01 ~/~~ Q.;> .oy/e.-. -f~,,?.J VNARCHlVES ?;f1-_. ...-u.i.....-- ~ - • L Gt:-:/1. i.6/( I m·--:1cE CES NATIOr-.S UNlES A GENEVE U~~ITED ~ATICNS QF;::iCE AT GENEVA 7 . ''- Cc:rnm;ssion of oc;icru n:aolishl!Q p•J~sw.. m tc Secu<i t•, Councii R;uol~t;cn 7 3C I 1 95! 2 ! TEL No: (41.22) 917 21 H/58 FA.l( No: (41.22) 917 00 97 General Jean cot DA'l'E:29.09.93 Force CollU'nander UNl?ROFOR T:iU.EfAX~ 00038 41 170 199 FAX-OUT: ~: Mr. Stoltenberg (917 oo 79) QRAF'TEF.:VK/vi Mr. c. Thornberry (170 199) Mr. Zacklin (963 64 30) PAGE1 OF: . 3 '/ lf.,tko./l f.BQ.H: Vladimir s. Kotliar ~- Secretary er the Ccmmission SUBJECT: Timetable of th~ Cor..:;iissior.'s investigative mission (18 OctobQr - 18 cecelll.bar 1993} ---~~--~----------~------~--------~---------------------------1. Attached pleas• find the timetable of the investigative mission that the Commissio~ has planr.ed to ccnd~ct in ~he for.ner Yugoslavia. Th8 timet.b~e has been agreed upon at the meeting between the Comznission's represer.ta~ives an~ UN?ROFOR o,L 16 Septe~er 1993 in Zagreb. 2. 7he ~ission will involvg ths investigations cf mass g~ave si~es i~ ovcara (Sector East) and Mari~o Selc-?akracka foljana (Sector WQst), which will be carried out bye tea:n of fore~sic axparts providad by Physicians for H1.Liian Righ'ts with the logistical support f~o~ the Dute~ military unit attached to L"NPROFOR. As additionally agraed with Majer-General Macinnis, /'£Sv the missio~ Nill also include a preliminary investigation of ~·~ an alleged case of dumping of nuclear waste ~y crcatian ;-e.,_authorities in Western Slavonia which will ce carried oilt by iL•~ two ABC specialists included fer that purpose in~c the Dutch rru; unit, In the light of the resuits of the latter rF" investi.gation, the Commission may ask the ln,;,arna~icna!. Aton.ic ~ ~ Ene~gy Ager.cy for assistance for a fui.·ther investigation. ·05 3. The active stage of tt.e missic~ will take ~~o ~onths (~,D - from 18 October to 18 December 199~. The missicn will be supervised by Coir..~ander w. F9nrick, the Ccm!:lissicn's C'A6 zlapporteur for on-site Inves:tigat.ior.s, assisted by the 4ci1. ")Coffll1\ission's secretariat. :r,t..r. J. 'A. Baez, Ai;sis<::a::t · t:-\!_tLJsecretary, will arrive tc 2a~rab on : Oct:,ber to act as a Ac<,•s<Pi'-iia ison. COO 4. As agrer:;id at the said ~eeting ir. Zagre~, UNPR0F0R will CoPoprovide security and overti.11 support. Ff' 5. We intend tc procaed cccording "to the agreed plan unless 0 call the mission off owing to secu~ity raaso~,. c::: . -r;;~ t>f'. ;..J • .) .. ;__ com.misaion of BXperts established pursuant to security council Resolution ,ao ~1992) Projects in Sectors East and West Time-frame sector West (approximately trom 18 Octob~r to l November} Sector East {appro~i~ataly fro~ 18 October to 18 December) 1. 