, 301n Auerbach, Erich, 144n, 185-86 in "In the Penal Colony, " 243 Autobiography, 107 in "The Judgment," 26, 28; 201 in The Metamorphosis, 83-89 Babel, 52, 277 in Nietzsche, 148 Bachelor, 14, 17-23, 35-39, 73, 230 in Romanticism, 78-79 Baioni, Giuliano, 65 violence of, 103 Baker, Josephine, 252-54, 258 vs. symbol, 83-89, 160, 277 Ball, Hugo, 252 Allusion, 37-38, 54, I 14n, 129, 149, Balzac, Honore de, 152-53, 226n 295 Barthes, Roland, 191, 204n, 295 in Also Sprach Zarathustra, 172 Basho (Matsuo Munefusa), 203 in Goll's aesthetics, 273 Bataille, Georges, So Messianic function of, 276-77 Batts, Michael, 141n in Th e Metamorphosis, 72n, 78 Baudelaire, Charles, 266, 296 3 1 3 Index Bauer, Felice, 239 Cabinet of Doctor Caligari, The, 257n as a Berlin woman, 268 Canetti, Elias, 3, 4, 7, 47n, 156, 247n, correspondence with, 37, 39 26on engagement to, 6, 109n, 229, 232n, Carson, Anne, 213n, 274n 240 Castanon. Wilfredo Dalmau, 65 first meeting with, 36 Cervantes, Miguel de. See Don Quixote as object of resentment, 3n, 231, 234 Chance, 154, 158-61 seductiveness of, 107 Chaplin, Charlie, 253-54 warned, 13n Chiasm, 90-- 104, u5-29, 133-35, 140, Baumann, Gerhart, 282n, 294n 151-6o, 163, 281, 285-86 Becher, Johannes, 261 Christ, 77-78, 179 Becker, Reinhard Paul, 252-54, 258- Clifford, James, 167n 59 Cogny, Pierre, 191 BeiBner, Friedrich, 81, 174 Collingwood, R. G., 85 Benjamin, Walter, 298n Collins, Harold, 218-19n and Adorno, 271 Consternation, 165-202 on allegory, 8 5, 296-97 Culler, Jonathan, 218n on epic vs. novel, 146 Curtius, Ernst Robert, 144n on experience, 266 on inexhaustible interpretation, 294 Dadaism, 252-54 against legalism, 163n Davis, Natalie Z., 168 for mechanical reproducibility, 257 Death, 163n, 268, 311-12 against mystery, 81 as adversary, 155 on newspapers, 267 in allegory, 297 against philosophy, 3 of art, 258 on truth, 4 of the "author," 147 Benn, Gottfried, 163, 265, 281 Blanchot's conception of, 8-9 Berlin, 268 in "The Burrow," 125, 285-88 Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung, 268 and ecstasy, 247 Bernheimer, Charles, 8, 25n, 26n, in Expressionism, 25on 192n, 195, 206n in "In the Penal Colony," 72n, 236- Biemel, Walter, 13on 37, 244n Bildung (self-cultivation), 8, 84, 87, 303 in "The Judgment," 24-46, 95-98, Binder, Hartmut, 106n, 232n 176, 197-98, 263, 266 Binion, Rudolf, 82 of Kafka, 131-35, 259, 299 Blake, William, 141 and literalization, 200-201 Blanchot, Maurice, 8, 54, 7on, 80, 108 in master/slave parable, 120 Blei, Franz, 1, 2n, I 5 in The Metamorphosis, 75-79, 82, 84- Bloch, Grete, 6n, 232n 88 Brech, Ursula, 299 and metaphor, 189, 197-201, 275, Brecht, Bertolt, 81 285-88, 311-12 Brod, Max: and naming, 56 as editor, 2, 19, 131, 150, 300 of Rilke, 252-54 as interpreter, 15, 25n, 113, 299 and sexuality, 25n as literary executor, 1, 15 and suffocation (through self), 110, 247 Brombert, Victor, 209n, 217n in The Trial, 222, 236-37 Bronnen, Arnolt, 254 as the writer's estrangement, 8-9, 70, Brooks, Peter, 210, 226n 84-88, 122n, 241, 244n, 295 3 1 4 