Coeur d’Alene Press. VOL. V. NO. 20. vm > :. - — Tuol«t.i d,« , WANT 1 MI.K NAM TO INTKHFKHK presidency to lead the great bimetallic t» ***. Un«.r u„a., “ 'TV?' THE DEFEAT OF CORBETT TO SHOUT FOR SILVER host in the present emergency, because he ■«*~n.A ti„, H rb.t.,.1,1. ii U cufr*<"lr Is the moat conspicuous advocate and de­ IDOL OF THE 8P0RT8 ,u * 0 «BJ u lh r„ I,,',1. kbu' “ uf fender of the faith In the entire repub­ im : m u i A n (*m o * i . a i n John n m c . „ lic. l OUK UK HIMKT*M.mi. Washington, June 2a.—Secretary Olney "Resolved. Thst should some advocate NHtHKKV m V EU FIM H HIIIMIt FHIKSD* OP* TCU.RH BSCOlRAbCU and steadfast friend of the free and un­ received cells today from Blr Julian l o r n m r r annwkmn ih a n k e t ’I 1- K. Hulileii i. yt*f* *'* h-a painrr « I T H HOMHAIMH II JIM . HV HIM diet KPTIOK. limited coinage of silver and gold at Pauncefote, lirltisb ambassador, and the ratio of H to 1 other than Senator *’**.*I.I.ENOK PON A EIGHT. “V* Minister Amiraue of Vengguela, with Teller be nominated for president, we ! t ’WveUlMl Mini i i o »it 5\2* !* * I' u*' ** both of whom he conferred separately llrrlA c M *!*• IMMM- ••>»<**(. Uf flt » » M fJum pledge our hearty and unanimous suport < urban Ha. Alaao.l Kaorkad Oat concerning the arrest by Venezuelan to that candidate. troops of lirltisb Crown Burveryo r H a r­ C olorado lateada to Read a llrlrga* «ad I llaab.d fa kavr lllio- "Resolved. That should Senator Tell­ Jlm*« Intention la tn Voane n Del tn ■ * •- i » L T v £ r - r - « rison on the Jiritish Venezuelan bound­ lloa of c ttlseaw Thai Will er not be nominated for president the ir*#l It* ary. It is understood that Hlr Julian, All < «*Nera. F llu ln n o n a Be. •••If From l)rfr«l, Attract Atleatloa. people of this state with a unanimity acting under instructions from the Brit­ with scarce a parallel In any constltuency In* Preferreff. ____ .. ofg«m s« |U|| 1|4 ,U ,r“ U» /l UIi 41 «Uvar ish foreign office, requested me friendly slll continue him as a senator of the I »*» IB lti« Buntv ,i‘“! •*•■»<*» Intervention of the I'nlted Htates toward I'nlted States from Colorado. That we securing the release of Harrison, as was J«... !* Th. 4«»^M.t« * m°*r*,U: eul“ 8an Fran*- June 24. -Jam#* J. Cor- I therefore confidently appeal to the peo- b u t ddhe by the British authorities in behalf IJetiver, June 25.—The friends of B-u* j pie of the Cniled Htates to leave in abey- «il«4 IO Of dcf aifc4 Hut>- »« iftlK '.S !!* « — •«*" *« .a- ■t-impion uf tile World. h ;i « all but of the American. John Hays Hammond, Han Francisco, June 25.—James J. Cor­ | kfiu* ; tor Henry M. Teller who have been 11- ; ante for the moment all other questions, *• «* 1B« U«u- uimbmhi . i,«i ,„,. u ,' l*'jr *r >' Bor ih , |* f. tonight in a four-round con* during tin- T ran sv aal (rouble vocal I ng bis candidacy on a slver ticket j however important and even momentous bett has answered Hharkey’# verbal chal­ /I ik>r|«l« ,t *•■«« tlu> .o ia io mu) 11,11^ . M “a* a**1*™ i‘»i with Tom rihitrkvy, champion of the Andrade was first at the department, for president ure f -eling much cneour- j they may seem, to sunder if need be ail lenge for a fight to a finish, made at the tuw«u<l«4 Daniel VO*>f* i/latfulfil ~ ~~ Ora. a , ax> 1 h*- r«-friee de< lan d the contort a calling before the usual hour when dlplo* . ged by the reception the boom stari-d . former party ties and affiliation* and ringside after last night’s contest by ails begin f j f l ’lv i»4*d It Mv* •■fc.ua. i w •*** «*• “ b* ■•‘a# but It I* doubtful If bv will be »Up* at Hi. Ijouis immediately after the bolt i unite in one supreme effort to free them- himself announcing his intention to Is­ tar. i . i . | w • ** kWBliiiiwl for He was with olney some time, going of the western delegates has had in the selves and their children from the domin- sue a challenge to all coiners. Fllssim- . .« I v j IIU tlciigtlr 11»« tulb 4 lotted by public opinion. Corbett clinch- over quite fully the circumstances of the , • d till if gey throughout the entire fourth weat and south. It is announced that j *t;on of the money power—a power more mon» preferred. If the latter does not L. t.i.ci 4mJ Utibtfi NlutakUu Harrison incident. The minister said the Teller's name will positively b.