BESERVE CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA I HlMIil SINCE 1927 VOIUMF 75, NUMBER 8 WWW.HURRICANE.MIAMI.EDU FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26,1997 in this issue UM parking director voices Skating visitors a risk concerns to SG • Skaters from • Parking Services off-campus may cause looks for more parking damage to facilities, UM spaces club reserves UC Patio By CHRIS SOBEL By SARAH GUARNACCIA Hurricane Staff Writer News Editor At this week's Student Government Many students at the University of Miami Senate meeting. Department of Parking and use skateboarding and rollerblading as an Transportation Director Sandra Redway alternative mode of transportation, a break and Department of Public Safety Director from their studies and sport. Major Henry Christensen spoke with stu­ Passing through campus, these rolling dent government leaders to learn of stu­ FRESHMAN SENSATION mechanisms are presentation of danger and dent's concerns about parking and public destruction to the university grounds. a Rookie receiver Reggie safety However, the avid skateboarders and in­ Parking and Transportation Director Wayne is off to an outstanding line skaters of UM do nol take responsibili­ start for the Hurric anes. Sandra Redway, who is new to her position, ty for the stunts that cause damage, such as spoke about what seem to be the two weaving between patio tables, jumping off biggest concerns students have had this SPORTS, page 6 staircases anil speeding down the ramps that semester. Those concerns are the price are intended for the handicap. increase for parking permits, and the limit­ According lo Dan Westbrook, associate ed parking spaces throughout the campus director of the L'niversity Center, the cam­ Redway attributed the rise in price of pus does not hold their own students respon­ parking permits to a required state tax that sible lor causing damage and being wreck- is forced upon the university. She added less that the price of parking permits rose pro­ Westbrook said that he blames those who portional to the increase of tuition. do not attend UM for taking advantage of Redway s strategy for combating parking the school's property in a poor fashion. problems is to encourage students to park in "We think that people from off campus the remote lots and take the shuttle bus. come here to skate We have a real problem Of the shuttle buses, Redway said, "It's with the damage. We don't want to become not perfect, but it's a good system. With the a neighborhood skateboard park for the city right attention and attitude, we can get of Miami," Westbrook said. where we need to be." The consistent amount of damage done to Redway said that she and her staff con­ UM benches, trash cans, patio furniture and ducted a thorough study on the shuttle ser- marble walls and stairs have cost the vices and concluded that what she saw in University a considerable amount. the first week of the semester was "undesir­ "It is costly."' Westbrook said. "Why able." should the universily be paying for up-keep­ "There has been some improvement in ing a building that is benefiting junior high the seven minute schedule," Redway saul of and high school students from South the huses, adding that specific problem Miami." slops tJjOBJj the route are being looked inlo STUDENT ON TOUR Damage occurs lo lhe UC as a a-stilt eif Senators askeel about problems with shut­ unplanned, unstructured skateboarding I UM student tours with aciisiiies conducted by those coming from tle driveTs who eletn't seem to know where internationally renowned KC off campus. Wcslbrook saul they're ji.ni!>! or are- cu-n Im tmnring and (he Sunshine Band . "People are intaniiliar with our rules and Stanford Circle m die motmkt$ so ihev eau \ regulations because we don't have contact finish reading then pii/x-rs with them," Westbrook said. Retlway saul thai rl sliuleiits i-iici.iiiilt'i ACCENT, page 8 When skaters come from oft campus, the problems like these Of any kunl wilh die administration and campus officials simply shuttle seniccs, ihev should takedown ihe ask them to leave. II Ihe particular party number ofthe shuttle and time of the inci­ ONE TOO MANY? dent, then notify her immediately. refuses to go, public safety is summoned to LUIS COBAS / Staff Photographer • Exchange student explores resolve the situation. The Department Off Parking and IN-LINE: Senior |ohn Reeder uses his rollerblades on campus. Either rolling to the soundness ofthe U.S. "Recently, we put a notice to our officers Transportation, according to Redway. is i lass or trying tricky moves, students depend on their skates to get them from point legtl drinking age. to pay particular attention. The problem is. looking at parking lots along the MetroRail they (lhe skaters | see us coming and they