Estimated population by sub-district, Canada 1852 UPPER CANADA Sub-district names Estimated pop 1 Addington District 1 Amherst Island 1287 2 Camden 6975 3 Earnestown 5111 4 Sheffield 1792 Total of Addington 15165 2 Brant District 5 Brantford 6410 6 Brantford Town 3877 7 Burford 4433 8 Dumfries South 4297 9 Oakland 840 10 Onondaga 1858 11 Paris Village 1890 12 Tuscarora 1821 Total of Brant 25426 3 Bruce District 13 Arran 149 14 Brant 621 15 Bruce 100 16 Carrick 17 Culross not yet settled 18 Elderslie 14 19 Greenock 244 20 Huron 236 21 Kincardine 1149 22 Kinloss 47 23 Saugeen 277 Total of Bruce 2837 4 Carleton District 24 Fitzroy 2807 25 Gloucester 3005 26 Goulbourne 2525 27 Gower, North 1777 28 Huntley 2519 29 March 1125 30 Marlborough 2053 31 Nepean 3800 32 Osgood 3050 33 Richmond Village 434 34 Torbolton 542 Total of Carleton 23637 5 Dundas District 35 Matilda 4198 36 Mountain 2764 37 Williamsburg 4284 38 Winchester 2565 Total of Dundas 13811 6 Durham District 39 Cartwright 1756 40 Cavan 4438 41 Clarke 6190 42 Darlington 8005 43 Hope 5299 44 Manvers 2568 45 Port Hope, (Town) 2476 Total of Durham 30732 7 Elgin District 46 Aldborough 1226 47 Bayham 5092 48 Dunwich 1948 49 Dorchester 1477 50 Malahide 4050 51 Southwold 5063 52 Yarmouth 5288 53 St. Thomas, Village 1274 Total of Elgin 25418 8 Essex District 54 Anderdon 1199 55 Colchester 1870 56 Gosfield 1802 57 Maidstone 1167 58 Malden 1315 59 Mersea 1193 60 Rochester 788 61 Sandwich 4928 62 Amherstburg, Town 1880 63 Tilbury West 675 Total of Essex 16817 9 Frontenac District 64 Clarendon 65 Barrie 66 Kennebec 67 Palmerstone 68 Olden 69 Oso 70 Howe Island not settled 71 Kingston 5235 72 Loughborough 2003 73 Pittsburg 3258 74 Bedford 1118 75 Portland 2388 76 Hinchinbrooke 364 77 Storington 2130 78 Wolfe's Island 2654 Total of Frontenac 19150 10 Glengary District 79 Lancaster 4023 80 Charlottenburgh 5557 81 Lochiel 4174 82 Kenyon 3842 Total of Glengary 17596 11 Grey District 84 Artemesia 733 85 Bentick 1272 86 Collongwood 545 87 Derby 471 88 Egremont 665 89 Euphrasia 603 90 Glenelg 1250 91 Holland 954 92 Melancthon (Together with Proton) 450 93 Normanby 539 94 Osprey 486 95 Proton (Together with Melancton) 96 St. Vincent 1601 97 Sullivan 538 98 Sydenham 2432 99 Indian Territory 678 Total of Grey 13217 12 Grenville District 100 Augusta 5154 101 Edwardsburgh 4779 102 Gower, South 863 103 Oxford 4496 104 Wolfred 3259 105 Prescott, Town 2156 Total of Grenville 20707 13 Haldimand District 106 Canboro 1151 107 Cayuga, North 2013 108 Cayuga, South 825 109 Dunn 828 110 Moulton 1984 111 Oneida 2817 112 Rainham 1618 113 Sherbrooke 334 114 Seneca 3636 115 Walpole 3583 Total of Haldimand 18788 14 Halton District 116 Esquesing 5225 117 Trafalgar 6782 118 Nassagaweya 2237 119 Nelson 4078 Total of Halton 18322 15 Hastings District 120 Belleville, Town 4569 121 Huntingdon 2548 122 Madoc (Madoc, Elzivir, and Tudor are enumerated together) ….. 123 Elzivir 2761 124 Tudor ….. 125 Marmora 635 126 Rawdon 3097 127 Sidney 4574 128 Thurlow 4469 129 Tyendenaga 6200 130 Grimsthorpe ….. 131 Hungerford 3124 132 Lake ….. Total of Hastings 31977 16 Huron District 133 Hay 985 134 Stephen 742 135 McGillivray 1718 136 Biddulph 2081 137 Usborne 1484 138 Howich ….. 