OUR 5 151" YEAR oso 50 CENTS RUIDOSO , NE \V 1ViEXICO • FRIDAY, () CT. 1997 lSSLE NO. 40 • 4 SECTIONS, '52 PAGe:. .' c. • ~____ \ Mescaleros reclaiming Apache language Aspenfest's theme BY DIANNE STALLIN(;S "In kindergarten, the teacher to continue speaking it or get pun­ this weekend: Art RUIDOSO NEWS SlAFF WRJ1ER ished. I didn't want to lose it. It was didn't want me to speak the sad." Ruidosoans will hold their nlike many other ethnic groups, language and we were punished She was lucky, because she contin­ own "hometown" celebration U the Mescalero Apache didn't face if we spoke it." ued to hear the language a thorne this weekend. the loss of their language because of a from her parents and grandparents, It's calledAspenfest and the slow process of interaction with the Rena Enjady, ,*hose blood lines reached into the theme is "Celebrating the Arts.-' Anglo culture. AJesca/enoleacher three major Apache groups on the A parade starts at 10 a.m. Their language was wrenched reservation, Chiricahua, Mescalero Saturday. The arts and crafts from them. and Lipan. But during those early show will be open Saturday and Their children were punished for "Apache was my first language, school years, she never learned to read Sunday. A state chile cook-off speaking Apache in the classroom. said Rena Enjady, who teachesApache or to write Apache. and a custom car show both are They were told to discard their culture to elementary school children in "I never knew how to read or write scheduled on Saturday. for something better. Mescalero. "In kindergarten, the it until my grandmother, Evelyn All events will happen on And they were told that for nearly teacher didn't want me to speak the Sudderth Drive, from midtown language and we were punished if we 100 years in reservation schools, in Dianne Stallings/RUIdoso News to School House Park. churches and in trade. spoke it. It was hard to decide whether See MESCALERO, page SA Della Simmons, left, and Rena Enjady Completing the cast Ruidoso will ask judge for opinion on garbage issue • If the village loses rights to the ~ SOUD WASTE ()teroILinw!n County Landfill, city officials say, the cost ufsplit­ village will ask of the 12th tinX frum the waste authority District Court, Village would be ccJ11sideraIJlc. Attorney John Underwood said. BY TONI K. LAXSON Ruidoso will file a docu­ Rl'/I)()\() NFWS STAll U--,·R_I~/_f.R _ ment seeking a declaratory judgment from the court, After stewing for months Underwood said. about whether to leave the The document, a "friendly Lincoln County Solid Waste lawsuit," will ask the court to Authority, the Ruidoso Village interpret the Solid Waste Council has decided to get a Authority's joint powers agree­ state judge's opinion. ments as well as statutory lan­ 'We have an issue over the guage and past business prac­ landfill that if we are no longer tices, Underwood said. members of the authority, then "So, when we make our what is our price, where do we decision it will be based on bring our garbage and what is some sort of precedents and the tippinj:{ fee?" Village guidance by the court itself," Manager Cary Jackson told Underwood said. councilors Tuesday night. Then, "those who are Toni K. LaxsonJRUldoso NeW'< Whether or not Ruidoso affected. by our decision, i.e., Workers at Legends Casting Co. in Ruidoso Downs pour molten bronze into the cast of a plaque to be mounted at the Spencer Theater for the Performing Arts will retain an interest in the Legend's husband and wife team of Rita and Rick Hadley worked day and night designing the plaque - a rush order as the theater's gala opening is this weekend Otpro/Lincoln (~ounty Landfill is one of about 10 questions the Sec GARBAGE. page 2/\ Police chief Dowser divines spirituality in ancient practice dies, nature-based toys, soothing self-con­ At first, Irvin, like most people, associ­ denies l11an's BY DIANNE STALUNGS Rumoso NEWS .IT~I_F_W_R!.!_ER _ tainE'd watE'rfalls and otlwr aids to the psy­ ated dowsing only with locating water. che. The practice is based on the theory assault claint owsers reportedly have been finding She plans to learn more this month as that water passing under the earth creates D underground water and minerals she attends the fourth Southwest electromagnetic waves detected. by the • DOlens Police Chief Dauid since biblical times. Conference of the Am<>rican Society of dowser. 