5274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 14 Mr. WHITE. May I say just a word TO BE CONSULS GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES William P. Cochran, Herve J. L'Heureux before :.: make the motion? . OF AMERICA Jr. John H. Madonne · Mr. LUCAS. Mr. President, will the Edwin A. Plitt Robert D. Coe Sheldon T. Mills Charles H. Derry Gerald A. Drew Harold B. Minor Senator yield? Everett F. Drumright James K. Penfield Mr. WHITE. I ask th'- Senator not to TO BE CONSULS OF THE UNITED STATES OF Elbridge Durbrow Guy W. Ray make a point of order. AMERICA Walton C. Ferris Edward J. Sparks Mr. LUCAS. I am not going to make Richard D. Gatewood John Fremont Melby Raymond A. 'Hare Llewellyn E. Thomp- a point of order. I merely wish to say Douglas Jenkins, Jr. Bolard More Cloyce K. Huston son, Jr. that I am glad that the Senator from John D. Jernegan Miss Katherine E. Gerald Keith Edward T. Wailes J. Jefferson Jones 3d O'Connor John B. Ketcham Thomas C. Wasson Maine is getting over on this side of the Charles R. Burrows J . Graham Parsons Charies F. Knox, Jr. James • Wright aisle. [Laughter.] William F. Busser Halleck L. Rose Foy D. Kohler The PRESIDING· OFFICER. Let the Robert P. Chalker Fred K. Salter TO· BE FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS OF CL-6SS 4 RECORD show that the Senator from Glton Curtis, Jr. William P. Snow Maine has returned to the other side of Philip M. Davenport David A. Thomasson Charles W. Adair, Jr. J. Jefferson Jones 3d the aisle. Miss Constance R. H. Gardner Ainsworth M. Gord.on Knox Harvey John H. Burns William L. Krieg Mr. WHITE. Mr. President, I wish to Donald B. Calder Sidney K. Lafoon say to Senators that the kindly things TO BE A FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICER OF CLASS 3, V. Lansing Collins, Jr.Donald W. Lamm they have said about me personally, and CONSUL, AND A SECRETARY IN THE DIPLOMATIC Leonard J. Cromie Robert H. McBride which have distinguished their attitude SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Richard H. Davis David H. McKillop during the entire time I have beer .here, Albert E. Clattenburg-, Jr. Irven M. Eitreim John M. McSweeney Robert S. Folsom Albert E. Pappano amply repay me and atone for any mo­ TO BE FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS OF CLASS 3 Edward L. Nreers Milton C. Rewinkel ments of embarrassment I have suffered William K. Ailshie Douglas MacArthur 2d Paul E. Geier Stuart W. Rockwell this afternoon: E. Tomlin .Bailey Elbert G. Mathews Lewis E. Gleeck, Jr. William Langdon Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I do not Ralph J. Blake Gordon H. Mattison Richard E. Gnade Sands wish to let. this occasion pass without Carl H. Boehringer Brewster H. Morris Caspar D. Green Bromley K. Smith making a brief observation. I have not Niles W. Bond Robert Newbegin Franklin Hawley Henry T. Smith Charles R. Burrows J. Graham Parsons Martin J. Hillenbrand John W. Tuthill joined in the general compliments to the Richard W. Byrd Marselis C. Parsons, Senator from Maine, and have ·not said John P. Hoover J. Kittredge Vinson John Willard Carrigan Jr. John Evarts Horner William W. Walker a word. However, I wish to add that Norris B. Chfpman G. Frederick Reinhardt Richard A. Johnson Fraser Wilkins· everything that has been said about his Walter C. Dowling Arthur L. Richards fine spirit of leadership and his spirit John K. Emmerson Livingston Batter- TO BE FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS OF CLASS 5· as a Senator and gentleman meets with Andrew B. Foster thwaite Alvin M. Bentley Charles E. Hulick, Jr. my full and complete accord. I wish I Norris S. Haselton George F. Scherer Donald C. Bergus Armistead M. Lee L. Randolph Higgs Donald W. Smith W. Wendell Blancke George T. I.ister could add something that would really Outerbridge.Horsey William P. Snow Thomas D. Bowie Rupert A. Lloyd give the Senator the praise to which he John p. Jernegan Philip D. Sprouse Howard Brandon Albert K. Lutiy,, Jr. is fairly and justly entitled. U. Alexis Johnson Carl W. Strom Herbert D. Brewster LaRue R. Lutkins Mr. WHITE. Mr. President, I repeat George . Lewis Jones, Clare H. Timberlake William C. Burdett, Jr. James G. McCargar with added emphasis all I said a moment Jr. Ivan B. White George Carnahan Cleveland B. McKnight ago in expression .of my gratitude and E. Allan Lightner, Jr.Evan M. Wilson David P. Cotnn James L. O'Sullivan appreciation for the kindly things Sen­ TO BE A FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICER OF CLASS 3, A A. John .Cope, Jr. Henry L. Pitts, jr, ators have always said and the courtesies CONSUL, AND A SECRETARY IN THE DIPLOMATIC Robert F. Corrigan Randolph Roberts SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Forrest N. Daggett Ralph A. Schweitzer which they have always shown me. Robert J. Dorr Cabot Sedgwick RECESS William Bruce Locklir...g· Donald A. Dumont Richard M. Service TO BE FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS OF CLASS 4, John