139 McKillop (McKillop and Grey are together in Section VI) 848 140 Grey (Grey Morris and Turbury are together in VIII) ….. 141 Morris ….. 142 Turnbury ….. 143 Ashfield 907 144 Wawanosh 722 145 Colborne 921 146 Hullett 955 147 Tuckersmith 1727 148 Stanley 2064 149 Goderich 2715 150 Goderich, Town 1329 Total of Huron 19198 17 Kent District 151 Camden (together with Zone in Section VI and VII) 1434 152 Chatham 1768 153 Dover, East (together with Dover, West in Section VI and VII and VIII) 154 Dover, West 1723 155 Harwich 2627 156 Howard 2798 157 Oxford (referred to as Orford and coupled with Howard in Section VI and VII and VIII) 1566 158 Raleigh 2460 159 Romney (together with Tilbury, East in Section VI and VII and VIII) 160 Tilbury, East 1023 161 Zone With Camden 162 Chatham, Town 2070 Total of Kent 17469 18 Lambton District 163 Bosanquet 1093 164 Brooke 511 165 Dawn 556 166 Enniskillen 238 167 Euphemia 1457 168 Moore 1258 169 Plympton 1511 170 Sarnia 1384 171 Sombra 738 172 Warwick 2069 Islands No return Total of Lambton 10815 19 Lanark District 173 Bathurst (together with Sherbrooke, Sud in Section VI) 2868 174 Sherbrooke, South 487 175 Beckwith 2540 176 Burgess, North 1110 177 Dalhousie (together with Sherbrooke, Nord, and Lavant in Section VI and VII, and together with just Sherbrooke, Nord in Section VIII) 1421 178 Sherbrooke, North 399 179 Lavant 98 180 Drummond 2648 181 Elmsley, North 2031 182 Lanark (together with Darling in Section VI) 2649 183 Darling 670 184 Montague 3356 185 Pakenham 1868 186 Ramsy 3256 187 Perth, Town 1916 Total of Lanark 27317 20 Leeds District 188 Bastard 3448 189 Burgess, South 276 190 Crosby, North 1785 191 Crosby, South 1578 192 Elizabethtown 5208 193 Elmsley 1442 194 Escott 1399 195 Kitley 3525 196 Leeds (together with Landsdowne in Section VI) 2283 197 Lansdowne 2439 198 Yonge 3661 199 Brockville,Town 3246 Total of Leeds 30280 21 Lennox District 200 Adolphustown 718 201 Fredericksburg 3166 202 Richmond 4071 Total of Lennox 7955 22 Lincoln District 203 Caistor 1398 204 Clinton 2462 205 Gainsborough 2538 206 Grantham 3216 207 Grimsby 2448 208 Louth 1848 209 Niagara 2250 210 Niagara, Town 3340 211 Ste. Catherines 4368 Total of Lincoln 23868 23 Middlesex District 212 Mosa 2075 213 Ekfrid 1792 214 Carradoc 3118 215 Metcalf 1096 216 Adelaide 1979 217 Williams 2290 218 Lobo 2447 219 Nissouri 1832 220 Dorchester 2570 221 Delaware 1861 222 Westminster 5069 223 London 6735 Total of Middlesex 32864 24 Northumberland District 224 Brighton 3725 225 Cramahe 2993 226 Haldimand 4634 227 Alnwick 836 228 Seymour 2781 229 Percy 2605 230 Hamilton (together with Cobourg, Town in Section VI) 5008 231 Monaghan, South 1051 232 Murray 3725 233 Cobourg, Town 3871 Total Northumberland 31229 25 Norfolk District 234 Houghton 1509 235 Middleton 1721 236 Charlotteville 2780 237 Windham 2900 238 Townsend 4935 239 Woodhouse 2894 240 Walsingham 3090 241 Long Point (together with Ryerson and Simcoe in Section VII) ….. 242 Ryerson's Island ….. 