International PHD Programme in Audiovisual Studies University of Udine, DAMS Gorizia a.a.20 !"20 # Voices in real time Interactive and transmedia testimonies of the Arab Spring, instant archive and new social movements discourses $andidate% &udovica Fales Su)ervisors% *oy Menarini, University of Bologna Ian C,ristie, Bir-.e'- College London 1 /The wor- of our time is to clarify to itself t,e meaning of its o1n desires' 2. Mar3, 'For a Rut,less Criticism of Everyt,ing E3isting' (16!!7 1 2. Mar3, /(or a *ut,less $riticism of 4veryt,ing 43isting,/ in Te Marx- ngles !eader, ed *obert $. 8u'-er, 2nd edition, Ne1 Yor-, W.;. Norton, p. <=6, 12> # 2 I9D4? Introduction "e#ning the research field : transmedia or interactive documentaries% &owards a de#nition of interactive documentaries as '(living( entities )h* is this useful in relation to Tahrir S+uare? xploring the research field. What actions and whose voices% Than-s $,a)ter I – "ocumenting events in the ma-ing toda* 1.1. Documenting collective events in their actuality. A Pre-,istory .,.,., Te formation of the modern public sphere$ actualit* and participation -Te philosophical concept of actualit* - nlightenment as re/ective consciousness on the present -0lashes and fragments of the present time -Actualit* as gathering the present .,.,2 "Te whole world is watching3, Witnessing and showing d*namic in narrating dissent -A new consciousness of news media in the Chicago.567 revolt -"ocumenting and producing media protests (.59:-2::.; - September 1., 2::.. “Te death of detachment( in the news 1.2 Glo.al imagination, actuality, present>tense, real>time .,2,., =lobal imagination, >ocal imagining, A 4ultural Studies &oolbox for Media !epresentation in the =lobal World -=lobal Imagination, Local Imagining -?e*ond '@rientalism'% - Self-narratives, testimonies, micro narratives .,2,2, Te Space of Tahrir S+uare- Within and Without -A Space-in-process -A Space Extended to Tose Watching It -Aerformativit* of Tahrir S+uare - Social Media, Social Change and CitiBen Witnessing – A Faceboo- revolution% .,2,D, Can Tahrir S+uare 2:.. wor- as a model for a “new communication space(% -)hat a semio-pragmatical approach can provide a framewor- to real time communication -&ahrir S+uare$ a space of communication of collective memor* in real time - Feedbac- d*namic in Tahrir's S+uare communication space$ immersion, inclusion, interaction 3 1.3. The ma-ing of the ne1s bet1een old and ne1 media .,D,. Collective evidence, covering con/icts between old and new media -4ollecting evidence as a citiBen witness -4on/ict interactive coverage$ between user-generated content and curated platforms >Te citiBen witness and the citiBen-spectator$ manifacture, participation, engagement .,D,2, Witnessing events, building testimonial encounters -&ransmedia archives, living documentaries, live events - Remembering the revolution - Re/ections on truth: 'Eour e*es have seen it all' - Bearing witness, building testimon* and narrating dissent -Few Media goes to festival $,a)ter II –Te stor*telling of our own histor* 2.1 Tunisia, Egypt, S)ain, Greece, U2, USA, Tur-ey. A glo.al protest s)ace online 2,.,., Constructing online and oGine protest narratives - Movement apps 2,.,., A Tur-ish Indie Go Go Campaign for a Full Page Ad on N* Times -4horeograph* of crowd funded assemblies - AHer Crowd funding 2,.,2, Da*s in Eg*pt (Eg*pt/JSA; and the useIinteraction of diKerent social/ collective media - Memorising in real time -Te web as a s+uare -Stor* of an instant archive -0reedom of speech 2.2. Interactive collective storytelling of contem)orary times 2,2,.,A journe* in space and time into the digital self -Archive recon#guration, remediation and remix practices - Transmedia approach promoted b* Youtube Creative Common license feature - Bac- and forth from past to present 4@F4>JSI@FS +I+&IBG*APH: 4 I98*BDU$8IB9 I remem.er very well t,e day in 1,i', t,e 200 Genoa protest against G8 took of. I was 20 years old and I 1ould ,ave li-ed to .e t,ere myself, .ut I 1as in ,os)ital 1it, a -idney infection. +eing a1ay from t,e most meaningful )rotest of my times seemed li-e a great defeat to me. At t,e same time, I ,ave strong memories of t,e )rotest. I remem.er t,e ,o)e, t,e fear, t,e sense of sur)rise 1,en )olice ',arges started .e'oming stronger ad stronger, t,e 'onfusion 1,en 1e learnt t,at someone ,ad .een s,ot amidst t,e 'ro1d, t,e sense of loss and 1,en it .ecame 'lear t,at $arlo Giuliani 1as dead. I remem.er everyt,ing as t,oug, I 1as t,ere myself. My sense of )resence 1as not only caused .y real time 'ommunication 1it, )eo)le on t,e ground - my friends being constantly on t,e ot,er end of t,e line sending texts on my rat,er rudimentary mobile ),one, telling me everyt,ing t,at 1as ,a))ening in t,e streets> .ut also .y t,e un)recedented 'overage ofcial media made of t,e )rotest. 