F. Fitzgerald Robert M. Sheehan The PRESIDING OFFICER.. What is CONSUL, AND I. SECRETARY IN THE DIPLOMATIC William J. Ford Harold Sims the pleasure of the Senate? SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Douglas N. Forman, Jr.J. Ramon Solana Mr. WHITE. Mr. President, if we have Clarence Boonstra Hugh D. Farley David L. Gamon Herbert D. Spivack reached an understanding, I move, as in Willard 0. Brown John C. Payne Michael R. Gannett Norman 0. Stines, Jr. legislative session, that the Senate stand Joseph L. Doughe~ty Edwarcl J. Rowell William C. George Weldon Litsey in recess unti112 o'clock noon tomorrow. Charles C. Gidney, Jr.Richard E. Usher TO BE FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS OF CLASS 5, Thomas A. Goldman Sheldon B. Vance The motion was agreed to; and (at 6 VICE CONSULS OF CAREER, AND SECRETARIES IN o'clock and 31 minutes p. m.) the Senate Marshall Green Edward L: Waggoner THE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE OF THE UNITED Joseph N. Greene, Jr. Harvey R. WeHman took a re.cess until tomorrow, Thursday, STATES OF AMERICA- J. Brock Havron George M: Widney May 15, 1947, at 12 o'ciock meridian. Wymberley DeR. Coerr Douglas Henderson William A. Wieland Charles Robert Moore J. William Henry NOMINATIONS H. Andre Weismann .TO BE FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS OF CLASS 6, VICE Executive nominations received by the TO BE FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS OF CLASS 6, CONSULS OF CAREER, AND SECRETARIES IN THE Senate May 14 <legislative day of May VICE CONSULS OF CAREER, AND SECRETARIES IN DIPLOMATIC SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES THE DIPLOMATIC SERVICE OF THE UNITED OF AMERICA 21). 1947: STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF STA~E William M. Bates Bruce M. Lancaster Arthur B. Al1en John Calvin Hill, Jr. Robert 0. Blake Miss Constance Mc- Robert A. Lovett, of New York, to be Under John A. Armitage Elmer c. Hulen Philip J. Halla Cready Secretary of State, vice Dean G. Acheson, re- Denis A. Baumhover John A. McKesson III Raymond J. Harris John B. McGrath signed. · William B. Cobb, Jr. Paul M. Miller Robert S. Henderson James D. Newton INTERNATIONAL MONET.ARY FUND Richard T. Davies Miss Susannah Mirick Peter Hooper, Jr. Kenedon P. Steins Andrew N. Overby, of New York, to be Lambert John B. Frank Poe, Jr. Warren A. Kelsey United States Executive Director of the In­ Eichner, Jr. Wells Stabler DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Baird E. Emmons ternational Monetary Fund for a term of 2 William E. Warne to be Assistant Secretary years and until his successor has been ap­ TO BE FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS OF CLASS 1 of the Interior. pointed, vice Harry D. White; resigned. Paul H. Alling David McK. Key CALIFORNIA DEBRIS CoMMISSION Charles E. Bohlen Edward B. Lawson Col. Samuel N. Karrick to be a member, William W. Butter- Warwick Perkins California Debris Commission. CONFIRMATIONS worth, Jr. Edwin A. Plitt Executive nominations confirmed by John M. Cabot Karl L. Rankin ATTORNEY GENERAL OF PUERTO RICO the Senate May 14 <legislative day of Paul C. Daniels James W. Riddleberger Luis Negron Fernandez to be Attorney Gen­ April 21), 1947: Howard Donovan eral of Puerto Rico. UNITF..D STATES ATTORNEY DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE TO BE FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS OF CLASS 2 Stanton Gritns to be Ambassador Extraor­ Theodore C. Achilles Homer M. Byington, Owen Mcintosh Burns to be United States dinary and Plenipotentiary Of the United John M. Allison Jr. attorney for the western district of Pennsyl­ States of America to Poland. H. Merrell BenninghoffCavendish W. Cannon vania. · George R. Merrell to be Envoy Extraordi­ James C. H. Bonbright Vinton Chapin UNITED STATES MARSHAL nary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Ph111p W. Bonsai Warren M. Chase Otto F. Heine to be a United States marshal United States of America to Ethiopia. John H. Bruins Ql~ver Edmund Clubb for the district of Hawaii. 1947 . _ CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD-HOUSE · 5275 the foregoing bill, requests a conference and were buried in foreign lands, to their HOUSE OF, REPRESENTATIVES with the House on the disagreeing votes sons', brothers', and husbands' gra'lfes. of the two Houses thereon, and appoints WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1947 Every Gold Star mother, sister, and Mr. TAFT, Mr. BALL, Mr. lVES, Mr. MURRAY, wife of the recent war should be given The House met at 12 o'clock noon. and Mr. ELLENDER to be the conferees on the chance to visit the grave of her loved The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera the part of the Senate. one if it is at all practicable and possible. Montgomery, D. D., offered ,the follow­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS The practice of bringing home remains ing praye~: Mr.
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