BELLINGEN SHIRE COUNCIL – MINUTES - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 22 JUNE, 2011 BELLINGEN SHIRE COUNCIL MINUTES Ordinary Meeting Wednesday 22 June, 2011 MISSION: To enhance our community's lifestyle and protect our unique environment through effective leadership, community involvement and commitment to service Page 1 of 91 BELLINGEN SHIRE COUNCIL – MINUTES - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 22 JUNE, 2011 Meeting Opened: 9.01am MINUTES: Ordinary Meeting of Council held in the Council Chambers, Bellingen on Wednesday 22 June 2011 commencing at 9.00am. PRESENT: Councillors Gordon Braithwaite, Kerry Child, Ian Coe, Bruce Cronin, David Scott, Sean Tuohy and Mark Troy (Mayor). IN ATTENDANCE: Liz Jeremy, General Manager, Kerrie Coleman, Acting Director Corporate Services, Wayne Butler, Director Engineering & Operations, Charlie Hannavy, Director Environmental Health & Planning and Louise James, Executive Assistant. 1. APOLOGIES NIL 2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST NIL 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 03.009/11 RESOLVED (Cr Tuohy/Cr Cronin) That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 25 May 2011 be confirmed UNANIMOUS 03.010/11 RESOLVED (Cr Scott/Cr Child) That the Minutes of the Works Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 25 May 2011 be confirmed UNANIMOUS 4. MATTERS ARISING Cr Braithwaite – Item 10.2 Proposed Public Road Closure – Mylestom Has contact has been made to date with neighbours to date as advice from the neighbours is that to date they have not had any contact by Council? Director of Engineering & Operations confirmed that he will follow this up with the responsible officer to ensure that it is carried out this afternoon. Cr Braithwaite – Item 3.4 Church Street North Precinct – Street Tree Selection Cr Braithwaite raised concerns regarding the Brushbox tree selection and the rate of growth. The Mayor responded that the democratic process was followed in the selection of the street trees. Page 2 of 91 BELLINGEN SHIRE COUNCIL – MINUTES - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 22 JUNE, 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................................... 3 4. PUBLIC ACCESS/PRESENTATIONS ........................................................................................... 5 5. MAYORAL MINUTE ....................................................................................................................... 7 6. NOTICE OF MOTION ..................................................................................................................... 9 7. REPORTS BY GENERAL MANAGER......................................................................................... 11 7.1 COFFS COAST WASTE SERVICES WASTE PROCESSING AND RESOURCE RECOVERY OPERATIONS – CONTRACT 03/04-147-TS ............................................................................................... 11 8. REPORTS BY DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND PLANNING ........................ 23 8.1 BELLINGER & KALANG RIVER ECOHEALTH REPORT CARD 2011 ..................................................... 23 8.2 RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF ALCOHOL FREE ZONES .............................................................................. 25 8.3 DORRIGO SUPPORT CENTRE – ACCEPTANCE OF FUNDING VARIATION ....................................... 29 9. REPORTS BY DIRECTOR OF CORPORATE SERVICES.......................................................... 32 9.1 MAYORAL AND COUNCILLORS FEES 2011/12 ..................................................................................... 32 9.2 ADOPTION OF RATES AND CHARGES FOR 2011/2012 ....................................................................... 36 9.3 ADOPTION OF MANAGEMENT PLAN 2011/12 – 2014/15 ...................................................................... 42 10. REPORTS BY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS ...................................... 51 10.1 TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE & ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................................................. 51 10.2 TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF STATIONERY & ANCILLARY ITEMS ....................... 54 10.3 TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TRAFFIC & SAFETY SIGNAGE ................................ 57 10.4 TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF BULK WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS .............. 60 11. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL COMMITTEES ............................................................................. 66 12. MINUTES FROM ADVISORY COMMITTEES ........................................................................... 68 12.1 MINUTES - ACCESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE – 16 MARCH AND 18 MAY 2011 ....................................... 68 12.2 MINUTES – COASTLINE AND ESTUARY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – 7 JUNE 2011 ...................... 