A to point B. track currently owned by Dade County and leave." said Major Henry Christensen, public the city Off Coral Gables as another possible OPINION, page 12 solution to the parking problem. safety director. The administration considers the students "There is always a potential of students The unlawful skaters not only pose the Other problems that Redway said she safety when implementing certain guidelines getting hurt and running into them. They would look into were the visitors to the threat of damage, but Ihey also present the regarding skateboarding and rollerblading. should not be skateboarding where there is Wellness Center parking in spaces reserved opportunity for accidents and collisions "In order to try and keep the costs down, that much traffic." Coombs saul tor residents at Stanlord and Hecht, and the news briefs when coming upon walking students we have to try and eliminate hazards that At the risk of running into students on closing of student parking lots during spe­ "There is detinately a liability factor. We cause people to get injured. We'd like to foot, the often congested UC breezeway and cial events like this week's career fair or POETRY FORUM WANTS are always concerned with someone's safe­ eliminate those people coming from off cam­ palio is off-limits to stunts, with one excep­ events at the Lowe Art Museum. On the ty," Christensen said STUDENT POEMS pus," Coombs said tion. closing of lots during special events, sena­ Although there has not been high rates of According to the Student Life Handbook. Sp.irrowgr.iss Poetry Forum Coombs said he fears the off-campus tors expressed ce.ncerns that signs may not lawsuits, there is always a chance for it, said " 'stunt,' trick or demonstration riding is not is offering a grand prize of skaters hurting themselves and suing the be visible enough or too confusing when director of Risk Lylanagement, Bill Coombs the are posted in the days prior to the event. $5(X) in its new Awards nl ichool, while he also said he worries about "We c.in gel sued. That is the reason why them running into his own UM students and Poetic Excellence poetry con­ we buy insurance," Coombs s.nd See SKATE • Page 2 See PARKING • Page 2 test. hurting them. Thirty-five cash awards are being offered in tho contest. I'iiits may enter one poem only, 20 lines or less, on any UM debate team wins at first competition subject, any style. Poems should he sent to the season." Mitchell said "Three people get pure enjoyment lead the pairs to subsequent compe­ National Debate Tour in October. A Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum, • Tournament held It is also the firsl lime the team from debating," Steinberg said. tition between each other, Helwich discussion about the paparazzi is Dept. LM, 609 Main St., P.O. has had 3 coaches, said Steinberg, According to Helwich, debate saul going to be an issue. box 193, Sisterville, WV at University of who has been the debate coach since teaches self -esteem, self assurance, "They buy into the team concept," Steinberg said he would love to 26175 South Carolina 1991). public speaking and critical think­ said Helwich. "There is usually travel to a Spanish-speaking country The opportunity to attend the ing, besides research skills. polential for rivalry, bul we have not some day to do have debate on a rel­ LINK ANNOUNCES MEETING By KARIN MORALES competition was not taken for grant­ seen it in this team." evant issue There are not any inter­ SCHEDULE Hurricane Staff Writer ed, said Steinberg, because their trip However, the members of the national students in the team, proba­ LINK, the VSC programming In their first tournament of the to South Carolina was not iust a "It's become harder team work together to attain their bly because the topics involve U.S. objectives It is one another's sup­ policy, Davis saul |.ti.ird, will be having its meet year, the University of Miami debate great feat for the team in winnings (to compete) because ings at 7 p.m. in the Pearson team won two team awards and one "It's become harder (to compete) port that they owe much ol their suc­ Also, Steinberg has been trying to ( l.issroom 103 starting individual award last week in the because there are more colleges, there are more cess in. said Helwich. get a segment on L'MTV. the cable Monday, Oct. 6. Earlybird Debate Tournament at the more technicality and because trav­ colleges, more "I want to help my debaters station on campus, he said. Other meetings will take University of South Carolina. eling is expensive," Steinberg said achieve the goals they have this The debate teams competiti-OO place Oct. 20, Nov. 3, Nov. 17 Senior Larry Wulkan won the thir­ "Especially because it's so expen­ technicality and year," Helwich said.
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