November 1, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 35663 Mr. EDWARDS of California., Mr. FREN­ require arbitration of certain amateur PETTIS, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. BROTZMAN, ZEL, Mr. HORTON, Mr. KEATING, Mr. athletic disputes, and for other purposes; to and Mr, ARcHER) : KEMP, Mr. KETCHUM, Mr. LEGGETT, the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 11251. A bill to amend the Tariff Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland, Mr. By Mr. MOAKLEY (for himself, Mr. Schedules of the United States to provide for MOAKLEY, Mr. MOLLOHAN, Mr. NIX, ROSENTHAL, and Mr. CHARLES H. the duty-free entry of methanol imported Mr. O'HARA, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. RoE, WILSoN of California) : for use as fuel; to the Committee on Ways Mrs. SCHROEDER, Mr. THOMPSON of H.R. 11243. A bill to amend title 3 of the and Means. New Jersey, Mr. UDALL, Mr. WIDNALL, United States Code to provide for the order By Mr. WALDIE: Mr. YATES, and Mr. YATRON): of succession in the case of a. vacancy both H.R. 11252. A bill to amend title 5, United H.R. 11233. A bill to provide for the con­ in the Office of President and Office of the States Code, to provide for the reclassifica­ servation of energy through observance of Vice President, to provide for a special elec­ tion of certain security police positions of daylight saving time on a. year-round basis; tion procedure in the case of such vacancy, the Department of the Navy a.t China Lake, to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign and for other purposes; to the Committee Calif., and for other purposes; to the Com­ Commerce. on the Judiciary. mittee on Post Office and Civil Service. By Mr. ESCH: By Mr. OBEY: By Mr. WYATI': H.R. 11234. A bill to improve the conduct H.R. 11244. A bill to repeal the Campaign H.R. 11253. A bill to authorize the Secre­ and regulation of Federal elections and cam­ Communications Reform Act, to amend the tary of Agriculture to make grants to cities paign activities; to the Committee on House Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, and to encourage the increased planting of trees Administra.tion. for other purposes; to the Committee on and shrubs and to encourage other urban H.R. 11235. A bill to establish an Inde­ House Administration. forestry programs; to the Committee on pendent Office of Special Prosecutor, and for By Mr. O'BRIEN: Agriculture. other purposes; to the Committee on the H.R. 11245. h. bill to provide standards of By Mr. CULVER (for himself, Mr. Judiciary. fair personal information practices; to the CONTE, Mr. CORMAN, Mr. JAMES V. By Mr. FOUNTAIN: Committee on the Judiciary. STANTON, Mr. MINISH, Mr. DOWNING, H.R. 11236. A bill to provide authority to By Mr. RAILSBACK: Mr. STRATTON, Mr. FULTON, Mr. expedite procedures for consideration and H.R. 11246. A bill to establish an Inde­ DRINAN, and Mr. ANDREWS of North approval of projects drawing upon more than pendent Office of Special Prosecutor, and for Carolina): one Federal assistance program, to simplify other purposes; to the Committee on the H.J. Res. 805. Joint Resolution to provide requirements for operation of those projects, Judiciary. for the appointment of a Special Prosecutor, and for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. RANDALL: and for other purposes; to the Committee on Government Operations. H.R. 11247. A bill to amend the Federal the Judiciary. By Mr. FUQUA: Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to include a By Mr. MATSUNAGA: H.R. 11237. A bill to amend the Federal definition of food supplements, and for other H.J. Res. 806. Joint Resolution to authorize Property and Administrative Services Act of purposes; to the Committee on Interstate the President to proclaim February 16 as 1949 ~o provide for the use of excess prop­ and Foreign Commerce. Ba.taan-Corregidor Day; to the Committee erty by certain grantees; to the Committee H.R. 11248. A bill to direct the Chief Judge on the Judiciary. on Government Operations. of the U.S. District Court for the District of By Mr. O'NEILL (for himself and Mr. By Mr. GUDE (for himself, Mr. FRASER, Columbia to appoint a Special Prosecutor to HARVEY): Mr. RANGEL, Mr. DELLUMS, Mr. investigate and prosecute any offense with H. Res. 678. Resolution to seek peace in FAUNTROY, Mr. STARK, Mr. MAZZOLI, respect to the election in 1972 for the Office the Middle East and to continue to support and Mr. McKINNEY) : of President and with respect to the conduct Israel's deterrent strength through transfer H.R. 11238. A bill to amend the act of of the Office of President by Richard M. of Phantom aircraft and other military sup­ March 16, 1926 (relating to the Board of Nixon; to the Committee on the Judiciary. plies; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Public Welfare in the District of Columbia.), By