New Products from ABC's Herbal Education Catalog The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs Ed. by Mark Blumenthal et al. , Ameri can Botanical Council , 2003. How does the healthcare professional effectively respond to pati ent inquiries on the use of herbal supplements? What clinical research has been conducted? How is safety evaluated? T his science-based educati onal course answers these and other ques­ tions for healthcare professionals, pharmaceutical companies, health management compani es, policy makers, the dietary supplement industry and consumers. Hardcover, 512 pp. $49.95. #905 Quick Access Guide to Conditions, Herbs & Supplements by Integrative Medicine Communica ti ons, 2000. T his book has three broad categories for quick answers to consumer questio ns. T he largest section deals with co nditions and covers various treatment options incl uding herbs, supplements, drugs, and other complementary and alternative therapies. O nly alternative treatments that are considered safe and effective when used with conventional medicine are included. Additional sections on herbs and supplements cover bas ic informati on, precautions, and dosage informati on. T he Q uick Reference Guide fou nd at the end of the book shows at a glance all the herbs and supplements that are useful in treating that co ndition. Softcove r. 430 pp. $29.95. #B52 1. Special offe r $24.00! ~ Quick Access Patient Information on Conditions, Herbs I ..!~ I & Supplements ~. I by Integrative Medicine Communications. Consists of three types of monographs. Condition monographs ~ provide patients with information on standard medical care wi th additional information on nutritional ._. support and the use of alternative and complementary therapies. Herb monographs provide important info r- r marion on their use in maintaining health or treating conditions. Supplement monographs provide informa­ ti on on the use of dietary supplements. Thirteen Q uick Reference G uide lists allow easy and targe ted access to information by symptom, use, precautions, etc. Spiral bound. 266 pp. $49.95. #B522. Special offer $40.00! Quick Access Professional Guide to Conditions, Herbs & Supplements by Integrative Medicine Communications. Contains Condition, Herb, and Supplement Monographs with extensive info rmati on geared toward medical practitioners. T hirtee n Q ui ck References al low easy and targeted access to the information. 472 pp. H ardcover. $49.95. #B523. Special offer $40.00! Quick Access Professional Reference to Conditions, Herbs & Supplements CD-ROM by Integrative Medicine Communications. Monographs address numerous medical condi- tions, provide information on a range of treatment options, outline uses, dosages and interacti ons fo r over 11 5 herbs and supplements and present nutrition depletions associated with the most popular drugs. PC compatible. $49.95. #COOl. Special offer $40.00! Herba/Gram BackPacks Don't leave any gaps in your library. HerbalGram back iss ues provide a comprehensive store of info rma­ tion on herbs, book reviews, research, conference reports, and regul atory developments. BackPacks are a set of Herba fGrams from 1989, except the most current iss ue, and include a Cumul ative Index. Order a complete set of BackPacks (Volumes II, III and IV) for $95 and receive 2 slipcases to protect and store those back issues at no extra charge ($19 value). See inside back cover for more! To order, call toll free 800/373-7105, fax 512/926-2345, email: [email protected] or order online at www.herbalgram.org to see the complete Herbal Education Catalog and to see fNIERIGAN special offers, visit us online at: BoTANICAL www.herbalgram.org/bookcatalog COUNCIL Individuals, organizations, and companies who share our vision support our goals through membership. The American Botanical Council Invites You to e r-------------------------, Yes, I want to join ABC! 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Hobbs • 10% discount on publications from our Herbal Education city stare/province Catalog • Membership card zip/postal code Corporate and Sponsorship co untry Small to large organizations can receive additional benefits, including the bi-weekly HerbCiip service, and also extend their support to ABC's mission through Corporate or Sponsor level membership. To learn more, please contact Wayne Silverman, PhD, at e-mail [email protected], or 800/373-71 OS x120. Advisory Board Each issue of Herba/Gram is peer reviewed by members of our Advisory Board and other qualified experts before publication. dear Cindy K. An gerhofer, Ph.D. Paul Alan Cox, Ph .D. Director of Botanical Research, Director, National Tropical Botanical Aveda Institute, Ga rd en, Ka uai, Hawaii reader Minneapolis, Minnesota Lyle E. Craker, Ph.D. John Thor Arnason, Ph.D. Professor, Departme nt of Pl ant and }\. virtual barrage of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Professor of Biology, Department of Soil Sciences, University of Biology, University of Ottawa, Massachusetts, Amherst ..l"\.activity in the area of herbs and dietary supplements (DS) has kept both agency and industry extremely busy in the past six months. Ontario, Canada Edward M. Croom, Jr., Ph.D. In December 2002 the FDA announced a new "Consumer Health Dennis V. C. Awang, Ph .D., Scientific and Regulatory Affairs F.C. I. C. Manager, lndena USA East, Inc., Information Initiative" to implement regulations on claims for supple­ MediPiant Natural Products Oxford, Mississippi ments under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of Consulting Services, White Rock, B.C., Wade Davis, Ph.D. 1994 (DSHEA), a move almost universally welcomed. FDA's new Canada Author, ethnobotanist, commissioner, Mark McClellan, M.D., Ph.D., a physician and econo­ Manuel F. Balandrin, R.Ph., Washington, D.C. mist, appears to be guiding the age ncy to work more effectively. Since Ph.D. Steven Dentali, Ph.D. January, the FDA has launched a trio of major initiatives: implementa­ Resea rch Scientist, NPS Vice President of Scientificand tion of the Bioterrorism Act, new label warnings for ephedra products, Pharmaceuticals, Salt Lake City, Utah Technical Affairs, American Herbal and proposed Good Manufacturing Practi ces. Bruce Barrett, M. D., Ph.D. Products Association, Silver Spring, The Bioterrorism Act and its FDA rules are Assistant Professor of Family Maryland part of the Bush Administration's War on Terror. Medicine, University ofWisconsin ­ Hardy Eshbaugh, Ph.D The Bioterrorism Act impacts aLl foodstuffs Madison Medical School Professor of Botany & Assistant imported into the United States, including Marilyn Barrett, Ph.D. Cu rator, Willard Sherman Turrell herbal materi als for teas and dietary supple­ Pharmacognosy Consulting Service, Herba riu m, Miami University, ments. In this issue, Washington regulatory San Carlos, California Oxford, Ohio attorney Paul Rubin provides an in-depth look at Bradley C. Bennett, Ph.D. Ad ri ane Fugh-Berman, M. D. the ramifications on the industry and, eventually, Associate Professor of Biology, Florida Author, Assistant Clinical Professor, the consumer. International University, Miami George Washington University In February, about three weeks after the death Joseph M. Betz, Ph.D. School of Medicine, Washing ton, DC of Baltimore Orioles pitcher Steve Bechler from Director of the Dietary Supplements Joe Graedon, M.S. Methods and Reference Materials Author, syndicated colum nist, radio an ephedra-rel ated case of heatstroke, FDA proposed warnings for Program, Office of Dietary host, Durham, North Carol ina supplements that contain ephedra. Stern "black
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