4very single 8E station and radio 1as tal-ing a.out it% t,e media im)act of t,at protest was massive 'om)aring to )revious )rotests of t,e same period2. I 1as a1ay .ut 'onnected all t,e time 1it, t,e events, 1it, t,e a.ility of 'onfronting t,e ofcial ne1s 1it, t,e ne1s t,at were coming in t,roug, t,e p,one and t,roug, t,e post on t,e Indymedia BlogA . I ,ave .een going .a'- to t,at very moment several times over t,e years, as-ing myself 1,at 1as t,e reason 1,y I ,ad t,is strong feeling of .eing )art of an ex)erien'e I ,ad not .een ),ysically )art of. I realised t,at .ot, t,e sense of simultaneity and inter'onne'tedness to t,e )eople 1,o 1ere )rotesting in t,e streets 1ere infating my emotions and, 'onseGuently, my memories of t,e events. It 1as an e)isode in 1,i', bot, t,e transmedia and transnational dimension were acting on my o1n personal ex)erien'e. 8en years do1n t,e line, in 20 , I 1as in &ondon Hnalising my graduation Hlm at (ilm S',ool. As 1e 1ere lo'-ed into t,e dar- edit suites in t,e 4nglis, 'ountryside, my friend told me t,at, toget,er 1it, t,e story of t,e occu)ation of 8a,rir SGuare in 4gy)t, also t,e story of t,e student )rotest in &ondon 1as trending on 81itter. ;e learnt t,at in Central &ondon, less t,an ,alf an ,our a1ay from us, ,undreds of students 1ere occu)ying t,e ,istorical Ieremy +ent,am *oom inside University College &ondon against t,e rise in tuition fees. ;e de'ided to go do1n t,ere and see 1,at 1as going on 1it, our very eyes. ;,at 2 &. A. Lievrou1, Alternative and Activist media, Digital Media and societ* series, Polity, Cam.ridge, 200 , )). 1J2> == 3 Indymedia +log, =enova il giorno piu' lungo, 2 st of Iuly 200 , retrieved 2#t, of Iuly 200 availa.le on ,tt)""italy.indymedia.org and on 'I2 Genova' on irc.indymedia.org 5 stroke us 1as t,e fact t,at t,e room 1as literally .uzzing 1it, )eo)le ex',anging messages t,roug, information te',nologies @ Ma's, I),ones, Smart ),ones 'onne'ted to ea', ot,er and to ot,ers a'ross t,e 'ountry and t,e 1orld via (a'ebook and 81itter. 8,e ideal of an inde)endent media ,u. t,at t,e Media Des- in Genoa in 200 ! 1as already )romoting and t,at ,ad .een )ursued .y t,e Indymedia movements in t,e late1<<0s and, ever since t,e late <J0s, .y t,e free radio and inde)endent )ress movements#, or local and street 8v movements J, seemed to ,ave suddenly been a''om)lis,ed. 9e1 media seemed to ,ave made )ossi.le to a',ieve one of t,e main goals of any social movement of t,e ??t, 'entury, t,at 1as at t,e ,eart of )u.li' media models se'ond ,alf of t,e ??Ist 'entury in t,e ;estern 1orld. 0e idea of inde)endent voi'es .eing a.le to reveal t,e ,idden agendas of t,e ofcial )o1ers .y s,o1ing t,e 1orld 1,at 1as t,e trut, .ehind t,e .ias of t,e ofcial ne1s, seemed no1 )ossi.le t,an-s to t,e 1orld>1ide extension of media net1or-s @ ofcial, unofcial, social, interactive, lo'ative, )erformative, partici)ative media @ w,ere t,e media users were )rogressively engaging in t,e construction of t,e communication fu3. This massive s,iK is transforming t,e media ecology .y res,a)ing t,e 'once)ts of 'reative industries, audiences, media infrastructures and forms of 'ommunication. As &ievrou1 rig,tly states, Lt,roug,out most of t,e ??t, 'entury a ,andful of Hrms and institutions dominated t,e media and information 4 (or more referen'es see &. A. &ievrou1, op,cit,, <Te !oots of Alternative and Activist Media( )). 26>J and I. Hands, @is for Activism C "issent, !esistance and !ebellion in a "igital 4ulture, Pluto Press, &ondon, 20 , es)ecially ',a)ters LMo.il5e)sationM and L@ is also for Alter>GlobalisationM )). 2#> J 1,ere Hands dra1s a .rief ,istory of t,e evolution of mass mo.ilisation and direct action in t,e lig,t of evolution of means of 'ommunication 1,i', at various levels )rogressively en,anced t,e a.ility to 'oordinate and move amss mo.ilisation from sim)le gat,ering to action.
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