February Workshop Roundabouts in Kern County Presented by John Liu Thursday, February 20, 2020 6:00 PM to 6:25 PM in the KCOG Board Room This workshop will be presented prior to the regularly scheduled Board meeting of the Kern Council of Governments. AGENDA KERN COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS TRANSPORTATION PLANNING POLICY COMMITTEE KERN COG CONFERENCE ROOM THURSDAY 1401 19TH STREET, THIRD FLOOR February 20, 2020 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 6:30 P.M. WEB SITE: www.kerncog.org 6:00 P.M. WORKSHOP: Roundabouts in Kern – Presented by: John Liu DISCLAIMER: This agenda includes the proposed actions and activities, with respect to each agenda item, as of the date of posting. As such, it does not preclude the Committee from taking other actions on items on the agenda, which are different or in addition to those recommended. I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. ROLL CALL: Gurrola, B. Smith, Lessenevitch, Couch, Scrivner, Vallejo, Crump, Cantu, Mower, Alvarado, Krier, P. Smith, Reyna Congestion Management Agency Ex-Officio Members: Kiernan, Dermody, Gordon, Parra III. PUBLIC COMMENTS: This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons to address the Committee on any matter not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Committee. Committee members may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff for factual information or request staff to report back to the Committee at a later meeting. SPEAKERS ARE LIMITED TO TWO MINUTES, WITH THE AUTHORITY OF THE CHAIR TO EXTEND THE TIME LIMIT AS DEEMED APPROPRIATE FOR CONDUCTING THE MEETING. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD PRIOR TO MAKING A PRESENTATION. Disabled individuals who need special assistance to attend or participate in a meeting of the Transportation Planning Policy Committee may request assistance at 1401 19th Street Suite 300; Bakersfield CA 93301 or by calling (661) 635-2900. Every effort will be made to reasonably accommodate individuals with disabilities by making meeting materials available in alternative formats. Requests for assistance should be made at least three (3) working days in advance whenever possible. IV. CONSENT AGENDA/OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: All items on the consent agenda are considered to be routine and non-controversial by Kern COG staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Committee or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Committee concerning the item before action is taken. ROLL CALL VOTE. A. Approval of Minutes – January 16, 2020 B. Response to Public Comments C. FEBRUARY TDA PUBLIC TRANSIT AND STREETS AND ROADS CLAIMS FOR TEHACHAPI TOTALING $548,138 (Snoddy) Comment: Review and recommendation of Tehachapi’s FY 2019-20 Public Transit and Street and Roads claims totaling $548,138. This item has been reviewed by the Transportation Technical 1 Advisory Committee. Action: Approve Resolutions 20-06 and 20-07 supporting Tehachapi’s 2019-20 TDA Public Transit claim and Streets and Roads claim for $548,138 and authorize chair and the executive director to sign Resolutions 20-06 and 20-07. D. TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT ARTICLE 3 OUTSTANDING PROJECT REPORT 2020 (Snoddy) Comment: On January 7, 2020, Kern COG staff hosted a Project Delivery Update meeting with project managers throughout Kern County which included an estimated $1,563,731 of Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 projects (pedestrian and sidewalk projects). The Transportation Technical Advisory Committee had reviewed this item. Action: Reported latest Article 3 project information to staff at TTAC meeting. E. UPDATE: SB 375 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION REDUCTION FROM PASSENGER VEHICLES AND ADOPTION TIMELINE FOR THE 2022 RTP (Ball) Comment: The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is required to be updated every 4-years and contains a long range 24-year transportation expenditure portfolio fulfilling numerous policies and regulations including but not limited to public involvement, social equity, air quality conformity, congestion management, and Senate Bill (SB) 375 per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. This item is a regular update provided to the Regional Planning Advisory Committee (RPAC). Action: Information F. FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR 2019 FTA SECTION 5311 PROGRAM OF PROJECTS $1,581,646 (Snoddy) Comment: Rural agencies providing public transportation services are eligible to apply for FY 2019/20 funding from the Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) through the Section 5311 program. Nine local agencies are eligible to apply for a total of $1,581,646. This item has been reviewed by the Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. Action: Adopt the FY 2019-20 FTA Section 5311 Kern