Alone & on Foot_reprint 2017.qxp_Layout 1 30/01/2017 07:34 Page 163 51. ‘The finger of God is here!’ 1539 AVAILABILITY ShoRtly afteR the companionS had decided to foRm a ReligiouS congRegation, the pope had BRoët and RodRigueS aSSigned both to the RefoRmation of monaSteRieS of ReligiouS women in Siena and to the caRe of the univeRSity StudentS theRe. The eleven founding fatheRS would neveR again be togetheR aS a gRoup. Seven of thoSe who weRe Still in Rome on 4 May Signed a fuRtheR document, in which the coRneRStoneS of the Society weRe laid: the membeRS would make a Special vow of obedience to the pope; each one would teach ChRiStian doctRine to childRen foR at leaSt foRty dayS each yeaR; they would be aSSigned theiR woRk and theiR place of woRk by a SupeRioR; theRe would be a thRee-month peRiod of pRobation foR new candidateS, duRing which time they would make the SpiRitual ExeRciSeS, go on a pilgRimage, and help in hoSpitalS. They lateR agReed that the taSk of teaching catechiSm to childRen Should be included in the vowS. NeveR duRing the couRSe of hiStoRy haS a moRe democRatic method been tRied by the Rank-and-file membeRS of a ReligiouS oRdeR. In June, they agReed that theRe would be one SupeRioR geneRal foR the whole body of the Society, elected foR life – Something unheaRd of in the tRadition of Canon Law. They could accept houSeS, but only aS placeS to live, and alSo chuRcheS, but no fixed RevenueS could be attached to them. The chaRacteRiStic maRk of the Society waS availability, an availability that waS paRticulaRly at the SeRvice of otheRS and waS SpiRitual; moReoveR, it waS an availability that waS cleaRly functional. TheRe waS only one contingency; if the pope would accept it . IgnatiuS, with chaRacteRiStic tenacity of puRpoSe, began to conStRuct concRete planS foR the implementation of theiR delibeRationS, while the otheRS went off to diffeRent apoStolateS and accepted invitationS to take on vaRiouS miSSionS. What they Said and how they lived waS attRactive to the point of being contagiouS, with the ReSult that many joined the Society. THE FINGER OF GOD IgnatiuS, that inveteRate walkeR, Remained SequeSteRed in Rome, a pRiSoneR of hiS own woRk. DuRing the ReSt of hiS life, he left the city only on RaRe occaSionS. He concentRated on the futuRe and RefuSed to let himSelf be tRapped by the noStalgia of hiS pReviouS wandeRingS. It waS up to him to caRRy out the deciSionS that the companionS had made. He Summed up the endS, meanS 163 Alone & on Foot_reprint 2017.qxp_Layout 1 30/01/2017 07:34 Page 164 Alone and On Foot and StRuctuRe of the new congRegation and uSed the good SeRviceS of hiS foRmeR RetReatant, CaRdinal ContaRini, to bRing the pRoject to the attention of Pope Paul III. ThiS waS done towaRd the end of June 1539. The dRaft conStituted what iS a kind of Magna CaRta of the Society. Pope Paul III waS pleaSed and touched aS he liStened to it being Read to him, and afteRwaRd he waS heaRd to Say: ‘The fingeR of God iS heRe!’ ThuS the pope’S veRbal appRoval of the Society took place on 3 SeptembeR 1539. The appRoval by the papal CuRia of the Formula of the Institute , aS it came to be called, waS all that waS needed foR official appRobation, and Such appRoval waS conSideRed no moRe than a foRmality. OBSTACLES OVERCOME What Seemed to be a meRe foRmality, howeveR, took a whole yeaR to untangle. A highly eSteemed caRdinal had difficultieS with a numbeR of pointS: he felt that doing away with the chuRch oRgan, with the chanting of the divine office in choiR, and with obligatoRy penanceS, would give LutheRanS Some pRetext to conclude that theiR cRiticiSm of theSe ChuRch pRacticeS waS in fact juStified. He alSo believed that the Special vow to the pope waS SupeRfluouS. AnotheR opponent aRgued that, given the medley of So many ReligiouS oRdeRS in the ChuRch – all of which weRe in need of RefoRm and fRequently quaRRelled among themSelveS – no new ReligiouS oRdeRS Should be appRoved. MoReoveR, he felt that all of the exiSting oRdeRS Should be amalgamated into fouR baSic gRoupS: DominicanS, FRanciScanS, CiSteRcianS and BenedictineS. Faced with thiS challenge, IgnatiuS Seemed to gRow in StatuRe, implementing a maxim he would lateR make famouS; he put all hiS hope in God and at the Same time began to mobiliSe all the human ReSouRceS at hiS diSpoSal. AS faR aS God waS conceRned, IgnatiuS pRomiSed that he and otheRS would offeR thRee thouSand MaSSeS in honouR of the BleSSed TRinity to obtain the Sought-afteR gRace, and aS faR aS human ReSouRceS weRe conceRned, he tuRned to all the political influence he could muSteR. Among thoSe who SuppoRted him weRe the gRandSon of Pope AlexandeR VI and the daughteR of Pope Paul III. A compRomiSe waS Reached by which it waS agReed that the Society would be appRoved, but the numbeR of pRofeSSed membeRS would be limited to Sixty; howeveR, at a lateR date, all ReStRictionS could be lifted if judged expedient. At laSt, on 27 SeptembeR 1540, Paul III Signed the bull appRoving the Society. Known lateR aS the Formula of the Institute , it waS a veRy Rich document indeed. The pope gave complete libeRty to the membeRS of the Society to name theiR own SupeRioR geneRal and to dRaw up ConStitutionS eSpecially adapted to the aimS and goalS of the Society. 