Mr. REID: By Mr. OWENS: to provide for an improved system of adop­ H.R. 11249. A b1ll to provide that daylight H. Res. 679. Resolution expressing the tion of children in the District of Columbia., saving time shall be observed on a. year­ sense of the House of Representatives con­ and for other purposes; to the Committee round basis; to the Committee on Interstate cerning ratification of the Geneva Protocol on the District of Columbia.. and Foreign Commerce. of 1925, and a comprehensive review of this By Mr. HENDERSON: By Mr. STARK (for himself, Mr. BELL, Nation's national security and international H.R. 11239. A bill to amend section 1006 Mr. WOLFF, Mr. HEINZ, Mr. MALLARY, pollcies regarding chemical warfare; to the of title 39, United States Code relating to the Mr. GUDE, Mr. KEATING, Mr. DE LUGO, Committee on Foreign Affairs. eligibllity of U.S. Postal Service employees Mr. McKAY, Mr. ROBERT W. DANIEL, for promotion or transfer to other positions JR., Mr. BAFALIS, Mr. YOUNG of Till­ in the executive branch, and for other pur­ nois, Mr. JOHNSON of California, Mr. poses; to the Committee on Post Office and DANIELSON, Mr. VEYSEY, Mr. BURTON, MEMORIALS Civil Service. Mr. BIESTER, Mr. McCLosKEY, Mr. H.R. 11240. A bill to clarify the application PETTIS, and Mr. HANLEY) : Under clause 4 of rule XXII, of section 8344 of title 5, United States Code, H.R. 11250. A bill to govern the disclosure 324. The SPEAKER presented a memorial of relating to civil service retirement annuities of certain financial information by financial the Legislature of the Territory of the Vir­ and pay on reemployment, and for other institutions to governmental agencies, to pro­ gin Islands, relative to the transfer of title purposes; to the Committee on Post Office tect the constitutional rights of citizens to submerged and other lands to the terri­ and Civil Service. of the United States, and to prevent unwar­ tories; to the Committee on Interior and By Mr. KYROS: ranted invasions of privacy by prescribing Insular Affairs. H.R. 11241. A bill to provide for the con­ procedures and standards governing dis­ servation of energy through observance of closure of such information, and for other daylight saving time on a year-round basis; purposes; to the Committee on Banking and to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Currency. PETITIONS, ETC. Commerce. By Mr. ULLMAN (for himself, Mr. By Mr. MATHIAS of California.: ScHNEEBELI, Mr. MAHON, Mr. BURKE Under clause 1 of rule XXII, H.R. 11242. A bill to amend the act which of Massachusetts, Mr. LANDRUM, Mr. 347. The SPEAKER presented a petition created the u.s. Olympic Committee to re­ FuLTON, Mr. BURLESON of Texas, Mr. of Demetrius Zettos, San Francisco, Calif., quire such committee to hold public proceed­ CORMAN, Mr. GmBONS, Mr. WAGGON­ relative to impeachment of the President; ings before it may alter its constitution, to NER, Mr. KARTH, Mr. CONABLE, Mr. to the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS LUDWIG VON MISES: EMINENT an intellectual giant in the field of eco­ Professor Mises' life and works stand ECONOMISTS PAY TRIDUTE TO nomics, contrasted free market econo­ as a tribute to unceasing efforts on his IDS LIFE AND WORKS mies with state-controlled economies: behalf to espouse the principles of free­ Laissez-faire does not mean: let soulless dom within the marketplace, stressing, HON. JACK F. KEMP mechanical forces operate. It means: let in- with the full force of history marshalled OF NEW YORK dividuals choose how they want to cooperate to sustain his arguments, that political IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the social division of labor and let them freedom itself cannot long exist without determine what the entrepeneurs shoUld economic freedom. Thursday, November 1, 1973 produce. Planning means: let the govern­ Professor Mises' teachings, particularly Mr. KEMP. Mr. Speaker, in 1952, Prof. ment alone choose and enforce its rulings by his classic work Human Action, have had Ludwig von Mises, already recognized as the apparatus of coercion and compulsion. a great influence upon me and my phi- 35664 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 1, 1973 losophies of government, economics, and Mises was not only a great thinker but a the time he published Socialism, Mises had human action. And, he has served as the great man. I have never met anyone more become so strongly convinced that socialist completely dedicated to a life of the mind. aspirations were based on an intellectual con­ principal inspiration for an entire school In his youth, it is true, he was fond of some fusion and a failure to comprehend the task of economic thought, only now having sports: He enjoyed mountain climbing and which the economic system had to perform a fuller impact in the political sphere.
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