1Ilghtuu'er IS uaused of kICking But today's dowsers often are search­ Dowsers Oct. 9-12 in Las Crun>s. It w{lI be About three YE'ars ago, she saw thp und knn'llIg u nlLln dltnng u ing for much more than a watt:r tiupply. her second conference with the organiza­ practice in a broader application. stop to Identify hun. They claim to locate lost items, to pinpoint tion and she's enthusiastic about going, Serving as an assistant to a retired Air because of the positive emphasis of the disturbances in a person's electromagnetic Force colonel in El Paso, she was exposed BY T( lNl K. LAXSON emanations and in some cases, to locate messages she will carry home with her RiJl)()\() \IU.\ \14.[1 U'RIII.R to spiritual dowsing and knew shE' had tumors and help healing. 'We're not talking far out pE'ople here," found somethmg of value, although she Terri Irvin, an apprentice dowser, she said at her shop in The Attic complex Ruidoso Downs Police owns Earthworks. The shop presents an on Mechem Drive. "They are highly intelli­ Chief David Hightower heat D,anne Stallings/Ruidoso News Terry Irwin with pendulum and L-rod. intriguing mixture of homeopathy reme- gent, well-E'ducated and open mindf'd .. :-'("(' DOWSER. page (1.1\ and unlawfully arrested a Carlsbad. man in ,July, t.he -~------------------~ man's attorney says Attorney Cary Mitchell Billy the Kid center recently ~pnt the Ruidoso Downs' administration a notice that he may bring a lawsuit against the village concerning a .Tnly 2 incident hptwpen his client, Steve Loonpy, and Chief Hightower This is an artist's render­ and t~o other villagp officials. ing of the front of the Billy ''"Whether we do or not the KId Scenic Byways depf'ndf-' on how thpy handle Interpretive Center, vvhlch is being built next to the this whole thing. And what the Museum of the Horse. investigation shows," Mitchell Sierra Blanca Construction said. is the builder. The center, Hightower, who filE'd sev­ scheduled to open in the eral chargps against Looney spring, is federally funded after the incident, said and Will be adr:ninlstered by Wednesday that he did not use the village of Ruidoso Downs. See page 38 for more Information. Scc DOWNS. pagc1A -------------_.----------_... - ----_.__ ._------_.. _----------- B> WEATHER Partly A bid of $699,000 The B.E.A.C.H. cloudy An~ '" ~( Opinion .4A is accepted for a SK run attracts today but Classi~cd<; 4B Sports 1B sunny rest Crossword .41~ Rl'~i()11 .3R new red roof on 160 runners Deaths 2A Real C<;toltc .4B and raises money of weekend l.etters ..........4A Vamonos Ie the high school Movies 17(. Weather 2A PAGE 2A PAGE lIB PAGE 2A --~-- ~--- ------------------------------- -- '. ., \I ','''' . ".; ! ZA FRIDAY, Ocr. 3, 1997 LOCAL NEWS .'j-. 1 SATURDAY Hlgh 76 RUIDOSO'S Low ' 41 $699,000 bid di'd THREE-DAY for high school roof WEATHER ~~&uti~ OUTLOOK specifications, White*i!I1':said. Ruidoso School Board The high school, .about 15 members nJmjnated for about years old, has had some P!'tch SUNDAY Hlgb ;72 MONDAY Hlgh 69 Low 38 Low 36 an hour Wednesday before work done on it 1IJ'Bve1 arid tar agreeing on a bid of $699,000 based roof, but 1eaks persist, fur a new roof at the _ White said. High Sebool, a scboo1 oflicial Money for the roof will said. come from a $8.5 million bond 'There's some l'retty bad approved by voters in leaks over there m several February, White said. The areas," said Patty White, with school board had budgeted the district"s administrative $950,000 for new roolio on the offices. ''It's been causing dam­ high school, the middle scboo1 age inside the building. So, and the Nob Hill scbooI, White WEATHER AlMANAC even though it's expensive. we said. The roofing prqjects for need to take care ofit." the other two 8Chools are Ruidoso Readings Low Predp. 'HiI:b Construction expected to be less expensive, 'fuBB<lay 76 41 .00' will start sometime this fall, she said. she said. The middle school is Wedneoday 76 43 .00" next in line for roofing work. Thureday 74 42 .00" Based on the architect's esti­ mate, a red metal roof should School board members were concerned with the .high Reglonal.Wednesday HIgb Low Poreaut be completely finished in Albuquerque B2 6B Thunderstorms February, provided weather price of the new roof fur the ElPWIO,TX 90 64 Partly cloudy conditions don't unduly delay high school, White said. Lubbock. TX 92 61 Partly cloudy Construction work. White said. ''But the final decision was Midland, TX 90 64 Partly cloudy The $699.000 bid from we need to protect the interior Newt & Butch's Roofing Co., ofthe bnilding," she said out of C1ovis, was the lowest of The new roof will have a Sept./Oct. phases ofIht moo.n the four submitted to meet 3O-year guarantee. ","".-u.,.. of, md~0Il181,,,""'" CamMoot'r! GARBAGE: Village will go to court 1bnIK.
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