Index Death (cont.) derogation of, 15, 3-9, l42-43n, 160, in "'You,' I Said ...,' ' 18, 21-23 220-25, 228-29, 234, 241-48 See also Metaphor of endless reversal, l 5 3 Deconstruction, 142, l57n in "In the Penal Colony, " 72n, 236n, Dehmel, Richard, 255n 241-48, 275 Deleuze, Gilles, 90, 163, 258n, 295 in "The Judgment," 3 5 De Man, Paul, 26-27n, 78n, 139, 144- of historical past, 168 47, 151, l63n, 292n, 293n in Kundera, 203n Demmer, Jurgen, 35 loss of, 256, 266-67, 280, 294-95, Der Demokrat, 260 306 Derrida, Jacques, 52, l57n, 166, 295 of meaning, 172, 175 Descombes, Vincent, 245 in The Metamorphosis, 83-88 Dietz, Ludwig, 6on of newspapers, 266-67 Dilthey, Wilhelm, l13n, 256n of nonbeing, 18-22, 250, 260 Diiblin, Alfred, 258 readings based on, 31, 65, 83-88 Doctor Mabuse, 257n in schizophrenia, 174 Don Quixote in The Sentimental Education, 189-92, credulity, magic, and patience in, 175 195, 207, 218 narrative intrusion in, 176-86 of time, 302n self-reflexivity in, l 76-86, 200, 2I m in The Trial, 220-25, 237-39, 241-48 Double helix, 86n, 105-36, l63n, l99n of truth, l 3 5 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 255 in '"You,' I Said ...,' ' l 8-22 Dymant, Dora, 286 Expressionism, I, 50, 53n, 56n, 79, 250-88 Ehrenstein, Alfred, 252n Faulkner, William, 227 Einsinnigkeit (monopolized narration), Fineman, Joel, 3om 224n, 271, 302n Flaubert, Gustave, 61, 88, 171, 202, Einstein, Carl, 53n, 272 204, 225, 227 Ellis, John, 34 Madame Bovary, 190, 215-16 Empson, William, 60 The Sentimental Education, 13on, 141, Emrich, Wilhelm, 103, 140, 300 175-76, 185-97, 199, 205-19, 226 Erlebte Rede (lived speech), 22r. See also Flores, Kate, 35 Style indirect libre; Veiled discourse Foucault, Michel, 79, 141, 147, 163, Etymology, 36, 57n, 87, 165, 173-74, 251, 292n 177-81, 195, 200-201 Frank, Manfred, 136n, 293n Eulenberg, Herbert, 247n Freud, Sigmund, 33-34, 104, 242, 275 Existentialism, l4n, 16, So, 294 The Eg o and the Id, 32 Experience: Hilflosigkeit, 174 affirmation of, 36, 50, 69, 102, l 14- The Interpretation of Dreams, 274n 17, 121-30, 134-35, 162, 236n, See also Oedipus complex; 258, 281, 294 Psychoanalysis in Amerika, 302-7, 310 Friedrich, Hugo, 217n in chiastic aphorisms, l 14-17, 121- Furness, Raymond, 27on 30, 134-35 of composition, 106n Gaier, Ulrich, Son consumed in language, 3-9, 79-80, Garbo, Greta, 252-54 105, 147 Gay, Peter, 255n 3 1 5 Index Gegenwart, Die, 2n Heine, Heinrich, 255 Gelassenheit, 1 19 Heller, Erich, 73, 75, 246n George, Stefan, 269, 288 Heller, Peter, 81 Gerome, Jean Leon, 212 Henel, Ingeborg, 82 Gervinus, Georg Gottfried, 14.1 Hermeneutic, 291, 304 Gide, Andre, 227 of chiasm, 157 Gleize, Joelle, 204n and coherence, 43-46 Glinz, Hans, 3oon and consternation, 166, 176 Gnosticism, 25on dramatized, 24, 28, 72 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: of dream navel, 274 "An den Mond," 279 force of, 24-25, 29, 171, 306 Faust, 43, 162, 301 and extrinsic intention, 34 on perception, 236n and extrinsic reference, 31-35 reversed by Kafka, 140, 236n and