243 Simcoe, Town 1452 Total of Norfolk 21281 26 Ontario District 244 Whitby 7996 245 Pickering 6737 246 Uxbridge 2289 247 Reach 3897 248 Brock 3518 249 Thorah 1146 250 Mara (together with Rama in Section VI and VII) 251 Rama 1403 252 Scugog 415 253 Scott 1028 254 Georgina 1005 255 Oshawa 1142 Total of Ontario 30576 27 Oxford District 256 Zorra, East 3200 257 Zorra, West 3302 258 Oxford, North 1378 259 Oxford, East 2210 260 Oxford, West 1894 261 Dereham 3644 262 Norwich 5239 263 Blenheim 4995 264 Blandford 1356 265 Nissouri, East 2118 266 Woodstock, Town 2112 267 Ingersol, Town 1190 Total of Oxford 32638 28 Peel District 268 Albion 4281 269 Caledon 3707 270 Chinquacousy 7469 271 Toronto 7539 272 Toronto, Gore 1820 Total of Peel 24816 29 Perth District 273 Blanchard 2780 274 Hibbert 1191 275 Fullarton 1750 276 Downie (together with Downie, Gore in Section VI and VIII) 277 Downie, Gore 2727 278 Logan 698 279 Ellice 1328 280 Easthope, North 2341 281 Easthope, South 1797 282 Elma (together with Wallace in Section VI) 283 Wallace 284 Mornington 933 Total of Perth 15545 30 Peterboro District 285 Belmont 248 286 Burleigh included in Dummer 287 Douro 1676 288 Dummer 1600 289 Harvey with Smith only 4 or 5 inhabitants 290 Methuen with Belmont 291 Smith 2392 292 Monaghan 905 293 Asphodel 1678 294 Ennismore 675 295 Otonabee 3872 296 Peterboro, Town 2191 Total of Peterboro 15237 31 Prescott District 297 Caledonia 958 298 Hawkesbury (Called Hawkesbury West in Section VII) 2665 299 Hawkesbury, East 3029 300 Longueuil (together with Alfred in Section VI) 1406 301 Alfred 584 302 Plantagenet, North 1202 303 Plantagenet, South 643 Total of Prescott 10487 32 Prince Edward District 304 Ameliasburg 3286 305 Athol 1621 306 Hallowell 3203 307 Hillier 2963 308 Marysburg 3512 309 Sophiasburg 2734 310 Picton, Town 1569 Total of Prince Edward 18887 33 Renfrew District 311 Admaston 685 312 Bagot 734 313 Blitchfield 200 314 Bromley 687 315 Horton 1142 316 Ross 708 317 McNab 1513 318 Westmeath 1152 319 Pembroke 633 320 Stafford 281 321 Brougham 438 322 Grattan 554 323 Wilberforce 688 Total of Renfrew 9415 34 Russell District 324 Cumberland 1659 325 Clarence (together with Cambridge and Russell in Section VI) 508 326 Cambridge 200 327 Russell 503 Total of Russell 2870 35 Simcoe District 328 Adjala 1994 329 Essa 1507 330 Flos 545 331 Gwillimbury 3894 332 Innisfil 2341 333 Medonte 1116 334 Mono 2689 335 Mulmur 766 336 Nottawasaga 1887 337 Orillia and Matchedash 725 338 Oro 2027 339 Sunnidale 203 340 Tay 600 341 Tecumseth 3998 342 Tosoronto 492 343 Tiny 748 344 Vespra 626 345 Barrie, Town 1007 Total of Simcoe 27165 36 Stormont District 346 Cornwall 4707 347 Osnabruck 4699 348 Finch 1450 349 Roxborough 2141 350 Cornwall, Town 1646 Total of Stormont 14643 37 Victoria District 351 Mariposa 3895 352 Ops 2512 353 Emily 2763 354 Eldon 1320 355 Fenelon 590 356 Bexley 6 357 Verulam 571 358 Sommerville ….. Total of Victoria 11657 38 Waterloo District 359 Dumfries, North 3476 360 Waterloo 7698 361 Wilmot 5297 362 Woolwich 3092 363 Wellesley 3546 364 Galt 2248 365 Preston, Village 1180 Total of Waterloo 26537 39 Wellington District 366 Erin 3590 367 Puslinch 3862 368 Guelph 2879 369 Guelph, Town 1860 370 Nichol 2450 371 Garafraxa 2083 372 Eramosa 2350 373 Peel 2435 374 Maryborough 994 375 Minto (together with Arthur and Luther in Section VI and VII and VIII)
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