KAERI/CR-335/2009 u(r 2008 Ai| 7i| f ^ 24?7|^ S Ef- 511 s! 7|#o|y #y^ a[- 2008 Program for Invitation of Foreign Research Institutes to Jeonbuk Province and Enhancement of Technology Transfer 2} 4 1 4 # "2008 4^1 -T-T -gf 7]% ^44^ tt* 1 ^ 7]#o]^ A}^”^ S-jiAis. 4##^ 4. 2009 . 8 : 4 ^1 if (‘09.03' -’09.07) °1 e (‘08.08- -’09.02) id f € : 41 # // : 4 4 // : 4 4 // : ^ 4 // : 4 #id // ; g. Aj 4- 1 5F W * hr 'x hr r£u oh K4 f nr wh rulru W M x~ Ts W * I $ <4 W o|ni ijoT o mT rulru hr ^ rf W <W a n< oh or * W £U hr 5P nr ijoT w nr Sni <4 ijoT W p'K 1r Mo P'K M-J °h hr nr w r£u %r Mo * hu ^ r<U £w w ho ho 4h u4 rh o|lU M° nr r^ru nr nr V K ^ 4 ho K4 rulru # rhu £ h- °h ul° K hrCXI hr o X 'FrJ ^ 'T" nr rjo * nr hr nr hru rr *T =F ti1 'M ho w F V <h K hr Th K4 w IX nu w n rhu wh oh K 5P rf 44r ru4 oU 4h oh # hr rui W w M nrJ 'l°h jf0 p ’K w ^ hr r£u W TC °h ftr Hl Th U4 rjsn 1 V K4 rhu W * rulru rhu x" rf hru W hr ’K w ^ nh h- Ulu $r #r pO FU wh hr hr ul° o|ni rulru nr # u4 M rjo ^r w w4 nr ^ si M4 * V ho hr Th w or ulu nT W ho V ^r ul° co ijp hr o|ni T nr hr ho hr U]o ft hr nr M 11» rhu rulru rjo rh-J x" w w r^ 3- TT <4 X * hr hr nr w '10 uH° rf rf pO hr <A o|r 7< ^ nr nr hr oh w hru P'K ^ # rulru X w x hr rulru Mu r£u nr ♦ ** W °h r£u 4h r^ru rf rf r^T o|iy W # K4 otu oftu FU nr ti4 oh rf K4 m w ulu p|r £ rhu dp nr rhu 4h OrJ rr rh- v nr U|o T^" * rjo X u|u £ ^r ti4 yu oh hh P'K nu n° °h r£u ojo 7^ T rjo °h oT ^ W w|r 'M nr W r<U rlr plti h° gw fnhfl <h W n # £|U o| £ I oh UlU Mo W 1R( nh rulru w X __ K4 x 50 IN rjo ru4 ijoT x nr rulru x ru4 ofW rh ^ o|iU IjoU l|o w w nr rulru £ Jj ihn o| LO yo T X V S & M° V w OrJ nr 7C~ 4h H4 nr r^ru X nh F hr nr nh Mr rjo V 2008 o|iu H4 hr w oTJ r^- wlw W W rhu HH id rhu nr Mr s’ nr 3ju nr «0 <h nr w rulru hru 4484. 44? 144 7Hrl44!?*l #141 ills 14 444 14 441 414* 41 44 *1 ^ 1*5** 44 1 44484. v. i-e-n^ im 14 44 m?7ii:4 m- 444114,14 mi lllll!?*, 4-44 m 7Krl 4* 44* 4- 144 44141 4 4- 14 H si !* a}*5 44* 44 1415. #144 14s 14 414 44! 444 4! 141 41 11 ^ 11!44 4!4 111 5 7fl#471 44 4*71445 #44. S4 11 44 141441 1# 111 14445# 44- 1^1!#11415^ 144 44 41 4! 14 #44, 1? 43-1 *44* 111 14 *7>7>4 ## * 1444 1* 7}444 511 4441 1 #14 * 8*1 111, #1, 14, 1 4*1 *4 444 114 !?!# 4# ^ 15 ?41 #4 14441 1 444 #141 11* * 84. - 4 - SUMMARY I. Title 2008 Program for Invitation of Foreign Research Institutes to Jeollabukdo and Enhancement of Technology Transfer II. Objectives and Necessity It is necessary to vitalize the industries related to radiation technology in Jeonbuk province through strengthening international collaborations. The objectives of this project were to establish technical bases for inviting foreign research institutions which possess 21th century's cutting-edge technology to the province, and to enhance technology exchanges among radiation sectors. HI. Scopes and Contents This project was carried out to establish long-term tactical partnership with foreign research institutions for technology exchanges and facilities, and to develope cooperation projects for the core technology. Technical bases for inviting foreign R&D centers to Jeonbuk province has been established through consulting discussion and signing arrangement on cooperation between ARTI and the partner institute. IV. Results Discussion in-depth on an R&D center of Russian IBMP in Jeonbuk has been made and an agendum for the R&D center was submitted to the 13th Korea-Russian Federation Joint Committee on Nuclear Cooperation. Based on consensus that technology exchange and enhanced collaboration would be reciprocally beneficial, the second ARTI-TARRI joint seminar is scheduled at Jeongeup in September 2009, when further - 5 - discussion will be made on the subsidiary arrangement to KAERI-JAEA MOU. An consultant meeting was done in order to strengthen international cooperations and to get advice on attracting foreign R&D centers at the Provincial Office in May 2009. A fact finding visit to iThemba LABS in south Africa was made to conclude a Letter of Understanding (LOU) for cooperation in R&D of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals . V. Plan for the Future Application The established collaborative relationship with world-leading research institutes such as IBMP, TARRI and iThemba LABS can make a role for inviting in the near future foreign R&D centers to Jeonbuk Province, and surely give a favorable influence on radiation industries as tactical ones of the Province. In addition, the consolidated cooperations with the world-leading research institutes will lead to the development of space life supporting system, activation of domestic radiation industries, and development of value-added radiopharmaceuticals, etc. - 6 - CONTENTS Chapter 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Chapter 2. State of the Art and Recent Trend------------------------------10 1. Foreign Trend----------------------------------------------------------------- 10 2. Domestic Trend--------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Chapter 3. Results of the Project ------------------------------------------------- 15 1. Russian Instiute of Biomedical Problems ------------------------------- 15 2. Japan Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute------------- 19 3. Advisory Meeting of Foreign Consultants ------------------------------29 4. South African iThemba LABS-------------------------------------------- 33 Chapter 4. Concluding Remarks-------------------------------------------------- 52 Chapter 5. References--------------------------------------------------------------- 53 Appendices ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 - 7 - *} 4 1 # ^ # 8 4 2 4 4^iR&D f-^1 ----------------------------------------------10 1. ^14^ 4*1 4#--------------------------------------------------------------10 2. 4^4 4*1 4#--------------------------------------------------------------10 4 3 4 A><g f ^ #4-------------------------------------------------------------15 1. 5M»} ---------------------------------------------------------15 2. 44 4M-AM 114444 4 -----------------------------------------19 3. #444-71- 44-4 S] o] ------------------------------------------------------ 29 4. 44^#7}?44 01^4 7]-47]444f ^---------------------------- 33 All 4 4##^ 4444--------------------------------------------------------- 52 All 5 4 53 54 - 8 - 4 1 # *\ ^7} 3-1131 113433# H 3"1-13#3457> 20063 9* 41 433-JZ. 20073 8* IAEA53-E-] #313# (Radiation Technology) 34131^15 *1331 #1 3# 435 ## #11 11 * 11 3 31 #1# 4413 #113# 34413 11333. 43 3453 4413* 3# 47>3#3 313 33113 7H3 1 47> 3 #3 #435 $14 20073 903 341 2008341 5 23 413 1903-5.5. #411 #34 35334. 44 43 3 #3-3 34 *3 43445 3-31 34 333 ^ 33 441 3435 34. 11*11 3 #1 * 1253 31 43 33 11445 13* 34 44 * 445 4 33435 4jl, 43 4453 41* ^5 41 4451 33433 43 44 441513 331 34 445 33311 333 431 4 345 44. 54 43 14 44333 R&D 33 144 * 443 3 3 33 331 115 434 3 34 5 1534* 3% 144534! 4 47> 171-45 4* 35 114 344. 7114 14 4453 3154 13* 13 34 #44* 3431 #1 71-13 54 4*43 13 334 343 43571- ! 44 14 4 44 333 353 3#4 44 3*3 133 #544. 44 14 44333 54 131 13 * 44333 4 41355. 343 5131 5:31 1 3 &43 43 * Us41- ^3 33 344343 l 7^ . 4^3 3 43 33 34 33 45! ### 345 3433. 43 1444333 13* *4 4434 #353 413 3315 3 4 34 #33 3 44 14 11 313 43344 471-43#3 3 3334313#4 34# 4 435 #433. 45# 33344 1343 3155134 41*5 47>3 31 33 ^ 3-3* 3411 1331 * 34311 444 54#5 14345. #1* #47> 1133. 44 4 #413 #13 4*4 43-4 4* *1 4 #434 33 4, 3134 ## 3 11 ## 13 #31 534 #3 * 1 41 #13 3-# #1 #33 44 544 434 *435 44 - 9 - 20074 111# 94 H PET ^ PET-CT 7} #1H #JL 441 * £## 4411£ #4 fl #=#7} 44 44 %°$7}7} #1H 44. 44^1 4#7} 44 44 ##4 444 yj-A>Aj ^44^ ^ 11# 4 44711 #1 #4 41-71- $14. #H /}oit£E§6S #4# 4 14 43.-8- #1144 4144 4^7]- #£l 447H4 44 tij-A>Aj ^44^* 4444* ## 444 7]eg. Aj44 4 4tii 4 4# 44 #4141 l## ^ 47>1 lei #44 440114 cH4 44 444. 4A114 o.g. 401-^44^.4^- 0144 7>444444^7> g.f-43. 14 7ltt £41: 11 ^Gel 144 4# 44 #111 £44 44£ a>47>44^, %a# WIh 41 444141 144 ## 4# #4=4 144 4 14 444 11#££ #41 7>444. 444 ££. 144 4 # 44 #4 41411 444 !## 44 4A>4444411^1 £44 ££ o] 411A^ 44£i 111 4*344 Hjl Ijl #o>7> All 11 44 1* #*£1 41# 4 44 4-»£ 1144.
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