impassiveness, 46 Weimar house of, 37 and intrinsic intention, 34-35 on zudecken, 2oon of "The Judgment," 24-46 Golem, The, 257n of literary movements, 250 Goll, Ivan, 258, 273 and meaning withheld, 26 Greenberg, Martin, 3, 35, 63, 83 in The Metamorphosis, 72, 81-82 Gross, Ruth V., 204n and recursive substitution, l 2 5 Grosz, George, 254n and representation, 33-35, l42n Guattari, Felix, 90 and schizophrenia, 166 temporal predicament of, 293n Habermas, Jiirgen, 267n of zudecken, 2oon Hacking, Ian, 251 See also Interpretation Halakah, 163 Hermeneutic circle, 13, 227, 292, 293n Hamacher, Werner, 142-43n Heym, Georg, 270 Haselberg, Peter von, 277 History, 1 IO Hasenclever, Walter, 254 jeopardized by writing, 71 Hasidism, 66, 249n of literature, 139-64, 165n Hasselblatt, Dieter, 49, 67-68 modern, terror in, 2 Hayman, Ronald, I06n personal, l 6 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, l 19- of reading, 29, 78, 102, 119n, 123- 21, 1 62, 199n 30, 136 Heidegger, Martin: in writing, 85-86, 93 on assumptions, 294fi, 302 Hitler, Adolf, 156n Being and Time, 20, 52, 122, 233, Hoddis, Jakob van (Hans Davidsohn), 237-38, 294n, 302 248, 255n, 259-62 on Gestell, 201 Hofstader, Douglas, I2In on guilt, 20 Holderlin, Friedrich, 5n, 78, 166, 174- Holzwege, l 4 7n 75, 21In, 228, 283 on intelligibility, 122n Homonym, 93-94 "Letter on Humanism, " 166 Huelsenbeck, Richard, 252-53, 261 on mood, 237-38 Hyperion, l 5 "On the Essence of Truth, " 123 on poetry and being, 147n, 238 Immanence, 87, 292, 300, 309 on signification, 52 Interpretation, 7, 172, 29 1-98, 300 against subjectivity, 123, 166 allegorical, 8 5-89, 296-97 on theory, 233 and Amerika, 301-II 316 Index Interpretation (cont.) "Burrow, The, " 125, 234, 282-88, anthropological, 167 311 and chance, 158-59 "Cares of a Family Man, The, " 18, of chiasm, 101-2, 1 17-19, 127-28 104, 297 coherence of, 28-35, 65-80, 296 Castle, The, 1, 2, 87, 94, 112n, 153- compulsion to, 24-26 54, 159, 162, 303-5 and consternation, 166-67 "Country Doctor, A," 94, 103, 141, and dream, 274n 230, 275, 299n of estrangement from family, 7 "Cross Breed, A," 18, 104 and dissimulation, 28 "Description of a Struggle," 51-52, existentialist theme of, 14n, 294 61-62, 92 and freedom, 25, 34 Diaries I, 5-6; 13-23, 29, 39, 41, 47- and "The Judgment," 24-3 5, 47-48, 48, 53-54, 61-63, 66, 69-74, 78, 197-202 82, 91 , 105-14, 127-28, 132-33, and literary history, 142-45, 250-51, 163, 197, 2o6n, 241, 246n, 247, 293 282n and The Metamorphosis, 47-48, 173-74 Diaries II, 4-8, 37, 48-49, 54, 61, and metaphor, 97, 198-201, 272-74 70-75, Sr, 86, 99, 106n-115, 123, recursive, 121, 127-28 128-134, 1 57, 164, 201, 229-34, rhetoric as an obstruction to, 59, 82, 241, 245-49, 277, 286, 299 173-74 "Eight Octavo Notebooks," [DF 50- symbolic, 83-85, 88-90, 296 135], 3, 5, II, 15n, 21, 97, 102, and tact, 27 110- 12, II4- r6, u9n, 120, 128, and transgression, 46 130, 134-36, 141, 149-50, 154, and The Trial, 222-28, 230-33 162, 226, 247, 286, 287, 311.
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