5ector West A. Pakracka Poljana/Marino selg The operation will consist of: - Phase I - archaeological reconnaissance end preliminary medical examination of 20 or 30 bodies. - Phase :r (collection of ante-mor~am records) and Phase III (exhumation and a•Jtopsy) would take place e.t a later stage, The Phase! operation will last approxirna~ely 10 days, UN?ROfORwould provide p~otection for the ~eam durir.g tne i~ve.tigation and subsequently for tha si~e. B. Nuclear waste survev In addition, a preli111inary S"Urvey o: nuclear waste in the area will be undertaken by 2 ABC specialists from the Dutch Military contigent o:t t.;"NPROfOR. The1 preli1:1inary scro;.rey -·ill last 3 to 4 days. Sector East (Ovcara/i/ukovar) Phases I and I! are either well advanced or co~pleted now. Therefore, the operatio~ at Sector East will consist of Phase III (exh1l!!lation and autopsy). The operation will be undertaken by Physicians for Human Rights, a non-governmental organization based in Boston, under the cc-operation sarvice Agreement wi~h the United Nations. t'NPROFORwill assist with the operation and provide security at the site. The Canadian Team, working under a Co-ope~ation Se~vice Agreement with tte United Na~ions, will conduct a criminal investigation in relation to the ovcara massac=e and, insota= as resources permit, criminal investigation related to other lncidents in the VUkovar area and to the site in Sector W$~t. ====··=-'=··-·==··. ·= ··.;;.,.·· ....:.-·~ ·· .;.:,,;•, -~- ·.;.:_·· ;.;.;_,• . ..:...._.-· ..::_·· ,;,;,;;.;..• .•.:.:..:·· -~- ..::...,~ ..,,....:..:...;· . ...:.;.;; -·....... ..,;;,~;..;.;..;.::..;.;;.:.;;: . ·-· . ·- -- , ··,· .... · .... ~ .. ·:-.··.· .::.:, :t.l"' ;:, . -.:, - 2 - The Rapporteur for On-site Investigations will supervise operations at both Sectors East and West. Lt-Col, Rempenaars, Assistant to the ComJnission, will assist the Rapporteur. A meffiber of the commission secretariat will ~e in Zagreb at all times during both operations to co-c~dinate matters (initially, the Assistant-Secretary, Mr. Baez, then the Secretary, M.r. Xotliar, and lastly, the Deputy-secretary, Ms. Molina-Ab~arn.) J. Physicians tor HumaqRights Forensic Taa,m Bric Stover (USA) Clyde Collins Snow (USA) Stofan Soh~itt (Guate.rnala) Luis Fondebrider {Arqenti~a) Mercede~ Doretti (Argenti~a) Morris Tidball Binz (Argentina) Ralph J. Har~ley (USA) Francis A. Calabrese (USA} Marco Simunovic (canada) Melissa Conn~r (USA) Douglas o. Scott (USA) Willia= D- Haglund (USA) Robert H. Kirschner (USA) ?eter Vaneiis (United Kingdo~) David Bowen (United Kingdom) Derrick Pounder (On~ted Kinqdom) Friedrich w, Rosing (F~deral Repu~lic of Germa~y) D~rak Clark (United Kingdom) John J. Fitzpatrick (USA} Alejandre Inchaurregui (Argentina) Ivan Caceres (Chile) Isabel M, Reveco (Chile) Burney McClurk~n (USA) Hans Pette :r Ho1...gen (Denmark) Jorgan L. Thomsen (Denmark) Kristen Reck (Denmark) Peter Kn~dsan (Denmark) Derek Clark (United Kingdom) 4. Canadian criminal rnvesti9ation team Lieutenant-Colonel Kim s. car~e= Major Joe Hollan~ Warrant Officer Steve Murray!ord Sergeant La~othe Master Corporal Tammy McComb Petty Officer Jocelyn Ross Lieutenant-Colonel Domenic M~Alea '-'---,......,.....,;,.;~ ....-~· . .... .... ·-.. .. .. UNITED NATIONS PROTECTION FORCE (UNPROFOR) HQ' Zagreb ·93 ScP 2~ 7 : 17 Page 1 of .3 ROUTINE §IORIT_i) IMMEDIATE MOST IMMEDIATE UNCLASSIFIED RESTRICTED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET ONLY 1 Outgoing Fax No.: 1 Date: 28 1600 B SEPT. 1993 To: HUGO ANSON, CAC From: YOLANDAAUGER, DHCA SECTOR WEST HQ, DARUVAR UNPROFOR HQ, I I L, r+;. 