,: t REGD. GOA, I> r Panaji; 27th September, 1979 (Asvina 5, 1901) SERIES I No. 26 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND ,DIU ~ ..-=====================================================================~ GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN Provided that, AND DIU (a) the maximum age limit specified in the , , Schedule in respect of direct recruitment Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms may be relaxed in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Sche­ N ot.ification duled Tribes and other special categories 1-16-76-Div I in accordance with the orders issued by In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso the Government from time to time; to article 309 of the Constitution, read with the Go­ (b) no male candidate, who has more than one vernment of India, Ministry of External Affai ;" Noti­ wife living and n() female candidate, who fication No. F.7(1l)/62-Goa, dated 25th .:l'~J' 1!;6~, has mamed a person having already a wife the Lt. Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased living, shall be eligible for appointment, t,.,,:: , to make the following rules relating to recruitment unless the Gove=ent, after having been I to Group 'C', Non-Ministerial, Non-Gazetted post , satisfied that there are special grounds for in the Directorate of Information, Panaji, under the doing so, exempts any such candidate from Government of Goa, Daman and Diu, the operation of this rule; 1. Short title. - These rules may be called G0- (c) Saving: Nothing in these rules shall affect vernment of Goa, Daman and Diu, Directorate of re,\ervations, relaxation of age-limit and Information, Group 'C' Non-Ministerial, Non-Ga­ other c.oncessions reqUired to be provided_ zetted post Recruitment Rules, 1979. for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes " and other special categories of persons in j: 2. Application. - These rnJes shaiN Illpply to the accordance with the orders issued by the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule to these Central Government from time to time in rules. this regard. 3. Number, classification and'scale of pay.-The 5. These rules will come into effect from the date number of posts,classification of the said posts of the Notification and will relate to appointments and the scales of pay attached thereto shaIl to the various posts made on or after this date. be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the said Schedule. 6. These rules are issued iIi supersession of the existing Recruitment Rules for the post. 4. Method of recruitment, age limit and other qualifications. - The method of recruitment to the By order and in the name of the Lt. Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu. said posts, age limit, qualifications and other matters V. J. Menezes, Under Secretary (Personnel). connected ,therewith shall be as specified in co­ lumns 5 to 13 of the aforesaid Schedule. Panaji, 20th September, 1979. 258 SERIES I No. 116. Law Department (Legal Advice) Notification LD/2990/79 The fDllDwing Ordinance which was recently prO'. mulgated by the President Df India Dn 30·8·1979 is hereby republished fDr general- infDrmatiDn Df the /" public. B. S. Subbanna, Under Secretary (Law). Panaji, 15th September, 1979. !I MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE AND COMPANY AFFAI~S' (Legls1ativ:e Department) New Delhi, the 30th August, 1979/Bhadra 8, 1901 (Saka) THE PAYMENT OF BONUS (AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE, 1979 NO'. 6Df 1979 PrDmulgated by the President in the Thirtieth Year ! Df the Republic.of India. An Ordinance further to' amend the Payment Df Bonus (Amendment) Act, 1977. Whereas the HDuse Df the PeDple has -been dissDlved and the CDuncil Df States is nDt in sessiDn and the President is satisfied that circumstances exist which render it necessary fDr him to' take immediate actiDn; / I NDW, TherefDre, in exercise Df the pDwers CDn. felTed by clause (1) Df article 123 Df the CDnstitu. tiDn, the President is pleased to' promulgate the fDllDwing Ordinance: - 1. Short title and commencement. - (1) -This Ordinance may be called the Payment Df BDnus (Amendment) Ordinance, 1979. (2) It shall c~e intO' fDrce at Dnce. 2. Act 43 of 1977 to' be temporarily amended.­ During the periDd Df DperatiDn Df this Ordinance, the I " Payment Df BDnus (Amendment) Act, 1977 (herein. after referred to' as the Amendment Act) shall have effect subject to' the amendment specified in sec. tiDn 3. 3. Amendment of section 2. - In sectiDn 2 Df the - Amendment Act, fDr the wDrds and figures "and in respect Df the accDunting year cDmmencing Dn any day in the y!"ar 1977", the wDrds and figures ", in respect Df the accDuntingyear cDmmencing Dn any day in the year 1977 and in respect Df the accounting year cDmmencing Dn any day in the year 1978" shall be substituted. N. SANJIVA REDDY, President. It. V.S.PEIU SASTRI, SfIC1J; to' the Govt. Df India. 