Region Program of Projects by Resolution 20-08. G. FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (FTIP) - AMENDMENT PROCEDURE UPDATE (Pacheco) Comment: The Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) is a dynamic short-range list of transportation projects that is subject to change. The FTIP amendment process was last revised April 16, 2015. Additional revisions are needed to update language consistent with Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration revised procedures. The Transportation Technical Advisory Committee has reviewed this item. Action: Approve revised FTIP Amendment Policy and authorize Chair to sign Resolution No. 20-05. ROLL CALL VOTE H. PROJECT DELIVERY LETTERS – ATP, CMAQ, RSTP (Pacheco) Comment: Presentation of project delivery letters for Active Transportation Program (ATP), Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) Program, and Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP). 16 projects have not yet submitted for funding authorization representing $10 million in 2 federal/state programming. The Transportation Technical Advisory Committee has reviewed this item. Action: Information I. PROJECT ACCOUNTABILITY TEAM REPORT (Pacheco) Comment: January 7, 2020 Project Accountability Team meeting highlights and latest updates. The Transportation Technical Advisory Committee has reviewed this item. Action: Information. J. CONGESTION MITIGATION AIR QUALITY (CMAQ) – FINAL PROGRAM OF PROJECTS (Invina) Comment: The Final CMAQ Program of Projects includes $22.3 million for member agency projects. The Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC) has reviewed this item. Action: Approve the Final CMAQ Program of Projects. VOICE VOTE K. CONGESTION MITIGATION AIR QUALITY (CMAQ) – CONTINGENCY PROJECT POLICY AND PROJECT LIST (Invina) Comment: Kern COG staff is proposing to add about $22 million of contingency CMAQ programming in FFY 22-23 and 23-24 in the event that projects for FFY 20-21 and 21-22 are not delivered. The Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC) has reviewed this item. Action: Approve the CMAQ Contingency Project Policy and CMAQ Contingency Project List. VOICE VOTE L. REGIONAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM (RSTP) – FINAL PROGRAM OF PROJECTS (Invina) Comment: The Final RSTP Program of Projects includes $23.9 million for member agency projects. The Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC) has reviewed this item. Action: Approve the Final RSTP Program of Projects. VOICE VOTE M. KERN ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM - STATUS REPORT (Urata) Comment: To help meet more stringent air standards, Kern COG promotes early deployment of alternative fuel vehicle technologies such as plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) and compressed natural gas-fueled vehicles. This report provides staff activity information, updates the quarterly inventory of EV charging spaces in Kern County, and provides funding information. Action: Information. N. FEDERAL SAFETY PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT (PM1) “TOWARD ZERO” 2020 TARGET UPDATE (Flickinger) Comment: Required federal process to annually monitor transportation safety performance measure progress, including encouragement of member agencies to improve safety on our streets with their transportation expenditures. This item was reviewed by the Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. Action: Approve the 2020 Kern “Toward Zero” safety targets consistent with federal methodology and direct staff to work with member agencies and stakeholders to develop projects that will accelerate attainment of the targets. 3 O. LOCAL ROAD SAFETY PLAN (LRSP) GRANTS UPDATE (Flickinger) Comment: On October 8, 2019, Caltrans announced a Call for Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) grants. The Transportation Technical Advisory Committee has reviewed this item. Action: Information. P. BIENNIAL LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS SURVEY – FEBRUARY 2020 (Flickinger) Comment: All Kern COG member agencies, be watching for the statewide biennial local streets and roads survey scheduled to be emailed out in early February 2020 to be used to help direct road maintenance funding to local jurisdictions. The Transportation Technical Advisory Committee has reviewed this item. Action: Information. Q. 2022 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT UPDATE (Stramaglia) Comment: Development of the Kern Council of Governments 2022 Regional Transportation Plan requires the review and update of the Capital Improvement Program. The Transportation Technical Advisory Committee has reviewed this item. Action: Information. *** END CONSENT CALENDAR - ROLL CALL VOTE ** V. PUBLIC WORKSHOP/PUBLIC COMMENT – 2020-2050 GROWTH FORECAST DRAFT REPORT (Raymond) Comment:
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