69 12.3 MINUTES - ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE – 7 JUNE 2011 .................................................. 70 12.4 MINUTES –SOCIAL PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE –1 JUNE 2011 ....................................................... 72 13. CORRESPONDENCE ................................................................................................................ 74 14. AUTHORITY TO AFFIX THE COMMON SEAL OF COUNCIL FOR ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN REPORTS .................................................................................................................................... 75 15. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 78 15.1 REPORT ON INVESTMENTS AS AT 31 MAY 2011 ................................................................................. 78 15.2 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION PROCESSING REPORT ..................................................................... 80 16. MATTERS OF AN URGENT NATURE ...................................................................................... 83 17. QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE ...................................................................................................... 85 18. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE .................................................................................................. 87 19. REPORT ATTACHMENTS ......................................................................................................... 90 Page 3 of 91 BELLINGEN SHIRE COUNCIL – MINUTES - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 22 JUNE, 2011 4. PUBLIC ACCESS/PRESENTATIONS Page 4 of 91 BELLINGEN SHIRE COUNCIL – MINUTES - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 22 JUNE, 2011 4. PUBLIC ACCESS/PRESENTATIONS NIL Page 5 of 91 BELLINGEN SHIRE COUNCIL – MINUTES - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 22 JUNE, 2011 5. MAYORAL MINUTE Page 6 of 91 BELLINGEN SHIRE COUNCIL – MINUTES - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 22 JUNE, 2011 5. MAYORAL MINUTE NIL Page 7 of 91 BELLINGEN SHIRE COUNCIL – MINUTES - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 22 JUNE, 2011 6. NOTICE OF MOTIONS Page 8 of 91 BELLINGEN SHIRE COUNCIL – MINUTES - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 22 JUNE, 2011 6. NOTICE OF MOTION NIL Page 9 of 91 BELLINGEN SHIRE COUNCIL – MINUTES - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 22 JUNE, 2011 7. REPORTS BY GENERAL MANAGER Page 10 of 91 BELLINGEN SHIRE COUNCIL – MINUTES - ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 22 JUNE, 2011 7. REPORTS BY GENERAL MANAGER 7.1 COFFS COAST WASTE SERVICES WASTE PROCESSING AND RESOURCE RECOVERY OPERATIONS – Contract 03/04-147-TS File/Index: Coffs Coast Regional Waste Service Contract (Waste Management) Author: Liz Jeremy, General Manager CONFIDENTIAL ATTACHMENT REPORT SUMMARY: To seek endorsement of Council to proceed with a variation to the Coffs Harbour Regional Resource Recovery Project Contract No. 03/04-147-Ts to modify waste processing and resource recovery operations. This is in response to recent amendments to the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2005 and Exemption provisions that have introduced more stringent requirements in regard to organic outputs derived from mixed waste. This report is being presented to Coffs Coast Waste Services partners for consideration, being Nambucca Shire Council, Bellingen Shire Council and Coffs Harbour City Council, to the meetings of 17, 22 and 23 June 2011 respectively. This report outlines three options which have been analysed in response to the legislative changes, and recommends that Council accept the proposed Option 1, being to upgrade the biomass plant to enable the end product to meet the requirements of the waste exemption. This is on the basis that Option 1 appears to offer: • The best value for money with the lowest net present value • The best sustainability outcome with the prospect of improving resource recovery, securing markets, meeting the conditions of the specific exemption, and minimising the amount of waste to landfill • The best social political outcome by maintaining the dual line approach to waste processing, maintaining face with the community and continuing to pursue the vision of Coffs Coast Waste Services. Acceptance of Option 1 will not increase Council’s waste charges in 2011/12, however it will increase waste processing costs in future years. Importantly, Council will avoid a greater proportion of the NSW Government’s Section 88 Waste Levy, which is payable on all waste disposed to landfill, is set at $31.10 per tonne for 2011/12 financial year and rises cumulatively at the rate of CPI plus $10 each year until 2015/16. REPORT DETAIL: (a) Background Coffs Harbour City Council, Bellingen Shire Council and Nambucca Shire Council operate in partnership to deliver joint waste management services
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