001148/EU XXVII. GP Eingelangt am 31/10/19 Council of the European Union Brussels, 31 October 2019 (OR. en) 6365/14 ADD 1 DCL 1 DATAPROTECT 25 JAI 80 MI 145 FREMP 24 RELEX 114 DECLASSIFICATION of document: 6365/14 ADD 1 RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTED dated: 14 February 2014 new status: Public Subject: Negotiations on the modernisation of the Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of personal data (EST 108) - Follow-up of the CAHDATA meeting on 12-14 November 2013 and - preparation of CAHDATA meeting on 28-30 April 2014 Delegations will find attached the declassified version of the above document. The text of this document is identical to the previous version. 6365/14 ADD 1 DCL 1 ni SMART.2.C.S1 EN www.parlament.gv.at RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTED COUNCIL OF Brussels, 14 February 2014 THE EUROPEAN UNION 6365/14 ADD 1 RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTEDR DATAPROTECTDATAPRROTTECCT 2525 JAIJAI 800 MI 1451445 FREMPFRREME P 2424 RELEXREELELEX 114111 4 NOTE from: Commissionission ServicesServices to: Delegationstions Subject: Negotiationsations on the modernisation of ththee CouncilCoounccilil ofof EuropeEurope Convention for the Protectionion of Individuals with regarregardd tto AutomaticAutomo aatiic Processing of personalpersona data (EST 108)08) - Follow-upw-up of the CCAHDATAAHDATA meetingmeeetinng ono 12-1412-14 NovemberNovember 2013 andand - preparationration of CAHDATACAHDATA memeetingeete ining on 28-3028-330 April 20120144 The delegations wwillill find in the AAnnexnnnexe a tatableabble ffofollowingllowing ththee CCAHDATAAHDATA mmeetingeeting oon 12-14 November 2013 aandnd in view off tthehe CCAHDATAAHHDAATA mmeetingeeting on 2828-30-30 April 20142014.. _______________ 6365/14 ADD 1 CHS/ec 1 DG D 2B RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTED EN www.parlament.gv.at RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTED ANNEX Negotiations on the modernisation of DAPIX meeting 20.02.2014 the Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Information by the Commission with a view regard to Automatic Processing of to the 2nd CAHDATA meeting on 28-30 April personal data (EST 108) 2013 (Strasbourg) AD HOC COMMITTEE ON DATA PROTECTION (CAHDATA)(CAHDATA) WORKING DOCUMENT CAHDATA(2013)01CAHDATA((202 13)01 CCommentsomments on WorkWorkinginng DocumentDoD ccuumment ConventionConvention 108 Modernisation proposalsproropposaalss CAHDATA(2013)01CAHA DATA(2013)01 Note: the presentt ddocumentocument aaimsimms att mmakingaka iing visivisibleble the modernisation proposalsproposal adopted by the Consultative Committeemmittee at its 2929thth PlenaryPllenarry meeting (2(27-307-30 November 2013) andand the preliminary comments thereto.. CURRENT TEXTEXT OOFF THTHEE MODERNISATIONMODERNISATION COMMENTSCOM CONVENTIONTIONN ANDANDD PROPOSALSPROPOSALS ADDITIONALL PPROTOCOLROOTOTOCCOOL Title : Conventionntion for thethhe Title : ConventionConvention for the Protection of Individualsndividuals with Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Regard to the Processing of Personal Data Personal Data Preamble Preamble The member States of the Council unchanged of Europe, signatory hereto, 6365/14 ADD 1 CHS/ec 2 ANNEX DG D 2B RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTED EN www.parlament.gv.at RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTED Considering that the aim of the unchanged Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its members, based in particular on respect for the rule of law, as well as human rights and fundamental freedoms; Considering that it is desirable to Considering that it is necessary, extend the safeguards for given the diversification, everyone's rights and fundamental intensification and globalisation freedoms, and in particular ofof data processing and InitialIniti support frontiers the rightht to the respect exchangesexchanges of personal data, too for privacy, takingng account of the guaranteeguarantee human dignity anandd thethhe increasing flow acrosscross of pepersonalrsonal protectionprotection of human rightsrights andanand data undergoingng automatic fundamental freedoms of everyevverry processing; person,person, in particular ththroughroouggh thethhe right to control one’sone’ss personalperersos nnal datadata and the proceprocessingssing ofo susuchuchh data.data. Reaffirming at thee same time theitheirr Recalling that tthehhee rrightigi hth to commitment too freedomfreedom off protectionprotection of pepersonalersrsonal ddataatta iis to be information rregardlessegardless ofof consideredconsidered in rerespectesppeect ofo iitstts role iinn InitialIniti support frontiers; societysociety anandnd thtthatat iitt hhahass to be reconciledreconciled wwithitth otothertheer hhuhumanman rights and fufundamentalnddammenntaal freedomsfreedoms,, includingincluddini g freedomfreedom oof expression; ConsideringConsiderrinng