SILVA IAPONICARUM 日林 FASC. XLI/XLII 第四十一・四十二号 AUTUMN/WINTER 秋・冬 2014 SPECIAL EDITION WOJTKOWIZNA 2013 edited by Adam Bednarczyk Posnaniae, Cracoviae, Varsoviae, Kuki MMXIV ISSN 1734-4328 2 Drodzy Czytelnicy. Niniejszy specjalny zeszyt Silva Iaponicarum 日林 zawiera artykuły powstałe po spotkaniu w trakcie Mi ędzynarodowych Studenckich Warsztatów Japonistycznych, które odbyły si ę w Wojtkowi źnie w dniach 15-20 kwietnia 2013 roku. Organizacj ą tego wydarzenia zaj ęli si ę studenci oraz kadra japonistyki Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika. Poczynaj ąc od niniejszego zeszytu, wprowadzono zmiany w składzie rady naukowej oraz kolegium recenzentów naszego kwartalnika, d ążą c do ich umi ędzynarodowienia. Odpowiednie zmiany osobowe w składach tych ciał tudzie ż ostatnie zmiany wymogów publikacji artykułów w Silva Iaponicarum zostały równie ż uaktualnione w naszym serwisie internetowym. Kolejne zeszyty naszego kwartalnika planujemy wyda ć jako specjalny zeszyt filmowy oraz specjalny zeszyt po świ ęcony publikacjom doktorantów w dziedzinie japonistyki. Kolegium redakcyjne oraz uczestnicy wydarzenia Kraków – Pozna ń –Toru ń – Warszawa – Kuki grudzie ń 2014 3 Dear Readers, This special issue of Silva Iaponicarum 日 林 contains the contributions delivered after the Students’ International Japanese Studies Workshop held in Wojtkowizna on April 15-20, 2013. The workshop was organized by the students’ circle and the staff from the Japanese Language and Culture Center of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toru ń. Starting from this fascicle, some changes in the Research Council and the Board of Reviewers have been introduced, with the aim of internationalization and standardization. Respective changes in the structure of these bodies as well as the recent changes concerning the requirements for new contributions to our quarterly have been updated also at our Web site. The next fascicles of our quarterly are going to be issued as a special fascicle on film studies, and second, as a special fascicle devoted to contributions of PhD. candidates of Japanese studies. The Editorial Board and the event participants Cracow – Pozna ń –Toru ń – Warsaw – Kuki December 2014 4 読者のみなさまへ この季刊誌「 Silva Iaponicarum 日林 」の特別号に集めたのは、 2013 年 4 月 15-20 日にポーランドのヴォイトコヴィズナで実施された国 際日本学科合同合宿後に執筆された論文です。合宿は、ニコラウ ス・コペルニクス大学日本言語文化研究室の研究サークルの学生と 学科スタッフによって、企画運営されました。 本号より、研究顧問会・査読委員会にはその多国籍化を目指した編 成が行われました。なお、会員変更の詳細と本季刊誌「 Silva Iaponicarum 日林 」への論文投稿の条件に対して最も新しい変更が 加えられたのに伴い、私たちのインターネット・ページもアプデー トしました。 次号と次々号は、日本映画特別号、並びに日本学博士論文執筆者に よる論文特別号として刊行することを予定しています。 編集委員会 とワークショップの参加者 2014 年 12 月 クラクフ・ポズナニ・トルン・ワルシャワ・久喜 5 6 Silva Iaponicarum 日林 Kwartalnik japonistyczny / Quarterly on Japanology / 日本学季刊誌 ISSN 1734-4328 Liczba kopii: 100 / Hard copies: 100 / 部数 : 100 部 THE ELECTRONIC VERSION IS THE PRIMARY VERSION OF THIS PERIODICAL Kolegium redakcyjne / Editorial Board / 編集委員会 Redaktor naczelny / Editor in chief / 編集長 Dr. hab. Arkadiusz Jabło ński, Adam Mickiewicz University Dr. Adam Bednarczyk, Nicolaus Copernicus University Dr. Beata Bochorodycz, Adam Mickiewicz University Ms. Aleksandra Jarosz, Adam Mickiewicz University Dr. Maciej Kanert, Adam Mickiewicz University Dr. hab. Iwona Kordzi ńska-Nawrocka, University of Warsaw Dr. Stanisław Meyer, Jagiellonian University Dr. Aleksandra Szczechla, Jagiellonian University Dr. Anna Zalewska, University of Warsaw Rada naukowa / Research Council / 研究顧問会 Prof. Carl Cassegard, University of Gothenburg Prof. Ina Hein, University of Vienna Prof. Machiko Hachiya, Kyushu University Prof. Romuald Huszcza, University of Warsaw, Jagiellonian University Prof. Agnieszka Kozyra, University of Warsawy, Jagiellonian University Dr. K ōichi Kuyama, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Prof. Alfred F. Majewicz, Adam Mickiewicz University Prof. Mikołaj Melanowicz, University of Warsaw Prof. Ewa Pałasz-Rutkowska, University of Warsaw Prof. Ikuko Sagiyama, University of Florence Prof. Ryoko Shiotsuki, Atomi University Prof. Jan Sykora, Charles University Prof. Gabriele Vogt, University of Hamburg Prof. Estera Żeromska, Adam Mickiewicz University Kolegium recenzentów / Board of Reviewers / 査読 委員会 Dr. Andre Asplund, European Institute of Japanese Studies Dr. Giorgio Fabio Colombo, Nagoya University Dr. Yuliya Dzyabko, Ivan Franko University Dr. Ildiko Farkas, Karoli Gaspar University Dr. Lucy Fraser, The University of Queensland Dr. Ellen Van Goethem, Kyushu University 7 Dr. Szymon Grzelak, Adam Mickiewicz University Dr. Y ūji Kanamaru, Wayo Women’s University Dr. Jakub Karpoluk, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology Dr. El żbieta Kostowska-Watanabe, Nicolaus Copernicus University Dr. Marcelina Le śniczak, Nicolaus Copernicus University Dr. Tomasz Majtczak, Jagiellonian University Dr. Jin Matsuka, Otaru University of Commerce Dr. Iwona Merklejn, Aoyama