1919. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. liece.ssary that the joint resolution shall be passed now. -It -does ~SS UNTIL SATURDAY. not give an undue advantage to any manufacturer in this coun­ try, and the l'anking member of the mini>rity in the Finance Mr. BRANDEGEE. In .:1ccordance witb the underst.anding Committee has agreed to this amendment :as it is drawn, know­ hereofore entered into. I move that the Senate no\.v take a .recess ing that it is necessary at this time to protect the industry in until Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. this manner. The motion was agreed to ; and (at 7 o'clock and 5 minutes p. m.) the Senate, as In .open -executive session, took :a reees. This simply places in the hands of the Department of State until ~aturflay, November 15., 1919~ at 10 o'clock a. m. the power to restrict the importation of certain dyes that are obtainable in this country until January 15, 1920, as an ad interim safeguard. That is all it is. In the meantime the Finance Committee can consider what legislation is necessary, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. protective or otherwise, in order to protect this industry. 1\lr. WILLIAMS. l\1r. President, I recognize this as an emer­ THURSDAY, Novmnoer 18, 1919. gency measure. I have all·eady impUed that by my observations upon the floor. I so expt·essed myself in the committee. Not­ The House met at 10 o'cl<>t>k a. ni. withst:mding a long record somewhat .at variance with the The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Co-lldl:!n, D. D.; offered the fol- proposition p1·esented, I a~reed that under the particular ci.r­ lowing prayer : · ' -<.'umstanees as affecting this pa.rticular i11dustry at this par­ Father in heaven, we thank Thee for tbe cordial and amicable' ticular time I would vote to shut off the impOrtation. relations existing between Great Britain ·and -our Goveniment; ~ow, the Senator tells me that our Americnn industry will be hence -our peopl~ with the Presidffit :and the dign1taries of -State totally ruined by German dum11ing. If the propo~ition is passed and Nation extend a warm greeting to ~r dlstinguisbed gu t just as the Finance Committee ad<>pted it, without thL.; second the Prince of Wales. who represents his 1Uustrious father. proposition, then importations fi·om Germany a.re cut oil' and Long .may the friendly relations e~is-t between tbe two -great Germany can uot duntp anything upon us in order to ruin our nations as an .example to all the wortd.. industries if the imporbttion is cut off until January 15, as I Once more in the di...9)ensatirin of Thy providence, our F-ather, believe the date is. Nobody can "dump" on you good.; which m-e we called upon to mourn the loss <>f a wen-beloved, wise, he can not import. I agree to forbid importation for the limited hone t, conscientious stare..~.man~ who will be -sorely missed by his time provided in the bill and with the -existing license safe- coll-eagues in the Senate and a host .of friemls thr<>ughout hls guards to check profiteerin..~ · State and Nation. Uay the immortality (Jf the soul comfort Th~re came along ntter that this question; a duty to the them, especially the bereaved children~ tbro:Ugh Bim who died Amencan people was involved. The ultimate consumers, who and rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. Amen_ buy the products, in the sha:pe of clothes and medicine, into The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday w.as read and ap­ which these product~ enter, wer.e concerned. The c~mmlttee proved. took the ·view, and the conm1ittt.-e a<'tcd unanimously, so much ZION NATIO!'iAL PARR. · so that the chairman never even put the motion to the com­ Mr. SI~TNOTT. Mr. Speaker, I call up eonference re-port mittee, but announced that the committee had agreed that the tt.e on an act to ( S. 425) est.ablish the Zion National Park in the second clause of the ori;rinal hili \v-ould be stricken .out and the State of Utah. second clause was stricken out. The committee agreed to a The Clerk read the report, as follows : report adopting just the 1irst clau e, .and that fir t clause reads as follow.s-- · 1\tr. DIAL. Mr. President-- <.'ONFERENCE REPORT. The PRERIDENT pro t mpore. Does the Senator from ~Ils­ The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of 1hc sissippi yield to the Sen a tor from 'South Carolina? two Hou es on the amendments of the House to an .act {S. 425). Mr. WILLIAMS. I will in a moment. That first clause reads to