thtthathaat this Convention permitspermits accountacccoount to be taken, in the implementationimmplp eemenntattion of the rules InitialIniti support laidlaaidd downdown therein, of the principle ofof thethe rrightigi ht of public accessacacccesss to official documents ; 6365/14 ADD 1 CHS/ec 3 ANNEX DG D 2B RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTED EN www.parlament.gv.at RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTED Recognising that it is necessary to Recognising that it is necessary to reconcile the fundamental values promote at the global level the of the respect for privacy and the fundamental values of respect for Initial support free flow of information between privacy and protection of peoples, personal data, thereby contributing to the free flow of information between peoples; Recognising the interest of a reinforcement of international Initial support cooperation between the Parties to thethe Convention.Convention. Have agreed as follows:ollows: unchangedunchanged Chapter I – Generaleral provisionprovisionss ChapterChapter I – GGeneraleneral provisprovisionsionsns Article 1 – Objectct and purpose ArticleArticle 1 – Object and purposepuurrpop ses The purpose of thishis Convention is The purpose of this CoCConventiononnvvenentiiono isis to secure in the territoryterritory of each toto secure for eveveryery iinindividualddiividual Party for everyery individual, subjectsubject to the jurisdictionjuriisds icctiiono of the whatever his nationality oorr PartiesParties, whateverwhatevveer ttheirheh iri nnationalityattionality InitialIniti support residence, respectct for his rights oror resiresidence,dence, thethhe prprotectionrotection ofof and fundamental freedomsfreedoms,, and in their personalpersono al datadaata when particular his rightght to privacy,privacy, undergoingundergoinngg processing,proccesssiing, thus with regard to automatic contributingcontributinngg toto respectreespect for theitheirr processing of personal data rightsrights andandn ffundamentalunndad mem ntal freedoms, relating to him (“data and inn particupara tit cuc larlaar theirtheir rightright to protection”). privacy.privacy. Article 2 – Definitionsitions ArticleArA tiiclc e 2 – DefinitionsDDefinitions For the purposesposes of ththishiss unchangedunchhanngeg d Convention: a “personal ddata”ata” memeansanns anaanyy unchangedunnchc anged information relatingng to ann identified or identifiabletifiable individual (“data subject”);subjecct””);) b “automated ddataata fifile”lee” memeansans DeletedDeleted – see 33.1.1 belowbelow any set of data undergoingdergoing automatic processing;i 6365/14 ADD 1 CHS/ec 4 ANNEX DG D 2B RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTED EN www.parlament.gv.at RESTREINT UE/EU RESTRICTED c “automatic processing” c “data processing” means includes the following operations any operation or set of operations if carried out in whole or in part which is performed upon by automated means: storage of personal data, and in particular Initial support data, carrying out of logical and/or the collection, storage, arithmetical operations on those preservation, alteration, data, their alteration, erasure, retrieval, disclosure, making retrieval or dissemination; available, erasure or destruction of data, or the carrying out of logical and/or arithmetical operations on data; where no automated processing iss used,used, data processing means ththehe operationsoperations carried out withinwithhinin a InitialIniti support structuredstructured sesett esestablishedtabbllishs edd according to any criteriacriteria whichwwhhicch allow to search for personalpersonnal ddataata a ; d “controller ooff ththee filfile”e” d “controller”“controller” mmeanseae nsn tthehhe means the naturall or legal person, naturalnatural or legal pperson,eersoon, publicpublb ic public authority, agency or anyany authority, service,servicee, agencyaggenencyy oror anyany other body whoo isis competent otherother bodybody whichwhicch aloneaalonne oro jjointlyointly according to the national law to withwith oothersthers hahasas thethhe decision-ddecision- decide what shouldld be the purpose making powerpooweer withwiith respectrespect to InitialIniti support of the automated data filefile,, which datadata processing.proceesssinng.g categories of personalsonal data should be stored and wwhichhich operations should be applied to themthem.. e “recipient”“recipi ieent” means a natural oror legallegag l person,ppersson, public authority, service,sseervicce,e agencyaagency or ananyy other bodbodyy InitialIniti support to whomwhoom datadata araree ddisclosedisclosed or mademaade available;available; f “processor“ means a natural oror legal person, public authority, service,service, agency or any other bodybody InitialIniti support which processes personal data on behalfbehalf of the controllercontroller;; 6365/14 ADD
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