164 Alone & on Foot_reprint 2017.qxp_Layout 1 30/01/2017 07:34 Page 165 IgnatiuS of Loyola A PATHWAY TO GOD The bull cleaRly defined the puRpoSe of the Society by Pope Paul III was pleased employing the veRy teRmS that IgnatiuS had uSed, with the and touched as ReSult that it Sounded moRe like an invitation, a RequeSt, he listened, and was heard than a meRe abStRact definition: ‘WhoeveR deSiReS to SeRve to say: ‘The aS a SoldieR of God beneath the banneR of the CRoSS in ouR finger of God is Society, which we deSiRe to be deSignated by the name of here!’ JeSuS, Should, afteR a Solemn vow of chaStity, keep what followS in mind. He iS a membeR of a community founded chiefly foR thiS puRpoSe: to StRive eSpecially foR the pRogReSS of SoulS in ChRiStian life and doctRine and foR the pRopagation of the faith by public pReaching and the miniStRy of the WoRd, by SpiRitual ExeRciSeS and by woRkS of chaRity, and expReSSly by the education of childRen and unletteRed peRSonS in ChRiStianity. Still fuRtheR, let any Such peRSon take caRe to keep alwayS befoRe hiS eyeS fiRSt God, and then the natuRe of thiS InStitute which iS, So to Speak, a pathway to God....’ The plan of life in the Formula waS pReSented by the companionS to the pope and ‘to thoSe who will lateR follow uS if, God willing, we Shall eveR have imitatoRS along thiS path’. DuRing the couRSe of the centuRieS, theRe would be thouSandS upon thouSandS of JeSuitS who would commit themSelveS by now to go to any paRt of the woRld, and to live in poveRty. How do you experience the invitation ‘to keep God always before your eyes’? 165 Alone & on Foot_reprint 2017.qxp_Layout 1 30/01/2017 07:34 Page 166 52. Ignatius Elected General, 1541 XAVIER TO THE EAST In SeptembeR 1540, when the Society waS foRmally appRoved, theRe waS baRely a dozen committed companionS and they weRe alReady So SpRead out that theiR membeRS could not come togetheR to celebRate the pontifical appRobation of theiR Society. They conSideRed that SeRvice to otheRS waS paRamount and that celebRating the biRth of theiR Society waS of SecondaRy impoRtance. The PoRtugueSe ambaSSadoR wanted ten JeSuitS to be Sent to the faR-off IndieS. ‘SeñoR AmbaSSadoR,’ IgnatiuS Replied, ‘what will YouR LoRdShip leave foR the ReSt of the woRld?’ NeveRtheleSS, he deSignated two foR the IndieS: RodRigueS, who at the time waS in Siena, and Bobadilla, who waS in NapleS. Although SuffeRing fRom feveR, the foRmeR boaRded a Ship bound foR LiSbon on 5 MaRch 1540; the latteR tRavelled by foot to Rome with the intention of catching a Ship theRe. But when he aRRived, he waS in Such a wRetched State that the houSe phySician declaRed hiS making a tRip to PoRtugal unthinkable. IgnatiuS waS alSo Sick at the time, but waS undeR pReSSuRe to find a laSt-minute SubStitute foR Bobadilla. He had one candidate in Rome: XavieR. He Summoned XavieR and entRuSted the miSSion to him. ‘MaSteR FRanciS, you alReady know that at the bidding of HiS HolineSS two of ouR gRoup muSt go to India, and that MaSteR Bobadilla waS choSen aS one of theSe. He cannot tRavel becauSe of hiS illneSS, and the ambaSSadoR cannot wait until he iS well. ThiS iS a taSk foR you!’ ‘Good enough! I am Ready,’ waS XavieR’S Reply. MaSteR XavieR haStily Sewed up the tatteRed paRtS of an old paiR of pantS and hiS caSSock and went off to Receive the pope’S bleSSing. He then bade faRewell to hiS companionS, leaving with them the wRitten foRmula of hiS vowS, hiS vote foR the coming election foR a geneRal, and hiS appRoval of all the conStitutionS, RuleS and oRdinanceS that hiS companionS who Remained behind would dRaw up. The following day, he Rode out with the ambaSSadoR towaRd LiSbon. TheRe he would have to wait anotheR nine monthS foR the Ship deStined foR the IndieS. Finally, on 7 ApRil 1541, he Set Sail foR Goa. The Sick RodRigueS Remained in PoRtugal, but an Italian JeSuit embaRked with XavieR.
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