1/:j ' Fax No.: Fax No.: INMARSAT 873-151-1207 OR (38) (41) 450-948 OR (38) (41) 170-199 - Attn: Ref. no. : I Originator : MAA/cj Releasing Off.: Info. : Fax No.: Subject: POSSIBILITY OF VISITING ZJALIC BY HIS MOTHER Internal Distribution: (!, ivPDL f 01~1Mt S S-IO l<.l<.;:f7.. MESSA.GE Further to our conversation of even date on the above, attached please find copy of Mr. Tomas' self-explanatory letter together with a copy of my letter to him. Best regards. Ht/l ctfJ/oL RETOUREXEMPLAAR/< p ~ .lp I i . i :::; ~3 GOVERNMENTOF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Government's Commission for UNPROFOR Cl. 004-01/93-01/01 No. 50303-03-93-267 Zagreb, September 28, 1993 Ms. Yolanda Auger Deputy Director of Civil Affairs UNPROFORHQ, Zagreb Dear Ms. Auger, In reference to your letter concerning the possibility of visiting Mr. Simo Zjali6 by his mother, we propose Ms. Zjali6 to write to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia through this Office. Her request will be processed and she will receive a response within the shortest time possible. Respectfully yours, Milivoj · Toma~ HEAD OF THE OFFICE ... ·. C~PROFOR FORPRONU l 'nit.:J S.1tions Ph,1 .:~~iL'n l-\ ,r ....·c Fon:;: J..: pruh:diun d!!s ,Jt1L't1S l"nic~ po )1~9 25 September 1993 Dear Mr. Tomas, The judge dealing with Mr. Simo Zjalic's case has agreed that his mother can visit him in prison. This is to request that she be granted authorization to travel from Okucani to Zagreb to visit him and guarantees of safe return. We should like to note that in addition to the considerations relating to his status as a UN employee, the removal of Mr. Zjalic from Sector West, which deprived him of the monitoring protection of UNCIVPOL, should not further penalize hi~ by depriving him of the right to be visited by his close relatives. Your urgent reply to this letter will be very much appreciated. ' . 1 iU vtl ...)~d l._;_0 , ·1,c.;;.. ..f ~ [~~ Yours sincerely, C j ;J,_/'~1 Yolai da Auger Deputy Head of Civil Affairs Mr. Milivoj Tomas Head of the Office for UNPROFOR and ECMM Government of the Republic of croatia Zagreb ... - .... -..~- --- ·---:,---:• ·.•-:· .:·: ··..... _--"':'•., •.&·•••7-~. ~:~ ~ .!..:::._:::::::- ~~ -- :,--...~--: ·:.. ::--: .,.,,.-:--··- ..:.· ·-:.-:-:.1•• . - · -·- .. - ·- 7=·~:,,-,-~:·· ·.-·· . , .. GOVERNMENTOF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Government's Commission for UNPROFOR Cl. 004-01/93-01/01 No. 50303-03-93-267 Zagreb, September 28, 1993 Ms. Yolanda Auger Deputy Director of Civil Affairs UNPROFORHQ, Zagreb Dear Ms. Auger, In reference to your letter concerning the possibility of visiting Mr. Simo Zjali6 by his mother, we propose Ms. Zjali6 to write to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia through this Office. Her request will be processed and she will receive a response within the shortest time possible. Respectfully yours, Milivoj Toma~ HEAD OF THE OFFICE . 28 SEP '93 13 =!~ EXPE:i's:TS (oE1.(.~ ~A><: , ,.:) r 54 3 l I OFFICE DES NATIONS UNIES A GENEVE UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT GENEVA ~ Commission of Experts esu1blished pur5uant to CC ; - rl- . P, 1 t Security Resolution 11992} ___ --_; Council 780 --:=____~_, __· 11 :·_._?, VY ~- · TEL !"io.: (41.22) 917 21 88/58 . - FAX No.: (41.22) 917 00 97 ~ T£t.l,;FAX TRANSMISSION Mr.
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