Gakuin University Dr. Raluca Nicolae, Spiru Haret University Dr. Iuliiya Osadcha, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Dr. Paul Oshea, Aarhus University Dr. Sven Osterkamp, Ruhr University Bochum Dr. Melinda Pasp, Eotvos Lorand University Dr. Jarosław Pietrow, Warsaw University Dr. Isabelle Prochaska-Meyer, The University of Vienna Dr. Krisztina Rosner, University of Pecs Dr. Iga Rutkowska, Adam Mickiewicz University Dr. Makoto Sakai, Bunkyo University Dr. Jens Sejrup, Lund University Dr. Mohamad Shahabuddin, Keele University Dr. Chikako Shigemori-Bucar, University of Ljubliana Dr. Katarzyna Starecka, Warsaw University Dr. Dick Stegewerns, University of Oslo Dr. Małgorzata Sobczyk, Nicolaus Copernicus University Dr. Katarzyna Sonnenberg, Jagiellonian University Dr. Aya Sonoda, Kumamoto University Dr. Osamu Tada, Hitotsubashi University Dr. Emil Tanev, Sofia University Dr. Steven Trenson, Kyoto University Dr. Balazs Vaszkun, Corvinus University of Budapest Dr. Natasa Wisocnik, University of Ljubljana Dr. Michael Weber, Charles University Dr. Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies Dr. Till Weingaertner, Freir Universitaet Berlin Dr. hab. Bartosz T. Wojciechowski, Jagiellonian University Dr. Joanna Wolska-Lenarczyk, Jagiellonian University Dr. Yongmei Wu, The University of Hong Kong Dr. Karol Żakowski, University of Łód ź Native check for Special Edition / 特集号の校正 : English / 英語 : Mr. Adrian Smith Silva Iaponicarum Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza Katedra Orientalistyki, Zakład Japonistyki ul. 28 Czerwca 1956 nr 198 61-485 Pozna ń, Poland www.silvajp.amu.edu.pl 8 SPIS TRE ŚCI / CONTENTS / 目次 Patrycja Duc The Language Awareness and Communication Competencies of Young People in Modern Japan – The Results of a Questionnaire 11 Arkadiusz Jabło ński On Some Cases of Japanese-Polish-English (Un)translatability 23 Aleksandra Jarosz Japonic Languages: An Overview 39 Zofia Kurzawi ńska Akita Dogs as Representatives of Japanese Culture Abroad 69 Krzysztof Stefa ński On the Revival of Hideyoshi’s Folly, Tyranny of bushid ō and Rejected Ieyasu’s Legacy. In Tribute to Tokugawa Ieyasu 82 Vít Ulman Gozan Bungaku: the Cultural Exchange between Japan and China as Seen through the Life and Works of Sesson Y ūbai and Zekkai Ch ūshin 116 PRACE NADSYŁANE / FOR CONTRIBUTORS / 投稿 130 9 10 Patrycja Duc The Language Awareness and Communication Competencies of Young People in Modern Japan – The Results of a Questionnaire DOI: 10.14746/sijp.2017.41/42.1 ABSTRACT According to the early work of Noam Chomsky competence is described as a speaker-hearer’s knowledge of the language and an idealized capacity to acquire language which is superior to performance (language in actual use). In this paper, competence is differentiated from awareness and is regarded not as an idealized capacity, but as a set of skills and general theoretical knowledge which can be acquired gradually by learner through his/her education and experience. The results of the fieldwork conducted in 2013 in Kansai and Kanto regions entitled Nihon no wakamono no gengo ishiki to komyunik ēshon ni tai suru ishiki (Japanese Youth’s Language Awareness and Awareness Toward Communication ) was supported by the analysis of Internet resources and analysis of online and paper dictionaries of wakamono kotoba (‘youth language’), kyampasu kotoba (‘campus language’) and gyarugo (‘gals words’). The survey was divided into two parts: First Language Awareness and Second Language Awareness . KEYWORDS : communication, language awareness, linguistic competence, youth language, second language, ambiguity Recently, easy access to Internet-based resources has enabled people interested and engaged in researching the Japanese language to discover a growing number of articles, forums and blogs dedicated to the language of modern youth (in contemporary Japan this is known as wakamono kotoba ). Not only does it seem to be worth considering from a language development perspective, but also as crucial evidence of the creativity of youngsters and their need to modify language. The main purpose of this paper is to briefly present the language and communication competencies of young Japanese people with reference to Internet-based resources as well as an analysis of a questionnaire conducted in 2013 in Japan. The respondents of the survey were asked to express their opinions on two issues – their knowledge and attitude to their mother tongue (Japanese) as well as to the second language learned at school (mainly English). Although, the choice of two seemingly unrelated topics may meet some negative reception, it corresponds to the aim of this Patrycja Duc paper which is to sketch and briefly illustrate the state of language in contemporary Japan using the example of youth language
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