establi:sh the Zion Nationat Park in the State of Ut~ having as foHows.: met, after full and free conference have .agreed to recomme.ud i\nd de recommend to their respectiv~ Houses as follows: · T~at notwithstanding t:he prior termination of the present war, the proVIsions of the trading-w1th-thf'-rn ... my ad, approved Dctober 6 1917 That tbe. Senate recede from its. disagreement to the amend­ .and of any ·proclamation of thf' Presftlent ls!'lued In pursuance ther<"of ment of tl1e House, and agree to thf' same with an amendment which prohibit or control thf' U:npormtion into the United States or <lyea or other products derjv-ed directly or· indirectly from coal tar are as follows: In Ueu of the matter inserted b.Y aid amendment in­ continued untU January 15, 1920. sert the following: " under which name the aforesaid -national park hal1 be maintained by allotment of funds heretofore ()r · That ~vas what the Finance Committee ~greed to. They agreed to strike out the balance, whicli is now r€presented in a hereafter -appropriated for the natiomll monuments,_until such modified form. time as an independent appropriation is made therefor -by Con­ gress " · and the Senate a!!ree to th.e same. How can the enator from New Jersey say that if the joint N. J ..SlNNori, resolution is p~ ed in that shape there should be any danger of A.DDlS.ON "T. SMITH, German dumping? How can a thing be "dumped" which can .J.As. H. 1\IA Ys, not be landed? There is a plain proJJ<)sition to stop importation Manage-rs on the part()/ tlte Ho·usc. in the bill . as amended and reported by the Fin:ance Committee. But it had originally a provisi<>n in it, that"dudng that period REED Slf.OOT, . "neither the President nor the \Var Trade Board section of the ALBERT B. FALL, Departm~nt of State nor any other agency of the Government HENRY L. MYERS, s:t,ould issue any lieenses." I made the point, and it was not .Managers on the ~rt tJf the Senate. made by me alone, but by tbree or fom· other Senators-one of STATEMENT. them, as I r~ember now, a Republic-an-that that would Jeave the Government helple s against protiteering-- The effect of the change aeo-reed upon In conference is te strik~ 1\ir. PENROSE. Will the :Senator permit me? from th~ House amendment tbe following language: " Provided Mr. WILLIAMS. Certain~v. alienated land shall be acquired in the diseretion of the Secre~ 1\Ir. PENROSE. I \Vill withdraw the amendment :anti with of the Interior at a cost of not more than $5 per acre." · the help of the Senator from ~llssissippi endeavor to pass the There are -only 80 n<'res of alienated land In the proposed joint resolution as repo1·ted from the -committee and as amended park. by him. It is not <desired to purchase said land. l\fr. WILLIAMS. I hall be very glad, indeed, to do that. N. J. SINNOTT, .1\lr. DIAL. l\Jr. President-- ..1.\nDTSON T. SMITH, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The joint re~olution is not JAB. H. MAYS, under ronsicleration. - Managers orz. the part ot the House. Mr. PE.i~llOSE. t understand that we are trying to get rid of these "con cientiou~ objectors." . Tbe .SPEAKER. The question is on .agreeing to too -con• Mr. DIAL. I object, M.r. President. ference report. The PRESIDENT pro tempvre. Objection is made. The question was taken; ru;td on a division .(demanded by Mr• .1\ir. WILLIAMS. I am afraid the Senato1· from .South Caro­ BLANTON) th«:>I'e were 36 a.yes and 3 noes. Jina did not understand it. So the C(!nference report was agreed to. l\fr. DIAL. I object, anyway. On motion of 1\fr. SINNOTr, a motion to r.eoonsider ·the vo.te' The PRESIDEKT pro t~mporf'. Objection 1~ made. The joint wherel:ly the conference reJ)Ort was agreed to was laid on tho re ·olution O'oe ~ to the calendar. table. - ~ 8440 CONGRESSIONAL R.E00RD-: HO SE. No' Bl\IBER 13 ' METROPOLIT-~N POLICE, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Rams£>y Sabath Steenerson Watkins . Rea vi ~ ~ande1:s, I!ld·. · Stephens, l\lis ·. Watson, Pa. Rebet· , andP.I S, N. \:. Stoll Watson, Va. ·1\lr. l\IAPES. l\Ir. Speaker, I call up the bill H. n. 9821 Reed, W. Yn. ..'chall ·· · , ullh:au Webster · on the Speaker's table, ':with a Senate 'aimenciment. Rhodes Scully Summers, Wurh. Wilson, Ill. The Senate amendment was read. RiUdick Sherwooll Taylor, .Ark. Woods, Va. Riordan Shreve Thoma!:; Woodyard l\lr. BLAJ'_J'TON. - 1\fr. SpeaJfer, ·a poi~t of orller. Rodenberg Rinclail· Tincher YatC' · The ·sPEAKER. The gentleman will state it.
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