- presented destructive than any which has ever accept within two weeks. Corbett says rd I k * l«HtUcf Ik *« S<1- i ,o u ,lli l,J «*vuld punULmnit. The chain* affair had been magnified and was lacking been fastened upon any race or of any t’ioL w breaming heavily and appvr* io the Chicago convention, and be will make arrangements for a fight 1 ri'tii.k lu Milb4f«t liu iisuru in Intention of serious indignity or wrong hoped that th« strength he wili show on age. and upon the consummation of our with Hharkey, to take place on agreed • l*l > gtca'.iy * a t.auet i d When the rouud to the British. tile initial billot will stampede the con­ desires and efforts we invoke the gracious Jli WltlhHt H.iat, l*«aM j.. **“,w B.i mT *iie! ,or tu> *>•« tot eg, while lharhey — emad aa frean The exact nature of the British request I territory, preferably In Mexico. vent.on to him Teller's nomination w<ll favor of divine providence. Sharkey is the idol of the sporting Italic, a . t . a. M »I «m N a vsuf «Mill*. « « . ' ,A* *IULU*!lie *■ at the t,. ginning. Hharkey even re* was not made public, but its essential ! "That the foregoing is submitted to the lo*. J lo ngjitlng *1 the end of the feature was a request for friendly in­ com* from the south, wh* re, i» is claim ­ world today, and the most extravagant b« ti_4 U «'i inform »J ed, he is p articu larly sTVong not only end that in the language of the great predictions as to his future are made. fcitHtd Mta- .?• hout for Cor* tervention by the I'nlted States Owing Lincoln, "th‘s government of the people, ‘Vr iJ lliafad n of a. (t-n g;* policemen leaptd into the ring to the British-Venezuelan trouble the on account ot his record as a silver le i I- Sharkey bears his honors modestly, but Cue faUifcfui to li(.« tMu* er. but also be'-; usi- of bis vote against by the people for the people, shall not leiterate* his desire to meet Corbett *n “ * »**•• *» ruir. three wffi . ra gtahU--l ghurkey. The British have no minister or consul in perish from the earth." ■. .da* at t ill « | « »}.•«.a- Venezuela. It is believed that Olney tlie force bill and his wel! known oppo­ a longer battle. He received a challenge !U-n,£* refused to Sje reaUttlnod and sition to the more radical actions of ihe from M..her today for a contest for $54M> Jtcl t'l t w-c 1 f ht tvUt • tataKTitu or kkii.ii I. or „ Jimh * truck one of the policemen u vicio i» has already taken steps to communicate IIF.A lift I *H W H S (.A TO M A DKRBV h -'w More pul icemen jum|a-<l into the with the Venezuelan government through republican paity on tlie tariff question. a side, Hharkey says, however, that he il* iti-jllcd ill (•• /* It has not >c-t Ireen decided who will le- will make no other plans until his meet­ U III Mr | *Ita ••••! k a a l It«li*rtaiioll Of f ',J** i*n^ Hharkey w*» finally escorted to the medium of the I'nlted States minis­ A m u w r:.> u | mm » a* ter at r’aracas l»v«-r th<- nominating speech, it is claim­ M«ee Wan Aol Veaaallooal—ftbeepa- ing with Corbett has been arranged. «•* U r4rr ed tiiat He.iator Blackburn, for wiiom the krad Bay. 4 .. d:.i«a lu 1 lb liia a H.tn I t am i* am* have lost none Ordinarily the first step of our secre­ The only mark of punishment which Kentucky delegation is instructed, would Hharkey bears is a black eye, acquired j l**»'ua Ofcsu Jut, H Th. .. 1 id ::ttu interest in Corbett | tary of stale would i>e to ascertain for like of a g t r t l ; a»i»»«,•: voCttarnilou u* himself, through our minister, the exact rather see Teller nominated than carry *'in< innati. Ju n e 23.—The sum m er m eet­ during a breakaway in defiance of an of ($1 •»*np.c demonstration tonight j off the prize Kirns* If. ..ml i: is expected agreement with Corbett. O K UJ \w glia «* Jofcla x^eaicuj fc«,r i d) he irottd Ixgali to assemble 10 fa. ts. but in view of the peculiar rela­ ing of the Latonia Jockey Club opened Mrl.i- tions of the parties he might depart so that so in-on- close to the Kentucky today, with an immense attendance.
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