27TH SEPTEMBER, 1979 (ASVINA 5,1901) 259 'Notification (b) after sub-section (1), the following sub-sec­ .;i .. tion shaUbe 'inserted, namely:":" LD/3025/79 • (1A) Notwithstanding anything .contained in The following Ordinance which was recently pro­ sub-section (1), the total number"f seats in the mulgated by the President of India on 1st September Legislative Assembly of the State of Sikkim, to 1979 is hereby republished for genera;l information of be constituted at any time after the commence­ <, the public. ment of the Representation of the People (Amendment) Ordinance, 1979, to be 'filled by .B. S. Subbanna, Under Secretary (Law), persons chosen by direct election from assembly constituencies shall be ·thirty-two, of Panaji, 15th September, 1979. which.- . (a) twelve seats shall be reserved for Sikkimeseof Bhutia-Lepcha origin; :---~ , ':, MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (b) two seats shall be reserved for the' Scheduled Castes of that State; and ~Legislative Department) . (c) one seat shall be reserved for the. New Delhi, the 1st September, 1979/Bhadra 10, Sanghas referred to in section 25A. 1901 (Saka) Explanation. - In this sub-srotion "Bhutia" incluaes Chumbipa, Dopthapa, Dukpa, Kagatey, THE REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE Sherpa, Tibetan, Tromopa and Yolmo.'; (AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE, 1979 . (c) in sub-section (2), for the words, brackets and ,figure "in sub-section (1 )", teh· words, No.7 of 1979 brackets, figures and letter "in sub-section (1) or sub-section (1A)" shall be substituted; ). Promulgated by the President in the Thirtieth Year . of the Republic of India. (d) in sub-section (3),-,- An Ordinance further to amend the Representation (i) for the words, brackets, figures and letter of the People Act, 1950, and the Representation "Subject to the provisions of SUb-section (3) of of the PeoPfe Act, 1951, to provide for the readjust­ s~ction 7.f'; the extent of each assembly cons­ tituency III all the States and Union territories ment of assembly constituencies in the State of except the assembly constituencies", the words Sikkim. "The extent of each assembly constituency in all Whereas the House of .the People has been the States and Union territories except the dissolved and the Council of States is !lot in session assembly constituencies in the State. of Sikkim and the President is satisfied that circumstances _ and" shall be substituted; exist which render it necessary for him to take (ii) after the words and figures immediate action; "the Delimitation Act, 1972", the 76 of 1972, fbllowingshall be inserted, namely:- Now, Therefore, in exercise of the powers con­ ferred by clause (1) of article 123 of the Constitu­ " ; the extent of each assembly constituency tion, . the President is pleased to promulgate the in the State of Sikkim shall be as provided for following Ordinance: - in the Deli!t,itation of Parliamentary and As­ •.. () sembly ConstitUencies Order, 19'{6, as 1. Short title and commencement. ~ (1) This amended by section 5 of the Represe.itation Ordinance may be called·, the Representation of the of the People (Amendme::lt) OI'din~ncc People (Amendment) Ordinance, 1979. 1979". ' (2) It shall conie into force at once. 4. Amendment of section 5A of Act 43 oj 1951.­ ~ the Representation of the People Act, 1951, sec­ 2. Act 43 of 1950, Act 43 of 1951, and Delimitation tion 5A shall be re-numbered as sub-section (1) of Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies thereof, and after SUb-section (1) as so re-numbered Order, 1976 to be temporarily amended. - During the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:-': the period of operation of this Ordinance, the Repre- . sentation of the People Act, 1950, the Representation • (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sec­ of the People ACt, 1951, and the Delimitation of tion 5, a person shall not be qualified to be chosen Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies Order, to fill a seat in the Legislative Assembly of the 1976, shall have effect subject to the amendments State of Sikkim, to be constituted at any time after specified in this Ordinance. the commencement of the Representation of the i People (Amendment) Ordinance, 1979, unless- 3. Amendment'.of section 7 of Act 43 of 1950. - In (a) in the case ofa seat reserved for Sik­ section 7 of the! Representation of the People Act, k!mese of Bhut!a-Lepcha origin, he is a person 1950,- , . eIther of BhutIa or Lepcha origin and is an elector for any assembly constituency in the .(a) in sub-~tion (1), for the words "The total State other than the constituency reserved for number of seats", the words, brackets,figure and the Sanghas; letter "Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1A), the total number of seats" shall be substi- . (b lin the' case of a seat reserved for Sche­ tuted; . ! duled Castes, he is a member of any of those JoJ SERIES I No.
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